[Oct 11 | GZ] Policy Briefing: Specialized and Innovative SME Gradient Cultivation System of Guangzhou City 广州市“专精特新”中小企业政策解读会

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Policy Briefing: Specialized and Innovative SME Gradient Cultivation System of Guangzhou City


语言:中文 Language: Chinese

活动免费 Free of Charge

中国德国商会 · 华南及西南地区携手广州市产业高质量发展促进会将于2023年10月11日在广州市举办政策解读会,此次活动将聚焦“专精特新”中小企业政策解读,我们诚挚地邀请您参加本次线下会议。


Together with Guangzhou Industry High-Quality Development Association, the German Chamber of Commerce in China · South & Southwest will hold a policy briefing in Guangzhou on October 11, 2023. We would like to invite you to join this event, which will focus on policies about the specialized and innovative SME gradient cultivate system of Guangzhou City.

Experts from the Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology and Guangzhou Industry High-Quality Development Association will share related policies and information. Meanwhile, there will be an opportunity to share your thoughts and gain from the insights of your peers.

时间:2023年10月11日(周三)10:30-12:00 AM

Time:Wed, Oct 11, 2023 | 10:30-12:00 AM


Venue:GCC Guangzhou Office

Address: 1903 Leatop Plaza | No. 32 Zhu Jiang East Road | Tianhe District | Guangzhou


* Please bring your passport/ID card for the lobby registration. 请携带护照/身份证在大堂进行访客登记。

语言:中文 Language: Chinese

报名截止时间:10月10日下午15:00 Registration Deadline: 15:00, Oct 10


欢迎致辞 Welcome Remark


政策解读: 广州市专精特新政策解读及申报要点

Policy Briefing: Interpretation of Specialized and Innovative SME Policies and Declaration Points

- "专精特新" 中小企业认定标准

- 培育措施和相关补助

- 申报要点和实操分享


- Recognition Criteria for "Specialized and Innovative SME"

- Cultivation Measures and Related Subsidies

- Key Points of Declaration and Practical Sharing


问答与自由交流 Q&A

欢迎致辞 Welcome Remark

政策解读: 广州市专精特新政策解读及申报要点

Policy Briefing: Interpretation of Specialized and Innovative SME Policies and Declaration Points

问答与自由交流 Q&A

Preparation Stage
End of Event
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Sales End
Free Ticket
2023-10-11 12:00
Sold Out

** 请注意 Please note that:

1. 名额有限,报名需经审核。Limited seats and application is subject to approval. 

2. 如有任何疑问,可通过邮箱 fang.jay@china.ahk.de 或致电 020-8755 8203 联系活动经理方小姐。For any enquiries, feel free to contact us.

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German Chamber of Commerce in China - SSW China 

1903 Leatop Plaza | No. 32 Zhu Jiang East Road Tianhe District | 510620 Guangzhou | P.R. China 

T: +86-20-8755 8203  

E: chamber-ssw@china.ahk.de  

W: www.china.ahk.de



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