OECD教育主管安德烈亚·施莱歇尔( Andreas Schleicher)曾经表示:“教师的能力决定了学校教育系统的质量”。教师的水平对于促进学生学习效果有着关键性作用,关注教师发展,就是从根本上确保教育质量的提升。对于这些牺牲休息时间来参加培训的老师,他们对教学、对学生充满真爱。我们不敢辜负这份爱与时间,只能用更多的优质培训内容来回报,现推出“Active Learning|培养主动学习者”系列培训。
Active Learning培训报名
1. 激励学生的策略
Strategies for Increasing Student Motivation
2. 有例可循的差异化教学方式
Teacher TestedApproaches to Differentiation
3. 为学习者设计参与式活动
Designing Engaging Activities for Young Learners
4. 课堂中的提问技巧
Approaches for Using Effective Questioning in the Classroom
5. 打造积极课堂环境
Creating a Positive Classroom Environment
6. 项目!如何开展项目式学习
Projects! How to Create Project Based Lessons
培训对象:K12国际学校的学科老师,或对Active Learning感兴趣的老师。
培训导师:Claudine Boucaud
2018年 Active Learning Strategies
Topics | 第一次课 | 第二次课 | |
1 | 激励学生的策略 Strategies for Increasing Student Motivation | 3.17上午 | 4.14 上午 |
2 | 有例可循的差异化教学策略 Teacher Tested Approaches to Differentiation | 3.17下午 | 4.14 下午 |
3 | 为学习者设计参与式活动 Designing Engaging Activities for Young Learners | 3.24 上午 | 4.21 上午 |
4 | 课堂中的提问技巧 Approaches for Using Effective Questioning in the Classroom | 3.24下午 | 4.21 下午 |
5 | 打造积极的课堂环境 Creating a Positive Classroom Environment | 3.31 上午 | 5.5 上午 |
6 | 项目!如何开展项目式学习 Projects! How to Create Project Based Lessons | 3.31 下午 | 5.5 下午 |
1. Strategies for Increasing Student Motivation
Explain difference between intrinsic/extrinsic motivation.
Reflect on what kept you motivated as a learner.
Identify 4 qualities for helping students motivate themselves.
Present simple ideas to improve student motivation.
2. Teacher Tested Approaches to Differentiation
Reflect and describe the differentiation strategies you have tried and the outcomes.
Review and discuss what each of the differentiation tools different (materials, tasks,leaning experience, grouping).
Explain how you can adapt a variety of differentiation strategies based on your teaching context.
Plan and teach a differentiated lesson. Share the experience and receive feedback.
3. Designing Engaging Activities for Young Learners
Review the research on the concentration level of young learners.
Identify which activities are stirrers and settlers?
Participate in a variety of stirring and settling activities.
Plan and teach a mini stirring or settling activity. Receive useful peer feedback.
4. Approaches for Using Effective Questioning in the Classroom
Reflect and discuss- Why do we ask question and what type of questions do we ask?
Identify effective and ineffective questions.
Use Bloom’s Taxonomy to design effective questions.
Practice using effective questioning techniques.
5. Creating a Positive Classroom Environment
Learn how to build a rapport, give feedback and praise
Make your teaching style interesting and varied to reach all students.
Discuss and role play how to change negative behaviors into positive behaviors.
Review Ideas for using classroom walls, seating arrangement, and classroom helpers to improve the learning environment.
6. Projects! How to create Project-Based Lessons?
Identify the essential elements of Project Based learning.
Participate in and deconstruct a s PBL project.
Learn how to design, management and assess a project.