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As a member of ICH, it marks an significant step of China's drug standards in the worldwide. In order to promote the implementation of ICH guidelines, China launched the MAH system, actively promoted the consistency evaluation of generics, and also issued the technical requirements for injection consistency evaluation. Companies are in the dilemma of how to carry out the policies. Therefore, the industry needs a platform to explore and discuss.
With the rapid development of China's pharmaceutical industry, a series of policies such as “4+7” encourage drug innovation and promote the transformation and production of novel drug research and development. Due to the increasing number of approved drugs in the future, the market for modified formulations is unprecedented. Therefore, it is urgent to strengthen the research and development of modified preparations. At present, the development of Poorly-soluble tablets, sustained-release preparations and preparations refers to novel platforms confront with many stages of challenges in how to increase clinical effectiveness, improve process stability and industrialization.
Therefore, PharmaCon Committee is the top conference platform for Chinese chemical companies, and is committed to promoting the communication in the industry as a whole. PharmaCon2019 as the World-China Pharmaceutical R&D Congress will bring together more than 500 leading domestic and international chemical companies and leaders, to explore Pharmaceutical policies, consistency evaluation, modified preparations, and international declaration strategy. The four major sectors will provide the most cutting-edge and most valuable communication opportunities for all enterprises.
Looking forward to welcoming you in Pharmacon 2019 !
Chemical companies and technology companies: R&D department, registration department, analysis and development department, preparation department, manufacturing department, quality department, Business Department and Clinical Department Head and Senior Management
Drug registration and regulatory experts
Clinical trial researchers, data managers, project managers, etc.
CRO, CMO and senior management of equipments
Main Forum |
Forum 1: Consistency Evaluation |
Forum 2: Modified Preparations |
Forum 3: Regulation Affair |
吴博士负责和记黄埔医药创新药的药学研究及药品的生产。他的团队负责开发出了包括呋喹替尼在内的一系列创新药的原料药工艺,制剂工艺,和质量控制方法,以及它们到工厂的放大和技术转移。2018年呋喹替尼作为本土创新药获批上市。加入和记黄埔之前,吴博士领导过多个项目的研发团队,将多个新药候选药物推进至临床各个阶段和市场。曾在药物研发公司Phenomix任药学部高级总监。之前曾担任辉瑞圣地亚哥全球研发中心药物开发部总监,更早之前在罗氏加州研发中心(Roche Palo Alto)任资深科学家。吴博士于香港大学获得博士学位并在加州大学尔湾分校取得了MBA学位。曾任中美生物技术和制药协会理事长和会长。2003年获辉瑞杰出员工奖。他带领索凡替尼课题组荣获2010年度和记黄埔医药优秀团队奖。
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