Vaccine Innovation Forum World 2025-中文站点


Vaccine Innovation Forum World 2025-中文站点


  • CEO, DCVMN International, IndiaRajinder Suri
    Rajinder Suri
    CEO, DCVMN International, India

    Rajinder as CEO-DCVMN International is responsible for leadership, governance, strategic vision and overall operational excellence of DCVMN.  Rajinder is appointed as member GAVI’s Vaccine Investment Strategy (VIS) Steering Committee 2024, a permanent member of CEPI’s Joint Coordination Group (JCG), 2023-24, member PAVMs Talent Development WS and Regional Vaccine Manufacturing Collaborative (RVMC). To meet an un-precedented challenge posed by COVID-19, Rajinder has been actively involved in all global strategic initiatives along with COVAX partners-WHO, GAVI, CEPI, UNICEF and several other international organizations including industry associations to ensure equitable and timely access to vaccines. He has been member of several advisory expert groups including COVAX Manufacturing & Supply Chain Task Force Leadership Team, G-20 Health Working Group and Market Design and Demand Intelligence pillar of PAVM. Rajinder has over 25 years of top management experience in the industry including at the Board of Directors of the Indian subsidiary of Sanofi Pasteur and as CEO-Panacea Biotec. He has served as Member-GAVI-PPC as well as Vice-President, DCVMN Executive Committee.

  • 美国国立卫生研究院结构生物信息部门负责人周同庆
  • 中国预防医学会副会长,暨南大学教授梁晓峰
  • Professor, Director, Viral Pseudotype Unit, University of Kent, UKNigel Temperton
    Nigel Temperton
    Professor, Director, Viral Pseudotype Unit, University of Kent, UK

    Nigel obtained his BSc in Microbiology and Genetics from University College London (UCL) in 1990 and an MSc in Applied Molecular Biology of Infectious Diseases (1992), PhD in Molecular Parasitology (1999) and DLSHTM (2000) from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM). After his PhD, he returned to UCL as a post-doctoral scientist in the Division of Infection and Immunity. In 2009 Nigel was elected as a member of the highly prestigious Medical Research Club and set up his own research group at the University of Kent. He is currently Chair and Professor in Molecular Virology, Director of the Viral Pseudotype Unit (VPU) and Director of Research and Innovation. Nigel is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Biology (FRSB), Senior Associate Member of the Royal Society of Medicine (RSM), Member of the International Society for Influenza and other Respiratory Virus Diseases (ISIRV), the Microbiology Society and the European Society for Virology (ESV). Nigel acts as external consultant for VisMederi (Italy) and RQbio (UK). He has published over 200 articles with an h-index of 53, >14k citations.

  • Senior Vice President Global Regulatory Affairs,BioNTech, GermanyRuben Rizzi
    Ruben Rizzi
    Senior Vice President Global Regulatory Affairs,BioNTech, Germany

    Ruben Rizzi, physician by training, SVP of Global Regulatory Affairs at BioNTech. I joined the company in December 2019 just before the pandemic, and I have been the global regulatory lead for BioNTech for our COVID-19 development. Currently, I am still supporting the lifecycle of our COVID-19 vaccine, and I am co-leading the Global Regulatory Affairs department at BioNTech and working closely with the teams that are responsible for the development of BioNTech´s pipeline, post-approval activities and labelling

  • Director, The Jenner Institute, Professor, University of Oxford , UKAdrian V. S. Hill
    Adrian V. S. Hill
    Director, The Jenner Institute, Professor, University of Oxford , UK

    Professor Adrian V. S. Hill FRS is the Director and Founder of the Jenner Institute, and Mital Professor of Vaccinology at Oxford University. He is a passionate believer in the power of molecular medicine to address many of the most egregious health care inequities globally. His group have been leaders in the development of adenoviral and other vaccines against infectious diseases and he has tested these in extensively in over eighty clinical trials in Africa and Europe. In partnership with the Serum Institute of India and AstraZeneca the Jenner Institute developed rapidly a ChAdOx1 vector-based SARS-CoV-2 vaccine which saved an estimated 6.2 million lives in 2021 alone.

    His lab also designed a newly licensed high efficacy malaria vaccine, R21/Matrix-MTM, which has recently shown unprecedented high efficacy in a phase III trial in four African countries, again in partnership with the Serum Institute of India and also Novavax Inc. This vaccine promises to make a major impact on reducing the 500,000 childhood deaths from malaria each year. In 2021 he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society and is a Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire (KBE).

  • CSO, PATH, USAMelanie Saville
    Melanie Saville

    Melanie Saville, MBBS, is PATH’s Chief Scientific Officer. She leads PATH’s product development division, which includes a global team dedicated to the development, introduction, and scale of vaccines, medical devices, and diagnostics.

    Dr. Saville is a distinguished physician specializing in virology with more than two decades of experience developing and licensing vaccines for global use. Her contributions over the past 20 years have included the development of vaccines for seasonal and pandemic influenza, as well as pediatric combinations and vaccines against rabies, Japanese encephalitis, dengue, Ebola, and SARS-CoV-2.

    Before joining PATH, Dr. Saville worked with the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), where she served as the Executive Director of Vaccine Research and Development, leading technical teams supporting vaccine development. She also served as the R&D and manufacturing workstream leader for COVAX, part of a global collaboration to speed development, production, and equitable access to COVID-19 tests, treatments, and vaccines.

    Dr. Saville holds a medical degree, a master’s degree in medical virology, and a Bachelor of Science in molecular biology from University College, London.

  • 中科院院士、教授高福

    1961年11月出生,山西朔州人,病原微生物与免疫学家,2013年当选中国科学院院士。现任中国科学院微生物研究所学术委员会主任、病原微生物与免疫学重点实验室主任、中国生物工程学会理事长、中华医学会副会长、浙江大学陈廷骅大健康学院院长。长期从事病原微生物跨宿主传播、感染机制与宿主细胞免疫研究以及公共卫生政策与全球健康策略研究,是病原微生物与免疫领域的领军人物,为中国新发突发传染病的防控及基于病毒囊膜蛋白与宿主互作的药物设计作出突出贡献。先后主持多项国家重大科研项目,国家自然科学基金委员会“创新研究群体”项目负责人,中科院先导专项(B类)首席科学家。在SCI国际刊物上发表900多篇研究论文(H-Index 136),获得授权发明专利80多项。曾获国家科学技术进步奖特等奖、一等奖、二等奖,中华医学科技奖一等奖,中华预防医学会科学技术奖一等奖,北京市科学技术奖一等奖等。

  • 世卫组织本地化生产及协助部门负责人董继萃
  • SVP of R&D, Global Biologics, Zoetis, USAMahesh Kumar
    Mahesh Kumar
    SVP of R&D, Global Biologics, Zoetis, USA
  • Chief Development Officer, Bharat Biotech, IndiaRaches Ella
    Raches Ella
    Chief Development Officer, Bharat Biotech, India
  • President of Global Business, SK Bioscience, South KoreaHun Kim
    Hun Kim
    President of Global Business, SK Bioscience, South Korea
  • Professor, The Pirbright Institute, UKSimon Graham
    Simon Graham
    Professor, The Pirbright Institute, UK
    I am a veterinary immunologist with an interest in understanding mechanisms of protective immunity and its application to vaccine development. My early career focussed on parasitic diseases, I developed a natural cattle model for testing vaccines against onchocerciasis (river blindness), which provided the first proof-of-principle for vaccine-induced protection. I identified and evaluated vaccine candidate antigens from the apicomplexan parasite Theileria parva, which were designed to induce protective bovine CD8 T cell responses. More recently, my research has focussed on porcine viruses, such as classical swine fever (CSFV) and porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRSV) viruses. I informed discussions on the use of emergency vaccination to control future CSF outbreaks by demonstrating that live attenuated CSFV prevented transmission of divergent CSFV strains after only 3 days. I showed that this rapid protection was associated with broadly reactive CD8 T cell responses, opening new avenues to develop DIVA vaccines for outbreak settings. For PRRSV, I contributed to the study of the enhanced pathogenicity of Eastern European strains, highlighting the threat these viruses pose; and contributed to vaccine development efforts through the identification of conserved T cell antigens. My current research is largely focussed on PRRSV and we are pursuing complimentary approaches to improved vaccine development. I am also leading research aimed at developing a Nipah virus vaccine for pigs and supporting COVID-19 vaccine development by using the pig as a preclinical model for assessing immunogenicity of vaccine candidates.
  • Co-founder& CSO, VisMederi, ItalyEmanuele Montomoli
    Emanuele Montomoli
    Co-founder& CSO, VisMederi, Italy
    Emanuele Montomoli was graduated in Life Sciences at University of Siena in 1997. Since November 2016 he was appointed by the Department of Molecular Medicine of University of Siena as full Professor on Public Health. Since April 2018 to 2021 he was nominated in the Executive Board of the Toscana Life Sciences Foundation. Since 2010 he he was elected as President of the Board for the “Master in vaccinology and drug development” at University of Siena. Since 2019 he was nominated in the Executive Board of Eurocine vaccines AB. In 2008 he funded VisMederi srl, an enterprise involved in laboratory activities for vaccines and antiviral drugs clinical trials. Actually, he has a role of Chief Scientific Officer in VisMederi srl. Since 1994 he has carried out epidemiological research, surveillance networks for infectious diseases and serological assays for clinical trials for vaccines. In 2015 he was appointed as scientific coordinator for a project funded by EU-IMI (Innovative Medicine Initiative) titled “Standardization and development of assays for assessment of influenza vaccine correlates of protection”. He is the author of more than 200 papers, as well as numerous abstracts and letters, published in international scientific journals.
  • Adjunct Professor of Medicine, Johns Hopkins Medical SchoolGeorge Siber
    George Siber
    Adjunct Professor of Medicine, Johns Hopkins Medical School

    Dr. Siber is an infectious disease trained physician with more than 40 years of experience in developing vaccines and antibody products. From 1996 to 2007, Dr. Siber served as Executive Vice President and Chief Scientific Officer of Wyeth Vaccines (now Pfizer) where he led the development and approval of multiple innovative childhood vaccines, including Prevenar 7 and 13, the first pneumococcal conjugate vaccines,  Rotashield, the first rotavirus diarrhea vaccine, Meningitec, the first meningococcal meningitis conjugate vaccine and FluMist, the first nasal influenza vaccine. Prior to Wyeth, Dr. Siber was Harvard Medical School Associate Professor of Medicine at Dana Farber Cancer Institute and Director of the Massachusetts Public Health Biologic Laboratories where he developed multiple vaccines and immune globulins, including Respigam, the first antibody licensed for respiratory syncytial virus. Dr. Siber most recently was a Co-founder and Board Member of Affinivax which developed a 24 valent pneumococcal vaccine and was acquired by GSK in 2022. Dr. Siber currently serves on the Scientific Advisory Boards of AdVaccine, CanSino, Clover, Everest Medicines, ILiAD, Valneva, Vaxart and Vaxxinity and has been a consultant to the NIH, EU, WHO and the Gates Foundation. Dr.Siber was member of the Board of  Trustees of the International Vaccine Institute. Dr Siber has received multiple awards including the 2016 Albert Sabin Gold Medal in vaccinology. Dr. Siber holds an MD degree from McGill University in Canada, received post‑doctoral training in Internal Medicine at Rush‑Presbyterian Hospital in Chicago and Beth Israel Hospital in Boston and training in Infectious Diseases and Vaccinology at Boston Children’s Hospital and Beth Israel Hospital, Harvard Medical School.

  • Professor, Chonnam National University Medical School, South KoreaJoon Haeng Rhee
    Joon Haeng Rhee
    Professor, Chonnam National University Medical School, South Korea

    Dr. Joon Haeng Rhee is a graduate of Chonnam National University Medical School and received PhD from the same university. He has been working on molecular microbial pathogenesis and vaccine biology for more than 30 years. His team was the first reporter of the whole genome sequence of V. vulnificus, which became one of the most widely used standard strains in the Vibrio research field. Vaccine study was first started aiming the high mortality V. vulnificus infections. During the vaccine research, his team came across the finding that a flagellin protein of V. vulnificus has an excellent mucosal adjuvant activity in late 1990s. Now flagellin is applied to the development of effective vaccines and immunotherapeutics against diverse diseases such as cancers, allergies, and Alzheimer’s disease. He served the president of Korean Vaccine Society (KVS) from 2013 to 2015. He was elected as an ISV Fellow and serves a member of ISV Executive Board. He is currently the director of Clinical Vaccine R&D Center and Combinatorial Tumor Immunotherapy Research Center of Chonnam National University. As of November 2023, he has more than 170 papers published in peer-reviewed journals and named as an inventor on 40 patents.

  • Distinguished Professor, Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, ChinaDiana Boraschi
    Diana Boraschi
    Distinguished Professor, Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, China
    Diana Boraschi is an immunologist that built her experience in academic institutions and industrial settings in her home country (Italy) and abroad (USA, France, Austria, Korea, Brazil). She is Senior Associate Researcher at the Italian National Research Council (where she served as Institute Director) and at the Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn in Napoli, Italy, and Academician of the Accademia dei Fisiocritici. She is currently serving as Distinguished Professor at the Department of Pharmacology at the Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technologies (SIAT) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, in Shenzhen, China. She is author of over 200 peer-reviewed research articles in immunology (h-index 67, over 16000 citations), in addition to many books and book chapters, and inventor in eight patents. In 2017, she has received an honorary PhD degree by the University of Salzburg (Austria), in 2020 the High-Level Talents Program Award for Foreign Scholars, and in 2022 the Chinese Government Friendship Award. She is listed within the first 2% scientists worldwide since 2017 and in the first 1% since 2020. Her area of expertise is innate immunity and inflammation, in particular in relation to autoimmune, inflammatory and degenerative diseases, and vaccine development. Her focus on macrophages and cytokines of the IL-1 superfamily (a bioactive IL-1 domain is known as the “Boraschi loop”), and the interaction of engineered nanomaterials with immunity in humans and environmental species. She is particularly involved in higher education training activities in Europe, Asia, Africa, and South America, with a focus on poverty-related diseases.
  • Director, International Vaccine Design Center, Professor, University of Tokyo, JapanKen Ishii
    Ken Ishii
    Director, International Vaccine Design Center, Professor, University of Tokyo, Japan

    Prof. Ken J. Ishii, M.D., Ph.D., currently Director for Int. Vaccine Design Center, The Institute of Medical Science, the University of Tokyo, has 27 years of experience in Vaccine R&D since 1998 including 7 years as a IND reviewer at US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 15 years as a basic immunologist at Osaka University, 9 years as a vaccine adjuvant expert at National Institute (NIBIOHN), 2 years as managing director at AMED (medical funding agency), as well as Advisor for PMDA (regulatory agency), GHIT (global fund) and CEPI. He has contributed to basic research on infectious diseases and immunology, resulted in numerous books and over 250 periodical publications and 35,000 citations with H-index 84 as well as over 50 patents related to vaccine and adjuvant, and to regulation of many vaccines and guidelines for vaccine preclinical and clinical trials in Japan and US.

  • Founder, Vaxine, AustraliaNikolai Petrovsky
    Nikolai Petrovsky
    Founder, Vaxine, Australia
    Professor Nikolai Petrovsky is a physician and vaccine researcher. He is the founder of Vaxine, an Australian biotechnology company applying novel approaches including artificial intelligence to vaccine and adjuvant development. His research has been awarded multi-million dollar contracts from the US National Institutes of Health and he has authored over 200 peer-reviewed research papers. He developed SpikoGen®, a vaccine against COVID-19 that received emergency use authorization in the Middle East in October 2021, making it the first recombinant protein vaccine against COVID-19 to achieve regulatory approval.
  • CEO, Hilleman LaboratoriesRaman Rao
    Raman Rao
    CEO, Hilleman Laboratories

    Dr. Raman Rao joined as the Chief Executive Officer at Hilleman Laboratories in February 2020. Dr. Rao has more than two decades of experience in research and development, manufacturing and commercialisation of vaccines for infectious diseases in global pharma and biotech companies. Prior to joining Hilleman Laboratories, Dr. Rao served as the Vice President of Global Product Operations with Takeda, Singapore, where he enhanced the global product portfolio while successfully leading an international team across Japan, Singapore and the United States. The teams worked in the areas of dengue, norovirus, zika, polio and other vaccines.

    Dr. Rao started his career in 2002 with Shantha Biotechnics Limited, part of Sanofi Aventis Group in India, in Clinical Research and Scientific Affairs. He holds a MD in Medical Microbiology from the Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research.

    He plans to carry forward Dr. Maurice Hilleman’s legacy for providing effective solutions for global health, especially those impacting low- and middle-income countries.

  • 三叶草生物高级副总裁,中国研发及外部合作负责人谭巍
  • 兰州兽医研究所研究员郭慧琛

    Dr. Raman Rao joined as the Chief Executive Officer at Hilleman Laboratories in February 2020. Dr. Rao has more than two decades of experience in research and development, manufacturing and commercialisation of vaccines for infectious diseases in global pharma and biotech companies. Prior to joining Hilleman Laboratories, Dr. Rao served as the Vice President of Global Product Operations with Takeda, Singapore, where he enhanced the global product portfolio while successfully leading an international team across Japan, Singapore and the United States. The teams worked in the areas of dengue, norovirus, zika, polio and other vaccines.

    Dr. Rao started his career in 2002 with Shantha Biotechnics Limited, part of Sanofi Aventis Group in India, in Clinical Research and Scientific Affairs. He holds a MD in Medical Microbiology from the Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research.

    He plans to carry forward Dr. Maurice Hilleman’s legacy for providing effective solutions for global health, especially those impacting low- and middle-income countries.

  • 中国生物国际合作部主任李萌

    Meng LI has been leading the International business team of CNBG since 2013, oversees CNBG’s international cooperation and registration activities. She also serves on the board of CNBG-Virogen, and the board of Emerging Biopharmaceuticals Manufacturers Network (EBPMN). During her 19 year experiences in biological industry, she established extensive networks with academia, NGOs, enterprises internationally, and successfully completed a number of landmark projects. Including the bOPV capacity expansion and prequalification program with BMGF (received over 23Million USD financial supports from BMGF, prequalified by WHO in 2019), establishment of CNBG’s first JV with foreign enterprise, the first overseas acquisition by CNBG, roll-out of the Covid-19 vaccine PhIII trials in 6 countries and its registration in over 100 countries. Meng Li has successfully signed a number of in-license, research cooperation, commercialization and industrialization projects with NIH, Oxford, France Institut Pasteur, PATH, IVI, biotech companies and developing country manufacturers. She worked as temporary advisor to WHO inspectorate during WHO’s first inspection to China NMPA in 2010, and was elected as the executive committee member of DCVMN from 2014-2016.

  • 复旦大学特聘教授;艾棣维欣首席科学顾问王宾

    Dr. Bin Wang is the Co-founder, Chairman of Advaccine Biotechnology Co LTD. He is also holding a distinguished professor position at the Fudan University School of Basic Medical Sciences and serves as the chairman for the Nucleic Acid Vaccines branch of the Chinese Vaccine Society. His research area is focused on the effects of therapeutic vaccination to activate T cells and the mechanism of immune regulations. He has developed novel adjuvants and recombinant vaccines, novel DNA vaccine delivery, and led to several developed vaccines being tested in human clinical trials. He received his Ph.D. from the Cincinnati Children's Hospital at the University of Cincinnati School of Medicine in 1990. He completed his postdoc training in virology and immunology at the Wistar Institute in 1992 in Philadelphia. He became an instructor and assistant professor at the University of Pennsylvania Medical School from 1993 to 1998. He was a professor and served as the Chairman of the Department of Microbiology and Immunology for six years at the College of Biological Sciences, China Agricultural University before he joined Fudan University. He was one of the very early DNA vaccine technology inventors in the 90’s and performed the first-in-human DNA vaccine trials in 1994-1996. He has been involved in several clinical trials of therapeutic vaccines against chronic HBV infections in recent years and invented a novel prophylactic RSV vaccine currently under clinical phase II testing. He has published over 160 peer-review articles and awarded 35 US and 30 Chinese patents. He serves as an editorial board member for several international journals and executive member in several professional societies.

  • 清华大学教授张林琦

    Professor Linqi Zhang is the Director of the Comprehensive AIDS Research Center at Tsinghua University. Prof. Zhang's research focuses on HIV-1 pathogenesis and vaccine development, and has recently expanded to the field of emerging and re-emerging human viral pathogens such as SARS-CoV-1/2 and MERS-CoV. Using cutting-edge antibody and combinatorial antigen library techniques, Prof. Zhang’s research aims to characterize protective antibody immunity in infected humans and rational design of effective vaccines and therapies against the viral infection. Professor Zhang is the recipient of the National Outstanding Young Scientist Award, privileged Changjiang Professorship, and Bayer and Vanke Chair professor. He has published extensively and is among the most cited Chinese researchers in the field of microbiology and immunology. Professor Zhang has also served as a member of national expert and advisory board to the Chinese government and several international organizations on HIV/AIDS and infectious diseases,and was recently elected as a Foreign Fellow of the African Academy of Sciences.

  • 厦门大学教授李少伟

    Shaowei Li Ph.D. Professor of Biochemistry and Structural Vaccinology, Xiamen University Shaowei Li is a tenured Professor of Biochemistry and Structural Vaccinology in the School of Life Sciences with a joint appointment in the School of Public Health, Xiamen University, China. He is the vaccine group leader in the National Institute of Diagnostics and Vaccine Development in infectious diseases (NIDVD), one of the academic leaders in the State Key Laboratory of Molecular Vaccinology and Diagnostics, deputy director in Fujian provincial Xiang An biomedicine laboratory. Dr. Li has inter-disciplinary research interests focusing on structural vaccinology, resulting in more than 120 peer-reviewed papers. He also has translational experience in vaccine development against infectious diseases—such as Hepatitis E vaccine and HPV vaccine, especially in aspects of immunogen design, process development and antigen characterization. Dr. Li has won two of China’s National Science and Technology Awards and been listed in the Top 20 translational researchers of 2016, ranked by Nature Biotechnology. He has served on the Product Development for Vaccines Advisory Committee (PDVAC), World Health Organization (WHO) since 2022.

  • Director of Chula Vaccine Research Center, Chulalongkorn UniversityKiat Ruxrungtham
    Kiat Ruxrungtham
    Director of Chula Vaccine Research Center, Chulalongkorn University
    Kiat Ruxrungtham, is a Professor of Medicine, Department of Medicine , Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University; and Scientific Chair of the Chula Vaccine Research Center (ChulaVRC); and Director of the Covid19 Vaccine Development Program, ChulaVRC. He is providing teaching and patient care on Allergy -Clinical Immunology and HIV Medicine at the King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University; and is mentoring junior researchers on HIV medicine at HIVNAT, TRCARC; vaccine and Immunology (at Chula Vaccine Research Center); and also on clinical trials. He is currently leading the Chula-Covid19 mRNA vaccine development program at ChulaVRC. Honors: He has received several awards: 2006 Outstanding Internist Award on Medical Academy, Royal College of Physicians, Thailand 2007 Outstanding Researcher Award, and the Highest Citation Award, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand 2011 Senior Research Scholar Award, the Thailand Research Fund 2011 Outstanding Researcher Award, National Research Council, Thailand 2015 Senior Research Scholar Award, the Thailand Research Fund 2015 Outstanding Research Award, the Thailand Research Fund 2022 A Royal Award “Contributors to the development of the country’s vaccines” from Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn at the 10th Vaccination Conference Publications: He has published more than 370 peer review papers on HIV, immunology, allergy, and vaccine. Contributions to national and international academics and professional organization: 1. Former President of the Allergy, Asthma and Immunology Association, Thailand (AAIAT) 2. Former President of the Thai AIDS Society (TAS) 3. Co-chair of the Co-chair of the APAACI and APAAAPARI 2018, Bangkok, Thailand 4. Co-chair of the World Allergy Congress 2023, Bangkok, Thailand 5. Chief-editor, Asian Pacific Journal of Allergy and Immunology (APJAI)
  • 复旦大学教授姜世勃

    Dr. Shibo Jiang is a Professor at the Shanghai Institute of Infectious Disease and Biosecurity of Fudan University, Shanghai, China. His main research interest is the development of antiviral drugs and vaccines. He has published 572 papers (total IF: 7,662, average IF: 13.4) in SCI journals such as Cell (x3), Nature (x2), Science (x2), Lancet (x4), CNS’ sister journals (x71), with total 45,327 citations and an h-index of 105. He has applied for 104 patents, 54 of which were issued, and 11 of them were licensed out with 3 classes of innovative drugs and medical products used in clinics.

  • Co-Founder & General manager Emerging markets,Gennecs Holding, EgyptNibal Dahaba
    Nibal Dahaba
    Co-Founder & General manager Emerging markets,Gennecs Holding, Egypt
  • Professor, The Pirbright Institute, UKChristopher Netherton
    Christopher Netherton
    Professor, The Pirbright Institute, UK
  • 复星医药疫苗事业部总裁张继国

    Graduated from Peking University School of Medicine, and National School of Development at Peking University, Jeffrey Zhang has deep insights in the fields of vaccines, while having extensive experience in business management, strategy and investment. He has successively served as the head of Pfizer’s New Business Development in China, General Manager of Emerging Business Department of GSK China/Vice President of Emerging Market Strategy, as well as the Vice President of Strategy of WuXi/Vice President of WuXi Vaccine Business.

  • 韩国疫苗创新技术联盟总干事成百麟

    Baik-Lin Seong, PhD, is a Distinguished Professor of Yonsei University College of Medicine, and Director General of Vaccine Innovative Technology ALliance (VITAL)-Korea. He received B.S. from Seoul National University (1977), M.S. from KAIST (1979), PhD from MIT (1988). He worked as postdoctoral scientist at the University of Oxford (1988-1992).

    He served as a member of the Presidential Advisory Council of Science & Technology of Korean Government (2021-2022) and the Scientific Advisory Board of International Vaccine Institute (IVI) (2018-2022). He chaired the COVID-19 Vaccine Pan-Government Strategic Plan of the Korean Government (2020-2023).

    With a view to ensure equitable access of effective vaccines to LMICs, he works on developing a low-cost production platform of VLP/nanoparticle vaccines against RSV, norovirus, nipah, universal influenza vaccine, and flavivirus vaccines including Japanese Encephalitis, Zika, and West Nile viruses.

  • CEO, Afrigen Biologics, South AfricaPetro Terblanche
    Petro Terblanche
    CEO, Afrigen Biologics, South Africa
    Professor Petro Terblanche has a successful track record in the strategic and operational management of technology intensive organizations. She has played a key part in the design and implementation of South Africa’s biotechnology strategy. She holds the position of Chief Executive Officer of Afrigen Biologics (Pty)Ltd based in Cape Town, South Africa. Afrigen hosts the WHO Global mRNA technology development and transfer Hub and has a mRNA Covid 19 vaccine candidate in development as part of a global program to build capacity and capabilities in LMICs to design, develop and produce mRNA vaccines. Prof Terblanche is the author of more than 200 scientific publications and conference papers in public health. Petro holds several Board positions and serves on a number of scientific advisory boards in the public health sector. She was recently acknowledged as one of the legends of science by the Academy of Sciences South Africa.
  • 辉瑞中国研发中心总经理陈朝华
  • VP, Translational Science, BioNTech/ CEO, VaxxCellenceRobbert van der Most
    Robbert van der Most
    VP, Translational Science, BioNTech/ CEO, VaxxCellence

    Dr Robbert van der Most obtained his cum laude PhD in 1994 at Leiden University (Netherlands) on the topic of coronavirus molecular biology. He then conducted postdoctoral work on the immunology of chronic viral infection with Dr Rafi Ahmed(UCLA, Eiory University, USA) and flavivirus molecular biology with Dr Jim Strauss (Caltech, USA). Upon return to the Netherlands he worked on RSV vaccine immunology, focusing on the mechanisms of vaccine-enhanced disease. In 2004, he joined Dr Bruce Robinson's team at the University of Western Australia to study immune oncology and the immune-modifying effects of chemotherapy. In 2008, he joined GSK Vaccines in Belgium, in roles of increasing responsiblility, leadingTranslational Science, After a brief period at CEPl, he joined BioNTech as Vice-President Translational Science in 2022, leading a team of experts in the infectious disease portfolio, in 2024 he started his own consultancy business, aiming to provide scjentific and development advice to biotech and pharma companies, as well as not-for-profit organizations.

  • 江苏省疾控中心疫苗评价所副所长李靖欣

    Jingxin Li, PhD, Professor, is working at Jiangsu Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Her research is focused on vaccine clinical evaluation and immunization strategy. She has participated in a lot of epidemiology investigations and a series of clinical trials of novel vaccines, including Enterovirus type 71 vaccine, recombinant human Ad5 vectored Ebola vaccine, and Covid-19 vaccines. She has got National Natural Science Outstanding Youth Founds and Jiangsu Provincial Natural Science Funds for Distinguished youths, and hosted or participated in seven National Natural Science Founds or National Science and Technology Major Projects. She has published over 25 articles in medical journals on vaccine clinical studies, including Nature Med, Lancet Respir Med, Lancet Glob Health, etc.

  • 中国医学科学院病原生物学研究所所长、教授舒跃龙

    Prof. Yuelong Shu

    Director, Institute of Pathogen Biology, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College. He is a member of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and a Fellow of the American Academy of Microbiology. He was selected as the first batch of ‘National Science and Technology Innovation Leader’and‘2014 Top Ten Scientific and Technological Innovators’, and is the winner of National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars and the China Youth Science and Technology Award. He has been honored with the National Science and Technology Progress Grand Prize, First Prize, Second Prize, the National Medical and Health System Advanced Individual, the National Innovation Award, the Public Health and Preventive Medicine Development Contribution Award, etc. He is currently the Chairman of the Branch of Medical Virology of the Chinese Medical Association and the Chairman of the Asia-Pacific Alliance for the Control of Influenza (APACI). He was the founding dean of the School of Public Health of Sun Yat-sen University (Shenzhen), the editor-in-chief of the Chinese Journal of Virology, the deputy director of the Institute of Viral Diseases of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the director of the National Influenza Center, and the director of the WHO Collaborating Center for Reference and Research on Influenza.

    Shu has long focused on influenza prevention and control research, and has made outstanding achievements in the discovery of new viruses, the development of detection reagents, and the pathogenesis of infection. Through the systematic establishment of new influenza detection and surveillance technology, it was found for the first time in the world that a variety of new avian influenza viruses such as H7N9, H5N6 and H10N8 can lead to human infection and death; The first successful development of pandemic H1N1 2019 and H7N9 avian influenza detection reagent; The origin, evolution and infection mechanism of H7N9 and other avian influenza viruses were clarified, which provided key scientific and technological support for the successful prevention and control of the epidemic in China. He has published nearly 200 papers in Science, Nature, NEJM, Lancet and other academic journals as a corresponding author. The research results were selected as one of the ‘China’s 100 most influential international academic papers in 2013’and ‘2013 Top Ten Scientific Advances in China’.

  • 杜克-新加坡国立大学医学院教授王林发

    Dr. Linfa Wang is a professor of the Programme in Emerging Infectious Diseases at Duke-NUS Medical School, and the inaugural executive director of PREPARE, Ministry of Health, Singapore. He is an international leader in the field of emerging zoonotic viruses and virus-host interaction. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, he has served and is serving on multiple WHO committees for COVID-19, including the WHO IHR Emergency Committee. Prof. Wang has more than 500 scientific publications. He was the Editor-in-Chief for the Virology Journal from 2112-2022. Prof. Wang was elected to the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering in 2010, the American Academy of Microbiology in 2021 and the Australian Academy of Sciences in 2023. He received the Singapore President Science Award in 2021

  • Chief Science Advisor, Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, EthiopiaNicaise Ndembi
    Nicaise Ndembi
    Chief Science Advisor, Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, Ethiopia
    Dr. Nicaise Ndembi is Senior strategic Advisor on Sciece and Policy to the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention Director General and currently Associate Professor, Division of Epidemiology and Prevention at the Institute of Human Virology (IHV), University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, USA. Dr. Ndembi is a graduate of Kanazawa University School of Medicine, Department of Viral Infection and International Public Health, Japan and a Research Professor within the same Institution. He is a Principal Investigator on numerous grants including US National Health Institute (NIH). He has authored/co-authored more than 180 publications in peer-reviewed journals. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Public Health in Africa (JPHIA), AIDS Research and Therapy (ARTY), and serves on various WHO and US NIH Advisory Groups.
  • 北京大学研究员曹云龙

    曹云龙,北京大学生物医学前沿创新中心(BIOPIC)研究员、助理教授,北大-清华生命科学联合中心研究员,北京昌平实验室领衔科学家,国家优秀青年科学基金获得者。2014年毕业于浙江大学竺可桢学院物理学专业,2019年获得哈佛大学化学博士学位。在新冠疫情期间,他围绕新冠病毒B细胞免疫应答、特异性抗体的结构与功能等开展了系统性研究,其中新冠中和抗体药物研制、新冠体液免疫响应特征和新冠突变免疫逃逸机制的创新性研究结果为抗击疫情做出了突出贡献。以第一作者、通讯作者在Nature、Cell、The Lancet Infectious Diseases、Cell Host & Microbe等期刊上发表多篇相关研究文章。相关研究成果获评2022年度“中国科学十大进展”、2022年度“中国生命科学十大进展”。其本人受邀作为WHO新冠疫苗成分技术咨询小组(TAG-CO-VAC)成员、国际流行病防范创新联盟(CEPI)科学顾问,获评2022年度北京市杰出青年中关村奖、《麻省理工科技评论》中国区“35岁以下科技创新35人”、2022年度Nature十大人物,获得国家优秀青年科学基金资助。

  • Professor, Harvard Medical SchoolDan Barouch
    Dan Barouch
    Professor, Harvard Medical School
  • Director of R&D, Razi Vaccine & Serum Research InstituteSeyedReza Banihashemi
    SeyedReza Banihashemi
    Director of R&D, Razi Vaccine & Serum Research Institute
  • Professor, McGill UniveristyAmine Kamen
    Amine Kamen
    Professor, McGill Univeristy
  • 中科院微生物研究所研究员戴连攀

    Lianpan Dai, PhD, Principal Investigator at Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He received his doctor's degree from Technical University of Munich (TUM), Germany. His research is mainly focused on the design and development of novel vaccines against major pathogens and the mechanism of protective immune response. Important research and translational achievements have been made in the research and development of vaccines against coronaviruses, Zika virus and other emerging infectious diseases, among which the recombinant protein subunit COVID-19 vaccine has been approved for use in many countries. The results are published as first/corresponding authors in the journals including Cell, The New England Journal of Medicine, Lancet, Nature Immunology, Nature Reviews Immunology, Cell Host & Microbe. He is supported by the National Science Fund for Excellent Young Scholars, and is the winner of VCANBIO Award for Biosciences and Medicine, excellent member of the Innovation Promotion Association of Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Young Scholar Award of Chinese Society of Immunology, and China Patent Silver Award Winner.

  • Executive Director, The RIGHT Foundation, South KoreaHani Kim
    Hani Kim
    Executive Director, The RIGHT Foundation, South Korea

    Hani Kim is the Executive Director of the RIGHT (Research Investment for Global Health Technology) foundation, with 16 years of work experience in translational health research as an academic research scientist and at global health R&D funding organizations. She completed her PhD in Lab Medicine and Pathobiology at the University of Toronto, Canada and post-doctoral training in molecular immunology of B cells at the Max-Planck Institute of Immunology, Germany.

    During her MPH and her affiliation as a Research Associate at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, Hani trained researchers at icddr,b, Bangladesh and KEMRI, Kenya. Prior to joining the RIGHT foundation, she developed and managed portfolios of vaccine discovery grants and molecular surveillance grants as a Gates Fellow initially and later as a Program Officer at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for six years.

    Hani has published articles in translational medical research and in the political origins of health inequity. Her recent articles include "The Selangor Consensus: strengthening clinical trials for local public health in the Western Pacific", ‘‘We need people’s WHO to solve vaccine inequity, and we need it now”, “The sociopolitical context of the COVID-19 response in South Korea”, and “A critical assessment of the ideological underpinnings of current practice in global health and their historical origins.”

  • Associate Professor, University of Pennsylvania, USANorbert Pardi
    Norbert Pardi
    Associate Professor, University of Pennsylvania, USA

    Dr Norbert Pardi holds a Ph.D. in biochemistry and genetics. He has been working at the University of Pennsylvania since 2011 and currently holds an Assistant Professor position at the Department of Microbiology of the Perelman School of Medicine. His research interest is the development of mRNA-based therapeutics with particular focus on new generation infectious disease vaccines. He explored the development of a novel vaccine platform using nucleoside-modified mRNA in lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) and used it to generate highly effective vaccines targeting various pathogens (influenza virus, coronaviruses, malaria and others). Dr. Pardi is a pioneer of the nucleoside-modified mRNA vaccine technology and published milestone papers in the field.

  • CTO, NeoVAC, UKHeinrich Haas
    Heinrich Haas
    CTO, NeoVAC, UK

    Heinrich Haas, Department of Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz Mainz, Germany. Ph.D. in the group of Prof. Dr. Helmuth Möhwald at Johannes-Gutenberg Universität Mainz. Researched lipid membranes and organized bio-molecular systems. In pharmaceutical industry (Munich Biotech, Medigene, BioNTech) developed different types of nanoparticle products to clinical stage. Focus on advanced approaches for nanoparticle development and control.

  • 药明海德CEO;药明生物高级副总裁董健

    Mr. Jian Dong has 35 years’ experience in biopharma manufacturing, quality management and facility construction.

    Joining WuXi Biologics in 2014, he is CEO of WuXi Vaccines and SVP of WuXi Biologics, previously SVP and Head of Global Manufacturing and Head of Global Engineering of WuXi Biologics responsible for the management and R&D of biological drug clinical and commercial manufacturing and construction of production facilities.

    Mr. Dong has led team passing China’s first FDA PLI and EMA GMP inspection and obtaining approval of WuXi Biologics DS and DP manufacturing facilities as well as the design, construction, validation and delivery of various R&D centers and manufacturing sites of WuXi Biologics worldwide.

    Before WuXi Biologics, he was Deputy Chief Engineer in Shenzhen Kangtai Biological Products, Senior Process Engineer in Eli Lilly & Co., U.S., VP of Manufacturing and VP of Quality in Shanghai Celgen Biopharma, Deputy General Manager in UBPL and Shanghai United Cell Biotechnology, Unilab’s subsidiary. During his tenure in China before joining WuXi Biologics, he made significant contribution to the approval of one NDA, four BLA and four GMP licenses, including the technical transfer of MSD’s recombinant hepatitis B vaccine to China.

  • 威瑞生物研究员李琦涵
  • 赛诺菲巴斯德外部研发亚太区负责人杜笑寒
  • Head of Project Management Department, FSUE SPbSRIVS FMBA of RussiaAdel Sattarova
    Adel Sattarova
    Head of Project Management Department, FSUE SPbSRIVS FMBA of Russia
  • Project Manager, mRNA center,Bio-Manguinhos/ Fiocruz, BrazilPatrícia Cristina da Costa Neves
    Patrícia Cristina da Costa Neves
    Project Manager, mRNA center,Bio-Manguinhos/ Fiocruz, Brazil

    Ph.D. in Cellular and Molecular Biology by Oswaldo Cruz Foundation and the AIDS Vaccine Research Lab (UW-Madison-USA). Currently, she manages the RNA Vaccine Development Partner Center for PAHO/WHO at Bio-Manguinhos-FIOCRUZ, focusing on the development and manufacturing of RNA-based vaccines and therapies in Brazil. This initiative aims for regional self-sufficiency in vaccine R&D and production, democratizing the RNA platform for Latin America and the Caribbean. Awarded by Women in Science of PDA Brazil (2021) and SIBEN-Argentina (2022), she has 18 years of experience in Immunology, Vaccine and Biotherapeuticals Development, Public Health, and Equity.

  • CEO, Celero Global, SingaporeAdham Rezk
    Adham Rezk
    CEO, Celero Global, Singapore

    Adham began his professional journey as a neuroscientist, followed by a shift to a commercial career at GSK Vaccines. He possesses over 15 years’ experience in commercialising biological therapeutics in the emerging markets namely Middle East and Africa, South East Asia and South America. He was responsible for obtaining emergency use approval for a prominent Chinese Biotech in the United Arab Emirates prior to China’s Approval. Having led biotech and clinical firms to achieve more than $250 million in revenue over the past 5 years. In addition to having established numerous start- ups, overseeing concept, value proposition, market analysis, business modeling, product development and securing investments. A seasoned health technology expert boasting years of experience in Machine learning and AI in the healthcare space.

  • Chief Innovation Officer, Maravai Life SciencesKate Broderick
    Kate Broderick
    Chief Innovation Officer, Maravai Life Sciences

    Dr. Kate Broderick leverages more than 20 years of life science experience with over 15 years in research and development as the head of Maravai’sScience and Innovation Office. A recognized expert in vaccine and nucleic acid technology, Dr. Broderick has led global teams and collaborated with industry, academic, and government partners to develop vaccines for a wide range of infectious diseases, including Ebola, MERS, Zika, HIV, Lassa fever, and COVID-19.

    Prior to joining Maravai in 2022, Dr. Broderick held roles of increasing responsibility at Inovio Pharmaceuticals, including Senior Vice President of R&D.

    Dr. Broderick received her PhD from the University of Glasgow in Scotland and completed post-doctoral research at the University of California, San Diego.

  • 北京大学副教授王寒

    王寒,北京大学未来技术学院副研究员,疫苗研究团队负责人。主要从事病毒感染机制和抗病毒干预策略研究,在包括埃博拉病毒、猴痘病毒和非洲猪瘟病毒在内的多种重要病毒性传染病原的入侵和复制机制、疫苗、抗病毒药物研究中取得了一系列重要进展。以第一和通讯作者(含共同)在Cell、Nature Immunology、PNAS、Nucleic Acids Research等国际期刊上发表论文多篇,获“2016年度中国生命科学领域十大进展”。入选博士后创新人才支持计划、北京市科协“青年人才托举工程”、中国科学院青年创新促进会;任 hLife 期刊青年编委,北京慢性病防治与健康教育研究会感染性疾病专业委员会委员。

  • 深圳安达生物CEO胡兰靛

    Doctor Hu is the founder, chairman and full-time CEO of Anda Biology. She was a former researcher of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Shanghai Institute of Nutrition and Health, visiting scholar of the Max-Planck-Institute for Molecular Genetics in Germany, and visiting scholar of the Cambridge Molecular Biology Laboratory in the UK. She independently undertook key projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China and 863 projects as the project leader, participated in the Super 973 projects, the Chinese Academy of Sciences' Leading Special Research on Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine, and the National Twelfth Five Year Plan Major Special Projects. Expert in the Second Review of Outstanding Youth Fund, Outstanding Youth Fund, and Key Projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and expert in risk assessment of the Ministry of Science and Technology in 2013.

    She has been engaged in molecular genetics research of diseases for a long time and has established a series of genetic analysis techniques that can be applied to stem cell clinical transformation research such as stem cell quality control, in vivo genetic tracing, stem cell maintenance, and cell phenotype transformation, laying the foundation for stem cell based disease diagnosis and treatment. Dr Hu has published more than 70 SCI papers and won the first prize for scientific and technological progress in Shanghai (second place completion).


    She has participated as the leader of the innovation team in 2018 in the first Shenzhen Women's Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition. After winning the award, she founded Anda Biology Medicine Development (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd and she is serving as its full-time CEO. In the past four years, she has led the company's employees to develop personalized immunotherapy vaccine for pancreatic cancer, universal cancer vaccines, cell therapy and other products. Among which, PCNAT-1, a therapeutic personalized vaccine for pancreatic cancer, has won the FDA orphan drug qualification certification.

  • 澄实生物创始人、副总裁费才溢
  • CSO, CyanVac, USAHong Jin
    Hong Jin
    CSO, CyanVac, USA
  • Chief Scientific Advisor, Infectious Diseases,Novo Nordisk Foundation, DenmarkPeter Lawætz Andersen
    Peter Lawætz Andersen
    Chief Scientific Advisor, Infectious Diseases,Novo Nordisk Foundation, Denmark
  • 威斯津生物创始人总经理宋相容

    Xiangrong Song is a full professor at Sichuan University and a pharmaceutical scientist at National Key Laboratory of Biotherapy. The Song lab has developed the targeted delivery systems for gene drugs and small molecules to treat tumors, atherosclerosis, ocular diseases, infection or brain diseases. Two novel drug candidates (IND) have been approved for phase I clinical trials. She has authored more than 100 papers and is an inventor of more than 50 issued / pending patents worldwide. The technologies that Dr. Song and her colleagues have developed formed the basis for the launch of 2 biotechnology companies. The two companies are translating the aforementioned academic innovations toward commercialization and societal impact. In 2019, she was a recipient of the first prize of Science and Technology Award in Chinese National Medicine Association, for the research on immune function of Yi nationality's medicine. In 2022, she was named as the elite of science and technology in China.

  • 迈科康生物董事长CEO陈德祥

    Dexiang Chen, Doctor of Immunology, Mississippi State University, has been engaged in the development of vaccines and vaccine adjuvants in Pfizer, Novartis and PATH scientific and technological organizations for more than 30 years, and has presided over a number of major international public health special projects funded by international organizations, foundations and national governments. Among the more than 20 infectious disease vaccine development projects presided over and participated in, many products have been listed globally. Dr. Chen Dexiang has published more than 60 vaccine-related academic papers in world-class academic journals such as Science and Nature Medicine.

  • CEO, InThera, South KoreaDeog-Young Choi
    Deog-Young Choi
    CEO, InThera, South Korea
    2016.05 – Present InThera Inc. CEO 2010.01 – 2015.12 LG Life Sciences, Ltd Director of Vaccine Development & Business 2000.07– 2009.12 LG Life Sciences, Ltd. R&D Center Head of Research Team 1995.09 – 1999.12 State University of New York at Stony Brook Ph.D. in Biology
  • CEO, Baiya Phytopharm, ThailandSuthira Taychakhoonavudh
    Suthira Taychakhoonavudh
    CEO, Baiya Phytopharm, Thailand
  • 金宇保灵生物研发总监李劼
  • 副总裁,易慧生物上海/中慧元通,江苏熊野林

    Dr. Yelin Xiong is the Vice President at Yither Biotech Co. Ltd. In this role, she is responsible for early-stage discovery to clinical material manufacturing of various vaccine candidates. Yelin has extensive research experience in immunology and vaccine development against infectious diseases. Prior to the current position, Yelin had over 20 years of industry experience in research, process development/scale-up, GMP manufacturing and CMC management in Sanofi pasteur. She received a Doctorate degree in Immunology and Cell Biology from John Curtin School of Medical Research, Australian National University and had postdoctoral training in Emory University and University of Toronto.          

  • CSO, Reber Genetics, ChinaFrank Chang
    Frank Chang
    CSO, Reber Genetics, China

    Dr. Frank Chia-Jung Chang obtains his Ph.D. from Life Science and Institute of Genome Science department of Taiwan Yang-Ming Medical University in 2012. He received his postdoctoral training at Molecular Biology Institute of Academia Sinica (Taiwan) and worked as visiting scholar in Frances H. Arnold’s laboratory (Nobel Prize in Chemistry winner in 2018), Chemical Engineering Department of Caltech (U.S.). He joined Reber Genetics as the supervisor of R&D Division in 2014. From 2017, Frank also works for business development and strategic layout of vaccine products (technology included).


    Dr. Chang has considerable expertise in virology, microbiology, reverse vaccinology and protein engineering for industrial production. His group has successfully developed novel subunit vaccines of swine PRRSV, pan-PCV, Mycoplasma, CSFV and PEDV in Reber Genetics, furthermore, also support the study of safe vector vaccine against ASF with external partners.

  • VP R&D, Global Health R&D Vaccines Head and GVGH Institute, GSK, BelgiumFrancesco Berlanda Scorza
    Francesco Berlanda Scorza
    VP R&D, Global Health R&D Vaccines Head and GVGH Institute, GSK, Belgium
  • 创始人,董事长兼首席执行官,艾博生物英博



    英博博士本科、硕士毕业于复旦大学,并在美国东北大学获得药剂学博士学位。英博博士曾在Cell、Lancet等多个重要国际期刊发表论文,他也是多项海外授权专利发明人。2018-2019年期间,英博博士任波士顿美中生物医药协会(Chinese-American BioMedical Association)会长,服务生物医药科研和工业技术的深度融合。

  • Chief Medical Affairs Officer, Moderna, USAFrancesca Ceddia
    Francesca Ceddia
    Chief Medical Affairs Officer, Moderna, USA

    Dr. Francesca Ceddia is a distinguished medical professional and the current Chief Medical Affairs Officer at Moderna. In her role, she is responsible for leading, developing, and executing the company's global medical and evidence generation strategy, shaping the future of Moderna's mRNA technology pipeline across infectious diseases, oncology, and rare diseases.

    A medical doctor by training, Francesca specialized in respiratory diseases at the University of Siena, Italy. After a period of practicing general medicine and pulmonology, she transitioned into the pharmaceutical sector, where she has since held a range of roles of increasing responsibility encompassing Clinical, Vaccine Development and Medical Affairs.

    Throughout her career, Francesca has worked in several therapeutic areas, and her work has been instrumental in leading the development of various vaccine candidates. She has been deeply involved in the medical strategy across numerous infectious disease areas, with a particular emphasis on combination vaccines. Her contributions to the field are well-documented in peer-reviewed publications she has authored.

    More recently, Francesca has been dedicated to addressing vaccination gaps across all age groups, particularly in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Her work has been pivotal in responding to the vaccination needs of older adults, further solidifying her commitment to global health and patient care.

  • Deputy Director at Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, USAPeter Dull
    Peter Dull
    Deputy Director at Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, USA
  • 中国农业大学动物医学院副教授李浩

    李浩,中国农业大学动物医学院副教授,博士生导师。2017年7月在清华大学获得理学博士学位。2017年7月到2019年7月在清华大学医学院从事博士后研究工作。2019年7月至今,在中国农业大学动物医学院从事结核病免疫学和抗生素耐药性相关研究。主持国自然面上和中国博士后基金各1项,国家重点研发计划研究任务1项,参与国自然3项。以第一或通讯作者(含共同)在Nature Reviews Immunology,PNAS,Nature Communications,npj Vaccines等杂志发表相关文章30余篇。

  • Founder& CSO, General Therapeutics, USAJiangsheng Xu
    Jiangsheng Xu
    Founder& CSO, General Therapeutics, USA

    Dr. Jiangsheng Xu is the Founder and Chief Scientific Officer of General Therapeutics, Inc., specializing in the development of non-reactogenic lipid nanoparticle (LNP) technologies aimed at overcoming challenges in mRNA vaccine hesitancy and RNA medicine re-dosing. With over 15 years of hands-on experience in nanoparticle and RNA research across both academic and industry settings, Dr. Xu has contributed to leading journals, including Nature Nanotechnologyand Nature Communications, and holds 10 patents.

  • AVP, Head of Vaccines & Advanced Biotechnologies Process R&D, Merck, USAHao Chen
    Hao Chen
    AVP, Head of Vaccines & Advanced Biotechnologies Process R&D, Merck, USA
  • Project Leader, Fondazione Toscana Life Sciences, ItalyEmanuele Andreano
    Emanuele Andreano
    Project Leader, Fondazione Toscana Life Sciences, Italy

    Dr. Emanuele Andreano is an immunologist with almost 10 years of experience studying B cell and antibody responses to human pathogens, and he is currently project leader at the Monoclonal Antibody Discovery Laboratory (MAD Lab), Fondazione Toscana Life Sciences, directed by his mentor Prof. Rino Rappuoli. During his training, Dr. Andreano gained extensive experience on single cell sorting of memory B cells and isolation, cloning, expression and functional/structural characterization of human monoclonal antibodies. This experience has been used to tackle different pathogens which pose serious threats for global health such as the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), antimicrobial resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae, SARS-CoV-2 and more recently the Monkeypox virus. The work that Dr. Andreano performed on SARS-CoV-2 led to the isolation of more than 14,000 thousand human monoclonal antibodies and to the identification of MAD0004J08, one of the most potent monoclonal ever described and evaluated in a phase II/III clinical trial for the treatment of COVID-19. Dr. Andreano first authored publications on top tier journals such as PNAS, Cell, Nature Medicine and Nature. For his scientific work, Dr. Andreano has been awarded the “COVID-19 heroes award” and has been nominated as “Rising Star” in the field of immunology by the International Union of Immunological Societies (IUIS) 2023.

  • Co-founder & CSO , Hanz Biotechnology (Suzhou)Xuexiang Han
    Xuexiang Han
    Co-founder & CSO , Hanz Biotechnology (Suzhou)




    2014年本科毕业于上海大学、2019年博士毕业于清华大学(国家纳米科学中心联合培养);2020-2024年在美国宾夕法尼亚大学Michael J. Mitchell教授实验室从事博士后研究工作,期间与诺奖得主Drew Weissman教授合作开展LNP-mRNA疫苗和药物的研究;2024年2月入职中科院分子细胞科学卓越创新中心。主要研究方向为新型LNP的构建和RNA药物递送,以第一(含共一)作者在Nat. Chem.、Nat. Nanotech.、Nat. Mater.、Nat. Commun.等期刊发表论文近20篇,授权中国专利一项,申请PCT专利多项。

  • 摘要提交

    Poster Submission

     (Click to Apply)

    Due date: Dec. 31, 2024
