8th Immunotherapy, Gene Therapy and Cell Therapy Convention

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8th Immunotherapy, Gene Therapy and Cell Therapy Convention

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IGC is the earliest in-depth forum in China focusing on the innovation and transformation of cutting-edge therapeutic technologies. With the growth of China's cutting-edge therapy industry such as cell therapy and gene therapy, IGC has witnessed the development of China's novel cell therapy, gene therapy and immunotherapy industries after 7 years, and  has  become  the  most  influential  CGT  industry  brand annual meeting in China.

With the continuous research and development and clinical breakthroughs in the field of cell and gene therapy, cell and gene therapy is one of the hottest investment areas in the current medical field. Because of its unique IIT research properties, CGT accelerates various cutting-edge CGT technologies from the laboratory to the clinic. However, the rapid transformation  and  development  of  the  CGT  industry  is  also  faced with high costs, long-term security, complex production, payment difficulties and other challenges.

IGC  2024  (8th  Immunotherapy,  Gene  Therapy  and  Cell Therapy  Convention)  will  be  upgraded  again  at  the  Beijing International Convention Center! This year, the IGC will start from the 14 subdivision forums, discuss the Investment strategy, Forward-looking technology, Innovative therapy research and development, Leading transformation, Advanced process quality control, and Domestic and Foreign application strategy of immune cell therapy, Gene therapy, Stem cell therapy, Exosome therapy, Tumor Vaccine, and Organoid technology to promote in-depth exchanges and cooperation between domestic and foreign industry, university, research and medical research, and to further accelerate the industrial transformation of immunotherapy, gene therapy and cell therapy across the region.




From industrial strategy, academic exchange to industrialization practice, grasp the lifeblood  from  forward-looking  innovative  technology  to  CGT  drug  transformation, industrialization and commercialization:

★ Insight into the future of CGT technology: gene editing, synthetic biology, iPSC, LNP-mRNA, exosomes, AAV, etc., to accelerate cutting-edge therapeutic transformation

★ Creating CGT products with cost advantages: in vivo cell therapy, universal cell therapy, CAR-NK, TILs, iPSC stem cell therapy, gene editing therapy, AAV gene therapy drugs, tumor vaccines and other product R&D innovation, process innovation, and production equipment innovation

★ Accelerating  CGT  transformation  and  clinical  research  and  development: from solid tumors of blood tumors to more extended exploration of autoimmune, neurological and chronic diseases

★ Getting through the last mile to market: MSC stem cell drugs, AAV gene therapy, in vitro gene editing therapy, CAR T/NK BLA declaration analysis

  • Academician of Chinese Academy of SciencesZuze Wu
    Zuze Wu
    Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Emeritus Fellow, Head of the Cellular Immunity Laboratory at the Garvan Institute of Medical Research, AustraliaJonathan Sprent
    Jonathan Sprent
    Emeritus Fellow, Head of the Cellular Immunity Laboratory at the Garvan Institute of Medical Research, Australia
  • Director, Chinese Center for  Disease Control and PreventionGeorge  Fu Gao
    George Fu Gao
    Director, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention
  • Academician of Chinese  Academy of EngineeringZhigang  Tian
    Zhigang Tian
    Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering
  • Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Deputy President of Capital Medical UniversitySongling Wang
    Songling Wang
    Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Deputy President of Capital Medical University
  • Center for Drug Evaluation NMPA, ChinaExpert
    Center for Drug Evaluation NMPA, China

    Prof Xianmin Zeng received her PhD in Molecular Biology from the Technical University of Denmark in 2000 and had her postdoctoral training at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), USA in 2000-2005. She joined the faculty of the Buck Institute for Research on Aging in 2005 where she was Professor from 2005-2018.

    Prof Zeng is a renowned stem cell biologist and neurobiologist with expertise in the development of pluripotent stem cell (PSC)-based therapy and drug discovery. One of her research focuses is to study neural development in human and to model neurodegenerative diseases using patient-specific and genome edited isogenic PSC lines. A biotech entrepreneur with >100 peer-reviewed publications, Prof Zeng is a well-established and internationally recognized leader in the creation of disease models for drug discovery. Prof. Zeng is a recipient of a major translational grant to develop clinically grade dopaminergic neurons from pluripotent stem cells (PSC) for Parkinson’s disease from California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (https://www.cirm.ca.gov/our-progress/people/xianmin-zeng), and iPSC-based toxicity screen grant from the NIH.

    Prof Zeng is the Founder and CEO of RxCell Inc, a US-based biotechnology company focused on therapeutic applications of PSC, and Visiting Professor at the National University of Singapore School of Medicine.

  • Head of Biologics, Biotechnology and Advanced Therapies, Spanish Medicines AgencySol Ruiz
    Sol Ruiz
    Head of Biologics, Biotechnology and Advanced Therapies, Spanish Medicines Agency
  • George H. Kitzman Professor of Genetics and Chief of Division of Cellular & Molecular Therapy, Departments of Pediatrics, and Molecular Genetics & Microbiology, and Powell Gene Therapy Center, University of Florida College of MedicineArun Srivastava
    Arun Srivastava
    George H. Kitzman Professor of Genetics and Chief of Division of Cellular & Molecular Therapy, Departments of Pediatrics, and Molecular Genetics & Microbiology, and Powell Gene Therapy Center, University of Florida College of Medicine
  • Professor, UMASS Medical  School, Academician of  NAI&AAMGuangping  Gao
    Guangping Gao
    Professor, UMASS Medical School, Academician of NAI&AAM
  • Previous Review Chief, FDAMichele Dougherty
    Michele Dougherty
    Previous Review Chief, FDA
  • Vice-chair of the Commission on Human Medicines (CHM), European Medicines Agency's (EMA) Assessor, the UK’s Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory AgencyAngela Thomas
    Angela Thomas
    Vice-chair of the Commission on Human Medicines (CHM), European Medicines Agency's (EMA) Assessor, the UK’s Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency
  • Deputy Director of the  Hospital of Hematology,  Institute of Hematology,  Chinese Academy of  Medical SciencesJianxiang  Wang
    Jianxiang Wang
    Deputy Director of the Hospital of Hematology, Institute of Hematology, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences
  • Vice Dean, Wuhan Union  HospitalYu Hu
    Yu Hu
    Vice Dean, Wuhan Union Hospital
    华中科技大学同济医学院附属协和医院院长,血液病学研究所所长,国家杰青,长江学者。获2018年国家科技进步二等奖(第一完成人)、2020年全国创新争先奖章、2020年全国教书育人楷模、2021年何梁何利科技进步奖。任中华医学会血液学分会候任主委、血栓与止血学组组长、中华医学会内科学分会常委、中国医师协会血液科医师分会副会长、国际血栓与止血学会教育委员会委员、亚太血栓与止血协会常委等。担任本专业国际刊物《Thrombosis Haemostasis》、《Thrombosis Research》副主编、《临床急诊杂志》主编、《中华血液学杂志》副主编。
  • Deputy President,The Drum Tower Hospital Affiliated to the Medical School of Nanjing UniversityBaorui Liu
    Baorui Liu
    Deputy President,The Drum Tower Hospital Affiliated to the Medical School of Nanjing University
  • Institute of Biological Products Testing, China Institute for Food and Drug Control, ChinaExpert
    Institute of Biological Products Testing, China Institute for Food and Drug Control, China

    上海长征医院副院长、器官移植暨肝脏外科主任、全军器官移植研究所所长、博导; n国家重点学科/国家临床重点专科/全军临床重点专科  学科带头人;






  • Director, Department of Gastrointestinal Oncology, Beijing Cancer HospitalLin Shen
    Lin Shen
    Director, Department of Gastrointestinal Oncology, Beijing Cancer Hospital
    消化肿瘤内科主任、I期临床试验病房主任 历任北京大学肿瘤医院副院长、北京市肿瘤防治研究所副所长 北京学者 中国抗癌协会肿瘤精准治疗专业委员会主任委员 中国抗癌协会肿瘤药物临床研究专业委员会首届主任委员 中国临床肿瘤学会临床研究专家委员会主任委员 中国临床肿瘤学会胃癌专家委员会候任主任委员 中国抗癌协会大肠癌专业委员会副主任委员 北京癌症防治学会理事会轮值理事长
  • Director, Biological Cell Therapy Centre, The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou UniversityYi Zhang
    Yi Zhang
    Director, Biological Cell Therapy Centre, The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University
    中原学者,二级教授、博士生导师,郑州大学医学院学术副院长、郑州大学第一附属医院生物细胞治疗中心/生物免疫治疗科主任。从事肿瘤免疫治疗基础研究和临床应用三十多年。省部共建食管癌国家重点实验室副主任,河南省肿瘤免疫与生物治疗重点实验室和河南省肿瘤免疫治疗工程研究中心主任。2015年以来承担免疫治疗相关临床试验研究43项。发表文章300余篇,其中在SCI期刊发表论文230篇,被引用近万次,高被引学者,连续入选全球顶尖前10万科学家榜单。担任J Hematol Oncol , Biomarker Research等6种外文期刊副主编或编委和10余种中文核心期刊编委。申报国家肿瘤治疗相关专利30多项,授权14项,转化7项,转化总金额超过8000万。以第一完成人率领团队获得河南省自然科学一等奖、中国抗癌协会科技二等奖、中华医学科技三等奖以及中国侨界贡献奖。担任中国免疫学会肿瘤免疫与生物治疗专委会主任委员、中国抗癌协会肿瘤生物治疗专委会副主任委员、中国细胞治疗质量管理和研究专委会常务副主任委员、中国研究型医院生物治疗学分会副主任委员、中国生物物理学会感染与免疫分会副会长、河南省抗癌协会/河南省免疫协会肿瘤免疫治疗专委会主任委员以及河南省细胞产业联盟理事长等兼职。
  • Dean of the Department of  Human Gene Therapy,  Stanford University School  of Medicine, Academician  of NAIMark A. Kay
    Mark A. Kay
    Dean of the Department of Human Gene Therapy, Stanford University School of Medicine, Academician of NAI
  • Director, Shenzhen Institute of Immunogene TherapyLongji Zhang
    Longji Zhang
    Director, Shenzhen Institute of Immunogene Therapy
    张隆基教授是美国佛罗里达大学终身教授,中央人才工作协调小组国家特聘专家,北京市海外高层次人才,深圳市孔雀计划获奖人,深圳市免疫基因治疗研究院院长。张教授长期致力于基因与免疫细胞治疗相关的转移医学研究、开发与应用,担任美国唯一代表参与联合国原子能总署的癌症与艾滋病研究计划负责人。做为慢病毒载体技术的重要发明人,被特聘为美国联邦食品药品检验局的细胞与基因治疗评估检验组的长期顾问委员。研究方向:发明慢病毒载体系统、基因治疗应用与临床研究,对抗肿瘤与感染性疾病的免疫细胞技术应用与临床研究,干细胞临床应用研究,免疫作用细胞与相关细胞及免疫调控因子研究,细胞与基因疗法等。曾担任《Current Gene Therapy》主编,发表SCI论文与著书一百五十余篇,申请专利三十项以上,是国际上免疫、基因、干细胞/T细胞、病毒与癌症治疗研究领域的专家。 张隆基,博士,教授,美国佛罗里达大学医学院基因治疗中心,癌症治疗中心,脑研究中心,现任深圳市免疫基因治疗研究院院长 1980年毕业于台湾大学,1986年美国爱荷华大学博士毕业,1989年加州大学旧金山分校医学院微生物学系博士后,1989年-1993年美国NIH分子微生物实验室客座研究,1993年至1997年加拿大艾尔伯塔大学医学院医学微生物免疫学系副教授,2005年获得美国佛罗里达大学终身教授职位。曾任美国联邦政府药物评估委员会(FDA)基因与细胞治疗特别聘雇专家, 以及联合国原子能总署(IAEA)癌症与艾滋病治疗计划美国唯一代表审议员,担任国际15 项以上研究基金的评审专家。担任《Current Gene Therapy》主编,《Nucleic Acid Research》,《Molecular Therapy》,《Vaccine》,《Genomics》, 《Gene therapy》,《Laboratory Investigation》, 《Journal of Immunology》, 《Human Gene Therapy》等期刊的编委及评审,对于基因、干细胞、免疫细胞应用于临床感染及癌症治疗有丰富的经验。研究方向:发明慢病毒载体系统、基因治疗应用与临床研究,对抗肿瘤与感染性疾病的免疫细胞技术应用与临床研究,干细胞临床应用研究,免疫作用细胞应用与临床治疗上之相关细胞及免疫调控因子研究,等基因细胞疗法。获得国际重大专利30多项。
  • Former director of PLA General Hospital and Institute of Geriatric Medicine Deputy Director of the National Clinical Center for Geriatric Diseases, ChinaXiaoning Wang
    Xiaoning Wang
    Former director of PLA General Hospital and Institute of Geriatric Medicine Deputy Director of the National Clinical Center for Geriatric Diseases, China
  • Hematology Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (Institute of Hematology, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences), Vice president, Deputy Director of the National Clinical Medical Research Center for Hematological Diseases. Director of the regenerative Medicine Clinic, ChinaJun Shi
    Jun Shi
    Hematology Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (Institute of Hematology, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences), Vice president, Deputy Director of the National Clinical Medical Research Center for Hematological Diseases. Director of the regenerative Medicine Clinic, China
  • Medical Executive Director, Ludaopei Hospital, Beijing Lu Daopei Hematology Research Institute, ChinaPeihua Lu
    Peihua Lu
    Medical Executive Director, Ludaopei Hospital, Beijing Lu Daopei Hematology Research Institute, China
  • Dean of School of Pharmacy,  Peking University, leading  scientist of national candidate  drugs for BiologyDemin Zhou
    Demin Zhou
    Dean of School of Pharmacy, Peking University, leading scientist of national candidate drugs for Biology

    原北京大学药学院院长、天然药物与仿生药物全国重点实验室主任、北大宁波药物研究院院长;国家973项目、基金委创新群体、国家创新药物重大专项首席科学家。长期从事基于化学-生物学交叉的新药发现新技术新方法研究,在Science、Nature Biotech等杂志发表论文百余篇,其中活流感病毒疫苗研究入选国际疫苗学会“Paper of the Year”、中国科学十大进展等。

  • Deputy Director of the Hospital of Hematology, Institute of Hematology, Chinese Academy of Medical SciencesLei Zhang
    Lei Zhang
    Deputy Director of the Hospital of Hematology, Institute of Hematology, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences
  • Vice President, Cancer Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, ChinaNing Li
    Ning Li
    Vice President, Cancer Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, China
  • Peking University People's Hospital, ChinaXiangyu Zhao
    Xiangyu Zhao
    Peking University People's Hospital, China
  • Co-director, Beijing Brain and Brain Research Institute,Chairman  of the Strategic Steering Committee of Core Zhida Neurotechnology Co., LTD, Chief Scientist of Kinder Kyushu (Beijing) Biotechnology Co., LTD, ChinaMinmin Luo
    Minmin Luo
    Co-director, Beijing Brain and Brain Research Institute,Chairman of the Strategic Steering Committee of Core Zhida Neurotechnology Co., LTD, Chief Scientist of Kinder Kyushu (Beijing) Biotechnology Co., LTD, China
  • Co-founder, Chairman and Chief scientist, Belief Biomed, ChinaXiao Xiao
    Xiao Xiao
    Co-founder, Chairman and Chief scientist, Belief Biomed, China
  • Professor,CSO of NeurophthQiutang Li
    Qiutang Li
    Professor,CSO of Neurophth
  • Director of cellular immunotherapy  product development,  University of PennsylvaniaJ. Joseph Melenhorst
    J. Joseph Melenhorst
    Director of cellular immunotherapy product development, University of Pennsylvania
  • Professor, Tufts University, USA, CEO of Hopewell TheropeuticsQiaobing Xu
    Qiaobing Xu
    Professor, Tufts University, USA, CEO of Hopewell Theropeutics
    Dr. Qiaobing Xu is professor in Department of Biomedical Engineering at Tufts University. He is also the founder and CEO of Hopewell Therapeutics. He obtained his B.S. from Jilin University, Changchun, China, and PhD from Harvard University, USA. He did a postdoc training at MIT before joining Tufts as an assistant professor in September, 2010. He was promoted to full professor in 2021. His research group mainly focuses on developing novel synthetic biodegradable lipids for nucleic acid delivery, including gene therapy and gene editing. He received Charlton Award from Tufts University School of Medicine in 2012 and named the Pew Scholar for Biomedical Sciences from Pew Charitable Trusts in 2013. He received the National Science Foundation CAREER Award in 2015. He was elected as a Fellow of AIMBE, class of 2020.
  • Assistant Professor of Medicine at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, University of Pennsylvania School of MedicineSaar Gill
    Saar Gill
    Assistant Professor of Medicine at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
    Dr. Gill obtained his medical degree and Ph.D in immunology from the University of Melbourne in Australia, and a post-doctoral fellowship in cellular therapy at Stanford University. Dr. Gill is now an assistant professor of medicine at the University of Pennsylvania where he specializes in the treatment of patients with leukemia and in bone marrow transplantation. He has led clinical trials of chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cell trials for chronic and acute leukemias. Dr. Gill’s research laboratory focuses on the interface between adoptive cellular therapy and genetic engineering.
  • Chief Operating Officer, Celyad BelgiumJean-Pierre Latere
    Jean-Pierre Latere
    Chief Operating Officer, Celyad Belgium
    Jean-Pierre Latere (Chief Operating Officer) joined Celyad in January 2016 and is responsible for strengthening the organization and key processes in manufacturing, quality, program management and regulatory affairs. He started his career as a Research Associate at the Michigan State University in the US. Following that assignment, he moved to the Johnson & Johnson group where he held various positions, from Scientist to Senior Scientist. He then joined Cardio3 BioSciences in 2008 as Project Manager Delivery System and left the company in 2012 in the position of Senior Director Business Development. Prior to joining Celyad, Jean-Pierre served as Beauty Care and Healthcare Market Global Leader at Dow Corning. Jean-Pierre holds a PhD in Chemistry from the University of Liège, Belgium.
  • Head of CMC regulatory  policy and strategy, JunoMichael G.  Covington
    Michael G. Covington
    Head of CMC regulatory policy and strategy, Juno
  • COO, NGGT, ChinaGuang QU
    Guang QU
    COO, NGGT, China


    曲光博士于美国俄亥俄州立大学获得博士学位,并在基因治疗著名专家James Wilson教授实验室开展博士后相关工作,拥有30多年的基因治疗药物的开发经验。曾先后在美国最早的基因治疗公司Avigen 和CHOP(费城儿童医院)病毒载体中心任职、负责病毒载体大规模制备的工艺与新技术开发。

    2013年,Spark Therapeutic成立,曲光博士作为该公司负责病毒载体制备工艺与新技术开发的Head负责其所有产品的工艺开发,主导了全球第一个眼科用基因治疗产品Luxturna(2018年FDA批准)从实验室到获批上市销售的全过程的生产工艺开发与建立,同时制备了全球最早开展的由宾西法尼亚大学的Car June博士主导的CAR-T疗法中使用的慢病毒载体。


  • Former FDA Medical Evaluator, Professor of Macau University of Science and Technology, ChinaYao Yi
    Yao Yi
    Former FDA Medical Evaluator, Professor of Macau University of Science and Technology, China
  • Director of Pathogen Biology, School of Basic Medical Sciences, Peking UniversityFengmin Lu
    Fengmin Lu
    Director of Pathogen Biology, School of Basic Medical Sciences, Peking University


  • Director, Department of Neurology,Chinese PLA General HospitalShiwen Wu
    Shiwen Wu
    Director, Department of Neurology,Chinese PLA General Hospital
  • CSO, Hopewell TherapeuticsXiaokui Zhang
    Xiaokui Zhang
    CSO, Hopewell Therapeutics
  • VP, Preclinical Science,  Editas MedicineHaiyang  Jiang
    Haiyang Jiang
    VP, Preclinical Science, Editas Medicine
  • Assistant Professor, Stanford University School of Medicine, USACong Le
    Cong Le
    Assistant Professor, Stanford University School of Medicine, USA
  • Assistant Professor and  Director of Science,  Upenn, Co-founder of  DeCART TherapeuticsJoe Fraietta
    Joe Fraietta
    Assistant Professor and Director of Science, Upenn, Co-founder of DeCART Therapeutics
  • Founding Partner, Sherpa Healthcare Partners, ChinaDaqing Cai
    Daqing Cai
    Founding Partner, Sherpa Healthcare Partners, China
  • President, In Capital, ChinaYufen Zheng
    Yufen Zheng
    President, In Capital, China
  • Partner, Sequoia, ChinaYunxia Yang
    Yunxia Yang
    Partner, Sequoia, China
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    -赠送商图云课堂 699 VIP会员半年卡
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