[Member for Member]  [Sept 19 - 28 | Shanghai]  上海德国啤酒节火热开启!- 德国商会会员专享  Welcome to the 25th Shanghai Oktoberfest – Special Offer for German Chamber Member

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[Member for Member]

[Sept 19 - 28 | Shanghai]  上海德国啤酒节火热开启!- 德国商会会员专享  

Welcome to the 25th Shanghai Oktoberfest – Special Offer for German Chamber Member

Date & Time:September 19-28, 2024 18:00-22:00

Venue: 上海市长宁区延安西路2099号,上海扬子江丽笙精选酒店

Radisson Collection Hotel, Yangtze Shanghai

No. 2099 West Yan’An Road, Changning District, Shanghai


一年一度的上海德国啤酒节即将拉开帷幕 ,我们再度相聚在上海扬子江丽笙精选酒店。作为上海旅游节指定活动之一,将为您呈现原汁原味的德国啤酒节!

The annual Shanghai Oktoberfest will be kicked off in September 2024, we'll gathering again at the Radisson Collection Hotel, Yangtze Shanghai.

As one of the designated activities of Shanghai Tourism Festival, an extraordinary feast of food and entertainment awaits you!


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The cheerful atmosphere surrounds you as you inside the Bavarian-style 880-square-metre tent. Paulaner beer is Munich's official Oktoberfest beer, with a delicate and rich foam and a mellow taste that will make you intoxicated. Also, an authentic German delicious buffet will offer you a variety of cuisine such as pork elbow, sausages and sauerkraut, that will leave you with an exceptional experience.


不仅如此,还有德国著名乐队The Beer Kings现场助兴,趣味游戏等您来挑战!我们还为您准备了丰厚的奖品,别再犹豫,快来加入我们德国啤酒节狂欢派对吧!让我们共同度过一个难忘而美好的夜晚,留下珍贵的回忆!

We also invited The Beer Kings - the famous German live band on the stage, dancing to the joyful rhythm, relax yourself. In addition, there are some interesting games lucky draws add more surprises, with great prizes waiting for you to claim! Come and join our Oktoberfest party, and have a memorable and wonderful evening together!


会员注册及预定 Member registration and reservation:

德国商会会员特价 Special offer for German Chamber

  • 周日 – 周四:每位RMB328元 (原价RMB388元)

    Sun – Thu: RMB328 per person (Price:RMB388)

  • 周五,周六:每位RMB418元 (原价RMB488元)

    Fri & Sat: RMB418 per person (Price:RMB488 )

日期:2024年9月19日 – 28日

Date: Sep 19 to 28, 2024

座位预定电话:021-6275 6318

Reservation number: 021-6275 6318

联系人 Contact Person: Jessica WU (+86 18601735853)

Email: jessica.wu@radissoncollection-yangtze.com

注册登记请扫此二维码 Scan the QR code for registration 


Yearly Sponsors

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