[April 12 | Tianjin] “ESG Alliance” Project Roadshow

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“ESG Alliance” Project Roadshow - Tianjin

“环境 | 社会 | 治理 联盟”路演 - 天津站

Date & Time: April 12 Wednesday, 15:00 - 16:30

Location: 22F, Xinhua Financial Center, Heping District

和平路与营口道交口 新华国金中心22F

Dear members,

尊敬的会员们 ,


We would like to invite you to attend the ESG Alliance roadshow hosted by the German Chamber of Commerce. 

我们诚邀您参加由中国德国商会主办的“环境|社会|治理 联盟”路演。 


The German Chamber of Commerce’s “ESG Alliance” initiative provides a platform for German companies in China to showcase their ESG commitment and exchange knowledge. We help Alliance Members learn about ESG, connect with valuable partners, open a line of communication to government authorities, and increase employee and stakeholder engagement in sustainability practices. https://esg.china.ahk.de/

由中国德国商会发起的 “环境|社会|治理 联盟” 旨为在华德企提供一个展示其ESG表现和承诺、沟通交流的平台。我们帮助联盟成员了解ESG;与多方伙伴建立联系,与有关部门建立沟通;提高员工及利益相关者在可持续发展实践中的参与度。https://esg.china.ahk.de/


This series of events will cover how the ESG Alliance works, case studies of successful implementations and exciting new opportunities from the project. We hope that members of the German Chambers of Commerce who join us at these events will gain valuable information on how they can leverage the ESG Alliance to become more sustainable. 

此次路演将向会员们介绍商会全新推出的ESG项目, 介绍联盟的运作方式和未来计划 ,并展示联盟成员在可持续发展方面的行动,分享企业ESG真实案例,并进一步探索潜在机遇。


Your sincerely,

ESG Alliance Team


Registration 签到


Greeting & ESG Alliance Introduction

欢迎致辞 & 环境|社会|治理 联盟介绍


15mins online ESG lesson  ESG线上课程

Topic: ESG and Company Value ESG和公司价值

Key points: 

Introducing ESG values into a company

Integrating ESG values and metrics

Examples of all-level employee contributing to improving the company’s ESG performance

Encouraging employee engagement


Q&A and Networking 问答交流

Registration 签到

Greeting & ESG Alliance Introduction

欢迎致辞 & 环境|社会|治理 联盟介绍

15mins online ESG lesson  ESG线上课程

Topic: ESG and Company Value ESG和公司价值

Key points: 

Introducing ESG values into a company

Integrating ESG values and metrics

Examples of all-level employee contributing to improving the company’s ESG performance

Encouraging employee engagement

Q&A and Networking 问答交流


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