我们很高兴地宣布,作为开源在中国本土发展的重要一步,OSPO Summit 2023 已经正式启动。
本届峰会以「本地化与全球化」将重点讨论 Upstream First 的成功实践和 OSPO 的工作实践。来自多个企业的 OSPO Leader 将带来上述话题的分享,我们还将邀请 Dr. Ibrahim Haddad 等国际专家和各开源基金会的代表为我们带来国际领先的观点。TODO Group manager Ana 将分享如何在企业中建立 OSPO。Open Chain 项目总经理 Shane Coughlan 先生将分享 Open Chain 自 2016 年起建立开源供应链信任的历程。除了主题分享之外,我们还将有很多开放的讨论环节,参会嘉宾可以根据自身工作背景及诉求,选择以下的探讨小组参与:
工程:关注 Upstream First、降本增效、从996到711、DevSecOps
我们热烈欢迎关注建设企业 OSPO 以及对本土和全球开源发展感兴趣的朋友们加入我们!峰会网站目前正在开发中,更多信息请在 Twitter 上关注我们的核心贡献者(@zhiqiangyu, @lijiansheng1, @jiangbonadia)。如果你对社区合作和赞助我们感兴趣,你可以通过电子邮件联系我: nadia.jiangbo@gmail.com。
Open Source Program Offices serve many organizations to provide strategy and alignment for an organization’s open source efforts and ensure open source continuity in the long term. Managing open source in an organization is a broad, dynamic, and complex topic requiring a wide scope of skills, responsibilities, and ways of working - making it hard to get a complete overview that can be shared with the wider organization or help you with managing your OSPO.
This presentation shares a set of recommendations and best practices to build your minimum viable OSPO (MVO), and how to ensure it aligns with the organization’s processes, work environment, and structure. Also, this presentation provides a list of existing resources and tools from the TODO Group and sister open source communities (e.g the OSPO Mind Map) to use to help implement an OSPO strategy.
The audience will leave with a step-by-step MVO checklist to take you from idea to proposal, to better communicate the value of adopting a strategic posture around open source within your organization.
华为从Linux kernel 3.3版本(2012)就开始规模回馈上游社区,本演讲将分享从使用开源到贡献开源的转变过程中,企业内部从战略、组织、开发流程、人才队伍上的变化和适配过程。
This talk is for those who understand that their organization must evolve and transform in light of changing market conditions and increased competition, and is looking to understand what change means from an organizational culture perspective. Attendees seek examples of organizational structures and cultures different from their own. In this presentation, Brian Proffitt will explain the nature, function, and importance of organizational culture, as well as describe the relationship between open source software communities and open organizational cultures. The basic practices involved in working openly will also be reviewed.
What is CHAOSS
Why OSPOs Matter to CHAOSS
Current Efforts in CHAOSS
Closing Remarks
OSPO 在企业的生存难度、如何获得认可、如何推动开源
关注upstream first、降本增效、从996到711、DevSecOps
刘天栋.Ted,长期专注于参与国内外开源社区,目前包含:开源社联合创始人 | Apache 软件基金会(ASF)正式会员, ASF 孵化器项目委员会成员和导师(Incubator PMC & mentor)、社区发展委员会成员(Community Development PMC)、筹款委员会成员/赞助伙伴大使(Fundraising Committee & Sponsor Ambassador)| 腾讯云 TVP & 腾源会导师;以及开源相关企业或顾问咨询工作,目前包含开源雨林顾问、BAIN & Company External Advisor 历任腾讯云开源顾问、微软中国战略业务总监、微软开放技术公司及微软亚太研发集团首席技术布道师;甲骨文(中国)渠道及联盟总监、Linux 战略总监、大中华区中间件事业部总经理;Turbolinux亚太区副总裁等。