4th Novel Vaccine R&D and Industrialization Summit

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4th Novel Vaccine R&D and Industrialization Summit

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As COVID-19 continuing in 2021, it is necessary to take preventive measures, to accelerate the speed of research and development of COVID-19 vaccines and drugs, to advocate the innovation of new vaccines technologies, and to build the strength to win this epidemic.  

  • What are the new challenges of Coronavirus prevention and treatment facing the global pandemic from 2019 to 2022?  What opportunities and 

    challenges exist in the small molecule potent drugs? What changes will be made to the vaccine and drug review policy?  How to approve the new 

    vaccines and drugs?

  • "New star"-mRNA vaccine that quickly developed in COVID-19. How should we break through technical barriers and build industrial chain?

  • Other novel vaccine: Recombinant vaccines and adjuvants, viral vector vaccines (adenovirus, influenza virus, etc.) for COVID-19 and other indications.

Focusing on Coronavirus and more: VacCon 2022 , sets one main forum, two sub-main forums. It will invite 60+ government regulatory experts, scientists and leading entrepreneurs who specialize in vaccine/ neutralizing antibody/ small molecule novel coronavirus drugs. The theme is "Focusing on technical breakthrough of the novel vaccines in post COVID-19 era", which will discuss the latest clinical development, before project approval and R&D in COVID-19 vaccine and drugs, and the leading practice of innovation and process development of mRNA/recombinant protein/adenovirus vector vaccine under different technical paths. Aiming at effectively promote the transformation and industrialization of vaccines in China and solve the threats of COVID-19 as soon as possible!

Conference Spots

ic-01.png To face the challenge of reduced protective efficacy of mutant strains and first-generation vaccines. To analyze new generation of COVID-19 vaccines the policy supervision, neutralizing antibody, R&D approval (broad spectrum, long-acting), clinical development strategies and commercial prospects.

ic-01.png To track the clinical safety and efficacy of existing or post-marketing COVID-19 vaccines, and find the optimal clinical development strategies to enhance the immunity. 

ic-01.png To explore the innovation of mRNA, break the technical barriers of delivery, and create a new world of vaccine;  learn the best solution of mRNA vaccine and CMC process production, quality control, industrial chain construction and so on.

ic-01.png To obtain the most cutting-edge technology of the new vaccines (recombinant vaccines, virus vector vaccines), and forecast its broad application prospect and transformation potential in indications.

Who attends




Previous Speakers
  • chief expert of  immunization program,  Chinese Center for  Disease Control and  PreventionHuaqing Wang
    Huaqing Wang
    chief expert of immunization program, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention
    主任医师、 博士生导师、中国疾病预防控制中心免疫规划首席专家、中华预防医学会疫苗与免疫分会主任委员、中国疫苗行业协会预防接种专委会主任委员。主要研究领域为疫苗针对疾病的监测与防控、疫苗效果评价、安全性监测等。在国内外杂志发表论文200余篇, 主持国家传染病重大专项等国家级课题5项。取得省部级成果奖6项。作为主要技术负责人完成国家级方案、规划、工作指南、规范的制定100余项。在我国首次将循证医学的方法理念,应用于免疫策略的制定和疫苗效果的系统评价。
  • professor, Tsinghua  UniversityLinqi Zhang
    Linqi Zhang
    professor, Tsinghua University
  • Director of HIV/AIDS  Department, National  Institutes for Food  and Drug ControlWeijin Huang
    Weijin Huang
    Director of HIV/AIDS Department, National Institutes for Food and Drug Control
  • Professor, School of  Basic Medical Sciences,  Fudan UniversityBin Wang
    Bin Wang
    Professor, School of Basic Medical Sciences, Fudan University
    复旦大学基础医学院特聘教授、艾棣维欣生物执行董事、董事会主席及首席科学家,国际DNA疫苗协会理事、中国疫苗行业协会核酸疫苗分会主任委员,在疫苗研发领域拥有超过30年的经验,和导师David Weiner教授最早发明了DNA疫苗技术。在创新疫苗领域,尤其是DNA疫苗以及创新佐剂方面有着深入的研究,主持并参与了国家“863”重大项目、自然科学基金重点项目、 “十二五”重大新药创制、“十三五”国家传染病防治重大专项、“十四五”重点专项等重要科研课题。设计和参与了多项治疗性疫苗和预防性疫苗的临床试验。
  • vice chairman of  Yunnan Watson  biologicalZhen Huang
    Zhen Huang
    vice chairman of Yunnan Watson biological
    黄镇先生, 1963年生,工程硕士,正高级工程师。现任云南沃森生物副董事长,玉溪沃森董事长,玉溪泽润董事长。 黄镇先生是PCV13的研发负责人,中国结合疫苗研发第一人,从事病毒和细菌性疫苗的研发和生产管理工作四十余年,领导和主持完成了7项国家级、20余项省部级科研项目,是享受国务院政府特殊津贴人员,并获得国家“万人计划”-科技创业领军人才荣誉称号。获得“云南省政府特殊津贴”人员,“云南省优秀民营企业家”,“云南省劳动模范”,“云南省技术创新人才”,“云南省具有突出贡献优秀专业技术人才”,首批“云岭产业技术领军人才”,“云南省第一届工业发展杰出贡献奖”,“‘十一五’省科技计划执行先进个人”等荣誉称号,云南省第十次党代会代表。
  • Vice director of Institute  for Clinical Evaluation of  Vaccines, Jiangsu Provincial  Center for Disease Control  and PreventionJingxin Li
    Jingxin Li
    Vice director of Institute for Clinical Evaluation of Vaccines, Jiangsu Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention
  • Researcher of Institute  of Microbiology,  Chinese Academy  of SciencesLianpan Dai
    Lianpan Dai
    Researcher of Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
    戴连攀,中国科学院微生物所青年研究员, 博士生导师。于武汉大学获得学士学位,中科院微生物所获得硕士学位,德国慕尼黑工业大学获得博士学位。研究方向主要聚焦在:重要病原新型疫苗的设计、开发、 免疫保护机制等相关研究,推动基础研究成果向临床转化。研发了新冠病毒重组蛋白候选疫苗、新型寨卡候选疫苗等新发突发传染病疫苗。主持承担了国家、部委多项科研项目。近五年来,以第一/通讯作者身份在Cell,Cell Host & Microbe, Science Translational Medicine等杂志发表论文多篇,获得多项专利授权,入选中国科学院青年创新促进会,获得中国免疫学会青年学者奖。
  • President and  CMO of Fosun  PharmaceuticalAimin Hui
    Aimin Hui
    President and CMO of Fosun Pharmaceutical
  • Co-founder and CSO  of CanSino BiologicsTao Zhu
    Tao Zhu
    Co-founder and CSO of CanSino Biologics
  • Founder & CEO of  Abogen BiologicsBo Ying
    Bo Ying
    Founder & CEO of Abogen Biologics
  • CMO of Brii  BiosciencesLi Yan
    Li Yan
    CMO of Brii Biosciences
    前葛兰素公司,全球肿瘤临床研发副总裁;美中抗癌协会董事总监;北京大学、韩国延世大学客座教授;中国抗癌协会、中国临床肿瘤协会专业委员会副主委。负责腾盛博药临床研发、药政事务、医学事务、药物安全和其他相关业务,规划和推动全球及中国区的临床研发和注册。曾任默沙东新兴市场行政总监,负责Keytruda等创新药在中国及其他新兴市场的临床研发和上市申报。 毕业于北京大学医学院和堪萨斯大学医学中心,于哈佛医学院波士顿儿童医院进行博士后,任职于北京大学附属北京肿瘤医院和哈佛大学医学院,并于哈佛商学院接受企业高管培训。发表论文和图书章节80余篇。
  • Chairman & CEO of  Stemirna TherapeuticsHangwen Li
    Hangwen Li
    Chairman & CEO of Stemirna Therapeutics
  • Previous Spectacularity

    On December 11-12, 2020, the Chinese Society of Biotechnology and Biomap held the COVID-19 Vaccine/Antibody R&D and Industrialization Forum at Crowne Plaza Kunming City Centre. This conference had more than 580 industry elites to attend, 20 sponsors/exhibitors, 24 reports, 3 topics are fascinating. During the Q&A session, the guests' experience and innovative ideas were highly welcomed by the audience.


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