OSPO Summit 2022-EN

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OSPO Summit 2022-EN

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The summit will focus on the successful practices of Upstream First and the work of OSPO. The OSPO leaders from various enterprises such as HUAWEI, ByteDance, Ant Group, etc. will bring the above topics and we will also invite international experts such as Dr. Ibrahim Haddad and representatives of various open source foundations to give us international leading points. TODO Group manager Ana will share how to build OSPO in enterprise. OpenChain Project General Manager Shane Coughlan will share how OpenChain standards have built trust in the supply chain since 2016.

In addition to the sessions, we will also have many open discussion sections where attendees can choose from the following discussion groups based on their working background and requirements.

  • Engineering: Upstream First, cost reduction and efficiency, from 996 to 711, DevSecOps

  • Management/Culture: Enterprise Architecture Research, Open Source Culture, Enterprise, and Open Source Community, HR, OKR & KPI

  • Compliance and Assets: License, Supply Chain, SBOM, Accounting Assessment

  • Climbing the ladder: jump-start development, project community building, collaboration between enterprises to drive participants, becoming a leader in the open source world

We will do our best to ensure the high quality of this summit, avoid all kinds of advertising and strictly select the speeches.

We warmly welcome you to join us, as long as you are interested in building enterprise OSPO and the development of open source locally and globally. The Summit website is currently under development, so for more information please follow our core contributors on Twitter.(@zhiqiangyu, @lijiansheng1, @jiangbonadia) If you are interested in community collaboration and sponsoring us, you can contact me by email: nadia.jiangbo@gmail.com

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2023-03-24 17:00
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含 Keynote、分论坛、主题圈讨论、工作午餐和晚宴等环节
2023-03-24 17:00
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By invitation only
2023-03-24 17:00
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Registration will need approval from the organizer.
Tickets can only be acquired by invitation code.
SPEAKER 大会讲师门票
By invitation only
2023-03-24 17:00
Sold Out
Registration will need approval from the organizer.
Tickets can only be acquired by invitation code.
  • OpenInfra Foundation VP of Marketing & CommunityAllison Price
    Allison Price
    OpenInfra Foundation OpenInfra Foundation VP of Marketing & Community
    Allison is the VP of Marketing & Community at the OpenInfra Foundation (previously the OpenStack Foundation). Her mission is to continue the storytelling of the global community by building relationships with the developers, operators and ecosystem around global open source communities.
  • TODO Group OSPO Program ManagerAna Jiménez Santamaría
    Ana Jiménez Santamaría
    TODO Group OSPO Program TODO Group OSPO Program Manager
    Ana is the OSPO Program Manager at the TODO Group, a Linux Foundation project and open community of practitioners who aim to create and share knowledge, collaborate on practices, tools, and other ways to run successful and effective Open Source Program Offices. Formerly she worked at Bitergia, a Software Development Analytics firm, and she has recently finished her MSc in Data Science, whose final thesis focused on measuring DevRel’s success within Open Source development communities. Ana is really interested in Open Source, InnerSource, and community metrics. She has been a speaker at some international conferences such as GitHub Universe, FOSSBackstage Berlin, Open Compliance Summit Japan, DevRelCon Tokyo, OpenInfraDays, DevRelCon London, ISC Summit or OSSummit (Japan, Europe and NA). During her spare time, you can find Ana practicing yoga, illustrating or learning japanese.
  • Red Hat OSPO Community ManagerBrian Proffitt
    Brian Proffitt
    Red Hat OSPO Community Red Hat OSPO Community Manager
    Brian Proffitt is the Manager of the Community Insights team within Red Hat’s Open Source Program Office, focusing on content generation, community metrics, and special projects. Brian’s experience with community management includes knowledge of community onboarding, community health, and business alignment. Prior to joining Red Hat in 2014, he was a technology journalist with a focus on Linux and open source, and the author of 22 consumer technology books.
  • Linux Foundation, Vice President, Strategic Programs (AI)Ibrahim Haddad, Ph.D.
    Ibrahim Haddad, Ph.D.
    Linux Foundation Linux Foundation, Vice President, Strategic Programs (AI)
    Dr. Ibrahim Haddad is Vice President of Strategic Programs (AI) at the Linux Foundation. In this role, he leads the LF AI & Data Foundation and the PyTorch Foundation. Throughout his career, Haddad held technology and portfolio management roles at Ericsson Research, the Open Source Development Labs, Motorola, Palm, Hewlett-Packard, the Linux Foundation, and Samsung Research.
  • Linux Foundation 亚太区策略总监Keith Chan
    Keith Chan
    Linux Foundation 亚太区策略总监
    Keith(陈泽辉)在 IT 行业已有 20 多年的经历,他出生于香港,拥有英国工商管理硕士学位。自 1997 年以来,他从参与 IP 堆栈网络到专注于 IT 安全解决方案。他一直在帮助亚太地区许多企业在全球部署安全解决方案。自 2009 年以来,他进入了开源领域。他帮助大中华区许多公司制定了更好的开源管理和战略,涵盖银行和金融、高科技等。作为大中华区的总经理,他成功帮助超过 40 家海外公司在亚太地区引进最新技术。他现在是 Linux 基金会亚太区战略规划总监,帮助 Linux 基金会在大中华区推广开源。
  • Board Member of CHAOSS ProjectMatt Germonprez
    Matt Germonprez
    CHAOSS Project Board Member of CHAOSS Project
    Matt Germonprez is the Mutual of Omaha Distinguished Chair of Information Science & Technology and Professor of Information Systems and Quantitative Analysis in the College of Information Science & Technology at the University of Nebraska Omaha. He uses qualitative field-studies to research corporate engagement with open communities and the dynamics of work found in these engagements. His lines of research have been funded by numerous organizations including the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the National Science Foundation, the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, and Mozilla. Matt is the co-founder of the Linux Foundation Community Health Analytics OSS Project (CHAOSS). He has had work accepted at ISR, MISQ, JAIS, JIT, ISJ, I&O, CSCW, OpenSym, Group, HICSS, IEEE Computer, and ACM Interactions. Matt is an active open source community member, having presented design and development work at LinuxCon, the Open Source Summit NA, the Linux Foundation Open Compliance Summit, the Linux Foundation Collaboration Summit, and the Open Source Leadership Summit.
  • General Manager,OpenChain ProjectShane Coughlan
    Shane Coughlan
    General Manager,OpenChain Project
    Shane Coughlan is an expert in communication, security and business development. His professional accomplishments include building the largest open source governance community in the world through the OpenChain Project, spearheading the licensing team that elevated Open Invention Network into the largest patent non-aggression community in history and establishing the first global network for open source legal experts. He is a founder of both the first law journal and the first law book dedicated to open source. He currently leads the OpenChain Project, acts as an advisor to both World Mobile and Asylum Labs, and is a General Assembly Member of OpenForum Europe.
  • 字节跳动开源委员会首席布道师,Apache 软件基金会董事,ALC Beijing 发起人姜宁
    字节跳动开源委员会首席布道师,Apache 软件基金会董事,ALC Beijing 发起人
    字节跳动开源办公室首席布道师,前华为开源管理中心技术专家,Apache 软件基金 2022年董事,前红帽软件首席软件工程师,Apache本地北京社群(ALC Beijing)发起人,有十余年企业级开源中间件开发经验,有丰富的Java开发和使用经验,函数式编程爱好者。从2006年开始一直从事Apache软基金会开源中间件项目的开发工作,先后参与Apache CXF, Apache Camel,Apache ServiceMix,Apache ServiceComb的开发。对微服务架构,WebServices,Enterprise Integration Pattern,SOA, OSGi有比较深入的研究。
  • Huawei EngineerKun Gao
    Kun Gao
    华为 Huawei Engineer
  • Deputy Director of the Open Source and Software Security Department of the Institute of  Cloud Computing and Big Data, China Academy of Information and Communications TechnologyXue Guo
    Xue Guo
    中国信通院 Deputy Director of the Open Source and Software Security Department of the Institute of Cloud Computing and Big Data, China Academy of Information and Communications Technology


  • Head of Ant Open Source OfficeSikang bian
    Sikang bian
    蚂蚁集团 Head of Ant Open Source Office
    蚂蚁集团开源业务总监,开源办公室负责人。多年技术人,曾在Microsoft,Square 等硅谷技术公司担任工程师及项目负责人。
  • 中兴通讯开源战略总监胡捷
  • Huawei Open Source Strategy ExpertJie Liu
    Jie Liu
    华为 Huawei Open Source Strategy Expert
  • Huawei EngineerYehui Wang
    Yehui Wang
    华为 Huawei Engineer
  • Intel Open Source EvangelistAilin (杨爱林)
    Ailin (杨爱林)
    Intel Intel Open Source Evangelist
    Intel 工程师,致力于 “英特尔®云原生” 和基础设施软件系统开源生态合作、客户合作和产品落地。同时兼 Cloud hypervisor 开源项目 (https://cloudhypervisor.org/) 社区经理,和 Linux 基金会亚太地区 CNCF 开源技术与项目开源布道师
  • Director of Linux Foundation APACXuan Yang
    Xuan Yang
    Linux Foundation APAC Director of Linux Foundation APAC
    任职Linux基金会亚太总监,负责中国区开源安全基金会、人工智能与大数据基金会、边缘计算基金会以及开源人才发展等领域的生态发展。在软件行业拥有超过20年的经验,曾在多家大型国际软件企业和组织担任中国区首席代表, 在企业软件安全、应用开发、企业数字化转型实践、以及开源社区运营和治理等方面有丰富的经验。
  • 同济大学计算机博士生赵生宇
    同济大学计算机博士生,X-lab 核心成员。OpenDigger 项目发起人。长期致力于开源社区的数字化度量、开源社区协作理论研究。
  • Head of Governance and Operation of ByteDance Open Source Committee, Deputy General Manager of Volcano EngineXin Zhang
    Xin Zhang
    字节跳动 Head of Governance and Operation of ByteDance Open Source Committee, Deputy General Manager of Volcano Engine
    张鑫,字节跳动开源委员会治理运营负责人,火山引擎副总经理。原才云科技 CEO(连续入选杭州准独角兽企业),曾是美国谷歌资深软件工程师,6 次获得谷歌副总裁和总监颁发的即时奖励。曾作为技术带头人从事谷歌容器化集群管理系统的研发,自动化管理 95% 以上的谷歌数据中心服务器,并最早参与了谷歌公有云的产品设计与研发。 张鑫在美国卡内基梅隆大学(CMU)获得计算机博士学位,期间在分布式系统和网络安全领域的顶级国际会议发表学术论文数十篇,被引用上千次;研究成果曾被美国 Economist、英国 BBC、瑞士 RTS 电视台等国际媒体报道。张鑫曾获“海归科技创业者 100 人”、“清华大学优秀毕业生”等称号,并入选清华五道口金融学院学员。
  • OpenChain中国社区主席孙振华
  • Marketing Director, Greater China, Red HatMax Zhao
    Max Zhao
    红帽(Red Hat) Marketing Director, Greater China, Red Hat
  • Red Hat Chief ArchitectJiaju Zhang
    Jiaju Zhang
    Red Hat Red Hat Chief Architect
    张家驹 红帽大中华区首席架构师 热衷于开源软件及开源社区,对Linux操作系统、分布式、存储及高可用性、虚拟化、云计算等有近20年的产品研发、架构设计及团队管理经验,曾在知名外企及国内ICT领导企业担任首席架构师、技术总监、中国区技术负责人等职。此外,作为独立贡献者,曾发起开源项目并在国际上成功推广,是中国Linux操作系统及开源云计算领域知名的贡献者及布道者。
  • Schedule
    09:00 -10:30
    Keynote 主题演讲

    Welcome Speech

    OSPO Summit 2022-EN
    Zhiqiang Yu
    Open Source Advocate
    OSPO Summit 2022-EN
    SegmentFault 思否 COO,开源社理事长,Answer 联合创始人

    Foundation Representative's Oration:Linux Foundation APAC

    OSPO Summit 2022-EN
    Keith Chan
    Linux Foundation 亚太区策略总监

    Foundation Representative's Oration: Linux Foundation OpenInfra

    OSPO Summit 2022-EN
    Haoyang Li
    OpenInfra Foundation China Manager

    Foundation Representative's Oration: Apache Software Foundation

    OSPO Summit 2022-EN
    字节跳动开源委员会首席布道师,Apache 软件基金会董事,ALC Beijing 发起人

    How TODO Group help build your own OSPO : Minimum Viable OSPO for Open Source Continuity

    Open Source Program Offices serve many organizations to provide strategy and alignment for an organization’s open source efforts and ensure open source  continuity in the long term. Managing open source in an organization is a broad, dynamic, and complex topic requiring a wide scope of skills, responsibilities, and ways of working - making it hard to get a complete overview that can be shared with the wider organization or help you with managing your OSPO.

    This presentation shares a set of recommendations and best practices to build your minimum viable OSPO (MVO), and how to ensure it aligns with the organization’s  processes, work environment, and structure. Also, this presentation provides a list of existing resources and tools from the TODO Group and sister open source  communities (e.g the OSPO Mind Map) to use to help implement an OSPO strategy.

    The audience will leave with a step-by-step MVO checklist to take you from idea to proposal, to better communicate the value of adopting a strategic posture around open source within your organization.

    OSPO Summit 2022-EN
    Ana Jiménez Santamaría
    TODO Group OSPO Program Manager

    OSPO Q&A with lbrahim Haddad

    Ibrahim Haddad established and led several OSPOs during his career. In today's talk, he will give us a broad overview of best practices and recommendations to build and run an OSPO effectively. He is the author of several books on the topic of enterprise open source. You can download all his books for free from his website ibrahimatlinux.com.

    OSPO Summit 2022-EN
    Ibrahim Haddad, Ph.D.
    Linux Foundation, Vice President, Strategic Programs (AI)

    OSPO Group Mission "Driving Organisations to Embrace Open Source and Accelerate Enterprise Open Source Collaboration"

    OSPO Summit 2022-EN
    Kuo Si
    「Open Source Way」Primary Author
    10:30 -12:30
    Session A: Upstream First Practice

    The Path of The Open Source: No Matter How Distant The Goal is, as Long as We Vigorous and Determined Endeavor and Start From Where We Are

    Huawei has been giving back to the upstream community at scale since Linux kernel version 3.3 (2012). This  talk will share the changes and adaptation process from strategy, organization, development process, and    talent team within the enterprise during the transition from using open source to contributing to open source.

    OSPO Summit 2022-EN
    Jie Liu
    Huawei Open Source Strategy Expert

    ZTE Open Source Management Work Practice

    This presentation introduces the various challenges ZTE has experienced in open source management, attempts to improve initiatives, and hopes to receive advice and support from peers.

    OSPO Summit 2022-EN

    Upstream First Practice at Intel ®

    Intel® was one of the earlier companies to embrace open source and participate in open source contributions. The company's vision of open source is to enable explosive innovation by creating and participating in open standards organizations that benefit Intel's products and technologies, by creating and contributing to fundamental open source software projects that benefit the Intel ecosystem, and by facilitating the expansion of the company's business through the power of the open community development model. Based on this vision, Upstream First has been a fundamental philosophy for the company and every software engineer on the road to open source for nearly 20 years. This keynote will introduce how Upstream First works at Intel®, how the company's open source organization is structured, and which open source projects are working with this philosophy, and finally share with you how to gain the trust and influence of the community in the process of open source contribution, which we often talk about as trust and reputation.

    OSPO Summit 2022-EN
    Ailin (杨爱林)
    Intel Open Source Evangelist

    Introducing Open Organizational Culture

    This talk is for those who understand that their organization must evolve and transform in light of changing market conditions and increased competition, and is looking to understand what change means from an organizational culture perspective. Attendees seek examples of organizational structures and cultures different from their own. In this presentation, Brian Proffitt will explain the nature, function, and importance of organizational culture, as well as describe the relationship between open source software communities and open organizational cultures. The basic practices involved in working openly will also be reviewed.

    OSPO Summit 2022-EN
    Brian Proffitt
    Red Hat OSPO Community Manager
    12:30 -13:30
    Lunch & Watching Videos

    OpenInfra Foundation's formula for buildings successful open source projects and communities

    OSPO Summit 2022-EN
    Allison Price
    OpenInfra Foundation VP of Marketing & Community

    The CHAOSS Project: Working with OSPOs

    What is CHAOSS

    Why OSPOs Matter to CHAOSS

    Current Efforts in CHAOSS

    Closing Remarks

    OSPO Summit 2022-EN
    Matt Germonprez
    Board Member of CHAOSS Project

    Open source process management: standards for licensing, security and more

    Open source software can be extremely effective when it is well managed. However, to get maximum benefit, it is important to have good management processes. This talk will explain the ISO standard for open source license compliance, a new standard for security assurance, and other global solutions for the supply chain.

    OSPO Summit 2022-EN
    Shane Coughlan
    General Manager,OpenChain Project
    13:30 -15:10
    Session Speech B:OSPO Work Practices

    ByteDance's Open Source Journey and Value Thinking

    Since 2015, ByteDance has begun to explore active open source, and in 2022, ByteDance officially announced the establishment of the Open Source Committee, which means that the importance of open source strategy in ByteDance has been further enhanced, and at the same time, ByteDance open source will gradually move from being driven by engineers to an organized "regular army".

    OSPO Summit 2022-EN
    Xin Zhang
    Head of Governance and Operation of ByteDance Open Source Committee, Deputy General Manager of Volcano Engine

    Introduction to the OSPO Maturity Measurement Model of the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology

    In recent years, the open source movement has played an integral role in the proliferation of information technology. With its model of free sharing and development of computer software, the open source movement has had an extraordinary impact on the development pattern of the world's information industry. Open source has become a popular trend among enterprises, and has also become a strategic direction and business model for them. Although the current level of enterprise open source use is steadily increasing, there is still a certain degree of risk, and the awareness of open source norms and normative processes needs to be urgently enhanced. The China Academy of Information and Communication Research has compiled the OSPO Maturity Model to focus on the practical experience of OSPO, to measure the development status and trend of OSPO in China in terms of development background, responsibility structure and application effectiveness, and to measure the development path, long-term positioning, organisational structure, daily work and internal and external effectiveness of OSPO in China, as well as to gather excellent practical cases of OSPO in Chinese enterprises to promote Chinese enterprises It also brings together the best practices of OSPO in China, and promotes the development of OSPO in China to a new stage.

    OSPO Summit 2022-EN
    Xue Guo
    Deputy Director of the Open Source and Software Security Department of the Institute of Cloud Computing and Big Data, China Academy of Information and Communications Technology

    OpenRank – An Open Source Community —— A Contributed Computing Methodology

    This presentation will introduce a collaborative network-based contribution calculation method for open source communities. Based on this statistical method, a series of mechanisms such as contribution ranking, point exchange, contribution rebate, role mining and other related mechanisms can be built to help the community to operate digitally and attract more developers to participate in building open source communities together.

    OSPO Summit 2022-EN

    OSPO Methodology, Practice and Iteration of Talent View

    Ant Group is now in its third year of establishing OSPO. If we went from 0 to 1 in 2021, and 1 to 5 in 2022, we are now in our third year in 2023. There have been several iterations of methodology, practice and view of talent. I look forward to sharing this journey with OSPO practitioners, colliding and exchanging ideas to make the next journey possible.

    OSPO Summit 2022-EN
    Sikang bian
    Head of Ant Open Source Office

    Improve Developers' Integration into the Community and Experience Engineering Ability Sharing

    A developer's perspective on what to look for when participating in the community, using open source software, and how to solve the above problems with tools and services to enhance the developer experience.

    OSPO Summit 2022-EN
    Kun Gao
    Huawei Engineer
    OSPO Summit 2022-EN
    Yehui Wang
    Huawei Engineer
    15:10 -15:30
    Snack & Chat
    15:30 -18:00
    Panel Discussions

    Discussion: Engineering Circle

      Focus on upstream first, cost reduction and efficiency, from 996 and 711 work culture, DevSecOps

    OSPO Summit 2022-EN
    Kuo Si
    「Open Source Way」Primary Author
    OSPO Summit 2022-EN
    Jiaju Zhang
    Red Hat Chief Architect

    Discussion: Enterprise Open Source Competitive Strategy

    Open Source New Business Civilization, Open Source Business Model Innovation, Open Source Competitive Advantage, Open Collaboration

    OSPO Summit 2022-EN
    Max Zhao
    Marketing Director, Greater China, Red Hat
    OSPO Summit 2022-EN
    Guofeng Zhang
    Secretary General of Shanghai Open Source Information Technology Association

    Discussion: Compliance Circle

    Focus Points:  Focus Points:  licensing, supply chain, SBOM, accounting assessment

    OSPO Summit 2022-EN
    OSPO Summit 2022-EN
    Xiang Li
    Director of Cloud Computing Open Source and Standards, ZTE Communications Co., Ltd

    Roast: Enterprise OSPO

    How difficult OSPO is to survive in enterprises, how to gain recognition, and how to promote open source

    OSPO Summit 2022-EN
    Ailin (杨爱林)
    Intel Open Source Evangelist
    OSPO Summit 2022-EN
    Zhiqiang Yu
    Open Source Advocate
    18:00 -18:10
    Taking Group Photos
    18:10 -20:00
    20:00 -22:00
    Free Discussions

    Welcome Speech

    OSPO Summit 2022-EN
    Zhiqiang Yu
    Open Source Advocate
    Zhiqiang Yu is the Chief Open Source Liaison Officer from China Mobile Research. He has been a member of LF APAC Open Source Evangelist team since 2022 and take the role of LF APAC OSPO SIG co-chair. Together with Nadia Jiang and Jiangsheng Li, he launched the first OSPO Summit.
    OSPO Summit 2022-EN
    SegmentFault 思否 COO,开源社理事长,Answer 联合创始人

    Foundation Representative's Oration:Linux Foundation APAC

    OSPO Summit 2022-EN
    Keith Chan
    Linux Foundation 亚太区策略总监

    Foundation Representative's Oration: Linux Foundation OpenInfra

    OSPO Summit 2022-EN
    Haoyang Li
    OpenInfra Foundation China Manager

    Foundation Representative's Oration: Apache Software Foundation

    OSPO Summit 2022-EN
    字节跳动开源委员会首席布道师,Apache 软件基金会董事,ALC Beijing 发起人

    How TODO Group help build your own OSPO : Minimum Viable OSPO for Open Source Continuity

    OSPO Summit 2022-EN
    Ana Jiménez Santamaría
    TODO Group OSPO Program Manager

    OSPO Q&A with lbrahim Haddad

    OSPO Summit 2022-EN
    Ibrahim Haddad, Ph.D.
    Linux Foundation, Vice President, Strategic Programs (AI)

    OSPO Group Mission "Driving Organisations to Embrace Open Source and Accelerate Enterprise Open Source Collaboration"

    OSPO Summit 2022-EN
    Kuo Si
    「Open Source Way」Primary Author

    The Path of The Open Source: No Matter How Distant The Goal is, as Long as We Vigorous and Determined Endeavor and Start From Where We Are

    OSPO Summit 2022-EN
    Jie Liu
    Huawei Open Source Strategy Expert

    ZTE Open Source Management Work Practice

    OSPO Summit 2022-EN

    Upstream First Practice at Intel ®

    OSPO Summit 2022-EN
    Ailin (杨爱林)
    Intel Open Source Evangelist

    Introducing Open Organizational Culture

    OSPO Summit 2022-EN
    Brian Proffitt
    Red Hat OSPO Community Manager

    OpenInfra Foundation's formula for buildings successful open source projects and communities

    OSPO Summit 2022-EN
    Allison Price
    OpenInfra Foundation VP of Marketing & Community

    The CHAOSS Project: Working with OSPOs

    OSPO Summit 2022-EN
    Matt Germonprez
    Board Member of CHAOSS Project

    Open source process management: standards for licensing, security and more

    OSPO Summit 2022-EN
    Shane Coughlan
    General Manager,OpenChain Project

    ByteDance's Open Source Journey and Value Thinking

    OSPO Summit 2022-EN
    Xin Zhang
    Head of Governance and Operation of ByteDance Open Source Committee, Deputy General Manager of Volcano Engine

    Introduction to the OSPO Maturity Measurement Model of the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology

    OSPO Summit 2022-EN
    Xue Guo
    Deputy Director of the Open Source and Software Security Department of the Institute of Cloud Computing and Big Data, China Academy of Information and Communications Technology

    OpenRank – An Open Source Community —— A Contributed Computing Methodology

    OSPO Summit 2022-EN

    OSPO Methodology, Practice and Iteration of Talent View

    OSPO Summit 2022-EN
    Sikang bian
    Head of Ant Open Source Office

    Improve Developers' Integration into the Community and Experience Engineering Ability Sharing

    OSPO Summit 2022-EN
    Kun Gao
    Huawei Engineer
    OSPO Summit 2022-EN
    Yehui Wang
    Huawei Engineer

    Discussion: Engineering Circle

    OSPO Summit 2022-EN
    Kuo Si
    「Open Source Way」Primary Author
    OSPO Summit 2022-EN
    Jiaju Zhang
    Red Hat Chief Architect

    Discussion: Enterprise Open Source Competitive Strategy

    OSPO Summit 2022-EN
    Max Zhao
    Marketing Director, Greater China, Red Hat
    OSPO Summit 2022-EN
    Guofeng Zhang
    Secretary General of Shanghai Open Source Information Technology Association

    Discussion: Compliance Circle

    OSPO Summit 2022-EN
    OSPO Summit 2022-EN
    Xiang Li
    Director of Cloud Computing Open Source and Standards, ZTE Communications Co., Ltd

    Roast: Enterprise OSPO

    OSPO Summit 2022-EN
    Ailin (杨爱林)
    Intel Open Source Evangelist
    OSPO Summit 2022-EN
    Zhiqiang Yu
    Open Source Advocate
    Zhiqiang Yu is the Chief Open Source Liaison Officer from China Mobile Research. He has been a member of LF APAC Open Source Evangelist team since 2022 and take the role of LF APAC OSPO SIG co-chair. Together with Nadia Jiang and Jiangsheng Li, he launched the first OSPO Summit.
    Founding and Executive Member

    Linux Foundation APAC Evangelist Team

    Preparatory Group Members
  • Head of Ant Open Source OfficeSikang bian
    Sikang bian
    蚂蚁集团 Head of Ant Open Source Office
    蚂蚁集团开源业务总监,开源办公室负责人。多年技术人,曾在Microsoft,Square 等硅谷技术公司担任工程师及项目负责人。
  • Operation Director of Mulan Open Source CommunityHang Geng
    Hang Geng
    木兰开源社区 Operation Director of Mulan Open Source Community
    耿航,木兰开源社区运营负责人,也是OpenCloudOS社区副秘书长,CCF开源发展委员会首批执委,NextArch基金会TOC成员、SODA基金会AC委员会成员、Ceph基金会大使、中国开源云联盟副秘书长、腾源会导师。曾获2021年中国开源33人,2021 中国开源优秀人物、2019-2020年度社区贡献奖、2018中国开源云超级人物奖、2018尖峰人物奖、中国开源云联盟2016年度杰出个人等。目前主要致力于开源项目孵化、开源标准化、开源教育、开源治理、开源商业化等方面的研究和推动工作。
  • 「Open Source Way」Primary AuthorKuo Si
    Kuo Si
    「Open Source Way」Primary Author
    作者,LF APAC 开源布道者主席。
  • OpenInfra Foundation China ManagerHaoyang Li
    Haoyang Li
    OpenInfra 基金会 OpenInfra Foundation China Manager
  • Director of Cloud Computing Open Source and Standards, ZTE Communications Co., LtdXiang Li
    Xiang Li
    中兴通讯股份有限公司 Director of Cloud Computing Open Source and Standards, ZTE Communications Co., Ltd
    博士,云计算标准专家,开源治理专家,中兴通讯OSPO主要成员,Open Infrastructure Foundation黄金会员代表。长期在全国信标委TC28/SC38和CCSA TC1 WG5中从事云计算以及开源治理相关标准工作。在公司OSPO框架下长期负责推动公司参与开源社区贡献和活动,参与制定公司开源治理策略,并实际领导开源治理工作在云计算领域研发工作中的落地。
  • Huawei Open Source Strategy ExpertJie Liu
    Jie Liu
    华为 Huawei Open Source Strategy Expert
  • ByteDance OSPOLe Ma
    Le Ma
    字节跳动 ByteDance OSPO
    马乐目前在字节跳动开源运营治理团队工作,主要负责包括企业内开源文化和流程的宣贯落地,以及与外部开源基金会和社区的合作等;并负责与内部各个开源项目维护团队紧密协作,提供一线运营和治理方面的支持。在此前的工作中,曾作为国内最早的SDN领域的参与者,运营开放网络基金会(ONF)中国办公室、SDN 专业委员会,负责ONF国内会员招募、沙龙、测试活动等的组织管理工作。
  • Ph. D Candidate, East China Normal UniversityXiaoya Xia
    Xiaoya Xia
    Ph. D Candidate, East China Normal University
    夏小雅是华东师范大学博士生在读,X-lab 开放实验室核心成员,主要研究方向是开源软件健康与可持续性治理;她活跃在 CHAOSS、TODO Group、OpenSSF 等国际开源社区;曾在 COSCon、ApacheCon Asia 、OSS Summit 等大会上发表演讲;研究工作发表在 SANER、APSEC、IEEE Computer 等会议期刊上。
  • GitLab DevSecOps Technical Evangelist, LFAPAC Open Source EvangelistJinghe Ma
    Jinghe Ma
    极狐(GitLab) GitLab DevSecOps Technical Evangelist, LFAPAC Open Source Evangelist
    LFAPAC 开源布道师
  • Segment Fault Ecological Operation DirectorLinda
    SegmentFault 思否 Segment Fault Ecological Operation Director
  • Intel Open Source EvangelistAilin (杨爱林)
    Ailin (杨爱林)
    Intel Intel Open Source Evangelist
    Intel 工程师,致力于 “英特尔®云原生” 和基础设施软件系统开源生态合作、客户合作和产品落地。同时兼 Cloud hypervisor 开源项目 (https://cloudhypervisor.org/) 社区经理,和 Linux 基金会亚太地区 CNCF 开源技术与项目开源布道师
  • Director of Linux Foundation APACXuan Yang
    Xuan Yang
    Linux Foundation APAC Director of Linux Foundation APAC
    任职Linux基金会亚太总监,负责中国区开源安全基金会、人工智能与大数据基金会、边缘计算基金会以及开源人才发展等领域的生态发展。在软件行业拥有超过20年的经验,曾在多家大型国际软件企业和组织担任中国区首席代表, 在企业软件安全、应用开发、企业数字化转型实践、以及开源社区运营和治理等方面有丰富的经验。
  • Secretary General of Shanghai Open Source Information Technology AssociationGuofeng Zhang
    Guofeng Zhang
    上海开源信息技术协会 Secretary General of Shanghai Open Source Information Technology Association
  • Yiyang Zhang
    Yiyang Zhang
    中国信息通信研究院 中国信通院云大所开源和软件安全部工程师
  • GitLab Developer RelationsYu Zhang
    Yu Zhang
    极狐(GitLab) GitLab Developer Relations
    极狐GitLab开发者关系负责人 开源GitOps产业联盟开源社区与生态工作组 AWS Community Hero
  • Partnership
    Strategic Partners
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    OSPO Summit 2022-EN
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    OSPO Summit 2022-EN
    OSPO Summit 2022-EN
    OSPO Summit 2022-EN
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    OSPO Summit 2022-EN
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    OSPO Summit 2022-EN
    OSPO Summit 2022-EN