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Looking back at the development of medicine, we have witnessed the birth of basic small molecule drugs, the vigorous development of antibody drugs such as monoclonal antibody, bispecific antibody, ADC, and so on, and the rise of the "third class of drugs" nucleic acid drugs. Each step marks a great leap in medical technology. Small molecule drugs are innovating against the trend, bringing out the new, and constantly expanding the development space of the industry with new mechanisms, new technologies and new targets. At the same time, ADC/XDC technology has triggered revolutionary changes in key fields such as tumor therapy with its unique dual targeting ability. Nucleic acid drugs, as the third class of drugs after small molecules and antibody drugs, are showing unprecedented potential and broad application prospects in the treatment of genetic diseases, tumors and infectious diseases with their unique molecular mechanisms.

Host by biomap, BPI WEEK 2025 will mark its landmark 10th year, with a continued focus on the frontiers of innovative medicines. We gather industry elites to deeply discuss the latest research trends, technical bottlenecks and market trends of innovative drugs. The core topics covered all important stages of the drug life cycle, such as drug research and development, new target discovery, clinical, process and quality analysis, and commercial development. The conference focuses on industry hotspots and pain points, and is committed to breaking through technical bottlenecks and promoting innovative research and development. After ten years of hard work, our original intention has not changed. We look forward to witnessing a new chapter in the field of innovative medicine with you at BPI WEEK 2025.



Agenda at a Glance
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  • a dual academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and the European Academy of Sciences, and the founder of TG ImmunoPharmaZhi-Gang Tian
    Zhi-Gang Tian
    a dual academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and the European Academy of Sciences, and the founder of TG ImmunoPharma
    Dr. Zhigang Tian’s laboratory is credited with seminal discoveries regarding basic knowledge and clinical study of natural killer (NK) cells, particularly liver-resident NK cells, cytokine-producing NK cells, and NK cell-based immunotherapy. Since outstanding contributions in the field of NK cell research, Dr. Tian was elected as a member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering in 2017. Dr. Tian used to work as a visiting scientist in NCI/NIH, USA during 194-1996 and in Kanazawa University, Japan during 2002-2003. Currently, he is a professor at University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) in Hefei, China, where he also works as a Director of Institute of Immunology, Director of The Key Lab of Innate Immunity and Chronic Diseases of Chinese Academy of Science, and President of Medical Center, and the former dean of School of Life Sciences of USTC. Dr. Tian is the current President of Chinese Society of Immunology (CSI) and Council member of International Union of Immunological Societies (IUIS) and Federation of Immunological Societies of Asia-Oceania (FIMSA), and a co-Editor-in-Chief of Cell Mol Immunol, an official journal of CSI, and editorial board members of up to ten journals including Hepatology, J Autoimmune, Eu J Immunol and J Biol Chem, and has published more than 300 papers in peer-reviewed journals including Cell, Nat Immunol, Immunity, Cell Metabolism, J Exp Med, J Clin Invest, Nat Commun, PNAS, Gastroenterology, Hepatology, etc.
  • Chief Physician, Professor, PhD Supervisor, Head of the Oncology Department at Shanghai East HospitalCaicun Zhou
    Caicun Zhou
    Chief Physician, Professor, PhD Supervisor, Head of the Oncology Department at Shanghai East Hospital

    周彩存,医学博士,博士生导师,主任医师,教授;上海市领军人才,享受国务院特殊津贴 现任同济大学附属上海市肺科医院肿瘤科主任,医学院肿瘤研究所所长 中国医促会胸部肿瘤分会主委,中国抗癌协会肺癌专业委员会常委,上海市抗癌协会肺癌分子靶向和免疫治疗专业委员会主委,中国抗癌协会肿瘤药物临床研究专业委员会副主任委员,中国医师协会肿瘤分会常委,上海市医师协会肿瘤分会副会长,CSCO理事,上海市医学会肿瘤分会副主任委员 (lung Cancer)副主编,(Translational Lung Cancer Research)主编

  • Head of the Rheumatology and Immunology Department at Shanghai Changzheng HospitalHuji Xu
    Huji Xu
    Head of the Rheumatology and Immunology Department at Shanghai Changzheng Hospital
  • Executive President, Co-CEO of Innovation Drug Division, Global R&D Center CEO at Fosun PharmaXingli Wang
    Xingli Wang
    Executive President, Co-CEO of Innovation Drug Division, Global R&D Center CEO at Fosun Pharma
  • Executive Director of Global Drug R&D at BMS, Head of China Integrated Science TeamFeng Bian
    Feng Bian
    Executive Director of Global Drug R&D at BMS, Head of China Integrated Science Team
  • Executive Vice President of HUTCHMEDZhenping Wu
    Zhenping Wu
    Executive Vice President of HUTCHMED
  • Senior Vice President of Medicinal Chemistry at Hinova PharmaceuticalsWu Du
    Wu Du
    Senior Vice President of Medicinal Chemistry at Hinova Pharmaceuticals
  • CEO of Guangzhou International Bio Island, Chairman of Board of Directors, BeiGene Guangzhou Biologics, Ltd.Jian Liu
    Jian Liu
    CEO of Guangzhou International Bio Island, Chairman of Board of Directors, BeiGene Guangzhou Biologics, Ltd.
  • President of Huadong Global R&D & CSO at Huadong Medicine Co., LtdDongzhou Liu
    Dongzhou Liu
    President of Huadong Global R&D & CSO at Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd
  • Dean of the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Shanghai Jiao Tong UniversityAo Zhang
    Ao Zhang
    Dean of the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

    张翱,上海交通大学特聘教授,博士生导师,研究组长。2000年在中科院上海有机化学研究所博士毕业,2001-2004年分别在美国乔治敦大学医学中心和哈佛医学院进行博士后研究,2004-2006年担任哈佛医学院讲师。2006年入选中科院“百人计划”回国加盟上海药物研究所,入选上海市浦江人才计划和上海市优秀学科带头人计划,2011年获国家杰出青年科学基金,领衔的研究团队获2018年度科技部“创新人才推进计划”-“重点领域创新团队”称号,2019年获中组部国家“万人计划”领军人才。2020年加入上海交通大学药学院。张翱教授研究团队主要致力于药物化学技术创新推动的新药发现研究,尤其是聚焦基于天然产物的药物化学和化学生物学研究、难靶蛋白的药物设计、分子靶向个性化药物研究等领域。已发表J Am Chem Soc, Angew Chem Int Ed, Chem Sci, J Med Chem,Chem Rev, Pharmacol & Ther等SCI论文170余篇,申请国内国际专利60余项。主持研发的3个1类新药已经进入临床试验研究,多个候选新药正在进行临床前研究。

  • Dean of the School of Pharmacy, Fudan UniversityCong Li
    Cong Li
    Dean of the School of Pharmacy, Fudan University
  • Chief Manufacturing Officer, Rongchang Pharmaceuticals.LtdXiaoming Yang
    Xiaoming Yang
    Chief Manufacturing Officer, Rongchang Pharmaceuticals.Ltd
  • Head of Global BD China at Johnson & Johnson Innovative MedicineYinghui Yu
    Yinghui Yu
    Head of Global BD China at Johnson & Johnson Innovative Medicine
  • Head of China Business Development Transformation at Pfizer Investment Co. Ltd.Rong Shen
    Rong Shen
    Head of China Business Development Transformation at Pfizer Investment Co. Ltd.
  • Chief Scientific Officer, Borui, Professor at Peking University's Department of Applied Chemistry, School of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, and Tsinghua - PKU Joint CenterZhibo Liu
    Zhibo Liu
    Chief Scientific Officer, Borui, Professor at Peking University's Department of Applied Chemistry, School of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, and Tsinghua - PKU Joint Center
  • Chief Operating Officer, Global R&D, Zai LabShuizhong Yan
    Shuizhong Yan
    Chief Operating Officer, Global R&D, Zai Lab
  • Chairman, CEO & CSO of Yiming Biological Technology Co., Ltd.Wenzhi Tian
    Wenzhi Tian
    Chairman, CEO & CSO of Yiming Biological Technology Co., Ltd.
  • Co-Founder and CSO of Yilian Biotechnology Co., Ltd.Jiaqiang Cai
    Jiaqiang Cai
    Co-Founder and CSO of Yilian Biotechnology Co., Ltd.
  • Vice president on R&D of Haisco Pharmaceutical GroupJu Wang
    Ju Wang
    Vice president on R&D of Haisco Pharmaceutical Group
  • Head of Oligonucleotide Drug Development and Innovative Drug Registration at the Drug Research Institute, Youcare Pharmaceutical Group Co.,LtdZeao Huang
    Zeao Huang
    Head of Oligonucleotide Drug Development and Innovative Drug Registration at the Drug Research Institute, Youcare Pharmaceutical Group Co.,Ltd
  • Vice President and Head of Clinical Development at Suzhou Ribo Life Science Co., LtdJing Fu
    Jing Fu
    Vice President and Head of Clinical Development at Suzhou Ribo Life Science Co., Ltd
  • General Manager of Sheng Nuo Biotec (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.Weiwei Tian
    Weiwei Tian
    General Manager of Sheng Nuo Biotec (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.
  • CEO & President of R&D, Executive Director of CStone PharmaceuticalsJianxin Yang
    Jianxin Yang
    CEO & President of R&D, Executive Director of CStone Pharmaceuticals
  • Founder, Chairman & CEO of Innolake Pharmaceuticals (Hangzhou) Co., Ltd.Mingde Xia
    Mingde Xia
    Founder, Chairman & CEO of Innolake Pharmaceuticals (Hangzhou) Co., Ltd.
  • Chairman of Innoforce Pharmaceuticals, CEO of Apollomics, Consultant for Chuangxin Biotechnology Co., Ltd.Guoliang Yu
    Guoliang Yu
    Chairman of Innoforce Pharmaceuticals, CEO of Apollomics, Consultant for Chuangxin Biotechnology Co., Ltd.

    Dr. Guo-Liang Yu is the global CEO of Apollomics Inc. (Formerly CBT Pharmaceuticals), an innovative therapeutics company devoted to curing cancer by combining immunology and other caner fighting methods. Before Apollomics Inc., Dr. Yu was the Executive Chairman of Crown Biosicence Inc., a publically-listed personalized oncology platform company with ~600 employees globally. Crown Bioscience was acquired by JSR for $400 million in May of 2018. He co-founded Epitomics Inc., an antibody biotechnology company, and served as Chairman and CEO for 10 years prior to its acquisition by Abcam for $170 million. He was also a venture partner at OrbiMed Venture LLC. Dr. Yu’s success is driven by his scientific curiosity and passion for translating scientific discovery to real products. After graduating from Fudan University in Shanghai, China, he came to the United States in 1984 to pursue advanced studies. He obtained his Ph.D. from UC Berkeley, where he and Dr. Greider discovered telomerase and its mechanism in Dr. Blackburn’s lab. Drs. Blackburn and Greider received Nobel Prize in 2009 for their discovery. Dr. Yu later joined Dr. Frederick Ausubel’s lab at Harvard University to pursue the question of how plants defend themselves against pathogens without an immune system, and identified the plant disease resistance gene. In 1993, when genomics was still in its infancy, Dr. Yu joined Human Genome Sciences Inc. as one of the first few senior scientists, identifying human gene targets for drug discovery. Among several important drug targets he studied was BLys, the first successfully genomic target for the development of a lupus antibody drug Benlysta, which was approved by FDA in 2010. In 1998, Dr. Yu was attracted to identifying plant genes with economic value in agriculture and in bio-energy. He was Senior Vice President of R&D at Mendel Biotechnology Inc. where his team analyzed the function of a complete set of plant transcription factors, and ultimately identified several valuable traits such as enhanced crop yield, disease resistance, and drought tolerance. Dr. Yu has co-authored 43 peer-reviewed scientific articles that have been referenced by the scientific community over 6000 times. He is a co-inventor of more than 400 patents. Dr. Yu is the founding president of the Chinese Biopharmaceutical Association (CBA) and serves on the boards of several professional organizations in the United States and China, including BayHelix, Chinese-American Bio/Pharmaceutical Society (CABS), National Foundation of Cancer Research, Ray Wu Memorial Foundation, and University of Pacific. Dr. Yu is generous in coaching young entrepreneurs, and he has co-founded a dozen startup companies in biotech and the healthcare sector, including Immune-Onc Therapeutics, Inc.in Palo Alto.

  • Chief Scientist at Haichang Biotech Co., Ltd.Jianguang Li
    Jianguang Li
    Chief Scientist at Haichang Biotech Co., Ltd.
  • Executive Vice President and Head of Clinical Development at Visirna TherapeuticsDong You
    Dong You
    Executive Vice President and Head of Clinical Development at Visirna Therapeutics
  • Vice President of Ractigen TherapeuticsZubaoh Gan
    Zubaoh Gan
    Vice President of Ractigen Therapeutics
  • CSO of Weili Zhibo Biotechnology Co., Ltd.Hong Ling
    Hong Ling
    CSO of Weili Zhibo Biotechnology Co., Ltd.
  • CMO of Jacobio Pharmaceuticals Group Co., Ltd.Yi Wang
    Yi Wang
    CMO of Jacobio Pharmaceuticals Group Co., Ltd.
  • Chairman and CEO of Gluetacs TherapeuticsXiaobao Yang
    Xiaobao Yang
    Chairman and CEO of Gluetacs Therapeutics
  • Yu Zhi Scholar, Distinguished Professor, Vice Director of the Immunology Institute at Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of MedicineBin Li
    Bin Li
    Yu Zhi Scholar, Distinguished Professor, Vice Director of the Immunology Institute at Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine
  • Ph.D. Advisor and Principal Investigator at the Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Fudan University, and Founder of BioTroy Pharmaceuticals.Jie Xu
    Jie Xu
    Ph.D. Advisor and Principal Investigator at the Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Fudan University, and Founder of BioTroy Pharmaceuticals.
  • Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer of Genor Biopharma.Liqiang Fu
    Liqiang Fu
    Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer of Genor Biopharma.

    付博士致力于蛋白降解新药的发现与开发,现任强生(中国)蛋白降解新药发现化学负责人,资深研究员。自2016年起领导和参与了数个PROTAC新药项目和蛋白降解平台建设。付博士于2010年获得中科院上海药物研究所博士学位,同年7月加入美国堪萨斯大学Blake Peterson 教授课题组,进行博士后训练。2013年回国后,先后加入艾伯维(中国)研发中心、强生(中国)研发中心负责创新药研发;在 Angew Chem Int Ed、Cell Chem Biol、 ACS Chem Biol、J Med Chem 等杂志发表论文十余篇,申请发明专利十余项。

  • Founder, Chairman & CEO of Qide Pharmaceutical Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.Gang Qin
    Gang Qin
    Founder, Chairman & CEO of Qide Pharmaceutical Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.
  • Chairman & CEO of FuturegenbiopharmZhaoyu Jin
    Zhaoyu Jin
    Chairman & CEO of Futuregenbiopharm
  • Founder of Nanjing aimeifei Biomedical Technology Co., LtdGuohuang Fan
    Guohuang Fan
    Founder of Nanjing aimeifei Biomedical Technology Co., Ltd
  • CEO of Jing MedicineLi Zeng
    Li Zeng
    CEO of Jing Medicine
  • Founder of Convalife PharmaceuticalsXiaokun Shen
    Xiaokun Shen
    Founder of Convalife Pharmaceuticals
  • Founder and CEO of BioNova Pharmaceuticals LimitedYe Hua
    Ye Hua
    Founder and CEO of BioNova Pharmaceuticals Limited
  • CEO of JS InnoPharm (Shanghai) LimitedJintao Zhang
    Jintao Zhang
    CEO of JS InnoPharm (Shanghai) Limited

    张劲涛博士,中国科学院上海有机化学研究所博士,美国芝加哥大学博士后,现任捷思英达医药技术有限公司董事长兼CEO。曾任职美国纳斯达克上市公司DeCode Genetics Inc. (Amgen子公司)和MediChem Research Inc.,部门总监。作为联合创始人成功创办上海美迪西生物医药股份有限公司 (科创版上市企业),任职副总裁及CEO。张劲涛博士专长于抗肿瘤新药的开发研究,具有20多年创新团队管理、研发管线战略规划、国际项目引进和商业化运作的成功经验,他一直致力于肿瘤精准治疗和最前沿的转化医学研究,推动符合中国国情全球化新药开发。张劲涛博士曾荣获中国国家自然科学一等奖。2020年被授予“苏州工业园区第十四届第一批金鸡湖科技领军人才”称号(领军项目)。

  • CEO of Aubrak TherapeuticsJiyue Zhang
    Jiyue Zhang
    CEO of Aubrak Therapeutics
  • Founder of U-Protech, Long-term Professor of Life Sciences at Zhejiang UniversityJianping Jin
    Jianping Jin
    Founder of U-Protech, Long-term Professor of Life Sciences at Zhejiang University
  • Senior Vice President of Biology at Full-Life TechnologiesJuan Zhang
    Juan Zhang
    Senior Vice President of Biology at Full-Life Technologies
  • CSO of AskGene PharmaYuefeng Lv
    Yuefeng Lv
    CSO of AskGene Pharma
  • Associate Researcher, Deputy Director of the National Key Laboratory of Innovative Immunotherapy, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Pharmacy, and Engineering Research Center of Cell & Therapeutic Antibody, Ministry of Education, PhD SupervisorHuili Lu
    Huili Lu
    Associate Researcher, Deputy Director of the National Key Laboratory of Innovative Immunotherapy, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Pharmacy, and Engineering Research Center of Cell & Therapeutic Antibody, Ministry of Education, PhD Supervisor
  • Deputy General Manager, Assistant General Manager, Head of Research Institute, TongYi Biochemical Technology Co., LtdGuitao Wang
    Guitao Wang
    Deputy General Manager, Assistant General Manager, Head of Research Institute, TongYi Biochemical Technology Co., Ltd
  • Chairman and General Manager of Leaderna Therapeutics LtdJinqiao Wan
    Jinqiao Wan
    Chairman and General Manager of Leaderna Therapeutics Ltd
  • Co-Founder and Senior Vice President of Chemistry at Rona TherapeuticsJinyu Huang
    Jinyu Huang
    Co-Founder and Senior Vice President of Chemistry at Rona Therapeutics
  • Founder and CEO of SicaGeneHaisheng Wang
    Haisheng Wang
    Founder and CEO of SicaGene
  • Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of RigernaHaitao Li
    Haitao Li
    Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of Rigerna
  • CEO of HYGIEIA PharmaceuticalsTao Guan
    Tao Guan
    CEO of HYGIEIA Pharmaceuticals
  • 安龙生物创始人、董事长、CEO赵春林

    赵春林 博士,安龙生物创始人,安龙基金创始合伙人,为清华大学生物系首届毕业生,美国匹兹堡大学医学院分子生物学博士和芝加哥大学工商管理硕士,曾任美国辉瑞制药资深经理,国科嘉和及康桥资本董事总经理,拥有三十多年生命科学及医疗健康领域的创业和投资经验,投资过信达生物,贝瑞合康,天镜生物,歌礼药业,莱凯医药,康乃德及国科恒泰等杰出企业。赵春林博士曾任清华大学生命科学院,医学院及药学院首届校友会主席,为百华协会资深会员。 安龙基金是一只专注于国内早期生命科学与医疗健康领域的基金,投资领域横跨生命科学,医药研发,医疗器械,医疗服务及相关领域。 安龙生物是国内基因治疗及核酸药物领先企业,专注基因新技术及国内大市场产品的新药研发,眼科基因治疗产品已进入临床。 专业之外,赵春林博士喜欢足球,滑雪,曾做过DJ,拥有三个漂亮可爱的女儿。

  • General Manager and Chief Scientific Officer of Suzhou Siran Biotechnology Co.,Ltd.Nan Liu
    Nan Liu
    General Manager and Chief Scientific Officer of Suzhou Siran Biotechnology Co.,Ltd.
  • Chairman and CEO of Starna TherapeuticsRongkuan Hu
    Rongkuan Hu
    Chairman and CEO of Starna Therapeutics
  • Director of Pharmaceutical Chemistry at Laekna, Inc.Ming Li
    Ming Li
    Director of Pharmaceutical Chemistry at Laekna, Inc.
  • Director of R&D at Degron TherapeuticsHao Dou
    Hao Dou
    Director of R&D at Degron Therapeutics
  • Technical Head, Chia Tai Tianqing Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd, Nanjing Shunxin Pharmaceutical Co., LtdXiande Su
    Xiande Su
    Technical Head, Chia Tai Tianqing Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd, Nanjing Shunxin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd
  • Senior Director of CMC at Qilu pharmaYan Fang
    Yan Fang
    Senior Director of CMC at Qilu pharma
  • Chief Innovation Officer and Head of the Innovation Center at Viva BiotechHan Dai
    Han Dai
    Chief Innovation Officer and Head of the Innovation Center at Viva Biotech
  • Chief Business Officer at Maikeaote Technology Co., LtdChen Chen
    Chen Chen
    Chief Business Officer at Maikeaote Technology Co., Ltd
  • Executive Director of Early Development at Cure GeneticsLei Zhao
    Lei Zhao
    Executive Director of Early Development at Cure Genetics
  • Organizer


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