[Oct 23 | Webinar] How suppliers can reduce the risk of under-amortization and deadstock loss in face of shrinking sales in the vehicle market  供应商如何在车企销量萎缩的背景下降低产品的摊销不足和库存损失风险

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Amidst domestic economic slowdown, geopolitical tensions, rising trade barriers, and a gradually declining number of car buyers compared to the previous generation, the demand for vehicles has slackened. Furthermore, the widespread adoption of new energy vehicles (NEVs) has intensified competition within the industry, leading to the gradual elimination of some automakers from the market. The remaining players, facing fierce competition, must reduce costs, and these consequences ultimately trickle down to automotive suppliers.


As the “Party B”, suppliers often find themselves in a disadvantaged position when collaborating with automakers, frequently compelled to accept stringent conditions such as extended payment terms, stringent quality assurance requirements, and unreasonable amortization and safety stock provisions. 


On October 23rd, German Chamber of Commerce in China - North China Shenyang has the honor to invite lawyer from Shaohe Law Firm, who will present some solutions to the aforementioned issues in an hour-long webinar for your consideration.


Language 语言: 

English or Chinese 英文或中文

Date & Time 日期&时间:

Wednesday,  Oct 23, 2024 | 15:00-16:00


Venue 地点:

Online event (MS Teams)

Fee 门票费:

German Chamber of Commerce Members: Free 德国商会会员:免费

Friends of the German Chamber: Free 商会之友:免费

Non-Members: CNY 200 非德国商会会员:200元


1. 供应商向车企追讨的常见债务类型 Common Types of Debts Pursued by Suppliers from Automakers

2. 司法实践 Judicial Practice

3. 风险管理 Risk Management

4. 案例分享 Case Studies

1. 供应商向车企追讨的常见债务类型

·       货款

·       模具摊销费

·       研发&试验费用

·       呆滞物料和库存损失

1. Common Types of Debts Pursued by Suppliers from Automakers

Payment for Goods

Mold Amortization Fees

R&D and Testing Expenses

Dead Stock and Inventory Losses


2. 司法实践

·       货款—一般会支持

·       模具摊销费— 取决于合同依据、模具支出及模具本身

·       研发&试验费用— 取决于合同依据、研发支持明细和证据材料

·       呆滞物料和库存损失— 取决于合同依据、库存实物以及无法再用于其他项目的证据

2. Judicial Practice

Payment for Goods - Generally supported

Mold Amortization Fees – Subject to contractual basis, mold expenditures, and the mold itself

R&D and Testing Expenses - Subject to contractual basis, breakdown of R&D support, and evidentiary materials

Dead Stock and Inventory Losses - Subject to contractual basis, physical inventory, and proof of non-reusability in other projects


3. 风险管理建议

·       模具摊销费




·       呆滞物料和库存损失





3. Risk Management Recommendations

Mold Amortization Fees

-      Designing of contract terms

-      Organizing and archiving of documents related to mold development and production expenditures

-      Maintaining and preserving of molds

Dead Stock and Inventory Losses

-      Designing of contract terms

-      Organizing and archiving of procurement-related documents for materials and inventory

-      Storing and safeguarding of materials and inventory

-      Specificity of materials and inventory, i.e., their non-reusability in other projects



·       正面案例

·       负面案例

4. Case Studies

Positive Cases

Negative Cases

1. 供应商向车企追讨的常见债务类型 Common Types of Debts Pursued by Suppliers from Automakers

2. 司法实践 Judicial Practice

3. 风险管理 Risk Management

4. 案例分享 Case Studies

  • Partner,  Attorney-at-lawWang Sai
    Wang Sai
    Partner, Attorney-at-law

    WANG Sai, LL.M. (Nanjing & Göttingen)

    Wang Sai studied and obtained his master's degree in law from Nanjing University as well as Göttingen University after obtaining his law degree from East China University of Political Science and Law (ECUPL). He passed the Chinese national judicial examination in 2013 and joined Shaohe Law Firm in 2017.

    Mr. Wang focuses on providing German and European clients investing in China with legal services in the areas of corporate, commercial and distribution law, dispute resolution and arbitration.

    Since 2017, he has provided legal services to a number of Sino-foreign joint venture projects as well as M&A and restructuring projects, where he has been involved in the legal due diligence parts, drafting and negotiating the transaction documents. He has also represented numerous European companies in the negotiation of their commercial disputes, such as the filing of lawsuits with the courts or the initiation of arbitration proceedings in the arbitration courts in China.

    汪赛, 法学硕士(南京大学 & 哥廷根大学)

    毕业于华东政法大学,取得法学学士学位。其后,他又在南京大学和德国哥廷根大学学习法律, 并在两所大学分别取得法学硕士学位。他于2013年通过国家司法考试,并于2017年加入劭合律师事务所。


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    German Chamber of Commerce Members
    2024-10-23 16:00
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    Friends of the German Chamber
    2024-10-23 16:00
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    Non Members
    2024-10-23 16:00
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    1. No-shows will be charged with full price.

    2. Cancellations and refunds need to be requested at least 48 hours before the start of the event. Applications after that will not be approved.
    **Please Note

    1. This is a pre-paid event. Please complete registration and payment online in advance. No-shows will be charged with the full price. Cancellations and refunds need to be requested at least 48 hours before the start of the event. Applications after that will not be approved. 



    2. Digital fapiao will be sent to your registered email within 10 working days after the event, if you apply for fapiao when you register. 



    3. For any enquiries, please contact German Chamber Shenyang Office via shenyang@china.ahk.de or call 024-8111 3996.

    如有任何咨询,请通过邮箱shenyang@china.ahk.de或致电 024-8111 3996联系我们。

    Event Sponsor


    Shaohe Law Firm


    Shaohe Law Firm is a full-service Chinese law firm with local expertise and global reach. Founded in 2007, Shaohe Law Firm has become one of the most trusted legal service providers for foreign, especially European, business in China. It covers a wide range of practice areas with a particular emphasis on corporate law and M&A, dispute resolution, labor law, data compliance, intellectual property protection, and tax law.


    Event Organizer


    Yearly Sponsors Northeast China 2024/25



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