[Oct 18, Oct 25, Nov 1 | Online] HR Deep  Dive: Navigating Through Challenges in Times of Uncertainty 后疫情时代的德企人力资源破局之道

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14:50 ~ 17:00

[Online] Amplifying Strengths of German Employers with New Solutions

2:50pm-3:00pm Dial-in (Zoom)

3:00pm-3:05pm Opening Remarks 

3:05pm-4:05pm Sharing I: 3 Secrets How Covestro Made its Employer Brand Shine in China 

We all agree that a strong and appealing employer brand would contribute a lot in talent acquisition and employee retention. But when working on it, are you often distressed on where to start, how to balance China’s needs and Global strategy, how to prove the effect? And budget is always like a mistery.

In this session, Jean will share 3 secrets how Covestro as a young company with a long history made its employer brand shine in China against all odds.

4:05pm-5:00pm Sharing II: Employer Branding and its New Trend 

How employers view the current talent market and employer branding trend?

What are the key career & employer preferences from top university students in China:

- Most attractive employers by business & engineering students

- Industry preference

- Most attractive employer characteristics

- Popular communication channels

14:50 ~ 17:00

[Online] Building an Engaging and Sustaining Workplace in the Highly Uncertain Environment (Chinese)

2:50pm-3:00pm Dial-in (Zoom)

3:00pm-3:05pm Opening Remarks 

3:05pm-4:05pm Panel Discussion 

4:05pm-5:00pm Keynote Speech: Leveraging Strengths with Organizational Engagement 

Key sharing points:

- Evolution of " Talent Development " concept

- Strength-based talent development and assessment

- Strength as a business strategy

- Application of strength-based talent practices in MNCs and local organizations

14:50 ~ 17:00

[Online] Nurturing Future-oriented HR Mindset & Capability to Improve the Organization Effectiveness

2:50pm Dial-in (Zoom)

3:00pm-3:05pm Opening Remarks 

3:05pm-4:05pm Sharing I: Female Leaders' Wellbeing in the Career 

- Participants Interaction: Where we are?  

- Voith China Female Caring Initiatives 

- Market Survey Sharing Regarding Chinese Female Leaders’ Wellbeing  

- Open Discussion To Improve Female Wellbeing 

- Recommended documentaries & movies to improve females wellbeing 

4:05pm-5:00pm Sustainability in HR: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Workplace

- The linkage between DEI and sustainability

- Good DEI practice examples

- DEI approach from TÜV SÜD

- Benefits from improved DEI

- Practical suggestions to improve DEI in the workplace

[Online] Amplifying Strengths of German Employers with New Solutions

[Online] Building an Engaging and Sustaining Workplace in the Highly Uncertain Environment (Chinese)

[Online] Nurturing Future-oriented HR Mindset & Capability to Improve the Organization Effectiveness