[Harbin| Feb. 21-23 ]  Xplore China - Harbin  | 德企中国行-走进哈尔滨

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[3 Days Delegation] Members & Friends of the Chamber (incl. accommodation)
2023-03-24 18:00
Past Events
Registration will need approval from the organizer.
Including two nights’ accommodation at the hotel on 21st and 22nd Feb., meals, and organization service fees during the event. The roundtrip airplane/train tickets are at the participant’s own expense.
[3 Days Delegation] Members & Friends of the Chamber
2023-02-17 18:00
Past Events
Registration will need approval from the organizer.
Excluding two nights’ accommodation, only available for Harbin local attendees.
[3 Days Delegation] Non-Members (incl. accommodation)
2023-02-17 18:00
Past Events
Registration will need approval from the organizer.
Including two nights’ accommodation at the hotel on 21st and 22nd Feb., meals, and organization service fees during the event. The roundtrip airplane/train tickets are at the participant’s own expense.
[3 Days Delegation] Non-Members
2023-02-17 18:00
Past Events
Registration will need approval from the organizer.
Excluding two nights’ accommodation, only available for Harbin local attendees.
[Members Only] Chamber Briefing (only attend this event)
2023-02-17 18:00
Past Events
Registration will need approval from the organizer.

Refund Description:
No-shows will be charged with the full price. Cancellations and refunds need to be requested at least one week before the start of the event. Applications after that will not be approved.
当天未出席将收取全价。 如需取消报名及退款,您需要在活动开始前一周以上进行申请,否则申请将不予通过。


Xplore China - Harbin 

德企中国行 - 走进哈尔滨

Event Background – Potential of Harbin


Harbin is located in the center of the Northeast Asian economic circle. It is the capital city of Heilongjiang Province in China and an important industrial city in Northeast China. As an important pivot point for the revitalization and development of Northeast China, Harbin has achieved a regional GDP of CNY 535.17 billion in 2021.

The development of six leading industries, including equipment manufacturing, biomedicine, new materials, food, energy conservation, environmental protection, and information technology, is flourishing in Harbin. Biomedicine was approved as a national strategic emerging industry cluster.

In addition, Harbin is rich in scientific research and talent education resources. With 36 well-known institutions of higher education, such as Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin Engineering University, Northeast Agricultural University and so on, 230,000 students enrolled and 70,000 graduates in Harbin every year. The development of vocational education in Harbin is pioneered in China.

Charming Harbin with unlimited potential! Join us to explore Harbin and seek future business opportunities in 2023.





Highlights 活动亮点

• Visit Harbin on the spot and get project opportunities through matchmaking with relevant departments in Harbin

• 实地考察哈尔滨,通过商务对接获取项目参与机会

• Explore new business opportunities and get in contact with new suppliers and other cooperation partners

• 探索新商机,与新的供应商及合作伙伴建立联系

• Official meeting with senior officials and decision-makers of Heilongjiang Province and Harbin

• 与黑龙江省及哈尔滨政府高层领导及决策者进行官方会面

• Company Visit: Harbin Bearing Group Co., Ltd. and Hapharm Group Co., Ltd.

• 企业参观:哈尔滨轴承集团有限公司、哈药集团股份有限公司

• Vocational Education College Visit: Harbin Huade University, HeiLongJiang Agricultural Engineearing Vocational College

• 职教学院考察:哈尔滨华德学院, 黑龙江农业工程职业学院

Agenda 活动日程

Day 1  Tuesday, Feb. 21, 2023 | Arrival, Chamber Briefing & Company Visit

第一天  抵达,商会简报及企业参观


Arrival & Check in


Individual arrival of delegation members at Harbin Airport Harbin will arrange for the pick-up and transportation to the hotel


Hotel | 酒店

Songbei Shangri-La, Harbin




Chamber Briefing and Exchange



Company & Vocational Education College Visit


Company Visit: Harbin Bearing Group Co., Ltd.


Vocational Education College Visit: Harbin Huade University



Welcome Banquet



Day 2  Wednesday, Feb. 22, 2023 | Matchmaking, Industry Park Visit & Cultural Experience

第二天  对接会,园区参观及文化体验


Xplore China - Harbin Sino-German Matchmaking Conference


Greeting Speech


Sino-German Company Matchmaking / Vocational Education Forum

中德企业对接会 / 职业教育论坛

• Delegation member could choose to attend either of the parallel events

• 代表团成员可选择参与任一平行活动

• Each German company will have its own individual table

• 实行德企单企单桌形式进行洽谈






Industrial Park Visit and Policy Explanation Meeting



Harbin ice and snow cultural experience






Day 3  Thursday, Feb. 23, 2023 | Company Visit & Government Round Table

第三天  园区参观及政府恳谈会


Company & Vocational Education College Visit


Company Visit: Hapharm Group Co., Ltd.


Vocational Education College Visit: HeiLongJiang Agricultural Engineearing Vocational College







Government Round Table



Delegation End and Transportation to the Airport



Registration Fee (incl. VAT) 报名费用(含税)

  • [3 Days Delegation] Members & Friends of the Chamber: 3000 RMB/person 

  • [3 Days Delegation] Non-Members: 4300 RMB/person 

    * Including two nights’ accommodation at the hotel on 21st and 22nd Feb., meals, and organization service fees during the event. The roundtrip airplane/train tickets are at the participant’s own expense.

  • [3 Days Delegation] Members & Friends of the Chamber: 1800 RMB/person 

  • [3 Days Delegation] Non-Members: 3100 RMB/person

    * Excluding two nights’ accommodation (only available for Harbin local attendees)

  • [Members Only] 9.21 Chamber Briefing (only attend this event) : Free

  • [代表团全程] 德商会会员及会员伙伴价: 人民币3000/位 

  • [代表团全程] 非会员: 人民币4300/位 

    *包含2月21日及22日两晚酒店住宿费,餐食及全程活动服务费。活动往 返机票/火车票需参与者自理。

  • [代表团全程] 德商会会员及会员伙伴价: 人民币1800/位 

  • [代表团全程] 非会员: 人民币3100/位

    *报名费不含两晚住宿 (仅限哈尔滨当地参与者)

  • [仅限会员] 仅参与9.21商会简报:免费

Please Note: 注意事项:

Please register before 18:00 pm, Feb 13, 2023.


E - Fapiao will be emailed to you within 20 working days after the event. 


The registration will be valid after it’s approved and confirmed by our email. 


The itinerary is subject to change and the final draft will prevail.


Contact: 联系方式:

For any question about the event, please contact Ms. Elle Dong: dong.wen@china.ahk.de 


About "Xplore China" 关于“探索中国”系列活动

The "Xplore China" series takes you to upcoming regions and cities (1st/2nd tier) in China with great development potential. AHK Greater China organizes short-term delegation visits for 2-3 days. These trips will focus on specific industries and help companies to better understand the regional development, potential to participate in local projects, and the latest needs and opportunities. "Xplore China" will support you to establish contacts with local governments and enterprises through relevant high-level government meetings, matchmaking, factory visits, local project visits, investment area inspections, and networking events. 

"探索中国"系列活动即将带您探索中国极具发展潜力的地区和一二线城市。德国海外商会联盟大中华区将组织为期2-3天的代表团进行短期探访考察。这些商务考察将集中在特定的行业以帮助企业更好地了解该地区的发展与潜力,以参与到 当地的项目中,了解地区最新的需求和商业机遇。"探索中国"系列活动将协助您通过与政府高层会面、商务对接、工厂参 观、当地项目考察、投资区考察和社交活动等形式与当地政府和企业建立联系。


©2023 German Chamber of Commerce in China (GCC) / German Industry and Commerce (Taicang) Co., Ltd. (GIC) and its branches / three Delegations of German Industry and Commerce (Delegation). No part of this event and/or content and/or publication and/or video may be reproduced without prior permission. For further questions, please refer to the provided contact persons.

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