COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!

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COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!

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The industry's most influential open source event - 2019 China Open Source Conference (COSCon19) will be held by KAIYUANSHE at East China Normal University (Zhongshan North Road Campus, Putuo District, Shanghai) from November 2nd to 3rd, 2019.

KAIYUANSHE is a ground-up, vendor-neutral, pure volunteer-based, non-profit open source alliance in China with strong influence both domestically and abroad. We focus on open source governance, global bridging, community development, and open source projects. The COSCon has focused on these four cores along the way.

With its unique positioning and focuses, COSCon has become increasingly influential, attracting the support of a growing number of top companies and international foundations. Unlike other industry tradeshows held in China by enterprises, IT media, industry associations, or foreign foundations, COSCon has focused on attracting the attention and participation of open source developers, contributors and committers both domestic and abroad, in addition to different end-users across enterprises and project communities.

Highlights of the Conference

COSCon19 Highlights.png

We sincerely invite your participation and support to the conference. If you are interested in submitting exciting topics related to open source, please click on the Call-for-Proposal, if you are interested in sponsoring this highly influential annual conference in the open source field, click on the Sponsorship Partner Invitation, if your community is interested in supporting the event, click on the Community Partner Application, and if you are an open source enthusiast wishes to attend this event, please register directly.

2019 China Open Source Conference (COSCon"19) Organizing Committee

Honorable Speakers
  • In order of appearanceKeynote Speech
    Keynote Speech
    In order of appearance
  • Vice president and director of information department, East China Normal UniversityZhibin Li
    Zhibin Li
    Vice president and director of information department, East China Normal University
    He has been engaged in computer symbolic computing and its application in nonlinear science for a long time. In China, the symbolic calculation of analytical solutions of mathematical and physical equations has been carried out for the first time. Nearly 100 SCI retrieval papers have been published in the field of nonlinear mathematical physics (he cited 1615 times) and a monograph has been published. As an academic backbone, he continuously participated in the National climbing Program Project "Machine proof and its Application", "Mathematical Mechanization and its Application" and the National key basic Research and Development Program (973) Project "Mathematical Mechanization and automatic reasoning platform", The study of "Mathematical Mechanization and its Application in Information Technology". Presided over the completion of a number of National Natural Science Foundation projects, Shanghai Natural Science Foundation projects and doctoral programs of the Ministry of Education. He has won the Young Teachers Award of Huo Yingdong Education Foundation, the second prize of National excellent Teaching Achievement and the title of Shuguang Scholar in Shanghai.
  • VP of Community Development,ASFSharan Foga
    Sharan Foga
    VP of Community Development,ASF
    Sharan Foga has over 20 years in the IT industry working on the delivery and implementation of IT projects. She is currently based in Stockholm, Sweden and works for Sandvik Machining Solutions as an Agile Delivery Manager.#She has been involved with the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) since 2008 and has presented at several conferences about "The Apache Way" of engaging and empowering communities. She enjoys working on open source community management and is VP Apache Community Development. She is a Committer, ASF Member and is involved in several ASF projects including Apache Community Development, Apache OFBiz, Apache Kibble, Apache Training (incubating) and Apache Incubator.
  • Director, China Academy of Information & Communcation Technologies - CAICT,Open Source Cloud Alliance for Industry - OSCARBaohong He, PhD
    Baohong He, PhD
    Director, China Academy of Information & Communcation Technologies - CAICT,Open Source Cloud Alliance for Industry - OSCAR
    现任中国信息通信研究院云计算与大数据研究所所长,中国通信标准化协会互联网与应用工作委员会主席。发起创立了可信云、ODCC(开放数据中心委员会)、数据中心联盟(DCA)、云计算开源产业联盟(OSCAR)和可信区块链计划等。曾任中国信息通信研究院互联网研究领域主席、互联网中心主任和技术与标准所副所长等,以及CNGI专家委副秘书长,TGG中国咨询委员会主席,ITU-T SG16中国代表团团长,云计算发展与政策论坛秘书长等。从事互联网技术、标准、产业和政策等研究20余年,主导完成10余项国际标准,获得10余项发明专利,主持完成多项国家级科研项目。编著有《风向》(2018年)、《互联网的基因》(2016年)和《IP 虚拟专用网》(2003版,2008版)等著作。微信订阅号“何所思”,视频公开课累计访问量超过1000万次。#1999年毕业于中国科学院,获计算机应用技术博士学位。
  • Deputy General Manager, Information Technology Department, head Office of Pudong Development BankHua Wan
    Hua Wan
    Deputy General Manager, Information Technology Department, head Office of Pudong Development Bank
  • Huawei Cloud Technical ExpertDa Ma
    Da Ma
    Huawei Cloud Technical Expert
    Kubernetes开源社区核心贡献者、Kubernetes项目维护者、调度系统工作组SIG-Scheduling联席主管(Co-chair)、高性能容器计算项目Volcano/Kube-batch创始人。 吉林大学计算机硕士学位,主修网格计算和分布式系统,在分布式系统的资源管理、资源调度等领域有10多年的工作经验,对于Kubernetes平台与大数据、AI、批量处理、高性能计算的结合有着丰富的实践经验。
  • General Manager, Cloud + AI GDC (China), Microsoft Asia Pacific Research & Development GroupBobby Mak
    Bobby Mak
    General Manager, Cloud + AI GDC (China), Microsoft Asia Pacific Research & Development Group
    Bobby has responsibility for the strategy, engineering, operation, and support of Azure in China. The team also assist customers and partners with largest, most complex projects built on the Microsoft Azure platform, to ensure the customer is successful and learn from those engagements back to engineering to ensure customer focus design. He regularly acts as a technology advisor and architectural resource in several large institutions. Additionally, Bobby often invited to give speeches and tech-talks to students and communities on various topics including industry trends, corporate innovations, and career roadmaps. His 23 years of experience include software architecting and design, program management and IT management, high performance system engineering, software sales and marketing management, and software product management. His tree “Special interests” are: • Software Architecture and Design Practices • Intelligent Cloud and Edge Computing • Operational Excellence initiatives Beyond his work with specific institutions, Bobby often act as spokesperson for Microsoft at various conferences, press events, product announcements and symposia. Since Joining Microsoft in 2000, Bobby has been across multiple disciplines including Engineering Manager in R&D, STU Lead in enterprise sales organization, Director in technology center, CPM and Architect in consultant services, Evangelist in developer communities, Product Manager in marketing, and Program Manager and Developer in Server & Tools Group on Campus. During Bobby’s 17 years of careers in Microsoft, he has been awarded twice for Circle of Excellence, Twice for GPGP, and five times for Gold Star Award in addition to his 13 patents granted during his R&D career. He is a graduated of Hong Kong University of Science & Technology with a concentration in Computer Science.
  • Deputy General Manager of Distributed Business Technology Development Department; WeBank Blockchain LeaderRuibin Fan
    Ruibin Fan
    Deputy General Manager of Distributed Business Technology Development Department; WeBank Blockchain Leader
  • Vice President, Asia Pacific, HyperledgerJulian Gordan
    Julian Gordan
    Vice President, Asia Pacific, Hyperledger
    Julian is Vice President, Asia Pacific, for Hyperledger, the Linux Foundation open source collaborative project created to advance cross-industry blockchain. Julian started his career in London, working in technology in the financial services sector at HSBC, Lloyds Bank and Kleinwort Benson. He then spent the past 20-plus years in Asia Pacific leadership roles with technology companies HP, Sun Microsystems, Juniper Networks and Cisco. Julian is a passionate advocate for open source and the truly transformational potential of blockchain. He has a BA (Hons) in Systems Analysis from the University of West of England. He is based in Hong Kong and is married with two children.
  • President, Board of Directors, Open Source InitiativeMolly de Blanc
    Molly de Blanc
    President, Board of Directors, Open Source Initiative
    Molly de Blanc is interested in the intersection of computing, ethics, and society. She serves as president of the board of directors of the Open Source Initiative. She works as the strategic initiatives manager of the GNOME Foundation, forming partnerships with other organizations and engaging supporters of the Foundation. She is a Debian Developer, working as part of the Community and Outreach Teams. She volunteers with the Software Freedom Conservancy, and supports organizations like Public Labs. You can find her traveling the world, giving talks and lectures at conferences at universities.
  • VP of GitHubThomas Dohmke
    Thomas Dohmke
    VP of GitHub
    Thomas is Vice President at GitHub, managing special projects, mergers & acquisitions, as well as international expansion. He is passionate about software development and writes small apps whenever he finds a free minute. Thomas joined GitHub through the Microsoft acquisition, which he led through the deal phase to a successful close. He was the co-founder & CEO of HockeyApp, which Microsoft acquired in 2014. Thomas holds a PhD in mechanical engineering from University of Glasgow, UK.
  • Founder & Chairman of CSDN, founding partner of geek help venture capitalTao Jiang
    Tao Jiang
    Founder & Chairman of CSDN, founding partner of geek help venture capital
    25年软件开发经验,曾领导开发了巨人手写电脑、金山词霸和超级解霸。 1999年创办CSDN(China Software Developer Network)。CSDN是专业的中文IT技术社区, Alexa全球排名28,目前注册会员超过3100万,涵盖90%国内IT开发从业人员。CSDN成立二十年,为中国IT从业人员提供知识传播、在线学习、职业发展等全职业生命周期服务,致力于成为技术人学习和成长的家园。 2011年创办极客帮创投,作为懂技术的投资人,先后投资了聚合数据、巨杉数据库、传智播客、乐动卓越(我叫MT)、IT桔子等100余家高科技创业公司。被投项目中SequoiaDB巨杉数据库作为业界领先的金融级分布式关系型数据库产品,连续两年入选Gartner数据库报告,传智播客、柠檬微趣已于2019年、2017年分别申报中小板和创业板上市,淘手游也被贵州省列为第一批科创板备案名单。
  • Alibaba Senior Technical ExpertFang Situ
    Fang Situ
    Alibaba Senior Technical Expert
    姬风(司徒放),阿里资深技术专家。在阿里巴巴从事互联网中间件的技术领域有超过 8 年经验,经历阿里的服务化拆分后的新一代架构,在分布式应用、微服务架构、调用跟踪、实时数据处理等方面有比较深入的研究,是阿里 EagleEye 系统的创始人。最近两年发起了阿里巴巴在微服务领域的开源工作(Apache Dubbo、Spring Cloud Alibaba、Nacos 等)。目前在阿里云负责应用 PaaS 产品线,包括企业级分布式应用服务(EDAS)、业务实时监控服务(ARMS)、Serverless 应用引擎等。
  • ASF Member, Apache Hadoop PMCJunping Du
    Junping Du
    Huawei ASF Member, Apache Hadoop PMC
    General Manager of Huawei Computing Open Source Office, TOC Chair of OpenAtom Foundation, Chair of LF AI & DATA Foundation, ASF Member
  • Engineering Specialist of Tencent CloudQuanyi Ma
    Quanyi Ma
    Engineering Specialist of Tencent Cloud
    目前就职于腾讯,在腾讯云负责 PaaS 平台的产品,职位 Principal Engineer 和 Expert Product Manager ;同时是腾讯内部开源管理委员会 TOSA 成员。在加入腾讯前就职于华为开源能力中心,是华为多个开源管理组织的成员。曾多次在LinuxCon北美、OSCON、OpenSUSE Asia Summit、CSDN、开源中国等社区技术大会及华为全连接大会、腾讯云开发者大会演讲。
  • Senior Engineer, SynopsysYonglei Wang
    Yonglei Wang
    Senior Engineer, Synopsys
    2016年加入Black Duck,现就职于Synopsys SIG的资深企业解决方案工程师,专注于为企业级用户打造全方位的开源治理OSS Governance解决方案。
  • Founder of Apache SkyWalkingSheng Wu
    Sheng Wu
    Founder of Apache SkyWalking
    开源爱好者。Apache SkyWalking 创始人和项目 VP,Apache 孵化器 PMC 成员, Apache ShardingSphere PPMC 成员,Apache ECharts 和 DolphinScheduler 导师。 微软MVP,阿里云MVP,腾讯云TVP。企业开源战略顾问。KubeCon Program Committee 成员。 CNCF OpenTracing 核心贡献者,Zipkin 成员与贡献者。
  • Alphabetical by last name, regardless of orderSpecial international guests
    Special international guests
    Alphabetical by last name, regardless of order
  • Strategic planning director, Linux Foundation APACKeith Chan
    Keith Chan
    Strategic planning director, Linux Foundation APAC
    Keith (Chan Chak Fai) has been in IT industry for more than 20 years. He is born in HK and holds an MBA degree from UK. He started his IT journey from involving in IP stack network to focusing on IT security solution since 1997. He has been helping a lot of Enterprise in Asia Pacific to deploy security solution around the globe. Since 2009, he has also stepped into particularly Open Source Area. He has helped a lot of companies in Greater China for a better open source management and strategy, which covers Government, Banking and Finance, High Tech. He has successfully helped more than 40+ overseas companies to introduce their latest technology in Asia Pacific, as being the General Manager in Greater China. He is now the Director of Strategic Planning of The Linux Foundation APAC, helping The Linux Foundation to promote open source in Greater China.
  • ASF Board Director, Member, Incubator PMC Member, MentorDave Fisher
    Dave Fisher
    ASF Board Director, Member, Incubator PMC Member, Mentor
    ASF Board Director, Member, Apache Brand & Trademarks Committee member. PMC Member of Apache projects: Incubator, Olingo, Openoffice, POI, Pulsar. Past mentor to these successfully incubated projects: Dubbo, Flex, Olingo, and Pulsar. Mentor to the Apache Incubator projects: Daffodil, DataSketches, Doris, Echarts, Heron, Tuweni
  • Board Director, VP of Fundrasing, ASFDaniel Ruggeri
    Daniel Ruggeri
    Board Director, VP of Fundrasing, ASF
    Daniel is Vice President of Middleware at Mastercard and an Open Source evangelist. Responsible for setting the direction of Mastercard regarding the Web and Cloud space, he spends his days and nights playing with infrastructure and the code that powers it both inside the firewall and outside. He is a Director of the Board, Vice President of Fundraising and member of the Apache Software Foundation and has contributed code to Open Source projects from simple pet projects to widely utilized servers. As a lover of Open Source, he even taught a course about Open Source Software Development (and will share the curriculum with you!). He has spoken at several conferences about expanding Open Source in enterprises, introducing Open Source, and growing understanding of Open Source in education.
  • Linux Professional Institute Co-Founder, Director of Community DevelopmentEvan Leibovitch
    Evan Leibovitch
    Linux Professional Institute Co-Founder, Director of Community Development
    Evan is one of the co-founders of Linux Professional Institute in 1999 and has been working in LPI to increase personal and professional development in open source. He has worked to advocate for the use and respect for open technologies within communities, companies and governments for more than 30 years. He was the first Open Source columnist for the website "ZDNet" and has written more than 100 articles on the business of open source. He has also worked at York University in Toronto and the United Nations refugee agency (UNHCR).
  • Senior Open Source  ConsultantJorge Arteiro
    Jorge Arteiro
    Senior Open Source Consultant
    Jorge is an senior Consultant, Speaker, former Azure MVP and Azure/.Net MCP based in Melbourne with software development/Architecture, DevOps, cloud integration and technical pre-sales background, working for enterprises and software companies. He has over 19 years experience in the IT industry in Australia and Brazil. @jorgearteiro
  • Executive Director, GNOME FoundationNeil McGovern
    Neil McGovern
    Executive Director, GNOME Foundation
    A long-term contributor to free software, Neil McGovern has held posts on the boards of Software in the Public Interest, Open Rights Group and served a term as the Debian Project Leader. Neil currently works as the Executive Director of the GNOME Foundation.
  • Board Director, FreeBSD FoundationHiroki Sato
    Hiroki Sato
    Board Director, FreeBSD Foundation
  • 按姓氏字母顺序排列,不分先后分会场演讲
  • COSCUP long-term volunteersBob Chao
    Bob Chao
    COSCUP long-term volunteers
  • Growth Team Member, StreamNativeJennifer Huang
    Jennifer Huang
    Growth Team Member, StreamNative
    StreamNative 是一家围绕 Apache Pulsar 和 Apache BookKeeper 打造下一代流数据平台的开源基础软件公司。我们秉承“Event Streaming 是大数据的未来基石”、“开源是基础软件的未来”这两个理念,专注于开源生态和社区的构建,致力于前沿技术领域的创新。 Jennifer Huang 在 StreamNative 公司负责 Apache Pulsar 和 Apache BookKeeper 两个开源产品的技术文档、技术博客及其 Apache Pulsar 社区运营等事情。中英文技术文档和技术博客服务于 Apache Pulsar 和 Apache BookKeeper 产品,完善的文档让用户深入了解如何使用 Pulsar,解决 common 问题,降低技术支持压力,同时带动社区的发展,让更多社区小伙伴参与到 Pulsar 的贡献中。同时,我们在国内北京、上海、深圳、杭州等地举办了一系列的 meetup 技术沙龙,和社区小伙伴们共同探讨 Pulsar 的发展、Pulsar 的功能和特性、Pulsar 的用户案例和最佳实践等等。 在举办技术沙龙等同时,我们也积极联合国内外其他开源社区,共同为开源社区的发展做贡献。在国内,我们和 Apache Flink 社区在杭州联合举办了 Apache Pulsar x Apache Flink meetup;和 Yahoo!JAPAN、Tencent、智联招聘、EMQ 和 Apache Flink 社区在北京共同举办了 Apache Pulsar TechDay;Apache Pulsar 社区的小伙伴们参加了 CSDI 峰会、上海人工智能大会、杭州云栖大会及其 Datapipeline、EMQ、火币、蚂蚁金服等举办的技术沙龙。 在国外,Apache Pulsar 社区有 5 个演讲入围 ApacheCon North America 2019;StreamNative 赞助 Flink Forward Europe,成为首家 Startup Sponsor,并积极贡献 Apache Pulsar 演讲。
  • Founder and Representative at Japanese Raspberry Pi  Users GroupMasafumi Ohta
    Masafumi Ohta
    Founder and Representative at Japanese Raspberry Pi Users Group
    Masafumi 自2012年以来一直领导着日本的 Raspberry Pi 社区,并自愿加入了其基金会。他一直在帮助他们的业务,并鼓励他们开展更多与 Raspberry Pi 相关的项目。Masafumi 因其对许多 Raspberry Pi 社区的积极贡献而被 ARM + Hackster.io 选举为ARM 创新者。Masafumi 还与华硕合作,在其平台上使用原始的 Rockchip 内核增强 Tinkerboard。
  • Naver Corporation Software EngineerJeong HyunGil
    Jeong HyunGil
    Naver Corporation Software Engineer
    自2015年以来,Jeong HyunGil 一直以来都是 Pinpoint 的 Committer,而作为 Naver 的一名软件工程师,他一直努力试图使世界各地的开发人员的生活更加轻松。 基于开源 Pinpoint 方面经验,他曾在多个国家和国际开源会议上担任演讲人。
  • Agenda
    09:00 -12:00
    Keynote - Main Venue

    Let's Cross the Boundaries, Together!

    Producer: Ted

    MC: Wei Wang

    Address: Si Qun Tang, East China normal University



    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Zhibin Li
    Vice president and director of information department, East China Normal University



    The Cultural Heart of Apache: The Apache Way

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Sharan Foga
    VP of Community Development,ASF

    Status Quo of Open Source Industry Development in China

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Baohong He, PhD
    Director, China Academy of Information & Communcation Technologies - CAICT,Open Source Cloud Alliance for Industry - OSCAR
    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Hua Wan
    Deputy General Manager, Information Technology Department, head Office of Pudong Development Bank

    The Path to Cloud Native: Boost Enterprise Open Innovation with the Power of Open Source

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Da Ma
    Huawei Cloud Technical Expert

    Microsoft Loves Open  Source

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Bobby Mak
    General Manager, Cloud + AI GDC (China), Microsoft Asia Pacific Research & Development Group

    WeBank Open Source Exploration and Practic

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Ruibin Fan
    Deputy General Manager of Distributed Business Technology Development Department; WeBank Blockchain Leader
    13:30 -17:30
    OSS Community & Project - Track 1

    MC: Huancheng Bai

    Address: Room 215, Wen Shi Lou, East China normal University


    The Open Source  Story of an Irregular Programmer

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Hui Li
    Member of Pallets Team

    Pinpoint, bringing performance management to PHP and its story

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Kim, Sung Wook
    Naver Corporation Software Engineer

    Grow with Open  Source

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Zhengchao An
    Senior Engineer,Tencent. Co-founder of Laravel China

    Microsoft's Innovative Journey to the Operations of Open Source Databases on Azure

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Edwin Song
    Principal Product Manager of Microsoft Cloud Computing and Artificial Intelligence Group

    How Baidu Promote In-House Open Source

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Jerry Tan
    Senior R&D engineer of Baidu
    13:30 -17:30
    OSS @ Enterprise - Track 2

    Producer: Emily
    MC: Ruitao Mu

    Address: Room 301, Wen Shi Lou, East China normal University


    Large Website  Optimization Practices Based on the Unified Front End

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Fan Hou
    Front-end Arcitect of Huawei

    Build Dragonwell Open Source Ecology

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Lei Yu
    Technical Expert of Ali Coud

    Cloud Native Best Practices

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Daobing Li
    Senior Director of JD Cloud

    The Story of Open Sourcing NoSQL Database Pika

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Lei Chen
    Senior Technical Expert, 360

    DELTA,Didi Open Source Natural Language and Voice Processing Training Platform

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Junwen Chen
    Algorithm Engineer, Didi Infinite
    13:00 -18:00
    Open Source Operating Systems - Track 3

    Producer: Jack Yu
    MC: Jack Yu

    Address: Room 315, Wen Shi Lou, East China normal University


    Free Software Desktops to 2025 and beyond!

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Neil McGovern
    Executive Director, GNOME Foundation

    Introduction to the Open Source Community contribution of Ubuntu Kylin team

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Min Liu
    Head of R & D, Tianjin Kylin Information Technology Co., Ltd. ,Head of the Ubuntu Kylin Community

    Migrate  Key Applications, Build Open Source Ecology

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Zhenning Li
    Deputy General Manager of China Standard Software Co., Ltd

    Investigation on Industry-Academia-Researchon Ecology Based on the Cultivation of Linux Kernel Talents

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Lijun Chen
    Professor of Xi'an University of Posts and Telecommunications

    The Story of Linux Snow Peak and Loongson

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Oukan Chen
    Former head of the Linux community and co-founder of the Oukan online community

    FreeBSD: Current Status & Future Directions

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Hiroki Sato
    Board Director, FreeBSD Foundation

    Power of China's open source--Linux Deepin

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Mingdong Wang
    Product Manager of Deepin

    Introduction to the latest development of openEuler project

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Xing Zhu
    Open Source Ecological Expert of Huawei

    Walk into the Kernel World of Ubuntu

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Yanbang Huang
    Canonical Engineering Manager

    Panel Discussion

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Neil McGovern
    Executive Director, GNOME Foundation
    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Zhenning Li
    Deputy General Manager of China Standard Software Co., Ltd
    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Oukan Chen
    Former head of the Linux community and co-founder of the Oukan online community
    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Lijun Chen
    Professor of Xi'an University of Posts and Telecommunications
    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Yanbang Huang
    Canonical Engineering Manager
    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Mingdong Wang
    Product Manager of Deepin
    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Keith Chan
    Strategic planning director, Linux Foundation APAC
    13:30 -17:30
    Open Source Education - Track 4

    Producer: Wei Wang
    MC: Shengyu Zhao

    Address: Room 303, Wen Shi Lou, East China normal University


    Advancing Open Source by advancing its people

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Evan Leibovitch
    Linux Professional Institute Co-Founder, Director of Community Development

    Teaching Open Source

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Daniel Ruggeri
    Board Director, VP of Fundrasing, ASF

    Python Camp Style -An Open Source Curriculum Framework to Effectively Awaken the Ability of Self-study

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!

    Open Source University: The Idealism of a Computer Science Educator

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Will Wang
    Executive Director, kaiyuanshe; Researcher of East China Normal University

    Mutual Verification of Project-based Learning (PBL) and Participation in Open Source Projects

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Jiansheng Li
    Executive Committee Member of Kaiyuanshe
    13:30 -18:00
    Open Source Hardware - Track 5

    Producer: Yao Liang 

    MC: Yao Liang

    Address: Room 313, Wen Shi Lou, East China normal University


    The development trend of open source hardware

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Chen Ye
    Founder & CEO of DFRobot

    History and current situation of raspberry Pi

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Masafumi Ohta
    Founder and Representative at Japanese Raspberry Pi Users Group

    The Influence of Open Source Software and Hardware on Chinese Primary & Secondary Schools-Key Cases maily on Taiwan

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Jiyang Lin
    Founder of STEAMCourses.org, CEO of Yixin Technology

    Probe into Different Roles of Open Source Hardware in Makers,STEAM Education, AI and Industrial Applications  

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Jiang Wang
    Founder & CEO Nanjing Lan Zhou Technology Co., lTD

    Chip Agile Development Practice Based on Labeled RISE-V

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Zihao Yu
    Ph.D. Student of Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of ScienceS

    Past and Present of Loongson 1C Zhilong Open Source Maker Board

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Nan Shi
    GM of Nanjing Loong Masses Comapny, Founder of Loongson Club

    Homebred Chip  Open-ource Routers' Hardware Projects

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Bing Sun
    Co-founder of GeeQee Technology, Founder of FREEIRIS

    The Development History and Ecological Prospect of UAV Open-Source Flight Control PX4

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Zheng Zeng
    Head of Auterion Asia Pacific

    How Open Source Lightning Network Vending Machines Help the Development of Crypto Punks

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Xinyi Tang
    COO & Co-founder of Andoromeda

    Interactive communication

    13:30 -18:00
    Women for Open Source - Track 6

    Producer: Yi Yuan

    MC: Ying He

    Address: Room 101, Wen Shi Lou, East China normal University


    Women, make the technology community more romantic

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Yi Yuan
    Leader of Google Women Developer Community Women Techmakers

    24 hours for open source working women

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Emily Chen
    Vice Chairperson, kaiyuanshe

    Female Power in Open Source Ecology

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Sharan Foga
    VP of Community Development,ASF

    Women and Open Source Development

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Xue Guo
    Deputy Director of CAICT
    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Siying Li
    Director of Kaiyuanshe
    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Head of COSCon'19 volunteers
    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Yuyu Liu
    FreeCodeCamp Chinese Community Ambassador

    Hands-on Pinpoint Plugin Workshop: How to trace your system down to the code level

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Jeong HyunGil
    Naver Corporation Software Engineer
    13:30 -17:30
    Workshop / HoL - Track 7

    Producer: Ge Shui

    Address: Room 104, Wen Shi Lou, East China normal University


    FreeCodeCamp - Front-end Hands-on Lab

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Hang Yu
    FreeCodeCamp Shanghai Community Head

    How to Quickly Build an Offline Hackthon Support Platform Based on Open Source Solutions

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Huancheng Bai
    Tecent Cloud, Evengelist of Linux China
    13:30 -18:00
    Open Source Governance - Track 8

    Producer: Biaowei Zhuang
    MC: Biaowei Zhuang

    Address: Room 118, Wen Shi Lou, East China normal University


    An Introduction to The Apache Software Foundation

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Daniel Ruggeri
    Board Director, VP of Fundrasing, ASF

    Commercial Participation in Open  Source Ecosystem

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Minghui Zhou
    Ph.D / Professor of Computer Science & Technology Insititute of Peking University

    Hatching the Clutch – A Guide to the Apache Incubator with Emphasis on Chinese Projects

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Dave Fisher
    ASF Board Director, Member, Incubator PMC Member, Mentor

    Enterprise open source governance path

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Xue Guo
    Deputy Director of CAICT

    What is Community Development?

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Sharan Foga
    VP of Community Development,ASF
    13:30 -17:30
    General Topic & Meetings - Track 9

    Producer: Biaowei Zhuang
    MC: Ming Wen

    Address: Room 118, Wen Shi Lou, East China normal University


    Open  Source Ecology and Technology Community in China

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Dong Liu
    CTO of Open Source China Community

    Open source community construction based on crowdsourcing and crowdfunding

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Jeff Wang
    President of Shanghai Kaihe Software Co., Ltd.

    7 ideas of  the Open Source World

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Jianfan Wei
    Senior Engineer

    Why  Didn't China Have a Software Foundation?

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Ming Wen
    Founder of Shenzhen Zhiliu Science& Technology Co.,Ltd

    SwiftGG:How we made an Apple recommended translation project

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Yidong Zheng
    Agent Team Lead of SwiftGG Translation Group
    19:00 -22:00
    OSS Night & ASF 20-Year Anniversary Party

    Directed invitation, limited to invited guests

    09:00 -12:00
    Keynote - Main Venue

    Let's Cross the Boundaries, Together!

    Producer: Ted

    MC: Yi Yuan

    Address: Si Qun Tang, East China normal University




    The power of communities - why open source wins

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Neil McGovern
    Executive Director, GNOME Foundation

    Fireside Chat

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Thomas Dohmke
    VP of GitHub
    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Tao Jiang
    Founder & Chairman of CSDN, founding partner of geek help venture capital

    The Golden Age of Open Source: Clound Native Open-Source Exploration and Practice of Alibaba 

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Fang Situ
    Alibaba Senior Technical Expert

    Tencent Open Source and Community practice

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Junping Du
    ASF Member, Apache Hadoop PMC
    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Quanyi Ma
    Engineering Specialist of Tencent Cloud

    Enterprise Open Source Trend

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Yonglei Wang
    Senior Engineer, Synopsys

    Why Is Open Source So Powerful? Dig Deep into the Story behind Open Source Code

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Sheng Wu
    Founder of Apache SkyWalking
    13:00 -17:30
    OSS Community & Project - Track 1

    Producer:Huancheng Bai

    MC: Hailiang Wang

    Address: Room 215, Wen Shi Lou, East China normal University


    Hyperf Microservices Governance under PHP - Hyperf

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Zhaohui Huang
    Founder of Hyperf, Swoft Core Developer

    The Localization Journey of SoLiD Community in China

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Yang Xie
    Founder&CEO of Beijing Steam Memory Company

    Why I Open Source an IoT Big Data Platform 10 Times Faster than Hadoop

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Jianhui Tao
    Founder of TAOS Data

    Linux Container on Enterprise - a game changer for developer

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Jorge Arteiro
    Senior Open Source Consultant

    Clause Semantic Understanding Services

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Hailiang Wang
    Co-founder & CEO of Chatopera
    13:00 -17:30
    OSS Community & Project - Track 2

    MC: Ruitao Mu

    Address: Room 301, Wen Shi Lou, East China normal University


    minits: TypeScript Static Compiler with LLVM Backend

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Wanbiao Ye
    Software Engineer of Cryptape Technology

    WeBank Blockchain Open Source Ecological Construction and Community Operations

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Long Zhang
    Senior Architect of Blockchain of WeBank

    Past, Present and Future of Dubbo Cloud Native

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Xiao Ma Ge
    Architect of Alibaba

    Thoughts and Practices on Large-scale Distributed Graph Database Design

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Min Wu
    CTO of Nebula Graph
    13:30 -17:30
    OSS Community & Project - Track 3

    Producer:Lvqiang Lin
    MC: Zoom Quiet

    Address: Room 315, Wen Shi Lou, East China normal University


    Apache ECharts Cross-platform Visual Architecture Design

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Liwen Zhang (Che Xian)
    Apache ECharts (incubating) PPMC

    Big data sharp weapon: Apache Zeppelin Notebook

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Jianfeng Zhang
    Senior Technical Expert of Alibaba

    Apache Pulsar: From Messaging System to Stream Native Platform

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Jia Di
    Co-Founder of StreamNative

    Apache HAWQ Architecture Evolution Path

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Zhenglin Tao
    Chief Architect of Database of Oushu

    Dolphin Scheduler's Journey to Apache

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    David Zollo
    Whale Opensource founder
    13:30 -17:30
    OSS Community & Project - Track 4

    MC: Juan Pan

    Address: Room 303, Wen Shi Lou, East China normal University


    How to Join the OSS Community

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Willem Jiang
    Open Source Technical Expert of Huawei, ASF Member

    The Evolution Journey of Apache ShardingSphere Open Source Ecosystem From 0 To 114

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Juan Pan
    Advanced DBA JD Digits, Apache ShardingSphere PPMC

    Build a Highly Active Open Source Community - Apache SkyWalking's Way of Community Activation

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Hongtao Gao
    Tetrate.io Founding Enginer

    Thinking and Practice on Open Source in the Cloud Era - The Open Source Journey of Apache RocketMQ

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Qipeng Li
    Apache RocketMQ PMC

    How Do the Apache Pulsar Community Rooted in China Contribute Globally

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Jennifer Huang
    Growth Team Member, StreamNative
    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Yu Liu
    Apache Trafodion Committer and Apache Pulsar Contributor
    13:30 -17:30
    OSS Community & Project - Track 5

    Producer:Biaowei Zhuang
    MC: Shengyou Fan

    Address: Room 313, Wen Shi Lou, East China normal University


    Client Research and Development Assistant DoKit

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Xiang Yi
    Senior Development Engineer of Didi Travel

    How to solve Open Source  Sustainability with Decentralized Auto Organiazation?

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Feihu Tang
    CEO of Andoromeda

    What Is It Like to Be an Open Source Consultant in Multiple Multinational Companies?

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Junxian Liu
    hackathon.TW ( SUSE, WeBank, BCOS consultant

    Build Back-end Service Apps Quickly in Kotlin with Ktor

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Shengyou Fan
    Evangelist of JetBrains
    13:30 -17:30
    Taiwan COSCUP - Track 6

    Producer:Lvqiang Lin
    MC: Min Liu

    Address: Room 101, Wen Shi Lou, East China normal University


     Open Source Technology Is the Great Way for Rookies to Guru

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Xinrong Li
    Technical director of Jijie Technology co., Ltd.

    Build Redundant Gaming Network with Wireguard and BGP

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Date Huang
    Senior Engineer, Edgecore Networks

    Find your own open source topic from your work, take S3RS an example

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Anto Yang
    Software engineer

    Ensure data integrity and trade your data

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Jinghua Lin
    Graduate student of National Chenggong University

    COSCUP and Taiwan Open Source Community

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Bob Chao
    COSCUP long-term volunteers
    13:30 -17:30
    Workshop / HoL - Track 7

    Producer:Ge Shui

    Address: Room 104, Wen Shi Lou, East China normal University


    BRPC Workshop: Coach You How to Quickly Build a High-Performance rpc Service with brpc

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Jerry Tan
    Senior R&D engineer of Baidu

    Node.js Code+Learn Workshop

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Dead Moon
    Node.js R & D Engineer Ant Financial
    13:30 -17:30
    OSS Governance - Track 8

    Producer:Biaowei Zhuang
    MC: Jiansheng Li

    Address: Room 118, Wen Shi Lou, East China normal University


    Open Source Governance Practices Exchange

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Yonglei Wang
    Senior Engineer, Synopsys

    Open Source Governance Practice Shared by Pudong Development Bank

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Yiming Jiang
    Staff of Shanghai Pudong Development Bank

    What to Check for Open Source Projects?

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Wenhua Xing
    Ark Compiler Quality Manager of Huawei

    Analysis of Tencent Open Source Methodology

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Quanyi Ma
    Engineering Specialist of Tencent Cloud

    Software, all in Open Source

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Jiansheng Li
    Executive Committee Member of Kaiyuanshe
    13:30 -17:30
    Workshop / HoL - Track 9

    Producer:Ge Shui

    Address: Room 202, Wen Shi Lou, East China normal University


    Intelligence In Ads (IIA) introduction and beyond

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Xun Hu
    Senior Engineering Leader of Futurewei Technologies
    16:40 -17:40
    Lightning Speech

    Producer: Huancheng Bai
    MC: Lvqiang Lin

    Address: Room 301, Wen Shi Lou, East China normal University


    Leading open source customer service system

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Kai Zhang
    co-founder and CMO of Chatopera

    An Anti-996 Company's Survival Experiment

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Ruitao Mu
    Co-founder of JOSH

    How to Build a Million-level Open Source Product

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Jun Han
    Senior Software Engineer of Microsoft

    GitCourse: A Sharp Tool for Open Online Training and Educational Platform

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Shaoling Wu

    From Design to Smart Maker - The Possibilities of Open Source Hardware

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Flavie Liu
    Course Instructors of Fablab O China Digital Made Workshop


    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Zhibin Li
    Vice president and director of information department, East China Normal University
    He has been engaged in computer symbolic computing and its application in nonlinear science for a long time. In China, the symbolic calculation of analytical solutions of mathematical and physical equations has been carried out for the first time. Nearly 100 SCI retrieval papers have been published in the field of nonlinear mathematical physics (he cited 1615 times) and a monograph has been published. As an academic backbone, he continuously participated in the National climbing Program Project "Machine proof and its Application", "Mathematical Mechanization and its Application" and the National key basic Research and Development Program (973) Project "Mathematical Mechanization and automatic reasoning platform", The study of "Mathematical Mechanization and its Application in Information Technology". Presided over the completion of a number of National Natural Science Foundation projects, Shanghai Natural Science Foundation projects and doctoral programs of the Ministry of Education. He has won the Young Teachers Award of Huo Yingdong Education Foundation, the second prize of National excellent Teaching Achievement and the title of Shuguang Scholar in Shanghai.


    The Cultural Heart of Apache: The Apache Way

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Sharan Foga
    VP of Community Development,ASF
    Sharan Foga has over 20 years in the IT industry working on the delivery and implementation of IT projects. She is currently based in Stockholm, Sweden and works for Sandvik Machining Solutions as an Agile Delivery Manager.#She has been involved with the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) since 2008 and has presented at several conferences about "The Apache Way" of engaging and empowering communities. She enjoys working on open source community management and is VP Apache Community Development. She is a Committer, ASF Member and is involved in several ASF projects including Apache Community Development, Apache OFBiz, Apache Kibble, Apache Training (incubating) and Apache Incubator.

    Status Quo of Open Source Industry Development in China

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Baohong He, PhD
    Director, China Academy of Information & Communcation Technologies - CAICT,Open Source Cloud Alliance for Industry - OSCAR
    现任中国信息通信研究院云计算与大数据研究所所长,中国通信标准化协会互联网与应用工作委员会主席。发起创立了可信云、ODCC(开放数据中心委员会)、数据中心联盟(DCA)、云计算开源产业联盟(OSCAR)和可信区块链计划等。曾任中国信息通信研究院互联网研究领域主席、互联网中心主任和技术与标准所副所长等,以及CNGI专家委副秘书长,TGG中国咨询委员会主席,ITU-T SG16中国代表团团长,云计算发展与政策论坛秘书长等。从事互联网技术、标准、产业和政策等研究20余年,主导完成10余项国际标准,获得10余项发明专利,主持完成多项国家级科研项目。编著有《风向》(2018年)、《互联网的基因》(2016年)和《IP 虚拟专用网》(2003版,2008版)等著作。微信订阅号“何所思”,视频公开课累计访问量超过1000万次。#1999年毕业于中国科学院,获计算机应用技术博士学位。
    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Hua Wan
    Deputy General Manager, Information Technology Department, head Office of Pudong Development Bank

    The Path to Cloud Native: Boost Enterprise Open Innovation with the Power of Open Source

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Da Ma
    Huawei Cloud Technical Expert
    Kubernetes开源社区核心贡献者、Kubernetes项目维护者、调度系统工作组SIG-Scheduling联席主管(Co-chair)、高性能容器计算项目Volcano/Kube-batch创始人。 吉林大学计算机硕士学位,主修网格计算和分布式系统,在分布式系统的资源管理、资源调度等领域有10多年的工作经验,对于Kubernetes平台与大数据、AI、批量处理、高性能计算的结合有着丰富的实践经验。

    Microsoft Loves Open  Source

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Bobby Mak
    General Manager, Cloud + AI GDC (China), Microsoft Asia Pacific Research & Development Group
    Bobby has responsibility for the strategy, engineering, operation, and support of Azure in China. The team also assist customers and partners with largest, most complex projects built on the Microsoft Azure platform, to ensure the customer is successful and learn from those engagements back to engineering to ensure customer focus design. He regularly acts as a technology advisor and architectural resource in several large institutions. Additionally, Bobby often invited to give speeches and tech-talks to students and communities on various topics including industry trends, corporate innovations, and career roadmaps. His 23 years of experience include software architecting and design, program management and IT management, high performance system engineering, software sales and marketing management, and software product management. His tree “Special interests” are: • Software Architecture and Design Practices • Intelligent Cloud and Edge Computing • Operational Excellence initiatives Beyond his work with specific institutions, Bobby often act as spokesperson for Microsoft at various conferences, press events, product announcements and symposia. Since Joining Microsoft in 2000, Bobby has been across multiple disciplines including Engineering Manager in R&D, STU Lead in enterprise sales organization, Director in technology center, CPM and Architect in consultant services, Evangelist in developer communities, Product Manager in marketing, and Program Manager and Developer in Server & Tools Group on Campus. During Bobby’s 17 years of careers in Microsoft, he has been awarded twice for Circle of Excellence, Twice for GPGP, and five times for Gold Star Award in addition to his 13 patents granted during his R&D career. He is a graduated of Hong Kong University of Science & Technology with a concentration in Computer Science.

    WeBank Open Source Exploration and Practic

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Ruibin Fan
    Deputy General Manager of Distributed Business Technology Development Department; WeBank Blockchain Leader

    The Open Source  Story of an Irregular Programmer

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Hui Li
    Member of Pallets Team
    李辉(Grey Li),独立 Web 开发者,Python Web 开发框架 Flask 维护者之一,HelloFlask 社区创建者,微软 Development Technologies(Python)方向 MVP,著有《Flask Web 开发实战》。曾在 PyCon 2018 分享演讲《自由的 Flask》,在 COSCUP 2019 分享演讲《如何在两年内从初学者成长为流行开源项目维护者及技术书作者?》。

    Pinpoint, bringing performance management to PHP and its story

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Kim, Sung Wook
    Naver Corporation Software Engineer
    Sung Wook Kim is a software engineer working at Naver, since 2017. Currently, one of the maintainers in open-source project Pinpoint. He has many interests in the open source community and loves to meet new people. He also participated as a presenter in a number of national and international open source conferences. Before this, he worked for seven years at Samsung.

    Grow with Open  Source

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Zhengchao An
    Senior Engineer,Tencent. Co-founder of Laravel China
    开源爱好者,Laravel 死忠粉,Laravel 中国社区 Laravel China 创始人之一 ,国内 Laravel 布道者。目前维护着 70 多个开源项目,代表作有 PHP 微信 SDK EasyWeChat, 短信发送组件 EasySMS 和中文转拼音组件 Pinyin 等,目前就职于腾讯 CDC。

    Microsoft's Innovative Journey to the Operations of Open Source Databases on Azure

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Edwin Song
    Principal Product Manager of Microsoft Cloud Computing and Artificial Intelligence Group
    宋青见 Edwin, 微软云计算和人工智能集团,首席产品经理。近20年的软件行业从业经历,长期从事性能调优工具,显示和视频驱动、H5 Web OS、分布式多媒体处理和传输云平台等大型项目的设计和研发。美国和国内专利10余项。加入微软后,担任微软区块链服务产品经理,开源数据库包括 MySQL, MariaDB 和 PostgreSQL PaaS 服务产品经理。

    How Baidu Promote In-House Open Source

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Jerry Tan
    Senior R&D engineer of Baidu

    Large Website  Optimization Practices Based on the Unified Front End

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Fan Hou
    Front-end Arcitect of Huawei

    Build Dragonwell Open Source Ecology

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Lei Yu
    Technical Expert of Ali Coud
    来自阿里云基础软件的JVM团队,团队开源了OpenJDK发行版Dragonwell8。 具有5年的JVM研发经验。主要负责Java的Runtime相关工作。

    Cloud Native Best Practices

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Daobing Li
    Senior Director of JD Cloud
    京东云产品研发部高级总监,先后在金山、盛大云、七牛云等公司工作,曾任盛大云资深研究员,七牛云SVP兼首席架构师等职位。作为开源项目的爱好者,李道兵曾担任Debian Developer、维基百科中文管理员,维护 iso-codes 等开源方面的工作。 关注服务安全、架构健壮性(高可用、可测试、可追溯)等领域,主导了多个高压力项目,推崇高可用、可伸缩、低耦合的架构设计。

    The Story of Open Sourcing NoSQL Database Pika

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Lei Chen
    Senior Technical Expert, 360

    DELTA,Didi Open Source Natural Language and Voice Processing Training Platform

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Junwen Chen
    Algorithm Engineer, Didi Infinite
    来自滴滴 AI labs 语音团队,负责DELTA中NLP相关部分的开发。

    Free Software Desktops to 2025 and beyond!

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Neil McGovern
    Executive Director, GNOME Foundation
    A long-term contributor to free software, Neil McGovern has held posts on the boards of Software in the Public Interest, Open Rights Group and served a term as the Debian Project Leader. Neil currently works as the Executive Director of the GNOME Foundation.

    Introduction to the Open Source Community contribution of Ubuntu Kylin team

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Min Liu
    Head of R & D, Tianjin Kylin Information Technology Co., Ltd. ,Head of the Ubuntu Kylin Community

    Migrate  Key Applications, Build Open Source Ecology

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Zhenning Li
    Deputy General Manager of China Standard Software Co., Ltd

    Investigation on Industry-Academia-Researchon Ecology Based on the Cultivation of Linux Kernel Talents

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Lijun Chen
    Professor of Xi'an University of Posts and Telecommunications
    Member of the Steering Committee of Computer Science Teaching in Higher Education Institutions, Ministry of Education, Professor, School of Computer Science & technology, Xi’an University of Posts & Telecommunications For more than 20 years, She has been committed to promoting the development of the open source operating system Linux in China, deeply researching Linux kernel-related theories and technologies, tracking development trends of the Linux kernel, writing and translating more than ten related monographs, translations and teaching materials for the continuous evolution of the Linux kernel version, and founding the "Linux Kernel Journey" open source community to form five major sections of the website, public, catechism, GitHub, and B-site columns, which are open to society as a whole and provide strong support for the training of outstanding software talents in the field of the national shortage of operating systems.

    The Story of Linux Snow Peak and Loongson

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Oukan Chen
    Former head of the Linux community and co-founder of the Oukan online community
    Former head of the Linux community and co-founder of the Oukan online community

    FreeBSD: Current Status & Future Directions

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Hiroki Sato
    Board Director, FreeBSD Foundation

    Power of China's open source--Linux Deepin

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Mingdong Wang
    Product Manager of Deepin

    Introduction to the latest development of openEuler project

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Xing Zhu
    Open Source Ecological Expert of Huawei
    毕业于上海交大. 目前负责 openEuler 的开源生态构建.

    Walk into the Kernel World of Ubuntu

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Yanbang Huang
    Canonical Engineering Manager
    涉足开源软件廿余年,前 Debian 开发者,现为 Canonical 公司 (Ubuntu) 的内核部门研发经理,带领团队针对 OEM 机器进行硬件的内核和驱动开发及维护。

    Panel Discussion

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Neil McGovern
    Executive Director, GNOME Foundation
    A long-term contributor to free software, Neil McGovern has held posts on the boards of Software in the Public Interest, Open Rights Group and served a term as the Debian Project Leader. Neil currently works as the Executive Director of the GNOME Foundation.
    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Zhenning Li
    Deputy General Manager of China Standard Software Co., Ltd
    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Oukan Chen
    Former head of the Linux community and co-founder of the Oukan online community
    Former head of the Linux community and co-founder of the Oukan online community
    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Lijun Chen
    Professor of Xi'an University of Posts and Telecommunications
    Member of the Steering Committee of Computer Science Teaching in Higher Education Institutions, Ministry of Education, Professor, School of Computer Science & technology, Xi’an University of Posts & Telecommunications For more than 20 years, She has been committed to promoting the development of the open source operating system Linux in China, deeply researching Linux kernel-related theories and technologies, tracking development trends of the Linux kernel, writing and translating more than ten related monographs, translations and teaching materials for the continuous evolution of the Linux kernel version, and founding the "Linux Kernel Journey" open source community to form five major sections of the website, public, catechism, GitHub, and B-site columns, which are open to society as a whole and provide strong support for the training of outstanding software talents in the field of the national shortage of operating systems.
    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Yanbang Huang
    Canonical Engineering Manager
    涉足开源软件廿余年,前 Debian 开发者,现为 Canonical 公司 (Ubuntu) 的内核部门研发经理,带领团队针对 OEM 机器进行硬件的内核和驱动开发及维护。
    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Mingdong Wang
    Product Manager of Deepin
    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Keith Chan
    Strategic planning director, Linux Foundation APAC
    Keith (Chan Chak Fai) has been in IT industry for more than 20 years. He is born in HK and holds an MBA degree from UK. He started his IT journey from involving in IP stack network to focusing on IT security solution since 1997. He has been helping a lot of Enterprise in Asia Pacific to deploy security solution around the globe. Since 2009, he has also stepped into particularly Open Source Area. He has helped a lot of companies in Greater China for a better open source management and strategy, which covers Government, Banking and Finance, High Tech. He has successfully helped more than 40+ overseas companies to introduce their latest technology in Asia Pacific, as being the General Manager in Greater China. He is now the Director of Strategic Planning of The Linux Foundation APAC, helping The Linux Foundation to promote open source in Greater China.

    Advancing Open Source by advancing its people

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Evan Leibovitch
    Linux Professional Institute Co-Founder, Director of Community Development
    Evan is one of the co-founders of Linux Professional Institute in 1999 and has been working in LPI to increase personal and professional development in open source. He has worked to advocate for the use and respect for open technologies within communities, companies and governments for more than 30 years. He was the first Open Source columnist for the website "ZDNet" and has written more than 100 articles on the business of open source. He has also worked at York University in Toronto and the United Nations refugee agency (UNHCR).

    Teaching Open Source

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Daniel Ruggeri
    Board Director, VP of Fundrasing, ASF
    Daniel is Vice President of Middleware at Mastercard and an Open Source evangelist. Responsible for setting the direction of Mastercard regarding the Web and Cloud space, he spends his days and nights playing with infrastructure and the code that powers it both inside the firewall and outside. He is a Director of the Board, Vice President of Fundraising and member of the Apache Software Foundation and has contributed code to Open Source projects from simple pet projects to widely utilized servers. As a lover of Open Source, he even taught a course about Open Source Software Development (and will share the curriculum with you!). He has spoken at several conferences about expanding Open Source in enterprises, introducing Open Source, and growing understanding of Open Source in education.

    Python Camp Style -An Open Source Curriculum Framework to Effectively Awaken the Ability of Self-study

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Is the most passionate contributor in the Chinese Python community. Since the co-founding of CPyUG (China Python User Group) in 2004, Has made various attempts for the promotion/practice of Pythonic in China for many years, and has hosted the PyCon China Conference for four consecutive years. It is recognized as "DAMA" (Zoom.Quiet)

    Open Source University: The Idealism of a Computer Science Educator

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Will Wang
    Executive Director, kaiyuanshe; Researcher of East China Normal University

    Mutual Verification of Project-based Learning (PBL) and Participation in Open Source Projects

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Jiansheng Li
    Executive Committee Member of Kaiyuanshe
    网络标识: 适兕;GitHub: lijiangsheng1;X-lab 开放实验室首席开源导师#开源社教育工作组负责人;”开源之道” 作者;“开源之道图书共读” 活动发起者;“开源之道企业培训” 主讲师;InfoQ 社区编辑#大学开源教程项目发起者、主笔;开源信徒 & 布道师;技术作家、译者;每日至少阅读两小时;戒烟者,亦是戒酒者;尝试对自我时间进行苛刻的管理;极真空手道修行者;Google 重度依赖者;坚持撰写博客;热爱计算机技术,感谢它改变了世界,改变了我。自认为是一个Linux、云计算领域的窥视者

    The development trend of open source hardware

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Chen Ye
    Founder & CEO of DFRobot
    DFRobot 创始人及 CEO,上海蘑菇云创客空间创始人。英国诺丁汉大学工程学博士及机器人研究所研究员。全球首个开源移动机器人项目发起人。DFRobot(上海智位机器人)是目前国内最大的开源硬件公司之一,旗下 DF 创客社区是国内最大的线上创客社区之一。

    History and current situation of raspberry Pi

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Masafumi Ohta
    Founder and Representative at Japanese Raspberry Pi Users Group
    Masafumi 自2012年以来一直领导着日本的 Raspberry Pi 社区,并自愿加入了其基金会。他一直在帮助他们的业务,并鼓励他们开展更多与 Raspberry Pi 相关的项目。Masafumi 因其对许多 Raspberry Pi 社区的积极贡献而被 ARM + Hackster.io 选举为ARM 创新者。Masafumi 还与华硕合作,在其平台上使用原始的 Rockchip 内核增强 Tinkerboard。

    The Influence of Open Source Software and Hardware on Chinese Primary & Secondary Schools-Key Cases maily on Taiwan

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Jiyang Lin
    Founder of STEAMCourses.org, CEO of Yixin Technology

    Probe into Different Roles of Open Source Hardware in Makers,STEAM Education, AI and Industrial Applications  

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Jiang Wang
    Founder & CEO Nanjing Lan Zhou Technology Co., lTD

    Chip Agile Development Practice Based on Labeled RISE-V

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Zihao Yu
    Ph.D. Student of Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of ScienceS
    中国科学院计算技术研究所的在读博士生,Labeled RISC-V项目的核心开发人员。曾在APPT、CCC(Chisel社区大会)、世界智能计算机大会、OS2ACT以及RISC-V社区线下活动等会议中作报告分享硬件敏捷开发的相关经验。主要研究兴趣包括数据中心体系结构、加速器和编译优化。

    Past and Present of Loongson 1C Zhilong Open Source Maker Board

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Nan Shi
    GM of Nanjing Loong Masses Comapny, Founder of Loongson Club

    Homebred Chip  Open-ource Routers' Hardware Projects

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Bing Sun
    Co-founder of GeeQee Technology, Founder of FREEIRIS
    HOOWA SUN从事20年互联网、嵌入式、智能硬件相关产品。同时也是,全球创客马拉松专家顾问、美国GLG咨询管理公司专家顾问、曾任Perlchina协会会长。也是“跟HOOWA学做智能路由”图书(人民教育出版社)作者,组织及参加过各类讲演或活动超过30场。FREEIRIS项目由HOOWA SUN在2007年创建,当时项目设计了国内唯一一款中文的开源VOIP服务器系统。目前FREEIRIS项目将在2019年底重新启动,以自主、可控、开源为基础,向国内爱好者群体、大学生群体,提供基于国产芯片的全开源硬件。

    The Development History and Ecological Prospect of UAV Open-Source Flight Control PX4

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Zheng Zeng
    Head of Auterion Asia Pacific
    Jinger Zeng 是 Auterion 的亚太地区负责人,Auterion 是开源无人机里的领袖,总部位于瑞士“无人机硅谷”苏黎世,供应基于开源无人机操作系统PX4的软件和解决方案。Jinger 作为技术传播者和生态系统经理的角色,主导与来自世界各地的无人机组件和硬件制造商,软件开发商和开源组织的合作。

    How Open Source Lightning Network Vending Machines Help the Development of Crypto Punks

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Xinyi Tang
    COO & Co-founder of Andoromeda
    前机器人初创 ForwardX 算法工程师,二号员工,主攻视觉检测跟踪、运动控制; 现 Andoromeda仙女座科技 Co-founder && COO

    Interactive communication

    Women, make the technology community more romantic

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Yi Yuan
    Leader of Google Women Developer Community Women Techmakers
    HyperAI 超神经执行主编,毕业于同济大学,2012-至今担任谷歌开发者社区活动组织者、Women TechMakers 谷歌女性开发者社区北京负责人,先后主办、合办数十场技术活动,#担任 Teahour.fm 程序员电台主播、 FIFA 世锦赛国家旗手、TechCrunch 中国站、全球创业周上海站、MDCC 移动开发者大会、PyCon 等国际大型活动现场主持。

    24 hours for open source working women

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Emily Chen
    Vice Chairperson, kaiyuanshe
    开源社副理事长,GNOME基金会前任董事,GNOME.Asia 创办人,微软亚洲工程院AI资深产品经理

    Female Power in Open Source Ecology

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Sharan Foga
    VP of Community Development,ASF
    Sharan Foga has over 20 years in the IT industry working on the delivery and implementation of IT projects. She is currently based in Stockholm, Sweden and works for Sandvik Machining Solutions as an Agile Delivery Manager.#She has been involved with the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) since 2008 and has presented at several conferences about "The Apache Way" of engaging and empowering communities. She enjoys working on open source community management and is VP Apache Community Development. She is a Committer, ASF Member and is involved in several ASF projects including Apache Community Development, Apache OFBiz, Apache Kibble, Apache Training (incubating) and Apache Incubator.

    Women and Open Source Development

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Xue Guo
    Deputy Director of CAICT
    Deputy drector of open source and software security dept of CAICT
    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Siying Li
    Director of Kaiyuanshe
    Director of Kaiyuanshe and head of Media Group of Kaiyuanshe
    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Head of COSCon'19 volunteers
    开源社媒体组/线下活动组成员,COSCon'19 志愿者负责人‍
    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Yuyu Liu
    FreeCodeCamp Chinese Community Ambassador
    FreeCodeCamp Chinese Community Ambassador,作为 freeCodeCamp 在中文地区的唯一员工,与团队和广大贡献者们协作推动教育公益事业发展。

    Hands-on Pinpoint Plugin Workshop: How to trace your system down to the code level

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Jeong HyunGil
    Naver Corporation Software Engineer
    自2015年以来,Jeong HyunGil 一直以来都是 Pinpoint 的 Committer,而作为 Naver 的一名软件工程师,他一直努力试图使世界各地的开发人员的生活更加轻松。 基于开源 Pinpoint 方面经验,他曾在多个国家和国际开源会议上担任演讲人。

    FreeCodeCamp - Front-end Hands-on Lab

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Hang Yu
    FreeCodeCamp Shanghai Community Head
    曾在阿里巴巴本地生活、Tapatalk 等国内外企业工作,现在 PayPal 上海负责 Global GRT 平台相关的技术研发工作;FCC (FreeCodeCamp China) 上海技术社区负责人;多次 QCon、GMTC 大会讲师;WebAssembly 技术布道者,2017 年注册成为 W3C 官方 CG 成员,定期参与 CG 组织的各种在线视频研讨会议,在跟进 Wasm 最新发展情况的同时也为 Wasm 的标准化提出自己的建议和意见。2018 年深度参与到 Emscripten 编译器工具链项目的研发工作中,同年出版名为《深入浅出 WebAssembly》的国内第一本 Wasm 技术书籍,为推动国内 Wasm 技术的发展和落地实践做出了微小的贡献。研究领域主要为前端基础技术架构、 Serverless、WebAssembly、LLVM 及编译器等相关方向。

    How to Quickly Build an Offline Hackthon Support Platform Based on Open Source Solutions

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Huancheng Bai
    Tecent Cloud, Evengelist of Linux China
    云开发(Tencent Cloud Base,TCB)是腾讯云为移动开发者提供的一站式后端云服务,它帮助开发者统一构建和管理资源,免去了移动应用开发过程中繁琐的服务器搭建及运维、域名注册及备案、数据接口实现等繁琐流程,让开发者可以专注于业务逻辑的实现,而无需理解后端逻辑及服务器运维知识,开发门槛更低,效率更高。 『Linux 中国』,由 wxy 和 DeadFire 创立于 2003 年。致力于 Linux 的推广教育、Linux 技术研究、自由和开源软件理念的传播。在知识传播、组织开源志愿者活动等方面,携手众多开源爱好者共同取得了一定成就。『Linux 中国』通过网站、微博、微信和邮件列表等平台传播各种 Linux 技术和资讯,并组织了 LCTT 翻译组对国外的开源方面的文章进行大量翻译,得到了开源社区的认可。 进行中的开源项目: OpenSource Menu && Logoly 个人演讲: 2019 年 5 月, 深圳 GDG 活动分享:Logoly 的故事 2019 年 9 月,深圳 GDG 活动分享:如何使用 Travis CI 帮助我们优化开源项目 2019 年 8 月,台湾开源年会 COSCUP2019 :一个 PornHub 周边项目的诞生和成长 2019 年 8 月, 台湾开源年会 COSCUP 2019: 从 GRANK 到 GITRANK ,我们是这样针对开源项目建模的

    An Introduction to The Apache Software Foundation

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Daniel Ruggeri
    Board Director, VP of Fundrasing, ASF
    Daniel is Vice President of Middleware at Mastercard and an Open Source evangelist. Responsible for setting the direction of Mastercard regarding the Web and Cloud space, he spends his days and nights playing with infrastructure and the code that powers it both inside the firewall and outside. He is a Director of the Board, Vice President of Fundraising and member of the Apache Software Foundation and has contributed code to Open Source projects from simple pet projects to widely utilized servers. As a lover of Open Source, he even taught a course about Open Source Software Development (and will share the curriculum with you!). He has spoken at several conferences about expanding Open Source in enterprises, introducing Open Source, and growing understanding of Open Source in education.

    Commercial Participation in Open  Source Ecosystem

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Minghui Zhou
    Ph.D / Professor of Computer Science & Technology Insititute of Peking University

    Hatching the Clutch – A Guide to the Apache Incubator with Emphasis on Chinese Projects

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Dave Fisher
    ASF Board Director, Member, Incubator PMC Member, Mentor
    ASF Board Director, Member, Apache Brand & Trademarks Committee member. PMC Member of Apache projects: Incubator, Olingo, Openoffice, POI, Pulsar. Past mentor to these successfully incubated projects: Dubbo, Flex, Olingo, and Pulsar. Mentor to the Apache Incubator projects: Daffodil, DataSketches, Doris, Echarts, Heron, Tuweni

    Enterprise open source governance path

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Xue Guo
    Deputy Director of CAICT
    Deputy drector of open source and software security dept of CAICT

    What is Community Development?

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Sharan Foga
    VP of Community Development,ASF
    Sharan Foga has over 20 years in the IT industry working on the delivery and implementation of IT projects. She is currently based in Stockholm, Sweden and works for Sandvik Machining Solutions as an Agile Delivery Manager.#She has been involved with the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) since 2008 and has presented at several conferences about "The Apache Way" of engaging and empowering communities. She enjoys working on open source community management and is VP Apache Community Development. She is a Committer, ASF Member and is involved in several ASF projects including Apache Community Development, Apache OFBiz, Apache Kibble, Apache Training (incubating) and Apache Incubator.

    Open  Source Ecology and Technology Community in China

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Dong Liu
    CTO of Open Source China Community
    开源中国 OSChina.net及码云 Gitee.com 创始人、J2Cache 作者,热衷于推动国内开源软件的发展。

    Open source community construction based on crowdsourcing and crowdfunding

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Jeff Wang
    President of Shanghai Kaihe Software Co., Ltd.
    前汉得、毕博、IBM高级ERP技术顾问 前浪潮国际pscloud产品总监 odoo中文社区创始人之一 gooderp开源项目版权所有者开阖软件创始人

    7 ideas of  the Open Source World

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Jianfan Wei
    Senior Engineer

    Why  Didn't China Have a Software Foundation?

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Ming Wen
    Founder of Shenzhen Zhiliu Science& Technology Co.,Ltd
    深圳支流科技有限公司创始人,开源微服务网关 APISIX (https://github.com/iresty/apisix)作者之一,OpenResty中国社区创始人。曾在Qcon、ArchSummit、Apache欧洲大会做过技术分享。

    SwiftGG:How we made an Apple recommended translation project

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Yidong Zheng
    Agent Team Lead of SwiftGG Translation Group
    移动架构师,专注工程效率提升领域。T 技术沙龙上海创始人。曾任 SwiftGG 翻译组代理组长,多个知名技术组织的核心成员。开源爱好者,社区ID:mmoaay。


    The power of communities - why open source wins

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Neil McGovern
    Executive Director, GNOME Foundation
    A long-term contributor to free software, Neil McGovern has held posts on the boards of Software in the Public Interest, Open Rights Group and served a term as the Debian Project Leader. Neil currently works as the Executive Director of the GNOME Foundation.

    Fireside Chat

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Thomas Dohmke
    VP of GitHub
    Thomas is Vice President at GitHub, managing special projects, mergers & acquisitions, as well as international expansion. He is passionate about software development and writes small apps whenever he finds a free minute. Thomas joined GitHub through the Microsoft acquisition, which he led through the deal phase to a successful close. He was the co-founder & CEO of HockeyApp, which Microsoft acquired in 2014. Thomas holds a PhD in mechanical engineering from University of Glasgow, UK.
    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Tao Jiang
    Founder & Chairman of CSDN, founding partner of geek help venture capital
    25年软件开发经验,曾领导开发了巨人手写电脑、金山词霸和超级解霸。 1999年创办CSDN(China Software Developer Network)。CSDN是专业的中文IT技术社区, Alexa全球排名28,目前注册会员超过3100万,涵盖90%国内IT开发从业人员。CSDN成立二十年,为中国IT从业人员提供知识传播、在线学习、职业发展等全职业生命周期服务,致力于成为技术人学习和成长的家园。 2011年创办极客帮创投,作为懂技术的投资人,先后投资了聚合数据、巨杉数据库、传智播客、乐动卓越(我叫MT)、IT桔子等100余家高科技创业公司。被投项目中SequoiaDB巨杉数据库作为业界领先的金融级分布式关系型数据库产品,连续两年入选Gartner数据库报告,传智播客、柠檬微趣已于2019年、2017年分别申报中小板和创业板上市,淘手游也被贵州省列为第一批科创板备案名单。

    The Golden Age of Open Source: Clound Native Open-Source Exploration and Practice of Alibaba 

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Fang Situ
    Alibaba Senior Technical Expert
    姬风(司徒放),阿里资深技术专家。在阿里巴巴从事互联网中间件的技术领域有超过 8 年经验,经历阿里的服务化拆分后的新一代架构,在分布式应用、微服务架构、调用跟踪、实时数据处理等方面有比较深入的研究,是阿里 EagleEye 系统的创始人。最近两年发起了阿里巴巴在微服务领域的开源工作(Apache Dubbo、Spring Cloud Alibaba、Nacos 等)。目前在阿里云负责应用 PaaS 产品线,包括企业级分布式应用服务(EDAS)、业务实时监控服务(ARMS)、Serverless 应用引擎等。

    Tencent Open Source and Community practice

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Junping Du
    ASF Member, Apache Hadoop PMC
    General Manager of Huawei Computing Open Source Office, TOC Chair of OpenAtom Foundation, Chair of LF AI & DATA Foundation, ASF Member
    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Quanyi Ma
    Engineering Specialist of Tencent Cloud
    目前就职于腾讯,在腾讯云负责 PaaS 平台的产品,职位 Principal Engineer 和 Expert Product Manager ;同时是腾讯内部开源管理委员会 TOSA 成员。在加入腾讯前就职于华为开源能力中心,是华为多个开源管理组织的成员。曾多次在LinuxCon北美、OSCON、OpenSUSE Asia Summit、CSDN、开源中国等社区技术大会及华为全连接大会、腾讯云开发者大会演讲。

    Enterprise Open Source Trend

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Yonglei Wang
    Senior Engineer, Synopsys
    2016年加入Black Duck,现就职于Synopsys SIG的资深企业解决方案工程师,专注于为企业级用户打造全方位的开源治理OSS Governance解决方案。

    Why Is Open Source So Powerful? Dig Deep into the Story behind Open Source Code

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Sheng Wu
    Founder of Apache SkyWalking

    Hyperf Microservices Governance under PHP - Hyperf

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Zhaohui Huang
    Founder of Hyperf, Swoft Core Developer
    目前就职于 KK馆(C轮) 电商中心,任电商中心负责人、产品技术负责人。目前正在进行 Hyperf 及 Swoft 项目的开发和维护。于 PHPCon 2019 和部分互联网公司进行内部分享。

    The Localization Journey of SoLiD Community in China

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Yang Xie
    Founder&CEO of Beijing Steam Memory Company
    北京蒸汽记忆科技有限公司创始人 & CEO,连续创业者。初中自学编程,曾任字节跳动 Hacker 一职,长期从事能够给予科学、工程和艺术全新的可能性,同时能让数以亿计的人受益的技术工作。#谢扬从大学开始创业,领导和参与过容器云、可视化编程 Web IDE、人工智能、知识图谱等多个创业项目,曾单枪匹马获得腾讯创业大赛银奖。目前在推广万维网之父 Tim Berners-Lee 的 SoLiD 项目,并基于此进行商业化,研发出 Authing 身份认证云,服务全球七个国家和地区的开发者,托管用户超过一百万。

    Why I Open Source an IoT Big Data Platform 10 Times Faster than Hadoop

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Jianhui Tao
    Founder of TAOS Data
    1986年考入中国科大,1994年到美国印第安纳大学攻读天体物理博士,曾在美国芝加哥Motorola、3Com等公司从事无线互联网的研发工作,在高可靠分布式系统、即时通信、消息队列等方面,是顶尖的技术专家。2008年回到北京创办和信,专注移动互联网IP Push和IP实时消息服务,2010年和信被台湾联发科收购。2013年再度创业,创办快乐妈咪,专注母婴智能硬件和母婴健康服务,2016年初快乐妈咪被太平洋网络收购。2017年5月又再次走向战场,创办涛思数据,专注时序空间数据的实时高效的处理,其自主研发的产品物联网大数据平台TDengine比其他业内标杆性能好10倍以上,可广泛运用于物联网、车联网、工业大数据等领域。2019年7月,TDengine开源,在GitHub全球趋势排行榜上连续几天排名第一。

    Linux Container on Enterprise - a game changer for developer

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Jorge Arteiro
    Senior Open Source Consultant
    Jorge is an senior Consultant, Speaker, former Azure MVP and Azure/.Net MCP based in Melbourne with software development/Architecture, DevOps, cloud integration and technical pre-sales background, working for enterprises and software companies. He has over 19 years experience in the IT industry in Australia and Brazil. @jorgearteiro

    Clause Semantic Understanding Services

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Hailiang Wang
    Co-founder & CEO of Chatopera
    北京华夏春松科技有限公司(简称:Chatopera)联合创始人兼CEO,著有《智能问答与深度学习》,微软人工智能最有价值专家。毕业于北京邮电大学,加入IBM工作四年,先后工作于软件开发实验室和创新中心,从2016年开始工作于创业公司,三角兽AI算法工程师,呤呤英语AI产品负责人,负责智能对话系统研发。 2015年~2018年创办、组织、演讲及运营“BJ NodeJS Club”,2016-05-21作为NodeJS-Live-China的组织者,所有的开源项目都在https://github.com/Samurais。

    minits: TypeScript Static Compiler with LLVM Backend

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Wanbiao Ye
    Software Engineer of Cryptape Technology
    早年任职科大讯飞, 现任职秘猿科技. 曾是个炼丹师, 现专心虚拟机与编译器相关. 进行中的开源项目: 1) https://github.com/mohanson/gameboy: Game Boy 模拟器, 600+ star 2) https://github.com/mohanson/pywasm: 纯 Python 实现的 Webassembly 虚拟机, 100+ star 3) https://github.com/mohanson/accu: 个人博客, 300+ star 4) https://github.com/mohanson/i8080: Intel 8080 CPU 模拟器, 没啥 star. 许多个人项目已被 AwesomeXXX 收录. 之前做过一些深度学习和虚拟机方面的演讲.

    WeBank Blockchain Open Source Ecological Construction and Community Operations

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Long Zhang
    Senior Architect of Blockchain of WeBank

    Past, Present and Future of Dubbo Cloud Native

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Xiao Ma Ge
    Architect of Alibaba
    小马哥(mercyblitz),Java 劝退师,Apache Dubbo PMC、Spring Cloud Alibaba 项目架构师。目前主要负责集团中间件开源项目、微服务技术实施、架构衍进、基础设施构建等。通过 SUN Java(SCJP、SCWCD、SCBCD)以及 Oracle OCA 等的认证。

    Thoughts and Practices on Large-scale Distributed Graph Database Design

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Min Wu
    CTO of Nebula Graph
    VEsoft 总监,博士毕业于浙江大学。 曾就职于阿里云、蚂蚁金服,从事分布式图数据库以及云存储相关工作,现主要负责 Nebula Graph 社区和开发者关系。

    Apache ECharts Cross-platform Visual Architecture Design

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Liwen Zhang (Che Xian)
    Apache ECharts (incubating) PPMC
    羡辙是著名开源可视化产品 Apache ECharts (incubating) 的 PPMC 和核心贡献者之一。除此之外,也是活跃的开源社区贡献者。在 GitHub(id:Ovilia)上,她开源了多款有趣的可视化作品,比如老派像素风的个人主页、每天收获不同字体故事的「2019 字体日历」App、解答「为什么你的女神总缺一支口红」的口红可视化作品、将声音用手绘效果表现的音频可视化作品等等。

    Big data sharp weapon: Apache Zeppelin Notebook

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Jianfeng Zhang
    Senior Technical Expert of Alibaba
    开源界老兵,2008年开始接触开源,并贡献开源项目,目前是3个Apache 项目的PMC ,也是Apache member 。目前就职于阿里巴巴,任高级技术专家。

    Apache Pulsar: From Messaging System to Stream Native Platform

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Jia Di
    Co-Founder of StreamNative
    StreamNative的联合创始人,开源项目Apache Pulsar和Apache BookKeeper的PMC成员和Committer。曾就职于EMC北京,是北京EMC是实时处理平台的技术负责人。

    Apache HAWQ Architecture Evolution Path

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Zhenglin Tao
    Chief Architect of Database of Oushu
    陶征霖,北京偶数科技首席架构师,负责 OushuDB 的研发,OushuDB 是 Apache 顶级项目 HAWQ 的企业版本。参加过 2018年中国开源年会,做过《从开源 HAWQ 到新一代数据仓库 OushuDB 之路》的分享。

    Dolphin Scheduler's Journey to Apache

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    David Zollo
    Whale Opensource founder
    Apache DolphinScheduler PMC Chair , Apache Foundation Member, Apache Incubator Mentor, Apache SeaTunnel PPMC

    How to Join the OSS Community

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Willem Jiang
    Open Source Technical Expert of Huawei, ASF Member
    华为开源能力中心技术专家,前红帽软件首席软件工程师,有十五年企业级开源中间件开发经验,有丰富的 Java 开发和使用经验,函数式编程爱好者。从 2006 年开始一直从事 Apache 开源中间件项目的开发工作,先后参与 Apache CXF, Apache Camel, Apache ServiceMix 以及Apache ServiceComb 的开发。对微服务架构,WebServices,Enterprise Integration Pattern,SOA, OSGi 有比较深入的研究。

    The Evolution Journey of Apache ShardingSphere Open Source Ecosystem From 0 To 114

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Juan Pan
    Advanced DBA JD Digits, Apache ShardingSphere PPMC
    京东数科高级DBA ShardingSphere PPMC,主要负责京东数科数据库中间件开发、数据库运维自动化平台开发、生产数据库运维工作。多次参与京东6.18、11.11等大促活动的护航工作。曾负责京东数科数据库自动化平台设计与开发项目,现专注于Apache ShardingSphere分布式数据库中间件开发和发展。乐于在数据库、分布式、中间件、开源社区等相关领域进行学习和探索。多次受邀参加数据库&架构领域的相关会议并进行分享交流。也多次进行在线技术和经验交流分享、公众号文章分享。

    Build a Highly Active Open Source Community - Apache SkyWalking's Way of Community Activation

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Hongtao Gao
    Tetrate.io Founding Enginer
    美国servicemesh服务商tetrate创始工程师。原华为软件开发云技术专家,对云APM有深入的理解,并有丰富的APM产品设计,研发与实施经验。对分布式数据库,容器调度,微服务,ServicMesh等技术有深入的了解。#目前为Apache SkyWalking核心贡献者,参与该开源项目在软件开发云的商业化进程。前当当网系统架构师,开源达人,曾参与Apache ShardingSphere,Elastic-Job等知名开源项目。对开源项目的管理,推广和社区运营有丰富的经验。#积极参与技术分享,曾在多个技术大会中做过分享,包括ArchSummit, Top100,Oracle嘉年华等。在多个媒体发表过文章,如InfoQ。

    Thinking and Practice on Open Source in the Cloud Era - The Open Source Journey of Apache RocketMQ

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Qipeng Li
    Apache RocketMQ PMC
    厉启鹏,阿里巴巴技术专家, 阿里百年技术大学讲师,Apache RocketMQ 中国社区发起人 & PMC Member,Linux OpenMessaging Advisory Board Member,目前负责 Apache RocketMQ 开源社区研发与生态。前国家电网电力科学研究院高工,中间件负责人。曾主导国家电网调度控制云基础平台架构设计与落地。具有多年分布式系统、中间件研究及工程经验。参与制定国家及行业标准 3 项, 发表论文12 篇,申请专利 7 项。目前对分布式消息中间件、微服务、物联网、Serverless 感兴趣。

    How Do the Apache Pulsar Community Rooted in China Contribute Globally

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Jennifer Huang
    Growth Team Member, StreamNative
    StreamNative 是一家围绕 Apache Pulsar 和 Apache BookKeeper 打造下一代流数据平台的开源基础软件公司。我们秉承“Event Streaming 是大数据的未来基石”、“开源是基础软件的未来”这两个理念,专注于开源生态和社区的构建,致力于前沿技术领域的创新。 Jennifer Huang 在 StreamNative 公司负责 Apache Pulsar 和 Apache BookKeeper 两个开源产品的技术文档、技术博客及其 Apache Pulsar 社区运营等事情。中英文技术文档和技术博客服务于 Apache Pulsar 和 Apache BookKeeper 产品,完善的文档让用户深入了解如何使用 Pulsar,解决 common 问题,降低技术支持压力,同时带动社区的发展,让更多社区小伙伴参与到 Pulsar 的贡献中。同时,我们在国内北京、上海、深圳、杭州等地举办了一系列的 meetup 技术沙龙,和社区小伙伴们共同探讨 Pulsar 的发展、Pulsar 的功能和特性、Pulsar 的用户案例和最佳实践等等。 在举办技术沙龙等同时,我们也积极联合国内外其他开源社区,共同为开源社区的发展做贡献。在国内,我们和 Apache Flink 社区在杭州联合举办了 Apache Pulsar x Apache Flink meetup;和 Yahoo!JAPAN、Tencent、智联招聘、EMQ 和 Apache Flink 社区在北京共同举办了 Apache Pulsar TechDay;Apache Pulsar 社区的小伙伴们参加了 CSDI 峰会、上海人工智能大会、杭州云栖大会及其 Datapipeline、EMQ、火币、蚂蚁金服等举办的技术沙龙。 在国外,Apache Pulsar 社区有 5 个演讲入围 ApacheCon North America 2019;StreamNative 赞助 Flink Forward Europe,成为首家 Startup Sponsor,并积极贡献 Apache Pulsar 演讲。
    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Yu Liu
    Apache Trafodion Committer and Apache Pulsar Contributor
    我目前就职于 StreamNative,是 Content Strategist,主要负责为 Apache Pulsar 撰写技术文档和运营开源社区,是 Apache Pulsar 的 Contributor。另外,我还是 Apache Trafodion 的 Committer。Apache Trafodion 也是 Apache 顶级开源项目,是一个架构在 Hadoop 上的 HTAP 数据库。此前我是 Trafodion 的 Technical Writer,主要负责撰写技术文档和运营开源社区。

    Client Research and Development Assistant DoKit

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Xiang Yi
    Senior Development Engineer of Didi Travel

    How to solve Open Source  Sustainability with Decentralized Auto Organiazation?

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Feihu Tang
    CEO of Andoromeda
    CEO of Andoromeda, Xooger, Serial Entrepreneur, Co-founder of Gpool, ACM/ICPC Asia Regional Gold Medal, Microsoft Beauty of Programming 2015 Champion

    What Is It Like to Be an Open Source Consultant in Multiple Multinational Companies?

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Junxian Liu
    hackathon.TW ( SUSE, WeBank, BCOS consultant
    AvengerMoJo现居台湾,曾经在2002搬到北京担任SUSE中国区和台湾研发总监,也负责开发Gnome, Moblin等开源项目,也曾担任Symbio移动部门CTO负责Android平台开发. 现在负责多个国家的企业和新创的顾问,包括德国SUSE分佈式存储顾问,中国微众银行开源顾问,日本HaveFund区块链金融应用创新顾问,台湾LiMaGo人工智能旅游辅助平台顾问。

    Build Back-end Service Apps Quickly in Kotlin with Ktor

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Shengyou Fan
    Evangelist of JetBrains
    JetBrains 技术布道师,负责推广由 JetBrains 自主研发的 Kotlin 相关开源技术,包括 Kotlin 编程语言、Ktor 框架及 Exposed SQL 库。除协助开发者通过 IDE 提升生产力外,并以团队合作工具强化沟通、为代码品质把关。

     Open Source Technology Is the Great Way for Rookies to Guru

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Xinrong Li
    Technical director of Jijie Technology co., Ltd.
    现任 集界科技 技术主管。一个开源受惠者。

    Build Redundant Gaming Network with Wireguard and BGP

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Date Huang
    Senior Engineer, Edgecore Networks
    Date Huang is the senior engineer in Edgecore Networks, Taiwan, and also the maintainer of DozenCloud Project, ARM64 VPS Project. He fouces on porting OpenStack to ARM64 and Peer-to-Peer bare-metal system provisioning in HPC, working on Data Center network with Open Networking technology.#Speaking Experience: OpenStack Day Taiwan 2016-2017, Open Source Summit North America 2017, ISC High Performance Project Poster 2018, Hong Kong Open Source Conference 2019

    Find your own open source topic from your work, take S3RS an example

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Anto Yang
    Software engineer

    Ensure data integrity and trade your data

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Jinghua Lin
    Graduate student of National Chenggong University
    近兩年開始關注 IOTA 的技術發展,並參與 IOTA 相關的專案: tangle accelerator, data marketplace。現為國立成功大學資工所碩二生,並於 IOTA 基金會擔任 research intern。

    COSCUP and Taiwan Open Source Community

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Bob Chao
    COSCUP long-term volunteers

    BRPC Workshop: Coach You How to Quickly Build a High-Performance rpc Service with brpc

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Jerry Tan
    Senior R&D engineer of Baidu

    Node.js Code+Learn Workshop

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Dead Moon
    Node.js R & D Engineer Ant Financial

    Open Source Governance Practices Exchange

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Yonglei Wang
    Senior Engineer, Synopsys
    2016年加入Black Duck,现就职于Synopsys SIG的资深企业解决方案工程师,专注于为企业级用户打造全方位的开源治理OSS Governance解决方案。

    Open Source Governance Practice Shared by Pudong Development Bank

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Yiming Jiang
    Staff of Shanghai Pudong Development Bank

    What to Check for Open Source Projects?

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Wenhua Xing
    Ark Compiler Quality Manager of Huawei

    Analysis of Tencent Open Source Methodology

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Quanyi Ma
    Engineering Specialist of Tencent Cloud
    目前就职于腾讯,在腾讯云负责 PaaS 平台的产品,职位 Principal Engineer 和 Expert Product Manager ;同时是腾讯内部开源管理委员会 TOSA 成员。在加入腾讯前就职于华为开源能力中心,是华为多个开源管理组织的成员。曾多次在LinuxCon北美、OSCON、OpenSUSE Asia Summit、CSDN、开源中国等社区技术大会及华为全连接大会、腾讯云开发者大会演讲。

    Software, all in Open Source

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Jiansheng Li
    Executive Committee Member of Kaiyuanshe
    网络标识: 适兕;GitHub: lijiangsheng1;X-lab 开放实验室首席开源导师#开源社教育工作组负责人;”开源之道” 作者;“开源之道图书共读” 活动发起者;“开源之道企业培训” 主讲师;InfoQ 社区编辑#大学开源教程项目发起者、主笔;开源信徒 & 布道师;技术作家、译者;每日至少阅读两小时;戒烟者,亦是戒酒者;尝试对自我时间进行苛刻的管理;极真空手道修行者;Google 重度依赖者;坚持撰写博客;热爱计算机技术,感谢它改变了世界,改变了我。自认为是一个Linux、云计算领域的窥视者

    Intelligence In Ads (IIA) introduction and beyond

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Xun Hu
    Senior Engineering Leader of Futurewei Technologies
    Xun Hu, Senior Engineering Leader of Futurewei Technologies, a subsidiary of Huawei.#Xun Hu received his B.S. degree from University in China of in late 80’s, and his joint M.S. degree from University in China and Washington University (US), all in Computer Science. #Between 1999 and 2009, he served with Yahoo! Inc. as different roles, from senior engineer to leading architect, and product manager. He was the initial developer in Yahoo! Display ad team . #From 2009 to 2012, as Engineer director of Huawei Device USA, Device Cloud BU, he led an engineering team to develop Huawei Nextgen Ad System (HiAd). #From 2012 to 2016, as Sr. Engineer Manager in eBay advertising division to develop eBay data management platform (DMP). #From 2009 to present, as Sr. Engineer Leader of Futurewei Technologies Consumer Cloud Service, he led an engineering team to develop Huawei IMS/IIA. #He holds several US patents related to display ad system.

    Leading open source customer service system

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Kai Zhang
    co-founder and CMO of Chatopera

    An Anti-996 Company's Survival Experiment

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Ruitao Mu
    Co-founder of JOSH

    How to Build a Million-level Open Source Product

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Jun Han
    Senior Software Engineer of Microsoft
    就职于微软开发工具事业部,主要负责 IoT 在 VS Code 中的开发工具开发。 他是 VS Code 的 contributor,写过 20 多款 VS Code 插件,其中最热门的 Code Runner 有千万级下载量。同时,他也是《玩转VS Code》微信公众号和知乎专栏的作者。 他积极参与技术分享,是 2018 微软技术暨生态大会的讲师。2019 年,他在 Google Developer Group 举行了关于 VS Code 插件开发的 CodeLab。2019年9月,参加微软 Reactor 上海站开幕式,并做了 VS Code 相关的演讲。他还是 PyCon China 2019 大会的讲师。

    GitCourse: A Sharp Tool for Open Online Training and Educational Platform

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Shaoling Wu

    From Design to Smart Maker - The Possibilities of Open Source Hardware

    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Flavie Liu
    Course Instructors of Fablab O China Digital Made Workshop
    Flavie Liu (刘晓飞) 是一位设计师,本科毕业于美国加州艺术学院(CCA)平面设计与摄影专业。2019年参加Fab Academy全球数字智造课程,毕业至今任Fablab O中国数制工坊课程导师。代表的开源项目有graphmics, 一台可以将图像转化为声音的唱碟机,曾在同济大学设计创意学院(D)做过项目分享演讲。
    Preparation Stage
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    Conference Pass
    2019-11-03 17:00
    Sold Out
    Full Pass for COSCon'19 (Nov. 2-3, 2019), including lunches.
    Student Pass
    2019-11-03 17:00
    Sold Out
    Registration will need approval from the organizer.
    Subject to review and approval and must present your student ID to enter the conference.
    Full Pass for COSCon'19 (Nov. 2-3, 2019), including lunches.
    VIP Pass
    2019-11-03 17:00
    Sold Out
    Full Pass for COSCon'19 (Nov. 2-3, 2019), including lunches,
    Plus VIP Seat, Open Source Night Dinner on Nov. 2nd evening, and conference souvenir / gift.
    Dinner Ticket (Open Source Night: Nov. 2nd evening)
    2019-11-03 17:00
    Sold Out
    Limited 50 seats. With the opportunity to meet our honorable speakers and guests, plus conference T-Shirt and conference souvenir / gift.
    Individual Sponsor Pass
    2019-11-03 17:00
    Sold Out
    Full Pass for COSCon'19 (Nov. 2-3, 2019), including lunches,
    Plus Your NAME on kaiyuanshe's website sponsors page, Open Source Night Dinner on Nov. 2nd evening, conference T-Shirt and conference souvenir / gift.
    Contributor Pass (for OSS Project)
    2019-11-03 17:00
    Sold Out
    Registration will need approval from the organizer.
    Full Pass for COSCon'19 (Nov. 2-3, 2019), including lunches,
    This is subject to review and approval with submission of your open source project and the evidence of contribution.
    2019-11-03 17:00
    Sold Out
    Registration will need approval from the organizer.
    本次大会特别为女性提供免费参会票,共38张。11月2日 当天可穿上美美的衣服免费入场,并在下午 13:00 分会场8 参加女性论坛。

    Refund Description:No Refund

    Looking back COSCon'18
    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    COSCon'19 Let's Cross the Boundaries Together!
    Stats for the Past Events

    2015-18 Stats.png

    COSCon'18 Media Partners

    (Expected to continue working together at COSCon'19)


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    (Expected to have more sponsors at COSCon'19!)


    COSCon'18 Community Partners

    (Expected to continue working together at COSCon'19)


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