  • 苏州伦华教育创始人,总校长曹伦华
  • 剑桥大学国际考评部教育总监 Director of Education Division, Cambridge Assessment International EducationTristian Stobie
    Tristian Stobie
    剑桥大学国际考评部教育总监 Director of Education Division, Cambridge Assessment International Education
    Tristian Stobie joined Cambridge International as Director of Education in July 2011. He leads the development of our educational strategies for schools, supporting Cambridge teachers and learners and working in partnership with those engaged in education reform. Tristian's career has spanned a wide range of educational contexts. Starting as a teacher working in New Zealand, the UK, southern Africa and western Europe, he moved into school administration with roles including Vice-Principal, and Middle and Secondary Principal. He has also worked in a number of roles for the International Baccalaureate Organisation, most recently as the Head of IB Diploma Curriculum Development from 2006 to 2009. He joined Cambridge International from Atlantic College, a United World College in Wales. Tristian completed a Master’s and a Doctorate degree at the University of Bath with research interests in schools administration, curriculum and pedagogy
  • 德威国际集团中国区教育总监兼儿童权益安全保护总监Regional Director of Schools, China / DCI Director of SafeguardingJohn Todd
    John Todd
    德威国际集团中国区教育总监兼儿童权益安全保护总监Regional Director of Schools, China / DCI Director of Safeguarding
    托德(Todd)先生出生于英国并在英国接受教育,在杜伦大学(University College, Durham)他攻读自然科学专业,并且获得了英国开放大学的教育学硕士学位。他获得了小学教师任职资格,曾在英国短期执教,此后便赴海外任职。他在海外的职业经历遍布新加坡、肯尼亚、尼日利亚、卡塔尔,最后来到了中国。托德(Todd)先生曾担任苏州德威英国国际学校校长,在四年的任职期间,他与团队密切合作,通过探索学习、学习意向(以培养学习能力为基础)和辅导与指导等举措培养学生的学习能力。他还参与了德威国际教育集团的一系列战略制定,其中包括教师标准、领导标准和一系列人力资源计划。托德(Todd)先生是现任德威国际教育集团旗下学校中国区管理委员会主席、德威国际教育集团旗下所有学校的儿童权益安全保护委员会成员,并且他还负责整个集团的认证工作以及集团日程的安排。作为德威国际教育集团的儿童权益安全保护总监,托德先生主管各所学校的年度政策评估及合规评估工作,并与指定儿童权益安全保护负责人和儿童保护人员共同开展此项工作。目前他正以在线学习的方式攻读美国的组织领导力硕士学位课程。 Born and educated in the UK, Mr Todd read Natural Science at University College, Durham and has an MA in Education from the Open University. He qualified as a primary school teacher and worked for a short time in the UK before moving abroad. His international career has taken him to Singapore, Kenya, Nigeria, Qatar and most recently to China. Mr Todd was Headmaster of Dulwich College Suzhou for four years and worked with his team to develop learning through initiatives such as Looking for Learning, Learning Dispositions (based on Building Learning Power) and Coaching and Mentoring. He has been involved in a range of Dulwich College International’s strategic developments including the Teacher Standards, Leadership Standards and a range of HR programmes. Mr Todd is the Chair of the Board of Management for DCI schools in China, the Safeguarding Board Member for all DCI schools, and is responsible for accreditation across the group along with the group calendar. As DCI Director of Safeguarding, Mr Todd leads annual policy reviews as well as compliance reviews in schools working with Designated Safeguarding Leads and Child Protection Officers. He is currently studying online for an MA in Organisational Leadership from the US.
  • 上海市民办尚德实验学校 融合部校长 Principal of the Integrated Department,Shanghai Shangde Experimental School姚可阶 Jennifer Yao
    姚可阶 Jennifer Yao
    上海市民办尚德实验学校 融合部校长 Principal of the Integrated Department,Shanghai Shangde Experimental School
  • 上海教育杂志原副总编、学校战略发展咨询师 Deputy Chief Editor of Shanghai Education, School Strategic Development Consultant沈祖芸  Zuyun Shen
    沈祖芸 Zuyun Shen
    上海教育杂志原副总编、学校战略发展咨询师 Deputy Chief Editor of Shanghai Education, School Strategic Development Consultant
    学校战略发展咨询师 教育能见度创始人 上海新优质学校研究所副所长 北京领航校长培养工程课程总监 上海教育杂志原副总编、原中国教育报记者
  • 苏州科技城外国语学校副校长 Vice Principal of Suzhou Science and Technology Town Foreign Language School姚志强 Zhiqiang Yao
    姚志强 Zhiqiang Yao
    苏州科技城外国语学校副校长 Vice Principal of Suzhou Science and Technology Town Foreign Language School
    澳大利亚伊迪斯科文大学教育管理硕士研究生毕业,苏州高新区教学能手,苏州高新区优秀教育工作者, 济宁市五一劳动奖章获得者,从事学校管理工作近十年, 有伦华教育旗下多所学校的管理经验,曾先后担任过常熟国际学校教导主任、济宁孔子国际学校校长、义乌市群星外国语学校校长等职。 Master's degree in Education Management, Edith Cowan University, Australia.Awarded "The SND Educational Expert", "The SND Excellent Educator" & "Jining Labor Medal of Honor ". With near a dacade of working experience in school management. Very experienced in operating schools in Lunhua Education Group. The former director of teaching affairs of Changshu International School; the former principal of Jining Confucius International School and Yiwu Qunxing Foreign Language School.
  • 上海闵行区诺德安达双语学校 小学部校长 Head of Primary, Nord Anglia Chinese International School顾文秀 Sue Gu
    顾文秀 Sue Gu
    上海闵行区诺德安达双语学校 小学部校长 Head of Primary, Nord Anglia Chinese International School
  • 顺天府学教育中心 & 北京市新府学外国语学校 创始人  Founder, Beijing Xin Fuxue International Academy卢振虎 Zhenhu Lu
    卢振虎 Zhenhu Lu
    顺天府学教育中心 & 北京市新府学外国语学校 创始人 Founder, Beijing Xin Fuxue International Academy
    卢振虎/顺天府学教育中心&北京市新府学外国语学校创始人 北京市著名奥数教练,曾担任全国第七届“华罗庚金杯赛”北京队主教练,“日本算术奥林匹克大赛”中国队主教练,全国“华罗庚金杯赛”主试委员会委员。从事教育教学30余年,对中国教育以及西方发达国家教育有着充分的理解和实践经验。 Lu Zhenhu, Founder of STFX Education and Beijing XIN FUXUE International Academy As a famous coach of the Mathematical Olympiad, Mr. Lu was Headcoach of Beijing Team in Hua Luogeng Golden Cup Mathematics Invitation Competition, Headcoach of Chinese National Team in Japanese Mathematics Olympic Competition, and Committee Member of National Hua Luogeng Golden Cup Mathematics Invitation Competition. After 30 years of teaching, he has a clear understanding of the Chinese and Western education systems.
  • 美国斯坦福大学FSI国际所亚太研究中心教授,高级研究员。Senior Fellow and Professor, Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies, Stanford UniversityScott Rozelle
    Scott Rozelle
    美国斯坦福大学FSI国际所亚太研究中心教授,高级研究员。Senior Fellow and Professor, Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies, Stanford University
    Dr. Scott Rozelle: 美国斯坦福大学国际研究所高级研究员、发展经济学家,“友谊奖”获得者,罗斯高教授是农业教育行动项目(REAP)的共同负责人之一,他进行了大量研究,尝试对中国国内与教育和健康相关的新建项目进行评估,对政策制定有一定的影响力。在过去数年中,他的论文多次在顶尖学术期刊发表,包括《科学(Science)》、《自然(Nature)》《美国经济评论(American Economic Review)》和《经济文献杂志(the Journal of Economic Literature)》。 Scott Rozelle holds the Helen Farnsworth Endowed Professorship at Stanford University and is Senior Fellow and Professor in the Freeman Spogli Institute (FSI) for International Studies. Dr. Rozelle's research focuses on the economics of poverty—with an emphasis on the economics of education and health. Dr. Rozelle is the co-director of the Rural Education Action Project (REAP) and is an adjunct professor in 8 Chinese universities. In 2008, Dr. Rozelle was awarded the Friendship Award—the highest honor that can be endowed on a foreign citizen—by Premiere Wen Jiabao.
  • 上海哈罗国际学校高中部校长  Head of Higher School at Harrow International School ShanghaiRoger Groenink
    Roger Groenink
    上海哈罗国际学校高中部校长 Head of Higher School at Harrow International School Shanghai
    After starting his teaching career in his home country of South Africa, Roger embarked upon an international school teaching career that took him to Malawi, the United States, Angola, Luxembourg, Japan, New Zealand and China. He has taught social studies and geography for most of his teaching career, and more recently added global perspectives as another teaching subject. He is currently the head of the Senior School at Harrow International School, Shanghai.
  • 北京昌平区达罗捷派学院首席运营官兼副校长。COO and Vice Principal of the the JPED Academy.Professor Andrea Aparo von Flüe  安德烈教授
    Professor Andrea Aparo von Flüe 安德烈教授
    北京昌平区达罗捷派学院首席运营官兼副校长。COO and Vice Principal of the the JPED Academy.
    意大利和瑞士公民 物理学家 麻省理工学院访问科学家, 战略管理、创造力与创新教授 罗马大学“Sapienza”数据智能和决策战略硕士科学和教学委员会成员 中国传媒大学国际传媒交流学院国际传播教育咨询委员会专家。 在40年的职业生涯中,安德烈教授曾在多个国家学术界、制造业、创业界,国家政府与地方政府工作(包括意大利、美国、澳大利亚、英国、日本和法国)。 自1973年以来,安德烈教授还担任科学编辑和作家,广泛发表论文、报纸文章、博客和出版书籍,并在意大利权威的广播和电视中担任科学和技术专家。 Italian and Swiss citizen, in a career spanning some 40 years, Andrea Aparo von Flüe has worked in academia, the manufacturing industry, the entrepreneurial world, national and local government. He performs teaching and public speaking activities in academic institutions, public and private companies in Italy and abroad, including the USA, Australia, UK, Japan and France. Physicist, Former Visiting Scientist at MIT, he is Adjunct Professor of Strategic Management, Creativity and Innovation, and Member of the Scientific and Teaching Council of the Master in Data Intelligence and Decision Strategies at “Sapienza”, University or Rome; Expert Member of the International Communication Education Advisory Committee, Faculty of International Media Communication, University of China, Beijing. Science editor and writer since 1973, has extensively published papers, newspaper articles and books; blogger, and host in leading Italian radio and TV broadcasts as science and technology expert.
  • 惠灵顿中国高级教学总监 Senior Director of Academics for Wellington College ChinaAhmed Hussain
    Ahmed Hussain
    惠灵顿中国高级教学总监 Senior Director of Academics for Wellington College China
    何迈德博士现任惠灵顿中国高级教学总监职务,主管惠灵顿中国教学事务的方针、标准和拓展。何迈德在诺丁汉大学取得博士学位后开始担任科学研究员,后接受培训成为科学课老师。积累了一定的教学和管理经验之后,何迈德被杜伦大学聘为教育学讲师。在杜伦大学,他负责老师的培训和培养,教授研究生课程和教育课程,并承担课程分析、评估和教师职业发展方面的研究。何迈德曾在英国、迪拜多所学校担任高级管理职务,并参与阿布扎比的教育改革项目。期间,他负责高级管理层的项目和教师职业发展培训项目,协助制定阿联酋全国学校管理层和教师资格标准。何迈德对教育充满热情,被惠灵顿大家庭的教育观、教育思想和全人教育理念所吸引,决定加入惠灵顿大家庭。何迈德已婚,育有两个儿子,一家人都很喜爱上海乃至中国的丰富文化。 Dr Ahmed Hussain is the Senior Director of Academics for Wellington College China. This position involves leading on strategy, standards and development of academic and non-academic operations for the group. Following an initial career as a PhD student and then research scientist with University of Nottingham, Ahmed trained as teacher of science. Following a number of teaching and leadership positions, Ahmed was appointed as a Lecturer of Education at Durham University. Here he led on training and developing teachers, teaching on Masters and Ed courses as well as undertaking research in the fields of curriculum analysis, assessment and teacher professional development. Ahmed took up a number of senior leadership positions in schools in the UK and Dubai along with working in the education reform project in Abu Dhabi. Here he led projects on senior leader and teacher professional development along with supporting the development and rollout of national standards for school leaders and teachers in the UAE. Ahmed is a passionate educator who was drawn to the Wellington group because of the educational values, ethos and commitment to a truly holistic education. He is married with two young boys, and as a family they are truly embracing the rich heritage and culture of Shanghai and China.
  • 上海民办平和学校写作和阅读中心主任,外滩教育创始人 Director of Reading and Writing Center at Shanghai Pinghe Bilingual School, Founder of The Bund Education田健东 Jiangdong Tian
    田健东 Jiangdong Tian
    上海民办平和学校写作和阅读中心主任,外滩教育创始人 Director of Reading and Writing Center at Shanghai Pinghe Bilingual School, Founder of The Bund Education
  • 教育学博士,北京师范大学教育学部教授,博士生导师,北京师范大学教育督导研究中心主任  PhD in Education. Professor of Education&Ph.D. Supervisor& Director of Educational Supervision Research Center in Beijing Normal University苏君阳 Junyang Su
    苏君阳 Junyang Su
    教育学博士,北京师范大学教育学部教授,博士生导师,北京师范大学教育督导研究中心主任 PhD in Education. Professor of Education&Ph.D. Supervisor& Director of Educational Supervision Research Center in Beijing Normal University
  • 人大附中杭州学校国际部校长助理,数学课程负责人  Assistant of headmaster in International curriculum center and the head of mathematics in RDFZ King’s College School Hangzhou邹海连 Hailian Zou
    邹海连 Hailian Zou
    人大附中杭州学校国际部校长助理,数学课程负责人 Assistant of headmaster in International curriculum center and the head of mathematics in RDFZ King’s College School Hangzhou
    他曾在杭州外国语学校剑桥国际高中担任数学教师十年及多年担任数学组长,并曾在杭州育澜剑桥国际中心担任校长一职,他对中外数学课程有着非常深刻的把握与理解,具备非常丰富的实际教学经验,对国际课程在中国的开展与实施有着非常深入的了解和丰富的经验,2015年8月,他曾参与BBC拍摄的教育纪录片《我们的孩子足够坚强吗?》,纪录片播出后,引起了对中外教育比较的广泛的讨论与思考。 He has worked as headmaster in Hangzhou Yulan Cambridge A-Level Center. And he has worked for 10 years in Hangzhou Foreign Languages School Cambridge A-Level Center as a mathematics teacher. He has profound understanding about Chinese and International mathematics curriculum, He has been very experienced in carrying out classroom teaching and the international curriculum in China. In August 2015, he took part in the BBC documentary << Are our kids tough enough?>> which brought a lot of discussion about Chinese and western education.
  • 常外双语执行校长兼PYP校长 Changwai Bilingual School Executive Principal & PYP Principal万明珠 Mingzhu Wan
    万明珠 Mingzhu Wan
    常外双语执行校长兼PYP校长 Changwai Bilingual School Executive Principal & PYP Principal
    毕业于华中师范大学本科; 曾在国内知名教育集团任职二十多年,资深IB教师; 拥有丰富的IB国际学校管理经验,历任学部校长、学校副校长; 参与、领导完成集团两所学校的IB项目授权工作。
  • 浙江荣怀教育集团副总裁 Vice President of Zhejiang Ronghuai Education Goup周徐行 Xuxing Zhou
    周徐行 Xuxing Zhou
    浙江荣怀教育集团副总裁 Vice President of Zhejiang Ronghuai Education Goup
  • 无锡高新区华锐海归人才子女学校中方校长 Head of School of Overseas Chinese Academy of Chiway Wuxi李蓉 Rong Li
    李蓉 Rong Li
    无锡高新区华锐海归人才子女学校中方校长 Head of School of Overseas Chinese Academy of Chiway Wuxi
    从事教育行业近二十年来,李蓉先后任职于中国公立学校、双语学校和IB学校,担任的职务包括中文老师、课程主管及创校校长。在这样的从业履历中,李蓉不断地发展自己对于“以学生为中心”教育模式的理解,并持续提升自己理论联系实践的能力,以确保高水准的职业素养,不断丰富做为教育管理者的内涵。将更好的教育带给当下的孩子们是她作为教育从业者的理想。 Been an educator for nearly 20 years, Ms Rong Li (Eva) has worked in local Chinese public school, Chinese Bilingual school and IB international world schools as a Chinese teacher, Head of Chinese and now the founding head of school. During the journey, Eva has constantly developed her understanding of student-centered education, as well as the skills to apply theory into practice to maintain high professional standards and also enrich her insight as an administrator. It is her dream to bring a better education to kids in China nowadays.
  • 上海七宝德怀特高级中学 中文教师 Chinese Language Teacher, Shanghai Qibao Dwight High School丁艳 Demi Ding
    丁艳 Demi Ding
    上海七宝德怀特高级中学 中文教师 Chinese Language Teacher, Shanghai Qibao Dwight High School
    具备十五年国际与国内高中学校的中文教学和行政管理经验,目前就职于上海一所著名的IB学校。在课程管理方面,她负责校内语言与文学课程教学大纲的制定与实施,新教师的教学培训指导。在中文教学方面,她精通教学策略的设计与研究,驱动学生以富有创造力的方式掌握学科概念,曾受邀在IB教育中国论坛做专题演讲。她还担任专题研究论文、CAS活动等核心课程的导师工作,善于启发学生对于全球性问题的理解。她还具备丰富的跨文化团队管理经验,通过多元文化建设提高团队的凝聚力,实现高效协作。 Demi DING With 15 years of Chinese teaching and administrative experience in international and domestic high schools, she is currently working in a famous IB school in Shanghai. In terms of curriculum management, she is responsible for the formulation and implementation of the syllabus for the teaching of language and literature in the school, and for the guidance of training new teachers in teaching. She is proficient in the design of teaching strategies, driving students to grasp the concept of disciplines in a creative way, and has been invited to give a lecture at the IB Education China Forum. She also serves as a supervisor for core courses such as extended essay and CAS program and is good at inspiring students' understanding of global issues. She also has rich experience in cross-cultural team management, improving team cohesion and achieve efficient collaboration through multi-cultural construction.
  • 广州耀华国际学校中学部音乐教师,IBDP音乐考官  Member of International Society of Music Education, IBDP Music Examiner单伊俊 Ethan Shan
    单伊俊 Ethan Shan
    广州耀华国际学校中学部音乐教师,IBDP音乐考官 Member of International Society of Music Education, IBDP Music Examiner
    单伊俊,国际音乐教育协会会员,IBDP音乐考官,也是接受过剑桥培训并认证的IGCSE和A-level教师和培训官,毕业自美国密歇根大学音乐学院,音乐教育硕士。 九年的国际教育教学经验,主要教授IGCSE,A-level, IB等音乐课程。2011-2016, 在德威国际学校工作期间,曾先后教导并帮助两位学生获得IGCSE音乐学科中国最高分,此外,还在该校分别担任过十年级和十一年级的年级组长. 2016-当前,在广州耀华国际学校担任中学部音乐教师,期间负责并参与编写了耀华国际学校的音乐课程大纲,2018年,教授的IGCSE音乐学科学生百分之百取得A & A* 的成绩。 除了教学之外,业余时间喜欢音乐创作和旅行,曾经徒步过西藏,也曾经举办过两场作品音乐会,创作的音乐代表作品包括荣获共青团中央和中央人民广播电台“十佳歌曲奖”的《青春的旗帜》,以及特别为第19届世界帆船比赛创作的主题曲《梦想在这里起航》 Ethan Shan a member of International Society of Music Education, he has been working as a music teacher for 9 years, mainly teaching IGCSE, A-level and IB music. He is an IBDP music examiner, as well as IGCSE & A-level music workshop trainer. Prior to joining Yew Wah, he has worked at the music department of Dulwich College international high school for 5 years, where he also took on the role of Head of Year 10 &11. From 2016, he start to work as secondary music teacher at Guangzhou Yew Wah International school, he write the music curriculum document for YW school, and his IGCSE music student get 100% A & A* in 2018. His interests include travelling and composing. He ever walked & hitchhiked through Tibet. His compositions were widely reported by the media (e.g., CCTV, Xinhua Net etc.) and granted a number of awards like “Top Ten Song” in China National Radio. Meanwhile, he also composed the theme song “Dream Setting Sail Here” for 19th Hobbi World Sailing Race
  • 惠灵顿中国早期教育学术总监 Director of Academics (Early Years)  Wellington College ChinaFiona Carter
    Fiona Carter
    惠灵顿中国早期教育学术总监 Director of Academics (Early Years) Wellington College China
    Fiona Carter女士现任惠灵顿 (中国) 早期教育学术总监。她在早期教育领域拥有三十年的教学经验。被英国当地政府任命为早期教育主管后,Fiona领导了很多具备深远影响力的教育项目,并成功地落实了很多早期教育的新课程和课程评估体系。她希望在早教阶段为孩子提供良好的学习条件,为将其培养成“独立、擅于沟通和充满创意”的思考者打下坚实基础。Fiona毕业于谢菲尔德大学,并获得教育学学士学位。 Fiona, Director of Academics (Early Years) at Wellington College China. Fiona has thirty years of experience in education and specialises in Early Years. After rising to the position as Head of Early Years in local government in the UK, Fiona led many of the high impact improvement projects and was instrumental in the successful implementation of the new curriculum and assessment developments in Early Years. Fiona’s values and vision are to support the creation of conditions which maximise learning in this unique age group whilst ensuring that solid foundations are in place to develop independent, communicative and creative thinkers. Fiona graduated from The University of Sheffield with a bachelor's degree in education.
  • 学领教育集团青岛校区 A-Level教学主任 A-Level Academic Director, EDU First Group [Qingdao]Edward Steven Chechlinski
    Edward Steven Chechlinski
    学领教育集团青岛校区 A-Level教学主任 A-Level Academic Director, EDU First Group [Qingdao]
  • 深圳奥斯翰外语学校副校长,学校顾问 School Consultant / Vice-Principal of Oxstand International SchoolDr. Swati Nigam
    Dr. Swati Nigam
    深圳奥斯翰外语学校副校长,学校顾问 School Consultant / Vice-Principal of Oxstand International School
  • 上海私立蒙特梭利幼儿园课程项目创新总监 Director of Innovation and Special Projects at Montessori School of ShanghaiKaren French
    Karen French
    上海私立蒙特梭利幼儿园课程项目创新总监 Director of Innovation and Special Projects at Montessori School of Shanghai
    作为一名资深蒙特梭利教育者,来自上海私立蒙特梭利幼儿园的Karen French老师拥有超过25年的教学经验。她将探讨创造力对于孩子心智成长的重要性,以及创造力如何能够强化脑部功能、提高注意力,并为孩子下一步的学术发展做好准备。 Karen French, from the Montessori School of Shanghai is an experienced Montessori educator with over 25 years of teaching. She will discuss the importance of creativity to a growing mind; how it enhances brain function, develops concentration and prepares the child for more academic learning.
  • 成实外教育集团副总裁 Vice President of Virscend Education Group严弘佳 Hongjia Yan
    严弘佳 Hongjia Yan
    成实外教育集团副总裁 Vice President of Virscend Education Group
    统计学博士,成实外教育集团副总裁主管国际教育部和幼少事业部,四川外国语大学成都学院副研究员;先后在香港浸会大学取得运筹学及统计学学士学位、运筹学及商业统计学硕士学位、英国约克大学统计学博士学位(全额奖学金),并在世界顶尖三大统计学刊物之一的《统计学年刊》及全球其它顶级刊物发表学术论文和研究报告;曾任约克大学讲师,参与约克大学数据咨询中心筹建并任中心经理;先后为世界500强综合性金融机构,保险公司等提供金融大数据顾问咨询服务,参与国内数所985/211大学与约克大学硕士生合作项目及大数据中心搭建工作等 严总在幼教的产业布局 基于财务目标(尤其是对投资方)的标准化运营 课程内容选择 国际课程引进方面 有非常多的经验
  • 独立教育顾问,前苏州海归人才子女学校外方校长 Independent Educational Consultant & Former Principal of Overseas Chinese Academy of Chiway SuzhouStephen Keggan
    Stephen Keggan
    独立教育顾问,前苏州海归人才子女学校外方校长 Independent Educational Consultant & Former Principal of Overseas Chinese Academy of Chiway Suzhou
    Stephen Keegan, born in Australia, has lived and worked in ten countries over a period of 45 years, on four continents, in eight international schools, six IB schools, four IGCSE schools and two American AP schools. For six years he was the Regional Manager for the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme, based in the Asia Pacific Singapore office. In that time, Stephen visited, supported, advised and helped to IB authorize more than 150 Asia Pacific international schools, including over thirty in China and Hong Kong. Most recently, Stephen was the Founding Head of School at Overseas Chinese Academy Suzhou China. Stephen is now providing support for IB schools and prospective IB schools in China and Asia Pacific.
  • 上海光华中学校长 Principal of Shanghai Guanghua School陈河清 Heqing Chen
    陈河清 Heqing Chen
    上海光华中学校长 Principal of Shanghai Guanghua School
    2016年9月到光华中学任职,全面负责光华中学(光华中学是一所委托平和学校全权管理的中学)的教学管理工作。英语教师,西班牙语教师,持有上海市中学校长资格证。英语教学工作硕果累累,曾获得市级英语教学竞赛一等奖、全国英语教学评优课二等奖等荣誉,编辑出版《英语听力100篇》等书籍。曾在加拿大、西班牙等国家工作交流学习。 具有多元文化背景,对国际教育和家庭教育都颇有心得。秉承科学务实、开拓创新的工作风格,带着多年的教育行业工作积淀和对教育工作的热情,和光华中学团队一起精心打磨融合课程,着力打造一所精品、高素质的国际化学校。
  • 北京市新府学外国语学校运营校长姚宇堃
  • 香港教育大学国际教育与终身学习学院 讲师&项目主管 Project Leader & Lecturer for the Department of International Education and Lifelong Learning at the Education University of Hong KongElke Van dermijnsbrugge
    Elke Van dermijnsbrugge
    香港教育大学国际教育与终身学习学院 讲师&项目主管 Project Leader & Lecturer for the Department of International Education and Lifelong Learning at the Education University of Hong Kong
  • 奥运精神教育课程教学培训师,EF日本学术总监 Olympic Value Education Program Trainer and Pedagogy Specialist, EF JapanKristoffer Kullengren
    Kristoffer Kullengren
    奥运精神教育课程教学培训师,EF日本学术总监 Olympic Value Education Program Trainer and Pedagogy Specialist, EF Japan
    Krisoffer Kullengren, known as Krs for his painting, comes from Sweden. He chose to move to Japan at an early age of 17. Before 24, he had moved 17 times and travelled over 30 countries. And this experience of living in greatly different cultures, languages and ways of life has made him see, beyond the differences, the universality in humanity that can bridge the essential differences of culture, language, age, race, social class and life. This realization has become the cornerstone for where his creativity comes from, and the key message he hopes to deliver through his works
  • 香港著名戏剧导演,教育戏剧人  Famous Drama Director & Educator, Hong Kong叶逊谦 William Yip
    叶逊谦 William Yip
    香港著名戏剧导演,教育戏剧人 Famous Drama Director & Educator, Hong Kong
    叶逊谦/香港著名戏剧导演&教育戏剧人 中国音乐剧协会理事,中国儿童音乐剧研究会副会长,中国社会工作联会应用戏剧发展学部副主任,香港教育局课程发展议会英语教育委员会委员,2015年入编《全球华商名人堂》,内地最知名戏剧教育推动者之一。 William Yip, Well-known Drama Director & Educational Drama Specialist Trustee of China Society for Musical Studies, Vice President of China Children’s Musical Studies Society, Deputy Director of Department of Applied Theater Development Studies of China Association of Social Workers,Committee member of English education of Curriculum Development Office, Hong Kong Education Bureau. Mr. Ye was also selected into Chinese VIPS Hall in 2015. He is one of the famous pioneers promoting drama education in inland China.
  • 北京王府学校经济学和商学教师 Economics and Business instructor of Beijing Royal School傅莹 Ying Fu
    傅莹 Ying Fu
    北京王府学校经济学和商学教师 Economics and Business instructor of Beijing Royal School
  • ICF国际教练协会注册会员,教练  Registered member & Certified Coach of International Coach Federation孙晓燕 Xiaoyan Sun
    孙晓燕 Xiaoyan Sun
    ICF国际教练协会注册会员,教练 Registered member & Certified Coach of International Coach Federation
  • 美国诺科学校上海分校  英语组组长 English Department Chair, North Cross School Shanghai刘霖霖 Linlin Liu
    刘霖霖 Linlin Liu
    美国诺科学校上海分校 英语组组长 English Department Chair, North Cross School Shanghai
  • 苏州德威国际高中 英语/中文教师 & 中文部负责人 English/Chinese Teacher & Head of Chinese Department at Dulwich International High School Suzhou曹亦思 Yisi Cao
    曹亦思 Yisi Cao
    苏州德威国际高中 英语/中文教师 & 中文部负责人 English/Chinese Teacher & Head of Chinese Department at Dulwich International High School Suzhou
  • 国际教育独立顾问, 伦敦商学院MBA学位 Independent tutor and consultant, MBA from London Business School余南 Sylvia Yu
    余南 Sylvia Yu
    国际教育独立顾问, 伦敦商学院MBA学位 Independent tutor and consultant, MBA from London Business School
    国际教育独立顾问余南毕业于复旦大学英文系,并获得伦敦商学院MBA学位。她曾在中英两地外企工作多年,涉足品牌管理、商务分析、投资等领域。此外,余南还有16年国际会议同声传译的经历,也曾给多家海内外媒体撰写中英文文章。 Sylvia Yu is an independent tutor and consultant based in Shanghai. She is a graduate of the English Department of Fudan University and holds an MBA from London Business School. Sylvia has had a portfolio career with multinational companies, investment fund and education providers, working in marketing, content creation and business development roles. She has also been active as a conference interpreter and free-lance writer. Sylvia believes that her cross-disciplinary training background and professional experiences have equipped her with unique insight and skills in helping children and young adults to fulfill their potentials
  • 上海民办平和学校DP物理教师,年级组长 Physics teacher & Grade leader in Shanghai Pinghe School.刘骁威 Xiaowei (Davy) Liu
    刘骁威 Xiaowei (Davy) Liu
    上海民办平和学校DP物理教师,年级组长 Physics teacher & Grade leader in Shanghai Pinghe School.
    本科毕业于华东师范大学物理系师范类,硕士毕业于东英吉利大学教育系。 在A level体系和IB体系内教授物理6年 ,长期担任班主任和年级组长。同时指导各类物理/工程类竞赛,担任学生研究性学习导师,指导学生完成个人项目/论文。曾担任校内牛剑申请培优项目负责人,相关申请经验丰富。致力于发展校本课程,优化校内各类特色课程。 Bachelor degree in East China Normal University, Physics. Master degree in East Anglia University, Education. Work as A level/IB physics teacher for 6 years and rich experience as homeroom teacher and grade leader. Rich tutorial experience for physics competition such as BPHO, physics bowl, etc. At the same time, worked as Oxbridge application program and independent study unit coordinator. (school based)
  • ELG学建教育言语病理学家 Speech-Language Pathologist,ELGSavannah Ross
    Savannah Ross
    ELG学建教育言语病理学家 Speech-Language Pathologist,ELG
    Savannah Ross拥有美国北亚利桑那大学临床言语语言病理学硕士学位,以及俄勒冈大学沟通障碍与科学学士学位。她还拥有俄勒冈州言语语言病理学家执照,是美国言语语言听力学会(ASHA)的认证会员,且曾受训并认证能够提供Lee Silverman 声音治疗。 Savannah Ross holds an M.S. in clinical speech-language pathology from Northern Arizona University and a B.S. in communication disorders and sciences from the University of Oregon. She is licensed as a speech-language pathologist by the state of Oregon, is a certified member of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA), and is trained and certified to provide Lee Silverman Voice Treatment.
  • ELG学建教育言语病理学家 Speech-Language Pathologist,ELG陈俐颖 Tiffany Chen
    陈俐颖 Tiffany Chen
    ELG学建教育言语病理学家 Speech-Language Pathologist,ELG
    理学硕士,美国言语听力协会认证的言语语言病理学家/ 双语言语及语言障碍教师 M.S., CCC-SLP / TSSLD-BE 陈俐颖拥有纽约大学沟通科学与障碍硕士学位,同时拥有哥伦比亚大学双语言语语言病理学证书。她是纽约一名执业言语语言病理学家,也是美国言语语言听力协会(ASHA)会员。 Tiffany Chen completed her master’s degree in communicative sciences and disorders from New York University. She also received her bilingual speech-language pathology certificate from Columbia University. She is a licensed speech-language pathologist in New York and a member of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA).
  • 青年成就中国创始人,董事长兼总裁 President & CEO, Junior Achievement China周保罗 Paul Chou
    周保罗 Paul Chou
    青年成就中国创始人,董事长兼总裁 President & CEO, Junior Achievement China
    1919年美国成立至今全球最大的财经创新教育NGO青年成就国际Junior Achievement International全球董事 • 1993年成立至今中国最大的财经创新NGO青年成就中国Junior Achievement China创始人兼董事长(中国六个城市设中心) • 1979年成立至今美籍华人教育机构周氏家族基金会创始人(美国和中国) • 1995年至今美国北卡罗莱纳州K12私立学校Trinity Academy of Raleigh 创办人 • 1979年-1993年美国汽车无线卫星定位公司Performance Wireless和计算机程序减压软件Performance Awareness创始人(美国,欧洲和日本) • 1974-1979年美国贝尔实验室高级工程师兼韩国区业务开拓负责人(美国和韩国) • 北京周氏家族(祖籍山东)第三代教育家,北京和美国各自一所K12私立学校的捐赠人
  • 君华国际学校国际部主任  Director of International Department, Junhua International School王玉龙 Ernie Wang
    王玉龙 Ernie Wang
    君华国际学校国际部主任 Director of International Department, Junhua International School
  • 无锡波士顿幼儿园课程总监Director of Pedagogy in Reggio Preschools杨晓珊 Carol Yang
    杨晓珊 Carol Yang
    无锡波士顿幼儿园课程总监Director of Pedagogy in Reggio Preschools
    杨晓珊拥有十余年国际学校教育与管理经验。在加入波士顿前,曾在新加坡伊顿国际教育集团工作了十年,担任中国区课程总监,主要负责中国区所有幼儿园的教学管理及课程培训,促进教师团队的专业成长及探究课程的高质量实施。Carol在瑞吉欧教育领域研究已近十年,曾多次参与国内外各大瑞吉欧教育专题论坛,并于2017年在意大利幼儿园进行了长期的研学与实践,更加全面深入地了解了瑞吉欧教学法的精髓。同时,多年的国际学校工作经历,让她对IB PYP的课程实施也有着丰富的经验和认知。目前主要负责研究和发展波士顿幼儿园IB国际课程与瑞吉欧教育相融合的探究课程,组织常规化专题培训和研讨,带领教师团队不断尝试和实践瑞吉欧与IB理念的精华。 Carol has been in the international education field for over ten years. Prior to her time in Boston, Carol spent her 10 wonderful years working in EtonHouse, where she was responsible for curriculum support and pedagogical mentoring for both teachers and school leaders in EH preschools across China. Carol is committed to supporting the professional development of all staff, to ensure they create inspiring and relevant learning opportunities and environments for children to thrive. Carol is an experienced practitioner of the Reggio Emilia Approach and the IB PYP Programme. She has developed herself professionally in her role as she has attended many study tours directly in Reggio Emilia to experience the best practice in their world renowned pre-schools. In 2017, Carol got a great opportunity to spend time in Reggio preschools, supporting the teachers and working with the children on a daily basis, where she fully understood how this approach was implemented in practice. The key values behind the educational project in Reggio Emilia continues to inform her thinking at Boston and Carol is excited to make this visible in our BIPS community.
  • 苏州工业园区海归人才子女学校小学部中方助理校长 Chinese Associate Head of Primary at Overseas Chinese Academy Suzhou俞云花 Yunhua Yu
    俞云花 Yunhua Yu
    苏州工业园区海归人才子女学校小学部中方助理校长 Chinese Associate Head of Primary at Overseas Chinese Academy Suzhou
    15年国际学校、国内学校及双语学校工作经验 精通国内课程、IB课程及中西融合课程 曾在苏州新加坡国际学校工作7年 苏州工业园区海归人才子女学校创校团队核心成员 15 years of experience in local school, international school, and dual-language schools Familiar with Chinese National Curriculum, IB Framework, and Integrated Curriculum Worked for 7 years at Suzhou Singapore International School Core member of the founding team of Overseas Chinese Academy Suzhou
  • 上海华⼆紫⽵莱蒙尼亚学院副校长 Deputy Head of Shanghai Huaer Zizhu Lemania College宋晶 Doris Song
    宋晶 Doris Song
    上海华⼆紫⽵莱蒙尼亚学院副校长 Deputy Head of Shanghai Huaer Zizhu Lemania College
    语⾔学及应⽤语⾔学硕⼠,参与国际学校认证、哈佛零点计划等各种项⽬,在中韩两国的多所国际学校任职⼗余年,教授IMYC、IGCSE、MYP、DP 等国际课程,拥有丰富的中⽂语⾔⽂学教学及管理经验。开设“红宝书之DP 中⽂⽂学考试”公众号,参与编写语⾔⽂学教材、商务汉语案例阅读系列等书⽬,已举办多届“国际学校中⽂辩论赛”、“国际学校语⾔⽂学教育论坛”等学术交流活动。 After having graduated as the Master of Linguistics and Applied linguistics, Ms. Song has participated in many projects such as the accreditation of international schools, Harvard Project Zero and etc. She has taught in a number of international schools, both in China and in South Korea, for more than 10 years, teaching international courses such as IMYC、IGCSE、MYP、DP and being experienced not only in teaching Chinese language and literature but also in administration and coordination. She initiated the "Red Book's DP Chinese Literature Examination" official account, participated in the compilation of “Chinese language and literature textbooks”, “business Chinese case Reading series” and other books and has organized many academic exchange activities, including “ International School Chinese Debate" and " The International School Chinese Language and Literature Education Forum" etc.
  • 徐州华顿国际学校PYP学部主任兼PYP协调员。 Director and Coordinator of PYP in Xuzhou Walton International School辛晓明Samuel Xin
    辛晓明Samuel Xin
    徐州华顿国际学校PYP学部主任兼PYP协调员。 Director and Coordinator of PYP in Xuzhou Walton International School
    1. 熟练IB 课程,参与经历句容碧桂园学校IB 授权,负责徐州华顿国际学校PYP/MYP 候选DP 筹备。 2. 曾在UCL Institute of Education 完成“教育领导力”项目汇报。 3. 具有国际学校部门中外协作管理经验,所在国际小学部门团队拥有外教19 人。 4. 具有IB 协调员培训证书,IB 教育领导力培训证书,能够胜任IB 协调员工作或相关工作。 5. 具有英国留学顾问培训证书,了解和熟悉A-level/IGCSE/AP/GAC/中加/中澳/IPC 项目。 6. 具有国家生涯规划师认证证书,参与徐州华顿国际学校升学指导/学业规划工作。 7. 参与负责学生发展工作,ECA 课程开发,CAS 活动组织,户外拓展实践,境内外游学等活动。 8. 负责国际学部IB 课程实施,教学管理,IB 国际课程开发等工作,具有较强的领导力和团队协作精神。 9. 负责学校PD 教师培训发展工作,熟悉IB 官方培训流程,与IB 官方访问官积极沟通。 10. 多次参加海外交流,IB 官方培训,国际学校工作坊,国际教育会议,教育论坛,教育峰会等。 11. 熟悉国内外学前教育领域发展趋势,国际教育发展政策法规,思想敏锐,创新意识强。 12. 发表中文学术论文和教育相关论文近十篇,具备一定的学术研究能力。
  • 青瓦花园创始人,华德福教育理念的认同者和实践者,主要研究方向:儿童早期教育、针对特殊儿童的治疗型教育 Founder of MOTHERGROUND With expertise on Early Childhood Development and Curative Pedagogy张益清 Yiqing Zhang
    张益清 Yiqing Zhang
    青瓦花园创始人,华德福教育理念的认同者和实践者,主要研究方向:儿童早期教育、针对特殊儿童的治疗型教育 Founder of MOTHERGROUND With expertise on Early Childhood Development and Curative Pedagogy
  • 佛山市罗格实验学校实验部主任、PBL课程带头人、PBL课程一线实践者 Director of Experimental Department in Foshan Rogge Experimental School, Leader& Executor of PBL Program王飞雪 Feixue Wang
    王飞雪 Feixue Wang
    佛山市罗格实验学校实验部主任、PBL课程带头人、PBL课程一线实践者 Director of Experimental Department in Foshan Rogge Experimental School, Leader& Executor of PBL Program
    王飞雪语文名师工作室主任、跨学科课程专家 •“走遍中国 寻找最美教师”大型公益项目“卓越奖” •首届全国pbl项目设计大赛 特等奖
  • 乡村笔记•乡土研学项目 项目发起人汪星宇
    乡村笔记•乡土研学项目 项目发起人
    汪星宇/乡村笔记•乡土研学项目发起人 复旦国政系本科,NYU国际关系专业硕士,《中国青年》杂志封面人物,2018年华裔优秀创业者,江苏卫视2016世界名校争霸赛冠军。乡村笔记•乡土研学项目曾被光明日报、China Daily、中国青年报等十余家国内主流媒体专题报道。 Wang Xingyu, Founder of Beyond the City, Country Cultural Studies Programme BA in International Relations at Fudan University, MA in International Relations at New York University. He has been reported in the cover story of “China Youth” Magazine. He established Beyond the City program to encourage more youth to go to the countryside and study during the process. The program receives extensive coverage on mainstream media including Guangming Daily, China Daily, China Youth Daily and etc.
  • 上缘文化创始人,前上海世界外国语中学高级教师 Founder of Shanghai Yuan Culture Company, Former Senior Teacher of Shanghai World Foreign Language School卢文来 Wenlai Lu
    卢文来 Wenlai Lu
    上缘文化创始人,前上海世界外国语中学高级教师 Founder of Shanghai Yuan Culture Company, Former Senior Teacher of Shanghai World Foreign Language School
  • UWC Changshu 数学教师 ,Cambridge International Chemistry Examiner and Trainer夏子健 Zijiang Xia
    夏子健 Zijiang Xia
    UWC Changshu 数学教师 ,Cambridge International Chemistry Examiner and Trainer
  • 英国驻华使馆北爱尔兰发展署教育贸易投资经理  Trade and Investment Manager Education, Invest NI, British Embassy China宋旸 Song Yang
    宋旸 Song Yang
    英国驻华使馆北爱尔兰发展署教育贸易投资经理 Trade and Investment Manager Education, Invest NI, British Embassy China
  • 牛津AQA亚洲区学术支持经理  Oxford AQA Asian Academic Support Manager谭赛 Sai Tang
    谭赛 Sai Tang
    牛津AQA亚洲区学术支持经理 Oxford AQA Asian Academic Support Manager
  • 学领教育集团青岛校区 艺术教学主任/艺术升学总监 Director of Art Teaching and Art School Guide, ScholeaderEDU QingdaoVivienne Ji
    Vivienne Ji
    学领教育集团青岛校区 艺术教学主任/艺术升学总监 Director of Art Teaching and Art School Guide, ScholeaderEDU Qingdao
    当代艺术产业管理硕士,环境艺术设计/公共关系学士,拥有8年教学及升学规划经验 。曾从事室内设计与策展,并作为项目高级顾问参与PROUD AN EU INTERREG IVB PROJECT。同时,负责学领教育集团旗下的上海校区和苏州校区的艺术项目,曾在知名课程中心从事艺术与设计国际课程的研发和实施,具有丰富的IGCSE和A-level课程、中西融合课程授课经验,以及艺术设计学生专业规划与升学指导。
  • 重庆巴蜀常春藤学校 ESL年级主管  ESL Grade Head of Chonqqing BI Academy尚奇 Qi Shang
    尚奇 Qi Shang
    重庆巴蜀常春藤学校 ESL年级主管 ESL Grade Head of Chonqqing BI Academy
  • 艺术教育者,艺术家。蜜豆兔艺术教育创始人&CEO  Artist,Art Educator, Founder&CEO of Mido Art Education曹楚婷 Chuting Cao
    曹楚婷 Chuting Cao
    艺术教育者,艺术家。蜜豆兔艺术教育创始人&CEO Artist,Art Educator, Founder&CEO of Mido Art Education
  • 上海交通大学附属中学19届思源班班长 约翰霍普金斯大学23届学生 The Class Monitor of Siyuan Class, High School Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University Class of 2019 Johns Hopkins University Class of 2023张雨琦April
    上海交通大学附属中学19届思源班班长 约翰霍普金斯大学23届学生 The Class Monitor of Siyuan Class, High School Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University Class of 2019 Johns Hopkins University Class of 2023