[Jan 26 | Hybrid] GM Roundtable: How to Get Ready for the New PRC Company Law

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GM Roundtable: How to Get Ready for the New PRC Company Law


Language: English 语言:英文

On December 29, 2023, the Chinese legislator enacted its substantially revised Company Law. It now contains 266 articles with sweeping changes in many areas and will take effect on July 1, 2024. Another important deadline is December 31, 2024, by which time older foreign-invested enterprises must adjust their organizational form and other aspects

Under this situation, the German Chamber of Commerce in China · South & Southwest (GCC·SSW) together with Rödl & Partner Law Firm will introduce the revisions in details and discuss with you how to get ready for it. 

新修订的《中华人民共和国公司法》(下称《公司法》) 将自2024年7月1日起施行。修订后的《公司法》包含 266 个条款,其中许多方面都进行了重大调整。另外,值得注意的是,在2024 年 12 月 31 日前,外资企业必须调整其组织形式以及其他方面

为协助企业更好地应对这一新变化,中国德国商会 · 华南及西南地区将携手罗德律师事务所为大家详细解读最新修订的《公司法》条例:完善公司资本制度;优化公司组织机构设置;保障职工参与公司民主管理;强化控股股东、实际控制人和董事、监事、高级管理人员的责任等。

The revised Company Law includes, among other things:

Revised capitalization rules, including: a 5-year deadline for capital contributions and transition rules for existing companies; publication of registered and actual paid-up capital, internal audit requirement for paid-up capital and legal consequences for late contributions; right of third-party creditors to demand earlier capital contributions; use of reserves for loss coverage, business expansion or capital increase.

Changed internal structure, including: an optional "audit committee" within the board of directors; possible incorporation of companies without a supervisory board. Mandatory involvement of employee representatives, including: on the board of companies with more than 300 employees; during company restructuring.

Revised share transfer rules, including waiver of pre-emption rights; enforcement of share transfers; liability of transferee; right of shareholders to require company to purchase their shares in certain cases.

Liability of legal representatives, directors, officers, controlling shareholders; in relation to related transactions; during the formation process; in relation to wrongful distribution of profits.

Formalities, including: resignation of the legal representative, electronic decision-making, invalidity of shareholder/board decisions, mandatory extension of the term of office of directors/supervisory directors, registered capital reduction process, liquidation process.

 Event Details 

Time: 14:00-15:00, Fri, Jan 26, 2024


Offline Venue:GCC Guangzhou Office 


Add: 1903 Leatop Plaza, No. 32 Zhu Jiang East Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou 

地址:广州市天河区 | 珠江东路32号 | 利通广场1903

* Please bring your passport/ID card for the lobby registration. 


Online Participation: Teams 线上参会:Teams


1. Limited seats and application is subject for approval. Please register before Jan 25. 座位有限,报名需经审核。请于1月25日前报名。

2. For any enquiries, please contact the Event Manager Jay Fang. 如有任何问题,欢迎通过邮件 fang.jay@china.ahk.de 或电话 020-8755 8203 联系活动经理方小姐。

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1903 Leatop Plaza | No. 32 Zhu Jiang East Road Tianhe District | 510620 Guangzhou | P.R. China 

T: +86-20-8755 8203  

E: chamber-ssw@china.ahk.de  




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