[Fully Booked] [Jan 18 | Shenzhen] AHK Innovation Night 德商会创新之夜

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Trolli 口力橡皮糖



迈德乐(MEDERER)集团由迈德乐先生(Willy Mederer)于1948年创立,总部位于德国南部菲尔特市,是全球领先的橡皮糖生产商之一,专注于生产高品质的软糖。时至今日,迈德乐集团在德国、中国和西班牙拥有五家工厂,旗下主要品牌有Trolli口力和e.frutti。产品行销至全球70多个国家。公司产品造型独特有趣,迷你汉堡,比萨,酸小虫,可乐瓶,幻彩蜥蜴,海洋动物。产品包装丰富多样,独立单粒包装、袋装、盒装、串装等等,以迎合不同的消费场景。有型有趣的口力软糖,深受大人小孩的喜爱。 



Mederer Group is one of the leading gummy candy manufacturers in the world, established in 1948 with headquarter in Fuerth.   Specialized in gummy candy’s manufacturing, Mederer Group has become a multinational corporation with 5 factories in Germany, Spain, China.  The key brands are Trolli, E.frutti and marketed to dozens of countries worldwide. Trolli company produces gummy candy with unique shapes and various packing types.  Mini burger, pizza, sour fries, cola bottle, colorful lizard and sea creature are always loved by adults and children.

The company hopes to be in touch with potential partners in the field of industry automation and looks for packaging solutions to improve efficiency.


** Please Note 请注意:

如有合作意向,请将简介等资料发至邮箱 tan.charlotte@china.ahk.de ,并注明为“Solution for Trolli"。

If you are interested in cooperation, please send a brief introduction of yours to tan.charlotte@china.ahk.de, with the Subject "Solution for Trolli".

洽谈免费,活动门票需自理。Negotiation is free of charge, but the event tickets are at your own expense.