[Aug 28 | SZ] The 8th HR Summit 人力资源峰会

You can share it to WeChat via the Qr code.


Join us and present your company!

Become our partner and gain exclusive speaking slot to show your expertise and present your company! You can also present your company by setting product showcase at the reception.

Your company logo will appear on all promotional materials at the conference and social media in the Sino-German Business Community to raise brand exposure.

**There's another special offer this year: to advertise your company/service on the Labor Market and Salary Report!

8th HR Summit Sponsorship Package.png

Have a look at the full package now and contact us for your benefit!


[Aug 28 | SZ] The 8th HR Summit 人力资源峰会Sponsorship Package_8th HR Summit.pdf

Contact us: 

Ms. Silvia Li, Event Manager

0755-2660 4215


Past Event photos
[Aug 28 | SZ] The 8th HR Summit 人力资源峰会
[Aug 28 | SZ] The 8th HR Summit 人力资源峰会
[Aug 28 | SZ] The 8th HR Summit 人力资源峰会
[Aug 28 | SZ] The 8th HR Summit 人力资源峰会
[Aug 28 | SZ] The 8th HR Summit 人力资源峰会
[Aug 28 | SZ] The 8th HR Summit 人力资源峰会
Past Event References

HR Summit speakers picxs (3).png

Past Event References

HR Summit speakers picxs (6).png