Dev Together 2022  China Summit

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Dev Together 2022  China Summit

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Dev Together, hosted by SegmentFault, is the first and largest DevRel Summit in China with gathers community managers, developer advocates, DevRel managers, PMM form leading tech companies and commnuities.

We hope to break the communication barriers brought by different companies' backgrounds, exchange and learn from each other on a neutral platform, share openly, talk about the road we've traveled and the pitfalls we've stepped on, and join hands with Dev Together!

In the first summit in 2021, more than 20 experts from international technology giants, cloud computing leaders, high-growth enterprises, open source foundations, and technical communities shared brilliantly on topics such as developer activities, developer operations, user growth, community development and so on, bringing us unique thoughts and practices about developer ecology and DevRel.

This year's summit will be held in person on December 17, 2022, in Beijing. The annual "State of China's Developer Community Survey Report" will also be released at the summit.

We welcome you to join us with your questions, experiences, and methods and together contribute to a better developer ecosystem.

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2022-12-17 21:30
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酒店豪华自助午餐 + 主分论坛参会资格 + 纪念礼包
2023-01-31 00:00
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酒店豪华自助午餐 + 主分论坛参会资格 + 纪念礼包
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2022-12-17 21:30
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Registration will need approval from the organizer.
酒店豪华自助午餐 + 主分论坛及闭门会参会资格 + 纪念礼包,受邀参加闭门晚宴
13:30 - 17:30
Chinese Software Go Global 软件出海实战
13:30 - 17:30
Co-reading of Open-Source Books 开源之书 · 共读活动
13:30 - 17:30
Community Lead Growth 社区驱动增长
13:30 - 17:30
ReInvent DX & DevRel 重塑开发者体验与开发者关系
13:30 - 17:30
Developer Community Operations & Growth 开发者社区运营与增长
13:30 - 17:30
Technical content and Advocation 技术内容与技术布道
18:30 - 21:30
Dev.Together After Party 中国技术先锋颁奖仪式及闭门晚宴
  • The Author of ‘People Powered’ and ‘The Art of Community’Jono Bacon
    Jono Bacon
    The Author of ‘People Powered’ and ‘The Art of Community’
    Jono Bacon is a leading community and collaboration speaker, author, and podcaster. He is the founder of Jono Bacon Consulting which provides community strategy/execution, workflow, and other services. He previously served as director of community at GitHub, Canonical, XPRIZE, and OpenAdvantage. His clients include Huawei, GitLab, Microsoft, Intel, Google, Sony Mobile, Deutsche Bank, Santander, HackerOne, Mattermost, SAP, FINOS Foundation, The Executive Center, data.world, Creative Commons, and others. He is the author of ‘People Powered: How communities can supercharge your business, brand, and teams’ and The Art of Community, a columnist for Forbes and opensource.com, founder of the Community Leadership Summit, founder of Conversations With Bacon, and co-founder of Bad Voltage. He is an advisor to AlienVault, Moltin, data.world, Mycroft, Open Networking Foundation, and Open Cloud Consortium.
  • Co-founder and CEO, SegmentFault & Co-fouder, Answer.devSunny Gao
    Sunny Gao
    Co-founder and CEO, SegmentFault & Co-fouder, Answer.dev
    Co-founder and CEO of SegmentFault, co-founder of the open source Q&A community software Answer, and founder of C14Z Club. He is an expert in developer ecology, a member of the Advisory Board of the KAIYUANSHE, and a mentor of the Tencent OpenSource Alliance. As a young entrepreneur, Gao Yang was selected as one of Forbes China 30U30 in 2014, Bloomberg Businessweek 25U25 in 2015, and Hurun Report Under30s Startup Leaders in 2019.
  • Board Director, KAIYUANSHEEmily Chen
    Emily Chen
    Board Director, KAIYUANSHE
    开源社 2022-2023 年度理事长,曾任 GNOME 基金会董事,GNOME.Asia 创办人,也是微软(亚洲)互联网工程院首席产品经理。开源社拳头项目:COSCon,开源年报,开放黑客松,黑客马拉松, 开源学院的发起人之一。长期持续贡献开源社区,积极推广开源文化、教育、和倡导女性参与开源。
  • SegmentFault 思否 COO,开源社理事长,Answer 联合创始人江波
    SegmentFault 思否 COO,开源社理事长,Answer 联合创始人
    江波 Nadia,SegmentFault 思否运营合伙人兼 COO,开源问答社区软件 Answer 联合创始人,开发者生态专家,关注企业技术品牌传播、开发者生态建设、开源运营及开源治理。现任开源社 2024 年度理事长,是 CCF 中国计算机学会开源发展委员会首批执行委员,中国科协开源技术传播工作委员会委员,中国通信学会开源技术委员会组织秘书,Apache Local Community - Beijing & Hangzhou Chapter 正式成员。
  • Developer Development Operations Director, HuaweiWenlong Xie
    Wenlong Xie
    Developer Development Operations Director, Huawei
    谢文龙,华为开发者发展运营总监,来自华为战略研究院,从事 IT 相关工作 16 年,在软件开发、云计算、AI、物联网、大数据、低代码、Severless等领域有丰富的开发、产品、运营和管理经验。
  • 字节跳动开源委员会首席布道师,Apache 软件基金会董事,ALC Beijing 发起人姜宁
    字节跳动开源委员会首席布道师,Apache 软件基金会董事,ALC Beijing 发起人
    字节跳动开源办公室首席布道师,前华为开源管理中心技术专家,Apache 软件基金 2022年董事,前红帽软件首席软件工程师,Apache本地北京社群(ALC Beijing)发起人,有十余年企业级开源中间件开发经验,有丰富的Java开发和使用经验,函数式编程爱好者。从2006年开始一直从事Apache软基金会开源中间件项目的开发工作,先后参与Apache CXF, Apache Camel,Apache ServiceMix,Apache ServiceComb的开发。对微服务架构,WebServices,Enterprise Integration Pattern,SOA, OSGi有比较深入的研究。
  • Head of Startup Ecosystem, Greater China, Google CloudWarren Li
    Warren Li
    Google Cloud Head of Startup Ecosystem, Greater China, Google Cloud
    Warren目前担任Google Cloud 大中华区初创生态负责人,拥有8+年科技行业从业经验。在加入Google Cloud之前,Warren曾在字节跳动负责其亚太企业发展及投资相关业务。再之前,Warren参与建立的AWS大中华区初创生态团队。在加入科技行业之前,Warren 拥有近10年的战略咨询以及私募股权投资的从业经验。Warren 毕业于IN SEAD商学院,并担任其客座教授。
  • General Manager, Science and Technology Centre, People's Posts and Telecommunications PressTao Liu
    Tao Liu
    General Manager, Science and Technology Centre, People's Posts and Telecommunications Press
  • Head of DevRel, Alibaba CloudJinyu Meng
    Jinyu Meng
    Head of DevRel, Alibaba Cloud
  • Senior Developer Operations Specialist, Amazon Web ServicesYue Guo
    Yue Guo
    Senior Developer Operations Specialist, Amazon Web Services
    Senior developer operations expert at Amazon Web Services, with over 11 years of Internet experience, of which nearly 7 years focused on developer relations, developer community and eco-operations, including open source projects and public cloud vendor technical community operations. She has built the Baidu Apollo self-driving developer community and the JD Cloud developer community from 0 to 1, and is responsible for the technical influence.
  • Founder, Startogether CommunityJerry Tan
    Jerry Tan
    Founder, Startogether Community
    He is the founder of Startogether open source community, the deputy secretary general of China Open Source Promotion Alliance, and member of the ASF.
  • CMO, AroundDealTim Zhang
    Tim Zhang
    AroundDeal CMO, AroundDeal
    Tim is the CMO of AroundDeal. He has nearly 10 years of B2B SaaS experience and has been the marketing director of several SaaS companies, achieving product growth from 0 to 1. In-depth research on global growth in B2B technology industry and overseas customer acquisition methods in SaaS industry. AroundDeal is a global business information SaaS platform necessary for the global growth of B2B enterprises, dedicated to helping B2B enterprises link global business opportunities through data. AroundDeal is based on a billion global corporate contact database, helping users to filter through fields such as country, industry, sector and grade to obtain target contact data, reach out precisely at low cost, improve corporate marketing ROI and easily develop global markets.
  • Member, the Apache FoundationWilliam Guo
    William Guo
    Member, the Apache Foundation
    Member of Apache Foundation, Mentor of Apache Incubator, Founder of ClickHouse Chinese Community, PMC of Apache Dolphin Scheduler, Mentor of Apache SeaTunnel(incubating). He has been selected as one of the 33 China Open Source Pioneers and China's Outstanding Open Source People of 2021. Wei Guo graduated from Peking University, was CTO of analysys, Director of Big Data in Lenovo Research Institute, General Manager of Wanda E-Commerce Data Department, and has held important positions in CIMB, IBM, and Teradata , making outstanding contributions to Big Data frontier research. At the same time, Wei Guo has participated in many technical communities, such as Presto, Alluxio, Hbase, etc. He is a leading figure in domestic open-source communities. Wei Guo is the vice chairman of China Software Industry Association's Intelligent Application Service Branch, vice president of the Global SME Entrepreneurship Federation, president of TGO Beijing Chapter, and a distinguished digital technology figure in Tiger's 10 years.
  • SphereEx, Director - Global Operations & Apache ShardingSphere CommitterYacine Si Tayeb
    Yacine Si Tayeb
    SphereEx SphereEx, Director - Global Operations & Apache ShardingSphere Committer
    Passionate about technology and innovation, Yacine moved to Beijing to pursue his Ph.D., and fell in awe of the local startup and tech scene. His career path has so far been shaped by opportunities at the intersection of technology and business. He serves as the Director of Global Operations at SphereEx, and took on a keen interest in the development of the ShardingSphere Big Data & database ecosystem, and open source community building. He is a Committer at the Apache ShardingSphere community, and collaborated on numerous projects to "Go Global" with the community, such as co-authoring the internationally published book "A Definitive Guide to Apache ShardingSphere", establishing global community partnerships and contributing to international publications such as RedHat, StackOverflow, Hackernoon and more.
  • Senior Operations Specialist of Open Platform, DingTalkXianLie Zhao
    XianLie Zhao
    钉钉开放平台 Senior Operations Specialist of Open Platform, DingTalk
    Zhao Xianlie (Lie Shen), graduated from Chang'an University in 2009 with a degree in computer science, has worked in Baidu, Meilishuo, QuDian, engaged in technical work for more than 10 years; passionate about open source, and also an active member of GitHub. He joined DingTalk in 2020, and is the senior expert of DingTalk open platform & developer ecology, responsible for open platform, building DingTalk PaaS and developer ecology from 0 to 1.
  • Chinese translator of
    Wei Sir
    Chinese translator of "The Cathedral and the Bazaar", main author of "卫sir说"
    《大教堂与集市》中文译者,公众号 “卫sir说”主笔
  • Board Member, KAIYUANSHEBiaowei Zhuang
    Biaowei Zhuang
    Board Member, KAIYUANSHE


  • Deputy Chief Developer Operations Expert, Huawei & Developer Operations Director of HarmonyOS, HuaweiBaowei Qi
    Baowei Qi
    Deputy Chief Developer Operations Expert, Huawei & Developer Operations Director of HarmonyOS, Huawei
    现任华为HarmonyOS 开发者运营总监,开放原子基金会OpenHarmony基础设施组组长,前阿里巴巴高级运营专家,前百度资深产品运营经理,中国第一批个人站长,连续 9 年微软最有价值专家。 二十年互联网从业经历,研发出身,在百度、阿里近十年中专注于开发者生态的运营。 2012~2020 年间,在百度先后负责百度云 / 百度开发者创业中心 / 轻应用 / 直达号 / 大数据 / 小度智能音箱 / 百度小程序开源联盟等业务的开发者生态运营工作,2006~2012 年间,负责 ITPUB 及 IXPUB 技术社区的运营及管理,中国系统架构师大会(SACC)及中国数据库技术大会(DTCC)创始人,《网管家族》及《黑客手记》作者。
  • General Manager, TGO, GeekbangAriel Yang
    Ariel Yang
    General Manager, TGO, Geekbang
    Ariel Yang is the General Manager of TGO, Geekbang Technology. He is a well-known technology entrepreneur in China and an expert in large-scale and high-concurrent communication and social platforms, with over 10 years of experience in R&D, design and operation of large-scale instant messaging products and large-scale social products. He is the co-founder and former CTO of RongYun, former VP of Strategy and Developer Relations of TOS Data, and former President of TGO Kunpeng Club Beijing. He is currently focusing on building a community of technology leaders and operating a developer community.
  • Director, Information Technology Publishing Branch, Science and Technology Publishing Centre, People's Posts and Telecommunications PressJikang Chen
    Jikang Chen
    Director, Information Technology Publishing Branch, Science and Technology Publishing Centre, People's Posts and Telecommunications Press
    陈冀康,人民邮电出版社科技出版中心信息技术出版分社社长。目前主要从事信息技术类图书出版管理工作,策划过《C 和 C++实务精选》《Primer Plus》《移动开发系列图书》《游戏设计与开发》《深度学习》《国外著名高等院校信息科学与技术优秀教材》等系列图书,责编过《C Primer Plus 中文版(第五版)》《Spring 实战(第四版)》《人工智能(第2版)》《操作系统导论》等畅销图书。 其中《C Primer Plus 中文版(第五版)》和《深度学习》的累计印刷册数分别超过30万册。《人工智能(第2版)》《操作系统导论》分别连续两届获得中国出版协会的“引进版本优秀图书奖”,给出版社社会效益加1分。 发表过《浅谈计算机图书引进和出版的编辑能力》《引进版图书翻译注意事项》《从云计算到大数据,看技术书出版规律》等文章。入选《中国图书商报》“2006年度十大IT图书年度策划人”,入选51CTO和《中国图书商报》联合评选的“2008年度IT图书最佳编辑”,入选51CTO评选的2012年度IT图书最佳编辑。多次被评为人民邮电出版社“优秀青年”,2014年12月,入选人民邮电出版社首批出版专业领军人才,最佳邮电出版人。2020年,入选中国工信出版集团名编辑出版家培养计划成熟期。
  • Author, The Open Source WayJiansheng Li
    Jiansheng Li
    Author, The Open Source Way
    Linux基金会亚太区开源布道者团队主席,Apache Local community Beijing 成员, 中国信通院云大所开源个人专家,CCF 开源技术丛书编委会委员。
  • Ex-Senior DevRel Operations Director, HuaweiJianhua Dong
    Jianhua Dong
    Ex-Senior DevRel Operations Director, Huawei
    16 年 IT 软件产品和生态发展专家,微软工程院云服务创新产品经理,阿里云和华为开发者生态战略和开发者生态运营高级总监。
  • 华为云开发者联盟开发者技术布道师、 华为云 DTSE 教练徐毅
    华为云开发者联盟开发者技术布道师、 华为云 DTSE 教练
    华为云开发者联盟技术布道师、技术服务 DTSE,华为云 DevSecOps 生态专家、华为研发能力中心特聘敏捷专家顾问,逾 20 年行业经验,2020 年~2022 年期间负责华为云 PaaS 领域开发者生态工作。业内知名敏捷教练及顾问、国家标准编写专家,CAC 中国敏姐企业联盟副秘书长兼专家委员,全国信标委软工分委会副组长单位,EXIN EPG 智库成员,曾任职于诺基亚、惠普、IBM 负责敏捷及 DevOps 相关工作,《福格行为模型》、《做对产品》等 10+ 本书籍译者。
  • Founder, SuperusVictor Zhang
    Victor Zhang
    Superus Founder, Superus
    张睿楠(Victor): Superus 创始人
  • Partner and Product Head, ForkWenrui Zhang
    Wenrui Zhang
    Fork Partner and Product Head, Fork
    Wenrui Zhang is Fork's partner and product head, leading the team to complete the mainstream SDK annotation and early technology stack data specification, helping Fork Stack accumulate significant data assets. She led the product design and commercialization of Fork Stack from 0 to 1 and successfully delivered substantial clients such as Agora, Qiniu, and more.
  • Director of AI Developer Ecology, Huawei Cloud & Co-founder, KAIYUANSHERichard Lin
    Richard Lin
    Director of AI Developer Ecology, Huawei Cloud & Co-founder, KAIYUANSHE
    Richard has worked in the developer and open-source ecosystem for 14 years and is experienced in business and corporate strategy based on the technology ecosystem. He specializes in developer ecosystem operations, technology branding, and open-source governance. He has built and implemented the developer ecosystem from zero to one and has been pulling developers to build applications based on the platform ecosystem.
  • Brand Director, Tencent-BestImageYun Qi
    Yun Qi
    Brand Director, Tencent-BestImage
    腾讯优图实验室品牌总监,拥有十二年以上相关市场运营经验,于2017年加入腾讯,现负责腾讯优图实验室的品牌建设工作,拥有toG、to B领域的丰富经验。作为腾讯Light项目发起人,从0到1孵化腾讯Light项目,作为腾讯标杆的技术公益项目,自2020年举办以来,已经成功举办两届,受到广大开发者和公益爱好者的好评,腾讯light通过开放腾讯云上积累多年的AI技术,携手广大开发者和热心公益人士,共同解决社会问题,用AI助力可持续社会发展。
  • Head of DevRel and Marketing Operations, ZillizChen Li
    Chen Li
    Zilliz Head of DevRel and Marketing Operations, Zilliz
    Zilliz 开发者关系及市场运营负责人,Linux Foundation APAC Evangelist。曾任开源中国社区负责人,Linux Foundation 开源软件学园运营负责人。多年来从事开源项目和社区的组织、管理工作,有着丰富的市场和运营经验,策划及参与执行多个国内外顶级基金会在国内的落地和生态拓展工作。
  • Head of Operations, OSPPMeng Li
    Meng Li
    开源之夏 Head of Operations, OSPP
    Operation Head of Open Source Summer
  • Core Organizer, China DevOps CommunityZheng Liu
    Zheng Liu
    Core Organizer, China DevOps Community
    DevOps/SRE evangelist, focused on building the DevOps community in China for many years, dedicated to spreading DevOps/SRE related technologies, concepts and practices. translator of DevOps Handbook and The Site Reliability Workbook.
  • Member, KAIYUANSHE & Core Organizer of COSCon, ApacheCon Asia, PyCon, RustConf, etc.Yin Xu
    Yin Xu
    开源社 Member, KAIYUANSHE & Core Organizer of COSCon, ApacheCon Asia, PyCon, RustConf, etc.
    He is a core member of open source communities such as KAIYUANSHE, PyChina, ALC Beijing, Rustcc, etc. He has been involved in open source community contributions for a long time and has successfully held many summits such as COSCon, PyCon China, ApacheCon Asia, RustChina Conf, etc. He was the Operations Manager of Huawei Cloud AI Developer Community.
  • Developer Advocate, NebulaGraphSiwei Gu
    Siwei Gu
    Developer Advocate, NebulaGraph
  • Founder & CEO, DataWhaleJingjing Fan
    Jingjing Fan
    Founder & CEO, DataWhale
    Founder and CEO of DataWhale
  • Head of Global, API7.aiZhiyuan Ju
    Zhiyuan Ju
    Head of Global, API7.ai
    Apache Member, freeCodeCamp core organizer. He follows and is active in the open source community.
  • Community Manager, StreamNativetison
    Community Manager, StreamNative
    Community Manager of StreamNative, Apache Member & Incubator Mentor, Author of 夜天之书
  • Community Head, HyperAIYang Bai
    Yang Bai
    Community Head, HyperAI
    Yang Bai (community ID 三羊) is the head of HyperAI Community, formerly worked at Juejin and ByteDance, and is a member of the CLUE Foundation.
  • Product Operation Head of R&D tools and APM, Volcano EngineXudong Zhao
    Xudong Zhao
    Product Operation Head of R&D tools and APM, Volcano Engine
    Xudong Zhao is the head of Volcano Engine R&D Tools and APM Product Operations, with ten years of practical experience in marketing, product growth, and operations. He built the developer tool product operation system from 0 to 1 and promoted product growth through systematic and process-oriented capacity building. Before joining ByteDance, he worked for Netease and Huawei and was the initiator of the Huawei HCDG developer community.
  • DevOps Developer Advocate, GitLab & Open Source Evangelist, LFAPACJinghe Ma
    Jinghe Ma
    DevOps Developer Advocate, GitLab & Open Source Evangelist, LFAPAC
    LFAPAC open source evangelist, OpenSSF China working group deputy leader, and Cloud Native Community Management Committee member. He focuses on Cloud Native & DevSecOps fields and does DevOps & Open Source evangelism-related work. He has shared at China DevOps Community Summit, TiD, GOTC, QECon, OID, and other conferences. In the past two years, he has participated and initiated several open-source-related events, such as the first CDF meetup, Dalian Cloud Native meetup & Technology Open Day, etc.
  • DevRel Specialist, International Division, Alibaba CloudSteve Wang
    Steve Wang
    阿里云 DevRel Specialist, International Division, Alibaba Cloud
    Wang Xing is currently the Head of Developer Relations in AliCloud's International Business Unit, responsible for AliCloud's developer projects, activities and events overseas. He has 10 years of experience in technical media, technical marketing and developer operations, and has worked at Baidu AIG Marketing and Lenovo Comet Labs. He started and ran Hardware 599, the largest hardware event community in Silicon Valley.
  • Content Strategist, StreamNativeSherlock Xu
    Sherlock Xu
    Content Strategist, StreamNative
    Sherlock has written and reviewed English documentation for various enterprise SaaS, CCaaS, and PaaS products. He was a final reviewer for a Fortune 500 localization team and was formerly the localization, documentation, and content Head for the KubeSphere, an open-source container platform. He is a DZone Silver writer, a Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA), a Certified Application Developer (CKAD), and Certified Security Specialist (CKS) at the Linux Foundation.
  • Founder, JinJinLeDao Podcast NetworkFeng Zhu
    Feng Zhu
    Founder, JinJinLeDao Podcast Network
  • Head of Marketing, Jina AILisa Li
    Lisa Li
    Jina AI Head of Marketing, Jina AI
    Senior Marketing Manager at Jina AI
  • Host, Open Source F2FXing Wei
    Xing Wei
    开源面对面 Host, Open Source F2F
  • Evangelist, Open Source F2FRick
    开源面对面 Evangelist, Open Source F2F
    Rick is a developer and amateur open-source evangelist. He focuses on open-source, cloud-native, and privacy computing, and has been deeply involved in communities such as Jenkins and KubeSphere.
  • Partnership
    Dev Together 2022  China Summit
    Dev Together 2022  China Summit
    Dev Together 2022  China Summit
    Dev Together 2022  China Summit
    Dev Together 2022  China Summit
    Dinner Party
    Dev Together 2022  China Summit
    Dev Together 2022  China Summit
    Dev Together 2022  China Summit
    Dev Together 2022  China Summit
    Dev Together 2022  China Summit
    Dev Together 2022  China Summit
    Dev Together 2022  China Summit
    Dev Together 2022  China Summit
    Dev Together 2022  China Summit
    Dev Together 2022  China Summit
    Dev Together 2022  China Summit
    Dev Together 2022  China Summit
    Community Treasure Box Bazaar
    Dev Together 2022  China Summit
    Dev Together 2022  China Summit
    Dev Together 2022  China Summit
    Dev Together 2022  China Summit
    Dev Together 2022  China Summit
    Dev Together 2022  China Summit
    Dev Together 2022  China Summit
    Friendly Community
    Dev Together 2022  China Summit
    Dev Together 2022  China Summit
    Dev Together 2022  China Summit
    Dev Together 2022  China Summit
    Dev Together 2022  China Summit
    Dev Together 2022  China Summit
    Dev Together 2022  China Summit
    Dev Together 2022  China Summit
    Dev Together 2022  China Summit
    Dev Together 2022  China Summit
    Dev Together 2022  China Summit
    Dev Together 2022  China Summit
    Dev Together 2022  China Summit
    Dev Together 2022  China Summit
    Dev Together 2022  China Summit
    Dev Together 2022  China Summit
    Dev Together 2022  China Summit
    Dev Together 2022  China Summit
    Dev Together 2022  China Summit
    Dev Together 2022  China Summit
    Dev Together 2022  China Summit
    Dev Together 2022  China Summit
    Dev Together 2022  China Summit
    Dev Together 2022  China Summit
    Dev Together 2022  China Summit