AHK-DIHK-Insights Webinar | Reading the Planner’s Minds: China’s Path towards Carbon Neutrality in the Energy Sector

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When: Nov 23 2021, 16:30-17:30 China Time / 9:30-10:30 CET

Where: Zoom Webinar

Language: English

With COP26 taking place, the world is closely observing China’s role in climate change and how China will achieve carbon neutrality in 2060. Amidst the recent series of severe power cuts which are partly driven by China's decarbonization drive, companies in China are left to wonder which short- and long-term actions China will take.


As an intergovernmental organization advising governments on energy policy, the International Energy Agency (IEA) just published An Energy Sector Roadmap to Carbon Neutrality in China which sets out pathways for achieving carbon neutrality in China’s energy sector.

The findings of this comprehensive research project, which is the result of a close cooperation with Chinese think-tanks and policy advisors, will serve as the backdrop for addressing the following questions:


1. Outcomes of COP26: What major progress was made at COP and how does China figure into this?

2. How do China’s recently released documents (Working Guideline plus Action Plan for Peak by 2030) align with the IEA’s Roadmap?

3. Given the current power shortages, how can China balance guaranteeing secure energy supply and achieving the carbon goals? How will this impact progress on goals?

4. How long will this situation last and will it shift the focus of central planners going forward? What measures can help manage this in the future?

5. What is the impact of China’s announcement of no longer building new overseas coal projects?

**Important Notice: This event will be held on Zoom. A meeting link and login information will be provided to successful registrants via registered email address at 10am, Nov 23 (China Time).

Agenda (China Time)

Opening Remarks

AHK-DIHK-Insights Webinar | Reading the Planner’s Minds: China’s Path towards Carbon Neutrality in the Energy Sector
Dr. Jost Wübbeke
Managing Partner, Sinolytics.
AHK-DIHK-Insights Webinar | Reading the Planner’s Minds: China’s Path towards Carbon Neutrality in the Energy Sector
Dr. Timur GÜL
Head of Energy Technology Policy Division, IEA

Presentation: China's Energy Roadmap

AHK-DIHK-Insights Webinar | Reading the Planner’s Minds: China’s Path towards Carbon Neutrality in the Energy Sector
Daniel Wetzel
Head of Unit: Tracking Sustainable Transitions, IEA

Q&A Session

AHK-DIHK-Insights Webinar | Reading the Planner’s Minds: China’s Path towards Carbon Neutrality in the Energy Sector
Dr. Constanze Wang (Moderator)
Head of Government Affairs & Advocacy, AHK Greater China
AHK-DIHK-Insights Webinar | Reading the Planner’s Minds: China’s Path towards Carbon Neutrality in the Energy Sector
Thomas König (Moderator)
Director East Asia, Association of German Chambers of Industry & Commerce (DIHK)

Closing Remarks

Opening Remarks

AHK-DIHK-Insights Webinar | Reading the Planner’s Minds: China’s Path towards Carbon Neutrality in the Energy Sector
Dr. Jost Wübbeke
Managing Partner, Sinolytics.
AHK-DIHK-Insights Webinar | Reading the Planner’s Minds: China’s Path towards Carbon Neutrality in the Energy Sector
Dr. Timur GÜL
Head of Energy Technology Policy Division, IEA
Timur Gül is Head of the Energy Technology Policy Division (ETP) at the International Energy Agency (IEA) in Paris. The division is responsible analysing the current state and future prospects of a range of clean energy technologies across different energy sectors. Prior to his current assignment, he was a lead author of the World Energy Outlook, the IEA’s flagship publication, and coordinated energy modelling work related to future energy demand. Before his time at the IEA, Timur Gül was a researcher at Paul Scherrer Institute in Switzerland. Timur Gül holds a PhD from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich, Switzerland. In addition, he holds a Masters degree in Environmental Engineering from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) Stockholm, Sweden, and a Diploma in Environmental Engineering from Stuttgart University, Germany.

Presentation: China's Energy Roadmap

AHK-DIHK-Insights Webinar | Reading the Planner’s Minds: China’s Path towards Carbon Neutrality in the Energy Sector
Daniel Wetzel
Head of Unit: Tracking Sustainable Transitions, IEA
Dan leads the newly create Tracking Sustainable Transitions unit within the World Energy Outlook, which tracks how policy measures are actually moving the needle on clean energy transitions, energy access, and energy employment. He was one of the lead author’s on the IEA’s Sustainable Recovery report, the IEA’s Sustainable Recovery Tracker, and coordinated IEA’s co-custodianship on Tracking Progress on Sustainable Development Goal 7.1: Universal Access. Dan also oversees the employment and parts of the demand analysis in the annual World Energy Outlook. Prior to joining the IEA, Dan worked at the Rocky Mountain Institute in their Beijing office, leading their Power Market Reform program, and also in Colorado, working on regional energy transition plans.

Q&A Session

AHK-DIHK-Insights Webinar | Reading the Planner’s Minds: China’s Path towards Carbon Neutrality in the Energy Sector
Dr. Constanze Wang (Moderator)
Head of Government Affairs & Advocacy, AHK Greater China
AHK-DIHK-Insights Webinar | Reading the Planner’s Minds: China’s Path towards Carbon Neutrality in the Energy Sector
Thomas König (Moderator)
Director East Asia, Association of German Chambers of Industry & Commerce (DIHK)

Closing Remarks

Speakers & Moderator
  • Head of Unit: Tracking Sustainable Transitions, IEADaniel Wetzel
    Daniel Wetzel
    International Energy Agency Head of Unit: Tracking Sustainable Transitions, IEA
    Dan leads the newly create Tracking Sustainable Transitions unit within the World Energy Outlook, which tracks how policy measures are actually moving the needle on clean energy transitions, energy access, and energy employment. He was one of the lead author’s on the IEA’s Sustainable Recovery report, the IEA’s Sustainable Recovery Tracker, and coordinated IEA’s co-custodianship on Tracking Progress on Sustainable Development Goal 7.1: Universal Access. Dan also oversees the employment and parts of the demand analysis in the annual World Energy Outlook. Prior to joining the IEA, Dan worked at the Rocky Mountain Institute in their Beijing office, leading their Power Market Reform program, and also in Colorado, working on regional energy transition plans.
  • Head of Energy Technology Policy Division, IEADr. Timur GÜL
    Dr. Timur GÜL
    International Energy Agency Head of Energy Technology Policy Division, IEA
    Timur Gül is Head of the Energy Technology Policy Division (ETP) at the International Energy Agency (IEA) in Paris. The division is responsible analysing the current state and future prospects of a range of clean energy technologies across different energy sectors. Prior to his current assignment, he was a lead author of the World Energy Outlook, the IEA’s flagship publication, and coordinated energy modelling work related to future energy demand. Before his time at the IEA, Timur Gül was a researcher at Paul Scherrer Institute in Switzerland. Timur Gül holds a PhD from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich, Switzerland. In addition, he holds a Masters degree in Environmental Engineering from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) Stockholm, Sweden, and a Diploma in Environmental Engineering from Stuttgart University, Germany.
  • Managing Partner,  Sinolytics.Dr. Jost Wübbeke
    Dr. Jost Wübbeke
    Sinolytics Managing Partner, Sinolytics.
  • Director East Asia, Association of German Chambers of Industry & Commerce (DIHK)Thomas König (Moderator)
    Thomas König (Moderator)
    Association of German Chambers of Industry & Commerce (DIHK) Director East Asia, Association of German Chambers of Industry & Commerce (DIHK)
  • Head of Government Affairs & Advocacy, AHK Greater ChinaDr. Constanze Wang (Moderator)
    Dr. Constanze Wang (Moderator)
    Head of Government Affairs & Advocacy, AHK Greater China
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