[Oct 19-21 | GZ]  2023 Oktoberfest · GCC Night  2023广州啤酒节狂欢 · 德商会之夜

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2023 Oktoberfest

[Oct 19-21| GZ]  2023 Oktoberfest · GCC Night  

2023广州啤酒节狂欢 · 德商会之夜

202310 Oktoberfest PPT最新.jpg

The Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany, one of the largest festivals in the world with a long history dating back to 1810, attracts more than 7 million people from all over the world every year! 

源自1810年, 德国慕尼黑啤酒节, 全球最大的节庆活动之一,每年都会吸引超过700万名民众参与狂欢! 


Far away from Germany, we still have the chance to experience the authentic Oktoberfest in China! The German Chamber of Commerce in China · South & Southwest is going to hold the 2023 Oktoberfest in Guangzhou on Oct 19-21 (Thu-Sat) together with Paulaner restaurant. 

远在中国的我们,同样有机会感受纯正地道的慕尼黑啤酒节风情!中国德国商会 · 华南及大西南地区将携手慕尼黑著名啤酒品牌Paulaner旗下的同名高端餐饮品牌,于10月19-21日(周四至周六)在广州举办2023年啤酒节狂欢庆典 · 德商会之夜


Without going abroad, come and join German Chamber to celebrate this annual grand beer festival!


Event Date & Time 活动时间: 

Date: Thu-Sat, Oct 19- 21

Activity Time: 18:30-22:30

Dinner Time: 18:30-21:30 

Venue & Location 活动地点:

Paulaner Wirtshaus Guangzhou Panyu 广州番禺保拉纳啤酒花园

Address: NO. 03-12, L1 Floor, Si Hai Cheng Plaza, NO. 390, Han Xi Avenue East, Panyu District, Guangzhou 

广州市番禺区汉溪大道东390号四海城商业广场L1层 03-12号

Highlights 活动亮点:


Activity – A lot of fun 缤纷活动

-      Tapping Ceremony 啤酒节开酒仪式

-      Live Oktoberfest Band 现场啤酒节乐队

-      Interactive Activities & Games 互动 & 游戏

-      Lucky Draw 幸运抽奖


F&B - A sumptuous feast 餐饮盛宴

-      Free flow of freshly-brewed German beer 正宗德国鲜酿啤酒畅饮,啤酒节特供

-      A substantial German-style buffet dinner 德式美食自助盛宴

* Limited Seats, first come, first served! 座位有限,先到先得,欲购从速!

Past Event Photos
[Oct 19-21 | GZ]  2023 Oktoberfest · GCC Night  2023广州啤酒节狂欢 · 德商会之夜
[Oct 19-21 | GZ]  2023 Oktoberfest · GCC Night  2023广州啤酒节狂欢 · 德商会之夜
[Oct 19-21 | GZ]  2023 Oktoberfest · GCC Night  2023广州啤酒节狂欢 · 德商会之夜
[Oct 19-21 | GZ]  2023 Oktoberfest · GCC Night  2023广州啤酒节狂欢 · 德商会之夜
[Oct 19-21 | GZ]  2023 Oktoberfest · GCC Night  2023广州啤酒节狂欢 · 德商会之夜
[Oct 19-21 | GZ]  2023 Oktoberfest · GCC Night  2023广州啤酒节狂欢 · 德商会之夜
[Oct 19-21 | GZ]  2023 Oktoberfest · GCC Night  2023广州啤酒节狂欢 · 德商会之夜
[Oct 19-21 | GZ]  2023 Oktoberfest · GCC Night  2023广州啤酒节狂欢 · 德商会之夜
Marketing Opportunities - VIP Sponsor & Gift Sponsor

VIP Sponsorship 


Be our VIP Sponsors for exclusive benefits! A great marketing opportunity for your company! 



VIP Ticket Package 贵宾套餐:

Member: RMB 5,680

Non-Member: RMB 6,880


Exclusive benefits 贵宾尊享礼遇:


1. 2 VIP tables with 10 seats & table card (1 city only)



2. Online logo exposure at multi channels for 3 cities

公司logo多渠道线上曝光 (广佛深3场)

- Multi channels: event page, poster, invitation mailing, WeChat post, newsletter, etc.


- Company introduction on event page & wechat post 



3. Logo exposure on offline marketing materials for 3 cities


- Logo on souvenir for each chamber guest for 3 cities 啤酒节纪念伴手礼(广佛深3场)

- Logo on paper ticket for each chamber guest (GZ & SZ only) 纸质版门票 (仅限广深)

- Logo on event PPT on LED screen (GZ & SZ only) 活动PPT展示 (仅限广深)

- Logo on table card on each chamber table for 3 cities 商会订桌桌卡(广佛深3场)

- Logo on roll-up banner for 3 cities 商会易拉宝(广佛深3场)


4. Special thanks by host during the event 


5. Company brochure/products showcase at reception 


6. Priority as lucky draw prize sponsor and presenter (GZ & SZ) 

优先作为抽奖礼品赞助商,并作为嘉宾上台参与抽奖 (仅限广深)

(可有一页公司PPT展示 With one PPT showed on the screen)

* Remark: one package for one company only.  注意:每个套餐仅限一家公司。

* Deadline: before Oct 8  截止时间:10月8日前

Gift Sponsorship

Gift Sponsorship.png

Event Sponsors



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新美乐工程塑料(广东)有限公司 是德国新美乐集团下属子公司。公司位于广东省江门市,工厂总面积超过50,000平方米,拥有多条先进的自动化生产线和高标准的德国质量管理体系。主要生产和销售由高品质热塑性塑料制成的半成品和管道管件,为客户提供优质的产品和服务。我们在亚太地区拥有体系化经销网络,可以更灵活地适应亚洲市场,为化学加工业、半导体、废水处理、水产养殖和交通运输等行业客户提供创新的热塑性塑料解决方案。

SIMONA Engineering Plastics (Guangdong) Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of SIMONA Group that locates in Jiangmen, Guangdong. Covering a total area of 50,000+ ㎡, we own numbers of advanced automated production lines and German strict quality management system. We provide high quality products and services by specializing primarily in the manufacture and selling of semi-finished products and pipes and fittings made of high quality thermoplastics. We offer innovative thermoplastics solutions for our customers’ application in chemical processing industry, semiconductor, wastewater treatment, aquaculture, mobility with the systematic network of dealers in APAC and the flexibility for Asia market.


DACHSER is one of the global leaders in system logistics and moved 81.1 million shipments weighing 42.8 million metric tons in the 2022 financial year. The family-owned company headquartered in Kempten, Allgäu, Germany is present at 376 locations worldwide and generated EUR 8.1 billion in net revenue in 2022. The company currently employs some 32,850 people. Country organizations represent DACHSER in 41 countries.

With its global shipping and logistics network and integrated IT solutions, DACHSER strives to offer the world’s most intelligent combination and integration of logistical network services. DACHSER’s goal is to optimize the logistics balance sheet of industrial and commercial customers.


DACHSER 是系统物流领域的全球领先者之一,在2022财年累计运送8,110万件货物,重达4,280万公吨。DACHSER是一家总部位于德国阿尔高肯普滕的家族企业,在全球设有376个分支机构,2022年净收入为81亿欧元。公司目前拥有约32,850名员工。同时,DACHSER在41个国家及地区设有代表处。



Established in 1999, Arrail Group is the first listed company with a national brand chain in China's dental industry. It was founded by returned overseas students and international pharmaceutical entrepreneurs. Arrail Group is committed to providing professional oral medical services for Chinese middle class and foreigners with a professional medical team consisting of experienced doctors and dental nurses. With business in 15 cities across the country and more than 110 dental hospitals and dental clinics, as well as two brands, Arrial dental (a leading high-end brands) and Rite-Hite Dental (a fast-growing mid-range brand), Arrail aims to provide one-stop, professional and high-quality oral medical services covering the whole life cycle of patients.

瑞尔集团 于1999年成立,是中国口腔行业第一家全国性品牌连锁的上市公司。瑞尔集团由海外归国学子与国际医药领域企业家共同创建。致力于为中国中产阶层和外籍人士提供专业的口腔医疗服务。医疗团队全部由经验丰富的医生和口腔专科护士组成。业务遍及全国,旗下拥有瑞尔齿科(领先的高端品牌)和瑞泰口腔(快速发展的中端品牌)两个品牌,业务遍及全国15个城市,共运营110余家口腔医院和口腔诊所,旨在提供一站式、专业、高品质的口腔医疗服务,覆盖患者的全生命周期。

Preparation Stage
End of Event
Choose ticket
Sales End
Group Buy Ticket - Member (Min. 10 tickets)
2023-10-27 22:30
Sold Out
Registration will need approval from the organizer.
1. Group Buy Price (Min. 10 Tickets, Preferred Seats)

2. If you pay by bank transfer to our bank account directly, pls kindly upload the payment receipt. Thank you.
Group Buy Ticket - Non-Member (Min. 10 Tickets)
2023-10-27 22:30
Sold Out
Registration will need approval from the organizer.
1. Group Buy Price (Min. 10 Tickets, Preferred Seats)

2. If you pay by bank transfer to our bank account directly, pls kindly upload the payment receipt. Thank you.
Standard Ticket - Member
2023-10-20 22:30
Past Events
Registration will need approval from the organizer.
Standard Ticket - Non-member
2023-10-20 22:30
Past Events

Refund Description:
1. No-shows will be charged with the full price.

2. Cancellations and refunds need to be requested at least 48 hours before the start of the event. Applications after that will not be approved.

3. VIP package is not refundable after Oct 8.


1. This is a pre-paid event. Please complete registration and payment online in advance. 

No-shows will be charged with the full price. Cancellations and refunds need to be requested at least 48 hours before the start of the event. Applications after that will not be approved. 


当天未出席将收取全价。 如需取消报名及退款,您需要在活动开始前48小时以上进行申请,否则申请将不予通过。 

(*VIP package is not refundable after Oct 8 贵宾套餐自10月8日后不接受退票)

2. Ticket includes 3-hour buffet dinner at 18:30-21:30 and 4-hour free flow of drinks at 18:30-22:30. Consumption after these time will be charged at standard price by the restaurant. 超过规定餐饮时间段的用餐/酒,餐厅将按正常价格收费。

3. Digital fapiao will be sent to your registered email within 10 working days after the event, if you apply for fapiao when you register. 


4. For any questions, please feel free to contact the Event Manager Jay Fang via fang.jay@china.ahk.de or call 020-8755 8203。

如有任何疑问,可通过邮箱fang.jay@china.ahk.de或致电 020-8755 8203联系活动经理方小姐。

Click here for upcoming events & mailing subscription

Yearly Sponsors of South & Southwest China 2023/2024



German Chamber of Commerce in China - SSW China 
1903 Leatop Plaza | No. 32 Zhu Jiang East Road Tianhe District | 510620 Guangzhou | P.R. China 

T: +86-20-8755 8203  

E: chamber-ssw@china.ahk.de  




© 2023中国德国商会(GCC)/ 德中工商技术咨询服务(太仓)有限公司(GIC)及分支机构 / 德国工商大会三个代表处(代表处)。本活动以及活动素材、信息发布、视频等,未经许可不得复制。如有疑问,请与联络人联系。 






©2023 German Chamber of Commerce in China (GCC) / German Industry and Commerce (Taicang) Co., Ltd. (GIC) and its branches / three Delegations of German Industry and Commerce (Delegation). No part of this event and/or content and/or publication and/or video may be reproduced without prior permission. For further questions, please refer to the provided contact persons.  

While every reasonable effort is made to ensure that the information provided is accurate, no guarantees for the currency or accuracy of information are made. All material relating to information, products, and services (or to third party information, products and services), is provided 'as is', without any representation or endorsement made and without warranty of any kind, including the implied warranties of satisfactory quality, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, compatibility, security and accuracy. The speakers and/or contributors are solely responsible for the content thereof. Views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the German Chamber of Commerce in China and/or the Delegation of German Industry and Commerce in Beijing and/or the Delegation of German Industry and Commerce in Shanghai and/or the Delegation of German Industry and Commerce in Guangzhou and/or the German Industry and Commerce (Taicang) Co., Ltd. and its branches in China, and these entities will not be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever arising from infringement or any defect of rights of the content of the event and/or content. 

This information includes links to other websites. These links are provided for your convenience to provide further information. They do not signify that we endorse the website(s). We have no responsibility for the content of the linked website(s). In case of event registration, your personal data will be collected, processed, and used solely in compliance with the applicable data protection regulations.  

All our events follow Chatham House Rules. The posting of presentation materials is at the speakers' and/or contributors’ discretion. We reserve the right to use any photograph/video taken at any of our events.