2024 International Conference on Defence Technology

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Welcome Letter

2024 International Conference on Defence Technology

I am hugely delighted and excited to be welcoming you to attend and submit papers to the 2024 International Conference on Defence Technology (2024 ICDT). This is the fourth ICDT and follows on from the very successful three preceding ICDTs. The 2024 ICDT is co-chaired by Professor Baoming Li and myself and supported by the Defence Technology Editorial Office. This will be the first ICDT to take place since many countries have lifted their travel restrictions and so it is expected to be well-attended by many leading scientists and engineers from all around the world.

The 2024 ICDT provides an opportunity for scientists, engineers, and others to report, share and discuss current research and advances in defence technology and their visions for the future. The symposium allows exposure to the most current state-of-the-art technology in defence science, provides opportunities for interactions with some of the world's leading experts in the field of defence science, and offers the chance to present, exhibit, and share scientific research and development with an international group of professionals.

The 2024 ICDT will be even bigger than the previous ICDT. New topics have been added which are at the frontiers of defence science and technologies, including hypersonic technology, artificial intelligence, directed energy, optoelectronics, stealth technologies, and electronic countermeasures.

A wide range of papers is encouraged at the ICDT, from work in progress through to high quality scientific papers. Papers are welcome in the following areas: simulation, energetic materials, explosion & impact, armour & protection, novel manufacturing processes, autonomous technology, composite materials, directed energy, hypersonic technology, optoelectronic applications, advanced launch technology, artificial intelligence, ballistics, stealth technology, camouflage, electronic countermeasures, quantum science, wound ballistics, reactive materials, and other defence technologies.


Clive Woodley, 2024 ICDT co-chair.

  • Academician/Editor-in-Chief of Defence Technology,ChinaYANG Shuxing
    YANG Shuxing
    Academician/Editor-in-Chief of Defence Technology,China
    His research interests are army field rocket weapon system and guidance control technology. Shuxing Yang is an expert in field rocket weapon systems and guidance control technology for the Army. He was elected as the leader of the "National Defense Science and Technology Innovation Team" in 2008, and elected as an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering in 2019.
  • Executive Editor-in-Chief of Defence Technology, UKClive Woodley
    Clive Woodley
    Executive Editor-in-Chief of Defence Technology, UK
    Clive Woodley is a world expert on the mathematical modelling of the internal ballistics of guns and, in particular, modelling the ignition and combustion of energetic materials. He has contributed to the internal ballistics modelling of many of the gun systems used by the UK Armed Forces. His work has included developing innovative numerical modelling techniques to assess the risks and potential performance gains of novel gun systems, such as liquid propellant guns and electric guns. Clive’s pioneering multi-phase flow modelling techniques for accurately predicting the ignition and combustion of propellants are now being extended to pyrotechnic flares and the hazard response of energetic materials.
  • Academician of Chinese Academy of EngineeringXiaodong He
    Xiaodong He
    Harbin Institute of Technology Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering
  • ProfessorJohannes Majer
    Johannes Majer
    Shanghai Center for Quantum Information and Quantum Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China Professor
  • ProfessorAndrey Radchenko
    Andrey Radchenko
    Tomsk State University Professor

    Prof. Andrey Radchenko is a leading researcher at the Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Research Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics of Tomsk State University. Prof. Radchenko graduated the Physics and Technical Faculty of Tomsk State University in 1982, received a PhD of Physics and Mathematics in 1986 and Dr. of Science in 2002. Prof. Radchenko's research interests include the properties of materials and structures under intensive dynamic effects (impact, shock-wave load, etc.), mathematical and numerical modeling of deformation and fracture of materials with complex mechanical properties (anisotropic, gradient materials, composite). Prof. Radchenko has published more than 300 publications, including 10 patents for software systems. Visiting professor of Chang'an University, Xi'an, China (2019).

  • Vice PresidentMarkus Graswald
    Markus Graswald
    IMPETUS Afea Vice President
  • Academician of Chinese Academy of SciencesXu Guo
    Xu Guo
    Dalian University of Technology Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Chief ScientistBoris E. Fridman
    Boris E. Fridman
    Russian Academy of Sciences Chief Scientist

    Boris E. Fridman received the M.S. degree in electrical engineering (control systems) from the Leningrad Military-Mechanic Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia, in 1966, the M.S. degree in mathematics from Leningrad State University, St. Petersburg, in 1973, the Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) degree from the North-West Polytechnic Institute, St. Petersburg, in 1975, and the D.Sc. (Engineering) degree from the Institute of Problems of Electrophysics, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, in 1999. He was with the Leningrad Institute of Electrical Production Technology, St. Petersburg, from 1963 to 1987, where he was involved in the development of new pulsed-power metal-working technologies and microprocessor control systems. From 1987 to 2001, he was with the Institute of Problems of Electrophysics, where he was involved in the development, study, and use of multimegaampere pulsed-current installations and research of the z-pinch methods of large pulsed-pressure creation. He is currently a Principal Scientist with the D.V. Efremov Institute of Electrophysical Apparatus, St. Petersburg, and a Professor with the St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentations, St. Petersburg; IEEE Senior Member. He has authored 2 books, over 140 papers and six inventions.

  • ProfessorChangqing Sun
    Changqing Sun
    Nanyang Technological University Professor
  • Academician of the Malaysian Academy of SciencesS.M. Sapuan
    S.M. Sapuan
    Universiti Putra Malaysia Academician of the Malaysian Academy of Sciences
  • Academician of Chinese Academy of EngineeringKeqiang Li
    Keqiang Li
    Tsinghua University Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering
  • PresidentQian Chen
    Qian Chen
    North University of China President

    南京理工大学教授,中北大学校长,长江学者特聘教授。主要研究方向为微光与红外夜视、计算光学成像领域理论与技术的创新和自主控。以第一完成人获国家科技奖二等奖 2项、部省级科技奖一等奖 5 项;授权发明专利 150余项;出版著作 3 部,发表 SCI 收入论文 374 篇,封面论文 27 篇。荣获全国创新争先奖。目前,兼任中国光学工程学会会士、中国光学工程学会常务理事、中国电子学会常务理事。


  • ProfessorValery P. Sinditskii
    Valery P. Sinditskii
    Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia Professor

    Prof. Valery Sinditskii is a dean of Chemical Engineering Department, head of chair “Chemistry and technology of organic nitrogen  compounds”, and professor of Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology, Moscow, Russia. Prof. Sinditskii graduated Moscow State University, Chemistry Department in 1976, received a Ph.D. in Chemistry in N.D. Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry in 1981 and Dr. of Science in Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology in 2003. The research interests of Prof. Sinditskii are synthesis, thermal decomposition, combustion and application of energetic materials. Prof. Sinditskii published over 350 publications including 29 patents, and he is a member of editorial boards of  “Combustion, Explosion, and Shock Waves”, “Central European Journal of Energetic Materials”, “Energetic Materials Frontiers” and Associate Editor of “International Journal of Energetic Materials and Chemical Propulsion”. Vice-chairman of Special commission of experts at the Higher Certifying Commission in Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation. Honorary Foreign Member of the High-energy material Society of India (2013). Visiting professor of Beijing Institute of Technology (2012).  

    Title:Thermal decomposition and combustion behavior of 1,1 - diamino - 2,2 - dinitroethylene

  • (Singapore)Vincent B.C. Tan
    Vincent B.C. Tan

    Vincent Tan is an Associate Professor and Deputy Head at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, National University of Singapore. After obtaining his BEng and MEng in Mechanical Engineering from the National University of Singapore, he pursued his PhD in Mechanical Engineering at Northwestern University, USA.

    Currently, his research interests are in computational homogenization and multiscale modelling, computational modelling, bioinspired composites, failure of composite materials, impact mechanics and ballistics. His research has been funded by both industrial and research agency grants, including US Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Agency for Science, Technology and Research, Defence Science Organization, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Defence, Vestas, and Airbus.

    He serves on the editorial boards of several journals, including Composites Part B, Mechanics of Materials, and International Journal of Applied Mechanics. He is a Vice President and Fellow of the Association for Computational Mechanics (Singapore), and is a General Council Member of both the International Association of Computational Mechanics and Asian Pacific Association for Computational Mechanics.

  • (Malaysia)S.M. Sapuan
    S.M. Sapuan
  • Vice PresidentPang Siping
    Pang Siping
    Beijing Institute of Technology Vice President
  • ProfessorAlexey Smolin
    Alexey Smolin
    Russian Academy of Sciences Professor

    A. Smolin received his Ph.D. in solid state physics at the Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (ISPMS), Tomsk, Russia in 1988, after a post-graduate course at Tomsk State University. His research was devoted to modeling deformation and fracture of heterogeneous materials using computational particle mechanics, namely the Movable Cellular Automaton (MCA) method. He received a Full Doctor of Science degree in solid mechanics (ISPMS, 2010) for the numerical study of mechanical properties of ceramics with complex porous structure, friction layer dynamics at the level of the contact patch, sound and noise generation under sliding friction, hip joint implants interaction with bone tissue. His research also made it possible to couple the MCA method with FEM for effective multi-scale modeling heterogeneous materials.

    Now he is a leading scientist in computer simulation of the mechanical behavior of ceramics, composites, metals, and human bones. He was a supervisor of four Ph.D. students. Since 2007 he is a part-time professor at Tomsk State University. Co-author of 4 books, 70 papers in reviewed scientific journals, and more than 100 papers in conference proceedings. His research was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, the Russian Science Foundation, and the Russian Ministry of Science.

    A. Smolin was an invited researcher at Technical University Berlin (Germany) in 1999, Institute “Jozef Stefan”, (Slovenia) in 2002, Shenyang Institute of Technology (China) in 2007, IMWF Stuttgart University and Technical University Munich in 2010 and CIMNE Polytechnic University of Catalonia in 2012.

    Since 2019 he is an Associate Editors-in-Chief of the journal “Defence Technology” (https://www.keaipublishing.com/en/journals/defence-technology); since 2021 an editorial board member of the journal “Materials” (https://www.mdpi.com/journal/materials).

  • Steeve Chung Kim Yuen
    University of Cape Town Professor
    University of Cape Town

    Steeve CHUNG KIM YUEN has worked in the field of structural impact for the past thirty years on various projects ranging from investigating the batting performance of cricket players to the response of “simple” structures to blast loads (5g to 26tons of explosives). His research involves a mix of material characterisation, experimental work, and finite element simulations and focuses on the survivability of the structures. Full-scale experiments are costly and limited. He has, therefore, focussed on small-scale testing investigating different blast loading scenarios which can result in the structure mitigating the high pressure or fragment damage after material failure. Recently he has worked on numerous projects studying the response of structures to blast load with focus on the effect of incorporating foreign objects in the explosive to simulate improvised explosive devices (IED) because of their increased use in conflicts. He has also considered the effects of buried and encased explosives which are associated with landmines, and confined blasts on different types of structures in an urban setting. The work carried out by Steeve is geared towards minimising life-changing injuries and saving lives.

    Title:Scaled urban blast - blast wave propagation

  • Chief ScientistLinfang Qian
    Linfang Qian
    Northwest Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Chief Scientist


    报告题目:火炮射击精度设计原理和分析,Design Principle & Analysis Method of Gun Artillery Firing Precision

  • PresidentGuoxing Lu
    Guoxing Lu
    International Society of Impact Engineering President

    Professor Guoxing Lu is the President of International Society of Impact Engineering. He held position as University Distinguished Professor and Founding Director of the Impact Engineering Laboratory, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia; and was a tenured faculty member at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. He obtained his PhD from the University of Cambridge, followed by post-doctoral research there. His research interests are energy absorption of' structures and materials, mechanical properties of materials at high strain rates, impact mechanics and most recently origami structures and metamaterials. He has over 340 journal publications and one monograph co-authored with Professor Tongxi (TX) Yu, Energy Absorption of Structures and Materials, Elsevier, 2003 and another one in Chinese. He has ~18000 citations with an H-index of 70. He is an Associate Editor of International Journal of Impact Engineering and a member of editorial board of International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Thin-Walled Structures, Composites B and others. He held leadership positions as Associate Dean Research, School of Engineering, and Chair of Department of Mechanical and Product Design Engineering, at Swinburne University of Technology.

  • ResearcherShaomin Feng
    Shaomin Feng
    中国科学院物理研究所 Researcher
  • Associate Professor, doctoral supervisorZhufeng Shao
    Zhufeng Shao
    Tsinghua University Associate Professor, doctoral supervisor

    Zhufeng Shao, Associate Professor and PhD Supervisor of the Department of Mechanical Engineering of Tsinghua University, Senior Member of the Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society, Expert Strategy Consultant of Plan for Strengthening Basic Disciplines of Chinese Academy of engineering, editorial board member of Defense Technology and member of National Standardization Technical Committees. His research focuses on the cable-driven robot equipment and intelligent manufacturing system. As the person in charge, he has presided over more than 10 national scientific research projects led by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, National Key Technology Research and Development Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and the Intelligent Manufacturing Project. He has completed the application of dynamic accuracy assurance theory in the FAST (Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope) project, effectively improving the observation accuracy; established the theory and method of comprehensive performance optimization design; invented the cable-driven high-speed robot with internal tension chain, which outperforms foreign similar products; presided over the development of "Digital Workshop-Machine Tools Manufacturing-Information Model" (GB/T 37928-2019) and other four national standard drafts; presided over the research and development of China's first large civil aircraft intelligent coating system and automatic coating equipment for large ship segmented non-structural surface. He has published 32 SCI papers and 24 EI papers. He owns 32 authorized patents from the application for 54 Chinese invention patents and 4 software copyrights. He participated in the compilation of two monographs. He is the winner of the China Industry-University-Research Cooperation Innovation Award, Second Prize of Natural Sciences Award by the Ministry of Education, and Special Prize of China Machinery Industry Science and Technology.

  • Important Dates

    Full Paper Submission Deadline: Jul. 31, 2024

    Notification Deadline: Aug. 30, 2024

    Registration Deadline: Sept. 20, 2024

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    Working Time: Monday - Friday 8:30-17:00 (UTC/GMT +08:00)