A Celebration of International Women’s Day

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A Celebration of International Women’s Day

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Women #DoItAll. Join the SchwarzWomen for an engaging and thought-provoking series of events with the #WonderWomen of the Schwarzman and Tsinghua community and beyond to celebrate International Women’s Day on March 8!


7:00 pm - Talk by Su Cheng Harris-Simpson: Why Not Women?

Join us to hear Su Cheng share about her journey of being a woman entrepreneur and navigating the field of women empowerment as a “guest” in the country of China. This session will also have an open Q&A with attendees.

7:45 pm - Panel Discussion: Women (and Men), Can We Have It All?

Can we have it all? is a question that all women face at one point or another in our lives. Join the SchwarzWomen for an engaging panel discussion as we seek to answer this question with the help of our diverse panelists: Su Cheng Harris-Simpson (Founder and CEO of WEC), Dean June Qian, Aisha Moffett (Founder of CORE), and Professor Katherine Morton.

  • Founder and President, Women Empowerment Council (WEC)Su Cheng Harris-Simpson
    Su Cheng Harris-Simpson
    Women Empowerment Council (WEC) Founder and President, Women Empowerment Council (WEC)
    Su Cheng Harris-Simpson is the Founder and President of the Women Empowerment Council (WEC) and is currently serving her 3rd term on the Beijing AmCham Board of Governors. Prior to founding WEC, Su Cheng also ran her own consultancy company SCHSAsia and worked closely with various Chambers of Commerce and embassies in China on their philanthropy initiatives. Before becoming an entrepreneur, Su Cheng had gained a wide range of experiences in the corporate arena and previously held management positions at Boeing, United Technologies Corporation, and The Capital Club in Beijing.
  • Professor of School of Economics and Management and Associate Dean of Academics, Schwarzman College, Tsinghua UniversityQian Xiaojun
    Qian Xiaojun
    Tsinghua University Professor of School of Economics and Management and Associate Dean of Academics, Schwarzman College, Tsinghua University
    June (Xiaojun) Qian currently serves as the Associate Dean of Academics at Schwarzman College, Tsinghua University and is a Professor in the Department of Leadership and Organization Management at Tsinghua University’s School of Economics and Management (Tsinghua SEM). She is one of the sponsors as well as a member of the China Carbon Neutral 50 Forum. She also leads the Faculty Code of Conduct Committee as well as the Institutional Review Board of Tsinghua SEM. June has many years of teaching experiences. Her teaching covers business ethics, corporate responsibilities, sustainability related courses as well as managerial communication, for MBA, EMBA and Executive Education programs at Tsinghua SEM. She has won many school, university and national level teaching and administration related awards. June developed many cases, and used them in her teaching, based on corporate business practices through her wide connections with industry. June’s recent research focuses on corporate responsibilities, sustainability, ESG, low carbon development, etc. As the director of the Research Center for Green Economy and Sustainable Development of Tsinghua University, she leads research teams of elite scholars from five different schools and institutes of Tsinghua University. She has co-edited 4 volumes of research outcomes produced by the research center in the past 6 years and the fifth is forth coming. In addition to her teaching and research, June took various administration positions (director, assistant dean, and associate dean) in Tsinghua SEM between 2001 and 2018 with her responsibilities covering MBA programs, academic services, international relations, student career development, business school international accreditations, etc. She has been the Associate Dean of Academics of Schwarzman College since August 2018. June graduated with her Bachelor degree from Tsinghua University and received her master’s and PhD degrees from Purdue University, Indiana, USA.
  • Professor of Global Affairs, Schwarzman College; Associate of the China Centre at the University of OxfordKatherine Morton
    Katherine Morton
    Tsinghua University Professor of Global Affairs, Schwarzman College; Associate of the China Centre at the University of Oxford
    Katherine Morton is the Schwarzman College Professor of Global Affairs. She is also an Associate of the China Centre at the University of Oxford and an Associate Fellow at the Royal Institute of International Affairs. Her research addresses the domestic and international motivations behind China’s changing role in the world and the implications for foreign policy and the study of International Relations. Prior to her appointment at the Schwarzman College she held the positions of Chair in China’s International Relations at the University of Sheffield , UK and Associate Dean for Research at the College of Asia and the Pacific, Australian National University. Professor Morton is a regular participant in policy dialogues on China and international affairs. She has been awarded two Senior Memberships to St Antony’s College, University of Oxford, and visiting fellowships to Peking University, Rajaratnam School of International Studies, China Foreign Affairs University, and Columbia University. She has published widely on global governance, transnational security, the environment and climate change, food security, and maritime disputes in the South China Sea. Her current book project with Oxford University Press examines the likely impacts of China’s rising international status upon the evolving system of global governance.
  • Founder and CEO of COREAisha Moffett
    Aisha Moffett
    CORE Founder and CEO of CORE
    Aisha Moffett is the Founder and CEO of CORE, a women’s empowerment organization that has successfully built a global community of women that focuses on their holistic wellbeing by sharing their truth to help other women thrive in the US, Malaysia and China. A story maven and “trailblazing spouse,” Aisha is a community builder and professional life coach that is passionate about empowering women to embrace and live out their story with intention and purpose. Before coming to live in China, Aisha had gained 22 years of operations experience in the technology, sales, marketing, and human resources industries in the US.
  • How Tsinghua University Students, Faculty, and Staff Can Attend

    Who can attend this event?

    This event is open to currently enrolled Tsinghua University students, both undergraduate and graduate, as well as current Tsinghua University faculty and staff. This event has 100 seats open for Tsinghua University classmates and colleagues.

    What is required to join this event?
    All guests must present a valid registration from this website as well as a valid Tsinghua University ID Card in order to access Schwarzman College for this event.

    This event will be held off the record. No quotations, recordings, or other descriptions of the event and its content may be published, including on social media or other locations online, without the advance written permission of Schwarzman College and Tsinghua University.

    Following the conclusion of this event, Schwarzman College is closed to visitors as it is a residential building. We ask that all Tsinghua classmates and colleagues who join us for the session exit the buliding when our session concludes at around 8:30 pm. All guests cooperation is greatly appreciated.
