2019顶思JAWs创变教学工作坊报名表-北京场 Application Form for Job-Alike Workshops Beijing 2019


2019顶思JAWs创变教学工作坊报名表-北京场 Application Form for Job-Alike Workshops Beijing 2019



顶思将打造JAWs(Job-Alike Workshops)创变教学工作坊,邀请若干位教师、教育研究者和观察者上台,通过主题演讲互动体验方式,鼓励教师群体分享有料的教育理念和实践经验,助力推动培养新时代的“世界公民”。

TopSchools plans to launch a series of Job-Alike Workshops (JAWs) to share the best teaching practices among the educators. We encourage international/bilingual school teachers and researchers to give their thoughts on how to turn our students to global citizens for the new era.


2019年4月13日(周六) 13:00-17:30 

April 13th, 2019  13:00-17:30

 本期主题 Topic:


Differentiation and Personalized Learning

 活动流程 Proposed Rundown:

13:00-13:10 欢迎与活动介绍 Welcome Speech

13:10-14:00 主题工作坊 1 Workshop1

14:10-15:00 主题工作坊 2 Workshop 2

15:00-15:20 茶歇 Tea Break

15:20-16:10 主题工作坊 3 Workshop 3

16:20-17:10 主题工作坊4  Workshop 4

17:10-17:30 问答与自由交流 Q&A

  • 探月学院-英语PBL导师袁丕业
    Hi 我是探月学院的英语PBL导师Yuan 如果你想了解我 这段Rap送给你 First thing first, languages are the dopest, not to mention the culture they represent which I think is the coolest. My English ain't my native. Chinese ain't superlative. Japanese is far from attractive. But if you mix all different languages together, I'm the crazy language nerd. Word, word! Born and bred in China Studied in America Worked in Denmark Chilling in Malaysia If you ask me where in the world, are you coming from I'll be straight up telling it's the whole world I'm crusing from.
  • 一出学社&一初教育联合创始人任竹晞
  • 北京新学道临川学校国际部外方校长  Foreign Principal of the International Centre, Beijing Linchuan SchoolChris Nash
    Chris Nash
    北京新学道临川学校国际部外方校长 Foreign Principal of the International Centre, Beijing Linchuan School
    Chris Nash/北京新学道临川国际部外方校长 资深教育家和学校管理者, 英国教育管理硕士,并持有NPQH证书,CAIE教师发展委员会成员。在中国有5年国际学校领导和管理经验,16年英国州立中学校长经验,拥有相当丰富的初创院校管理经验,对中英文课程体系均有深入研究。 Chris Nash, Foreign Principal of Beijing Linchuan School,International Division Mr. Nash is a UK qualified educationalist and school leader who has now added successful experience of international school leadership and management to his portfolio after managing schools in China in the past 5 years. He has gained both a Masters qualification in Education Management and the National Professional Qualification in Headship (NPQH). And he is also a member of the Teacher Development Community Board for Cambridge Assessment International Education.
  • 法政国际教育集团 课程与教学部Alevel学术督导 Fazheng International Education Group|Senior Academic Supervisor (Alevel)刘广亮 Perry Liu
    刘广亮 Perry Liu
    法政国际教育集团 课程与教学部Alevel学术督导 Fazheng International Education Group|Senior Academic Supervisor (Alevel)
    2014年毕业于康涅狄格大学化工博士学位; 2015年4月至2018年8月 北京爱迪学校担任理科教研组组长 2015年至2018年 辅导加拿大滑铁卢物理竞赛,数学竞赛,美国物理杯 2016年至2018年 担任英国大学申请咨询师 2018年9月至今 法政国际教育集团课程与教学部Alevel学术督导 Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, University of Connecticut ( 2010 - 2014) Science Group Leader at Beijing Aidi School (2014-2018) Outstanding coach for American Association of Physics Teachers Physics Bowl (2018) British University application councelor (2016-2018) Alevel Academic Supervisor at Fazheng Group (2018-now)
  • 活动主办方