[Fully Booked][Aug 27 | Online] [Members Only] GCC Virtual Exchange: 如何应对中德跨文化工作中的挑战?



[Fully Booked][Aug 27| Online] [Members Only] GCC Virtual Exchange: 


Language 语言: Chinese 中文

Date&Time 时间: 10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. August 27, 2024

Venue 地点: Microsoft Teams

 (Members Only)


Working in a Sino-German cross-cultural environment means diversity and colorfulness. With German headquarters, Chinese subsidiaries, Sino-German joint ventures, and supply chains in both countries, collaboration among individuals from super diverse cultural backgrounds is the new norm. However, when colleagues from China and Germany work together, you will find that they have different working habits, mindsets and communication styles, which can lead to misunderstandings, reduce productivity and have a significant impact on work results.

在本次Virtual Exchange中,我们将通过大量的案例分析来梳理中德之间的文化差异,让您了解思维和行为背后的不同文化理念,增加同理心,降低中德文化冲突,减少工作中的摩擦,提高团队协同效应。

In this Virtual Exchange, we will sort out interpersonal differences between China and Germany through a number of case studies, allowing you to understand the different cultural concepts behind thinking and behavior, fostering increased empathy, and helping in avoiding cultural conflicts between China and Germany. This will reduce workplace friction and enhance team synergy.


本次讨论会将着重探讨以下话题 During this Virtural Exchange, we will discuss:

· 中德文化差异对比 Comparative Cultural Analysis Between China and Germany

· 中德沟通方式对比 Comparison of Communication Styles in China and Germany

· 中德工作和管理方式对比 Comparison of Work and Management Styles in China and Germany

About the Virtual Exchange: 

The German Chamber Virtual Exchange is our monthly event where members can freely connect and exchange insights on topics related to business in East China. This virtual event aims to provide a platform for sharing experiences, ideas, and best practices. Each month, we will explore a different theme or topic relevant to business in East China, with opportunities for networking and knowledge-sharing among our members in either English or Chinese. Let's come together to share our perspectives and build stronger connections within the German business community in East China!

德国商会Virtual Exchange 是德商会的月度活动,旨在为会员提供一个自由交流的平台,讨论与华东地区商务相关的话题。每个月我们将探索不同的主题或话题,提供机会供会员分享经验、想法和最佳实践。

*Please note that

  • Registration fee is free of charge and will be valid only after approval and confirmation via email. Registration will close at 12:00 p.m., August 26.

  • You will receive the join link for Teams and access information for the webinar on the afternoon prior to the event.

  • If you have any questions about the event, please feel free to contact chamber-east-events@china.ahk.de.

Premium Partners 2024

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- No-shows who fail to cancel 24 hours before the event will be charged with the full price.
- Fapiao will be sent to you digitally to your registered email address in 15-20 working days after the event.
- Any question on registration and payment, please contact:


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