[Members Only] [Oct 25 | Beijing] German Oktoberfest Beijing – German Chamber Night

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[Members Only]

[Oct 25 | Beijing] 

German Oktoberfest Beijing – German Chamber Night

Date: Friday, October 25, 2024

Time: 18:00 - 22:30 

Location: Paulaner Beer Tent, Kempinski Hotel Yansha Center, Chaoyang, Beijing


Far away from Germany, we still have the chance to experience an authentic Octoberfest in China! Join the German Chamber and Paulaner for an unforgettable Bavarian feast in Beijing on Friday, October 25, 2024 at the Paulaner Beer Tent at Kempinski Hotel Beijing!


Immerse yourself in the spirit of Oktoberfest with a lavish spread of authentic German cuisine, featuring classics like pretzels, sausages, sauerkraut and more. Enjoy the free flow of exceptional Paulaner Bräuhaus festival beer, brewed to perfection for the occasion. The festivities will be in full swing with a live Oktoberfest band, lively sing-alongs, and a variety of entertainment that captures the true essence of Bavarian culture. Don’t miss this chance to celebrate Oktoberfest in grand style!


Event Highlights 活动亮点

  • Tapping Ceremony 开酒仪式,别具一格

  • Free flow of high-quality freshly-brewed German beer 鲜啤畅饮,品质保证

  • German-style set menu 德式佳肴,饕餮盛宴

  • Live Oktoberfest band & dance 现场歌舞,视听享受

  • Surprising lucky draw gifts for you 抽奖好礼,惊喜连连

Sponsor Benefits 赞助权益

Do you want to showcase your company's brand? This year's Oktoberfest offers a great opportunity to do so, as it will bring together influential members of both local and German business communities for an exciting gathering. There, you will enjoy media coverage, brand exposure and awareness, and increase loyalty. If you are interested in our sponsoring packages, please contact Ms. Elaine Wang via wang.elaine@china.ahk.de.

German Oktoberfest in Beijing – German Chamber Night (9).png

Diamond Sponsor | 钻石赞助商

Price: CNY 7,599 

  • 12 Free Tickets 12张免费门票

  • Special table arrangement with company logo table card decoration 餐桌配以公司logo桌卡特别装饰

  • Special thanks by host during opening remarks 活动开幕致辞特别鸣谢

  • Company brochures display at reception 活动现场接待处公司宣传册展示

  • Priority as lucky draw presenter 优先作为抽奖嘉宾上台参与抽奖

  • Logo exposure at Octoberfest event page of German Chamber 中国德国商会十月节活动界面logo曝光

  • Logo exposure at Email Campaign promotion of the event by German Chamber 中国德国商会活动邮件推广中logo曝光

  • Logo exposure at WeChat Post promotion of the event by German Chamber 中国德国商会活动微信推送中logo曝光

  • 1 WeChat post advertisement at German Chamber North Account 中国德国商会公众号独家头条推送一篇


Gold Sponsor | 黄金赞助商

Price: CNY 6,999 

  • 12 Free Tickets 12张免费门票

  • Special table arrangement with company logo table card decoration 餐桌配以公司logo桌卡特别装饰

  • Special thanks by host during opening remarks 活动开幕致辞特别鸣谢

  • Company brochures display at reception 活动现场接待处公司宣传册展示

  • Logo exposure at Octoberfest event page of German Chamber 中国德国商会十月节活动界面logo曝光

  • Logo exposure at Email Campaign promotion of the event by German Chamber 中国德国商会活动邮件推广中logo曝光

  • Logo exposure at WeChat Post promotion of the event by German Chamber 中国德国商会活动微信推送中logo曝光


Silver Sponsor | 白银赞助商

Price: CNY 3,499 

  • 6 Free Tickets 6张免费门票

  • Special table arrangement with company logo table card decoration 餐桌配以公司logo桌卡特别装饰

  • Special thanks by host during opening remarks 活动开幕致辞特别鸣谢

  • Company brochures display at reception 活动现场接待处公司宣传册展示

  • Logo exposure at Octoberfest event page of German Chamber 中国德国商会十月节活动界面logo曝光

  • Logo exposure at Email Campaign promotion of the event by German Chamber 中国德国商会活动邮件推广中logo曝光

  • Logo exposure at WeChat Post promotion of the event by German Chamber 中国德国商会活动微信推送中logo曝光

Preparation Stage
End of Event
Choose ticket
Sales End
German Chamber of Commerce Members
2024-10-24 17:00
Registration will need approval from the organizer.
Friends of the German Chamber
2024-10-24 17:00
Registration will need approval from the organizer.
**Please Note
  • Registration will close at 5PM, October 24.

  • Please be aware that cancellations must be in writing and email to wang.elaine@china.ahk.de and must occur on 5PM, October 22 at the latest. 

  • No refunds will be offered on bookings cancelled after 5PM, October 22.

  • E-fapiao will be sent to your registered email address within 10 working days after the event. 

  • If you have any questions about the event, please feel free to contact chamber-north-events@china.ahk.de.


The event is organized by German Chamber of Commerce in China - North China

BagEvent & Zoho.jpg

Silver Sponsor

DZ Bank logo.jpg

Yearly Sponsors 2024/25



©2024 German Chamber of Commerce in China (GCC) / German Industry and Commerce (Taicang) Co., Ltd. (GIC) and its branches / three Delegations of German Industry and Commerce (Delegation). No part of this event and/or content and/or publication and/or video may be reproduced without prior permission. For further questions, please refer to the provided contact persons.

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© 2024中国德国商会(GCC)/ 德中工商技术咨询服务(太仓)有限公司(GIC)及分支机构 / 德国工商大会三个代表处(代表处)。本活动以及活动素材、信息发布、视频等,未经许可不得复制。如有疑问,请与联络人联系。 


