野猫队于2014年创办,是一只位于北京的国际青少年篮球队伍。主教练为来自美国波士顿的Nahtral, 助理教练来自于美国NCAA(全美大学生体育协会,NBA摇篮)。自创立起,野猫队摘得过北京乃至全国各大青少年篮球联赛桂冠。该队分为5个年龄段,分别为 U8, U10, U12, U14, U16和U19,我们届时会按学员的实际年龄和技巧掌握程度进行专业分组。赛季结束后,我们会优先挑选优秀学员赴美国与当地青少年进行比赛与文化交流。
周六训练地点: 耀悦体育馆,北京市顺义区罗马湖左堤路西甲3号 上午9-11点
周六训练地点:北京哈罗国际学校 下午4-6点
周日训练地点:北京哈罗国际学校 上午10-12点
Wildcats are a Beijing-based youth basketball team founded in 2014 by Super Nahtral Sports. The founder is Nahtral who is from Boston, and the team of coaches who are mainly from the U.S and have rich coaching experiences. We’ve won first-place in many youth basketball tournaments in Beijing and China.
We welcome boys and girls ages 7-19 to join us. After joining the Wildcats, candidates will be placed on the team based on their age, and will gain basketball game experience and the skillset necessary to play the game. Meanwhile, candidates can still join our training programs to be game ready.
2019-20 Wildcats Season I:
Time: Sep 7th-Dec 15th
2019-20 Wildcats Season 2:
Time: Jan 7th-Jun 14th
Weekly Training Location and Time (Can train both days)
Saturday: 耀悦体育馆,北京市顺义区罗马湖左堤路西甲3号 9:00 am-11:00pm
Saturday: Harrow International School Beijing 16:00 pm-18:00pm
Sunday: Harrow International School Beijing 10:00am-12:00pm
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