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A. Keynote speeches
B. Scientific Forum on Medicinal Mushrooms
Different symposia dedicated to:
Biodiversity and Ethnomycology of Medicinal Mushrooms (Conservation, Taxonomy, Ecological Distribution, Historical and Sociological Impact);
Genetics and Breeding of Medicinal Mushrooms (including Molecular Biology);
Cultivation and Fermentation of Medicinal Mushrooms;
Biochemistry and Pharmacology of Medicinal Mushrooms' Active Compounds;
Medicinal Mushrooms in Veterinary and Agriculture;
Medicinal Mushrooms in Clinical Practice;
Nutritional and Medicinal Values of Mushroom Products;
Industrialization of Medicinal Mushrooms Products (including Management, Marketing, Laws and Regulations, Standardization).
C. Chinese Academy of Engineering Forum
D.Professor Shu-Ting Chang's Symposium on Academic Thoughts
E. Poster Exhibition
F. International Mushroom Expo