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BIOMAP Global Co., Ltd.
InnoCosme 2019
17910 人关注
2019-12-05 08:30 ~ 12-06 17:00
Regal International East Asia Hotel, Xuhui, Shanghai
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BIOMAP Global Co., Ltd.
17910 人关注
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Awards Ceremony
Guangqun CAO
Former Dean of School of Chemical and Material Engineering, Jiangnan University
Wei Liu
Chief of Dermatology, Dematological Hospital, CHAF
Wei Liu (male) is the director of PLA Institute of Dermatology, and the director and chief physician of Dermatology Hospital of Air Force General Hospital of PLA; he is also a professor and doctoral supervisor. In 1991, Liu graduated from the Fourth Military Medical University and received his doctor degree of Medicine. He conducted the post-doctoral research during his stay in the Netherlands from 1996 to 1998. He has many years working experience in the medical practice, research and teaching in dermatology, especially in the researches of skin photobiology, cosmetics dermatology and efficacy evaluation on cosmetics. He organized and composed 7 mandatory national standards, including the Diagnosis Standards and Treatment Principles for Cosmetics Dermatology, as well as his representative works “Fundamental of Modern Cosmetic Dermatology” and “Dermatology and Efficacy Evaluation on Cosmetics”. His major social positions include deputy director of Medical Aesthetics and Cosmetology Committee of Chinese Medical Association, deputy director of National Cosmetic Standard Committee of Ministry of Health, Vice-Chairman of Dermatologist Committee of Chinese Medical Doctor Association, etc.
Wanping Zhang
Deanof International school of cosmetics,Shanghai Institute of Technology
Zhang Wanping, Deanof International school of cosmetics,Shanghai Institute of Technology Deputy director Engineering Research Center of Perfume&Aroma and Cosmetics,Ministry of Education Professor & Supervisor of Postgraduate Member of National Fragrance Flavor and Cosmetic Standardization Technical Committee Council Member of CAFFCI Societies of Cosmetic Science & Tachnology Associate Editor of academic journal “Flavor Fragrance Cosmetics” She obtained her Ph.D from East China University of Science and Technology in 2005. Then worked in Shanghai Institute of Technology , taught sessions, courses and training programs in cosmetic. Her primary research interests lie at the advances of cosmetic technologies, especially in special emulsion system and coated carrier technology, including Emulsions with liquid crystal structure, multiemulsions, nanoemulsions, lipid nanoparticle carries and polysiloxane microspheres. Dr. Zhang has participated in drafting National Occupational Standard of Cosmetic Formulators’ and authored Cosmetic Formulators Training Materials. Published over 80 technology papers in the SCI and core journals. Almost 60 invention patents, among which 28patents have been granted. Took more than 30 provincial and enterprise horizontal projects.
Yongbiao GUAN
Professor of Institute of Phamacology and Toxicology
Guan Yongbiao is a Professor of Institute of Phamacology and Toxicology (National Beijing Center for Drug Safety Evaluation and Research). He had been a Visiting Investigator at the Columbia University and Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in USA. Professor Guan has substantial experiences in the toxicological research and Safety Evaluation for cosmetics, drug, and medical device etc. He is the council member of Chinese Society of Toxicology, the Cosmetics Standards Committee of NMPA (CFDA), and National Standardization Technical Committee of Biological Evaluation of Medical Devices etc. He has been appointed as experts of cosmetics, drug, and medical device evaluation of NMPA (CFDA).
Ningwen ZHU
Professor, Fudan University
Professor Ning-wen Zhu,PH.D. & M.D, supervisor of PhD candidates in Fudan University, scholar of “the Thousand Talents Plan”, was engaged in minimally invasive surgery, tissue engineering, biomaterials, skin library technology and stem cell research and clinical work for almost 30 years. In Europe, he developed the first successful injecting filling materials with nano microspheres and acquired the European CE certification. Moreover, he is one of the pioneering orthopedic surgery experts in the world who use stem cell technology in minimally invasive surgery.
Qiang MA
Professor, Chinese Academy of Inspection and Quarantine
Paulo Andre Marinho
Vice-general Manager, Amorepacific
Paulo Marinho was born in Brazil and got his major in chemical engineering in 2004 at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Afterwards, he did a joint Ph.D. between “The Alberto Luiz Coimbra Institute for Graduate Studies and Research in Engineering” in Rio de Janeiro’s University and the “Medical School” at University of California San Diego where he studied how to improve embryonic stem cells conditions through mathematical models and use of bioreactors until 2010. He continued his research for 2 more years as postdoctoral fellow at Sanford Consortium in California until when he decided to join the L’Oréal Advanced Research division, in Paris, as a senior scientist. On his last 4 years of work in L’Oréal, Paulo was leading a laboratory of tissue engineering approaching subjects such as bioprinting, specialized skin models development and academic research through international collaborations. Nowadays, he is working at Amore Pacific, in Seoul, leading projects related to hair and skin research.
Zhi Lv
Vice President, Inoherb
Dr. Zhi Lu received his Ph. D degree from University of Pennsylvania, and has conducted research and development work in cosmetic industry for almost 20 years. Currently, he serves as the Vice President of R&D at Shanghai Inoherb Cosmetics Co., a Chinese skin care brand focusing on delivering skin care solution utilizing traditional Chinese herbs.
Hua Zhao
Director of Department of Cosmetics, School of Science, Beijing Technology and Business University
Director of Department of Cosmetics, School of Science, Beijing Technology and Business University Member of Expert Committee on Cosmetics--Beijing Food and Drug Administration Member of Cosmetic Subcommittee--The National Standardization Technical Committee on Flavour Fragrance and Cosmetic Member of Board of Cosmetics Surgery--Beijing Association of Integrative Medicine Secretary General--Beijing Daily Chemical Association Editorial Board Member of “China Surfactant Detergent and Cosmetics ” and “Detergent and Cosmetics” Prof. Zhao has been engaged in researches on the safety, sensory and efficacy evaluation of cosmetics and the related regulations. His research focuses onevaluating the efficacy of cosmetic ingredients and products through non-invasive skin test and establishing the sensory evaluation system and rheological model of cosmeticsto assess the stability and performance of cosmetics.
Yuxiang GU
Senior Engineer, Shanghai Institute of Quality Inspection and Technical Research
Yu-xiang Gu, professorate senior engineer of 'Shanghai Institute of Quality Inspection and Technical Research', commissioner of 'Subcommittee 2 on Cosmetics of National Technical Committee 257 on Flavor Fragrance and Cosmetics of Standardization Administration of China', is engaged with the work of cosmetics and food quality inspection and standardization. He has undertaken or participated in more than 20 research projects hosted by 'Science and Technology Commission Shanghai Municipality', 'General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine', et al; He is a key member of writing the draft versions of 10 national, industrial and local standards; and published dozens of papers. The related research outcome has achieved the third prize of “science and technology revitalizing inspection award”, first prize of “Shanghai standardization outstanding achievement award” et al.
Shujun Cheng
Professor, Shanghai Jiaotong University
Professor of Food safety and Toxicology Department of SJTUSchool of Public Health.Adjunct professor of Sun Yat-senUniversity , Jinan University and Guangdong Pharmaceutical University.General secretory of Shanghai Society of Toxicology.He was engaged inresearch, development, standardization and outspreading alternative methodsto toxicity test since 2005.He dedicated to the research of 3D skin model,microphysiological systemsand in vitro safficacy testing methods. He leading and participate in the standard systems of alternative methodsfor cosmetics toxicity testing in China EXIT-ENTRY department.He has won several invention patent and prize. Published over 90 papers.He also have a position in the European society of alternatives to animal experiments, experimental animal society of China, Chinese environmental mutagen society, guangdong laboratory animal, and other academic institutions.
Tamara Pheiffer
Chief of the Expert Panels, SkinDNA
BusinessWomen of the Year 18/19 Doctor in Medicine Leader for Biohacking in South Africa Keynote Speaker for AMCSA for 3 years Chairman of the board of the scientific board of anti aging 2018 Board member of the International board for medical biohacking.
Yadong HUANG
Chief Scientist, JY-RNA
Prof. Yadong Huang Vice president of Biomedical Research Institute of Jinan University, director of Key Laboratory of bioengineering drugs of Guangdong Province, and also the chief scientist of Guangzhou Jiyuan Biotechnology Co., Ltd. He is the candidate of New Century Excellent Talents in University of Ministry of Education of China (2008), Guangdong Province Higher Vocational Colleges & Schools Pearl River Scholar Funded Scheme (2012) and Guangdong's "Special Support Plan" Leading Scientific and Technological Innovation Talents (2016).His studies focus on the research and development of protein polypeptide drugs and new materials and development of cosmetics bioactive ingredients and functional skin care products.
Zhihui XIE
Vice General Manager, COOWAY
From 1998 to 2015, served Mentholatum (China) Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. , as OTC & skin care products researcher, and became the chief engineer. Now act as deputy general manager & chief engineer of Guangdong COOWAY Biotechnology Co., Ltd., a medical beauty pioneer enterprise in China.
Jean-Yves Bruxer
Managing Director, SETHIC
Jean-Yves Bruxer is a French engineer, graduated with a MSc from ESTP Paris. Originated from Alsace, he combines French creativity with German rigor. He has been working in the health & beauty industry for 10 years in Japan and more than 15 years in China. With a passion for innovation and a long-term vision, he is focusing on the introduction of the most advanced green technology solution to domestic clients. He is the managing director of SETHIC for Greater China and a board member of different wellcare companies.
Yuefei YANG
Chief Scientist of R&D Manufacturing Center, YALAN INTERNATIONAL
Professor, and Postgraduate Supervisor, China Institute of DailyandChemical Industry;Senior Engineer of Daily Cosmetics,Sichuan Light Industry Research andDesign Institute;Chief Designer of GMP Factory of Chinese Cosmetics Manufacturing Enterprise. Chief Scientist of Cosmetics Research and Production Center of YaChun,YaLanInternational Group
Giuseppe Percoco
Scientific innovation leader, BIO-EC Laboratory
He got his PhD in Rouen University, in 2012, working on project focused on the characterization of skin-cutaneous microbiota interaction at molecular level and in the development of active-ingredients able to modulate the skin response to pathogenic organisms. He has been working in BIO-EC laboratory since 2013 as scientific innovation manager in skin biology. He has participated in the development of innovative tests for dermo-cosmetics claim substantiation in a wide range of fields, including anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and anti-pollution domain. He is actually working on a project named UrbaSkin project which has as a goal the characterization of the effects of urban pollution on the skin using multiple approaches.
Zhengzheng LIAO
Associate Director of R&D,Chicmax
As the associate director of R&D of Shanghai Chicmax Cosmetic Co. Ltd, Dr. Liao is responsible for the research and development of innovative active ingredients, formulation development of functional cosmetics,and the safety, efficacy and sensory evaluation. Prior to Chicmax, she worked for Unilever at the Unilever globalR&D center in US and in China, experienced in skin bioscience, development of skin care formulation and product, and development of consumer interactive devices. She has received the Ph.D. in physical chemistry from university of Pennsylvania.
Head of efficacy and safety department
2009年毕业于中国科学院上海生物化学与细胞生物学研究所,获博士学位;毕业后留任研究所助理研究员,研究肿瘤靶点分子机制。2012年加入安利(中国)研发中心,现任产品体外功效评价平台负责人,主要从事营养品保健品科学机制与美容皮肤护理科学机制研究与功能性活性物筛选,构建营养/美容产品内部研发战略平台及外部专家学者合作平台,已发表科学文章、发明专利10余项。任上海市药理学会皮肤药理学专业委员会委员。目前集中在纽崔莱保健品与雅姿美容护肤类新品的研发工作。 发表学术论文10余篇,申请国内外发明专利7项,参编学术专业书籍1部。
Jianfeng ZHAO
Doctor.Zhao graduated from NANJING UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY and obtained the Ph.D. degree. During university period he was awarded the ‘2009 National Doctoral Academic Conferenceoutstanding thesis’; Participated in the ‘863 program’; ‘Major national special projects’ ; ‘Jiangsu Province science and technology support program’ and other important issues. Currently he was employed in Jiangsu Jland biotech Co., Ltd., as the manager of R&D department. He also served as the Vice President in NANJING UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY-Jiangsu jland biotech Human Source Collagen Engineering Research Institute. Engaged in the development and application of recombinant collagen research.
Binghan (De-Tian Xu)
Well-known Skin Care Expert/KOL
One of the most well-known skin care experts in China, initiated the movement of “Care your skin with sense and science”, gained the Master degree of dermatology in Annhui Medical University, and currently is a PhD candidate in dermatology at Tongji University Medical School. Established the Ice Dermalab Shanghai, the first non-profit private dermatology lab in China in 2013, and have been focused on researches concerning cosmetic dermatology, the relationship between cosmetic products and skin, especially pilosebaceous related problems such as acne, black-heads, seborrheic dermatitis, rosacea, pores etc. The author of the top-selling skin care book “Listen to Your Skin”, which was awarded The Best-Selling Book of the 29thExcellent Scientific Book Show of The Northern China Ten Provinces of China. The chief translator of Cosmeceuticals 3rd edition Chinese version, which was awarded “The Best 50 Books” in Beijing International Book Show 2018. As the first author, research articles were published in Experimental Dermatology, Journal of Cosmetic and Laser Therapy, Dermatology, Clinical Dermatology (Chinese), Chinese Journal of Dermatovenerology, Chinese Journal of Aesthetic Medicine etc. Acts as consultant, columnist or specially invited specialist in media such as I am the Beauty (Hunan TV) , The best Choice (Anhui TV), CCTV, onlylady.com, sina.com beauty channel, tencent.com beauty channel, yoka.com, ifeng.com fashion channel, rayli.com.cn, SMG star fashion channel, MSN fashion channel, netease fashion channel, toutiao.com etc. Has over 1,000,000 followers on the Chinese social media Weibo.com, zhihu.com and WeChat, with overwhelming opinion influence in the field of skin care and beauty. One of the top KOLs in China skin care media because of his professional and objective stand. One of the few professionals in China who succeeded in primary culturing, large-scale proliferating and long-term preserving human sebocytes and outer-root-sheath cells and made the cells available for relative large scale studies. Publications and Achievements(2013-2018) 1、Xu D-T, Qi X-L, Cui Y, Liu W. The Ultraviolet Induced Red Fluorescence of Hair Follicles in The Skin of Acne Vulgaris Patients Is Not Correlated to Acne Inflammation Severity.Chinese Journal of Dermatology and Venereology, 2016: 30: 128-133. (First author) 2、De-Tian Xu, Jian-Na Yan, Yong Cui & Wei Liu. Quantifying Facial Skin ErythemaMore Precisely by Analyzing Colour Channels of The VISIA Red Images. Journal ofCosmetic and Laser Therapy, 2016, DOI: 10.3109/14764172.2016.1157360(First author) 3、De-Tian Xu, Xian-Long Qi, Yong Cui, Wei Liu. Absence or low density of P. acnesin comedonal lesions of acne patients?A surface to inside study of skin fluorescence.Experimental Dermatology, 2016. (First author) 4、De-Tian Xu, Wei Liu.P. ances and Acne: Progresses and Paradoxes [J].Journal of Clinical Dermatology, 2016, 45(3):81-84. (First author) 5、Applied for a patent of invention (Ref: 201510007288.X) (First inventor) 6、De-Tian Xu, Xian-Long Qi. Effects of Collagen and Its Hydrolysates on Human Skin.Chinese Journal of Aesthetic Medicine,2013, 22(3): 410-413. (First author) 7、Translation:Guidelines of care for the management of acne vulgaris,JAAD Chinese Version,2016, May. (Co-translator: Jiao-Qing Tang) 8、De-Tian Xu, Jian-Na Yan,Wei Liu, et al. Is Human Sebum the Source of Skin Follicular Ultraviolet-Induced Red Fluorescence? A Cellular to Histological Study [J]. Dermatology, 2018,234(1-2):43-50.(First author) 9、Binghan (De-Tian Xu). Listen to Your Skin[M]. Qingdao:Qingdao Publishing House, 2016. (Author) 10、De-Tian Xu. Cosmeceuticals, 3rd ed. Chinese version (Translation).Beijing:The People’s Medical Publishing House, 2018.(Chief translator)
Thomas Pun
Senior Director, Nielsen
Thomas 投身到市场研究行业已经十多年,目前在尼尔森担任北亚区创新咨询(BASES)高级总监,专责管理新产品上市过程的风险。他特别擅长新品概念及产品测试,销量预测,价格与营销组合优化模型,包装测试等等,涵盖食品饮料,个人/家庭护理品,耐用品,非处方药等等不同领域。Thomas 在香港中文大学毕业,主修工商管理(BBA),副修心理学。
Xin QU
Global R&D Manager, Ashland
Xin Qu, Ph.D., Global R&D Lab manager, Shanghai Technical Center, Ashland LLC, Shanghai, China. Dr. Qu had his B.S. from University of Science and Technology of China in 1994, and Ph.D. from Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden in 1999, major in Polymer Technology. After graduation, he worked as Postdoc in Columbia University, New York for 2 years, and then worked in Hydromer Inc., New Jersey as Senior Research Scientist since 2002. In 2006, Dr. Qu came back to Shanghai, and joined ISP Corp. (merged with Ashland Inc. in 2010) as Global R&D lab manager – Personal Care in Shanghai Technical Center. Dr. Qu published more than 70 articles in both international and Chinese journals, and patents in the areas of hair care, skin care and preservatives etc.
Product Director, LB Cosmeceutical Technology
Yinjuan WANG
Product Manager, Symrise
王银娟,博士,四川大学华西临床医学本科,硕士师从我国著名皮肤科专家何黎教授,进行临床常见皮肤病诊治及医学美容学习,后赴法国勃艮第弗朗什孔泰大学,跟随皮肤病学专家、化妆品学专家Philippe Humbert教授进行皮肤生物学研究及化妆品功效评价研究,获得博士学位;17年回国从事皮肤基础科学研究工作。目前任德之馨大中华区化妆品原料部产品经理。国内外发表论文十余篇。中国整形美容协会功效性化妆品分会常务理事、非公立医疗委员会无创检测及化妆品功效评价分会委员、非公立医疗委员会痤疮分会委员、中国整形美容协会医疗美容继续教育分会健康管理与功效产品委员会委员、上海市毒理学会委员。
Chunqi LI
Chief Scientist, Hunter Biotech
• Internationally renowned zebrafish technology scientist • National "Ten Thousand Plan" expert • Zhejiang province special expert • Zhejiang province "Thousand People Plan" expert • "Innovation Talent Promotion Plan" science and technology talent Jack Li, M.D., Ph.D. is currently a Professor in Toxicology and Pharmacology at Wenzhou Medical University and Chief Scientist at Hunter Biotechnology Company. As a leading scientist in zebrafish technology and models, Dr. Li has lived in Europe and the United States for nearly 20 years and worked for the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC of the World Health Organization WHO), Massachustts Institute of Technology (MIT) and international biopharmaceutical companies. His outstanding projects on zebrafish assay platform, disease models, cancer research, toxicology and drug R & D were supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Science Foundation (NSF) and Chinese goverment. Dr. Li has authored over 80 research and review papers in peer-reviewed professional journals including PNAS, Cancer Research, Blood, Chemical Research in Toxicology and Drug Discovery Today, and published one book and contributed to 5 book chapters.
Chairman/Founder, Hongmulan
Chairman of new land Positioning Consulting Iron lady of brand strategy positioning First position of new retail brand 20 years focused on brand consulting The Five Elements and Five Forces Rule for Original Brands Nine landing systems for brand strategic positioning Practitioners and promoters of the rise of Chinese brands Multiple corporate brand consultants