开幕式&大会特邀报告 (主持:张建)
A Novel Epigenetic Mechanism Mediated by piRNAs
林海帆 Yale University/上海科技大学 教授
孟安明 清华大学生命科学学院 教授,院士
景乃禾 中科院上海生命科学研究院生化细胞所 研究员
大会特邀报告 (主持:高翔,杨崇林)
Membrane targeting of inhibitory Smads through palmitoylation controls TGF-β/BMP signaling
陈大华 中国科学院动物研究所 研究员
The roles of migrasome in embryonic development
俞立 清华大学生命科学学院 教授
陈子江 山东大学 教授
Mapping whole-brain neural connectomes of larval zebrafish
杜久林 中科院神经科学研究 研究员
Resolving embryonic origin of hematopoietic stem cells by multiplex single-cell strategies
刘兵 军事医学科学院附属医院 研究员
Glucose sensing and control of metabolic status
林圣彩 厦门大学 教授
Session 1:Fertilization , Gastrulation and Organogenesis (主持:张建 、罗凌飞)
RNA binding proteins regulate human primordial germ cells development
纪家葵 研究员,清华大学
Dishevelled interacting protein and the regulation of gastrulation cell movements
石德利 研究员,法国国家科研中心
The strength of mechanical forces determines the differentiation of dlveolar dpithelial cells
汤 楠 研究员,北京生命科学研究所
Mechanistic study of Ikzf1 in zebrafish hematopoiesis
李 礼 研究员,西南大学
X chromosome-linked intellectual disability protein PQBP1 regulates brain development
韩俊海 教授,东南大学
Dgcr8 deletion in the primitive heart uncovered novel microRNA regulating the balance of cardiac-vascular gene program
那 洁 研究员,清华大学
Crumbs and Par complexes play distinct but coordinative roles to guide cell migration in zebrafish lens
邹 键 教授,浙江大学
The testis clock-driven retinoic acid signaling synchronizes spermatogonia differentiation and promotes fertilization
王 晗 教授,苏州大学
Asymmetric Hh signaling acts through Cer to control amphioxus left-right asymmetry
朱 鑫 博士,厦门大学
Session 3:Transcriptional and Epigenetic Regulation (主持:景乃禾、刘峰)
The interplay between Piwi and APC/C in spermatogenesis and tumorigenesis
刘默芳 研究员,中国科学院上海生物化学与细胞生物学研究所
Tranion regulation of adipocyte development cross-talks with liver metabolism
王 纲 研究员,中国科学院上海生物化学与细胞生物学研究所
Regulation of cardiovascular development and regeneration
钟 涛 教授,华东师范大学
高绍荣 教授, 同济大学
刘 峰 研究员,中国科学院动物研究所
Adaptation of A-to-I RNA editing and the impact on genome evolution
陆 剑 研究员,北京大学
The roles of Irx3 and Irx5 in tranional regulation of mammalian inner ear neurosensory development
岑美霞 教授,香港大学
Dissecting the 3D chromatin architecture change during tranion factor-induced hepatic lineage conversion
曹 璇,中科院上海生科院计算生物学所
Replication-independent histone turnover underlies the regulatory genome in adult mice heart
Session 5:Stem Cells and Progenitor Cells (主持:金颖、陈大华)
Chromatin accessibility dynamics during somatic cell reprogramming
刘 晶 研究员,中国科学院广州生物医药与健康研究院
Gfi1(s) orchestrate primitive hematopoietic cell fate determination
张译月 教授,华南理工大学医学院
VCAM-1+ macrophages guide homing of nascent hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells to vascular niche
潘巍峻 研究员,中国科学院上海生命科学研究院
The establishment of mouse early epiblast stem cells
李 磊 研究员,中国科学院动物研究所
Stemness and malignancy programs primed in human hematopoietic cells in development
洪登礼 教授,上海交通大学医学院
Digitalization of neural stem cell metabolism, cell cycle and fate choices by quantitative signaling integration
高正良 研究员,同济大学医学院/丽丰再生医学研究院
Single-cell analysis of chromatin activity landscape during C. elegans embryogenesis
杜 茁 研究员,中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所
SOX21 induces telencephalon fate from human ESCs through repressing canonical Wnt signaling
The evolutionarily conserved function of COUP-TF genes in the differentiation of photoreceptor cells in the retina
唐 珂 教授,广州大学
Session 7:Plant Development (主持:杨维才)
孔宏智 研究员,中国科学院植物研究所
瞿礼嘉 教授,北京大学生命科学学院
徐 麟 研究员,中国科学院上海植物生理生态研究所
丁 勇 教授,中国科学技术大学
秦 源 教授, 福建农林大学
A triterpene pathway mediates pollen coat formation and humidity-sensitive genic male sterility in rice
漆小泉 研究员,中国科学院植物研究所
TOR kinase coordinates nutrient with hormone signaling to orchestrate plant growth, development and stress tolerance
熊 延 教授,福建农林大学
周传恩 教授,山东大学
The feed-forward and feed-back regulatory loops in the regulation of anther development in Arabidopsis
常 芳 副教授,复旦大学
WLLA青年论坛:Epigenetics and cell fate determination (主持:徐素宏、何爱彬、陆发隆)
Programming and reprogramming of the regulatory landscape at the beginning of life
陆发隆 研究员,中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所
Epigenetic defects in somatic cell nuclear transfer embryos
沈 立 教授,浙江大学
The influence of allelic specific epigenetic regulation on gene expression in hybrid mouse
靳文菲 研究员,南方科技大学
The human-specific nature of early embryogenesis and pluripotency
王继厂 教授,中山大学
DNA replication–coupled histone modification maintains Polycomb gene silencing in plants
姜丹华 研究员,中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所
Investigation of piRNA-mediated epigenetic control by GoldCLIP
俞 洋 研究员,中国科学院生物物理研究所
The role of differentially methylated regions in normal hematopoiesis and leukemogenesis
钱鹏旭 研究员,浙江大学医学院
Tranional regulation of angiogenesis
张 冰 教授,上海交通大学
Using stem cell and gene editing techniques to model human aging and study preventative medicine
张维绮 研究员,中国科学院生物物理研究所
Disease modeling of lncRNA DEANR1-associated SNP by human pancreatic differentiation system
蒋 卫 教授,武汉大学
Xio is a new component of the Drosophila sex determination pathway and RNA N6-methyladenosine methyltransferase complex
严 冬 研究员,中国科学院上海植物生理生态研究所
Replication-independent histone turnover underlies the regulatory genome in adult heart
何爱彬 教授,北京大学分子医学所
Session 2:Growth factor and Signaling (主持:彭金荣、王强)
林鑫华 教授,复旦大学生命科学学院
杨 晓 研究员,军事科学院军事医学研究院生命组学研究所
BMP signaling lights up the way for pharyngeal pouch progenitor specification
王 强 研究员,中国科学院动物研究所
The missed linker between Ptc and Smo in hedgehog signaling
赵 允 研究员,中国科学院上海生物化学与细胞生物学研究所
The hippo pathway in development and cancer
赵 斌 教授,浙江大学
Function of cilia-regulated urotensin signaling during vertebrate body axis formation
赵呈天 教授, 中国海洋大学
Endothelial myosin IIA: an active guardian of vascular integrity
罗金才 教授,北京大学
Post-mitotic neuron-like differentiation of cancer cells suggests that cancer cells exhibit properties of neural precursor/progenitor cells
曹 萤 教授,南京大学
Reciprocal regulation of Wnt/β-catenin and Shh signaling pathways by RACK1 controls cerebellar development
吴海涛 研究员,军事医学研究院军事认知与脑科学研究所
Session 4:Metabolic Regulation in Development (主持:黄勋、杨晓)
赵世民 教授,复旦大学
GSDM family and its functional evolution
高 翔 教授,南京大学
王福俤 教授,浙江大学
Metabolic niche of muscle fibers defines heterogeneity and function of skeletal muscle stem cells
Metabolic niche of muscle fibers defines heterogeneity and function of skeletal muscle stem cells
Epigenetic drift of H3K27me3 in aging links glycolysis to healthy longevity
刘 南 研究员,中国科学院上海有机化学研究所生物与化学交叉研究中心
The Glycosphingolipid MacCer promotes synaptic bouton formation in Drosophila by interacting with Wnt
黄 琰 博士,中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所
李周华 教授,首都师范大学
Cytochrome P450 oxidase 2J inhibition alters omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid metabolism profile during ocular neovascularization
龚 龑 副教授,武汉大学
李振华 博士,军事医学研究院生命组学研究所
Session 6:Development and Diseases (主持:林鑫华、汤富酬)
Regulation of oocyte-zygotic transition by maternal RNA translation and decay in mammals
范衡宇 教授,浙江大学
Chromatin remodeler Znhit1 controls tissue stem cell fate determination
赵 冰 研究员,复旦大学
刘光慧 研究员,中国科学院生物物理研究所
Novel Functions of RNA-binding proteins in stem cell pluripotency and development
沈晓骅 教授,清华大学
Decoding the gene regulation network in human germline cells by single-cell functional genomics approaches
汤富酬 研究员,北京大学BIOPIC中心
许执恒 研究员,中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所
Spatiotemporal regulation of thalamic nucleogenesis
吴青峰 研究员,中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所
Il34-Csf1r pathway regulates the migration and colonization of microglial precursors
温子龙 教授,香港科技大学
Foxp2 regulates anatomical features that are relevant for vocal behaviors and bipedal locomotion
郭熙志 教授,上海交通大学
Session 8:Tissue Regeneration and Repair (主持:熊敬维、周大旺)
彭金荣 教授,浙江大学生命科学学院
周 斌 研究员,中国科学院上海生命科学研究院
Functional roles of non-coding RNAs in regulating skeletal muscle regeneration and muscular dystrophy disease
张 勇 研究员,中国医学科学院基础医学研究所
Organoids in tissue regeneration and repair
高 栋 研究员,中国科学院上海生物化学与细胞生物学研究所
Hoxc-dependent mesenchymal niche heterogeneity drives regional hair follicle regeneration
陈 婷 研究员,北京生命科学研究所
Molecular programming of arterial venous specification in angiogenesis
王 蓉 教授,加州大学旧金山分校
Melanocortin receptor 4 (Mc4r) signaling regulates vertebrate limb regeneration
林古法 研究员,同济大学
Chemically-induced cell fate reprogramming and tissue Regeneration
赵 扬 研究员,北京大学
Hippo signaling regulates liver size through modulating bile acid metabolism
张世浩 博士,厦门大学生命科学学院
Mitochondrial signaling in skin wound repair in C. elegans
徐素宏 研究员,浙江大学
大会主旨报告&闭幕式 (主持:朱大海)
焦雨铃 研究员 中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所
Fertilization and zygote development in Arabidopsis
杨维才 中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所 研究员
Visualizing intracellular organelle and cytoskeletal interactions with grazing incidence structured illumination microscopy
李 栋 研究员 中科院生物物理所
A Novel Epigenetic Mechanism Mediated by piRNAs
Membrane targeting of inhibitory Smads through palmitoylation controls TGF-β/BMP signaling
The roles of migrasome in embryonic development
Mapping whole-brain neural connectomes of larval zebrafish
Resolving embryonic origin of hematopoietic stem cells by multiplex single-cell strategies
Glucose sensing and control of metabolic status
RNA binding proteins regulate human primordial germ cells development
Dishevelled interacting protein and the regulation of gastrulation cell movements
The strength of mechanical forces determines the differentiation of dlveolar dpithelial cells
Mechanistic study of Ikzf1 in zebrafish hematopoiesis
X chromosome-linked intellectual disability protein PQBP1 regulates brain development
Dgcr8 deletion in the primitive heart uncovered novel microRNA regulating the balance of cardiac-vascular gene program
Crumbs and Par complexes play distinct but coordinative roles to guide cell migration in zebrafish lens
The testis clock-driven retinoic acid signaling synchronizes spermatogonia differentiation and promotes fertilization
Asymmetric Hh signaling acts through Cer to control amphioxus left-right asymmetry
The interplay between Piwi and APC/C in spermatogenesis and tumorigenesis
Tranion regulation of adipocyte development cross-talks with liver metabolism
Regulation of cardiovascular development and regeneration
Adaptation of A-to-I RNA editing and the impact on genome evolution
The roles of Irx3 and Irx5 in tranional regulation of mammalian inner ear neurosensory development
Dissecting the 3D chromatin architecture change during tranion factor-induced hepatic lineage conversion
Replication-independent histone turnover underlies the regulatory genome in adult mice heart
Chromatin accessibility dynamics during somatic cell reprogramming
Gfi1(s) orchestrate primitive hematopoietic cell fate determination
VCAM-1+ macrophages guide homing of nascent hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells to vascular niche
The establishment of mouse early epiblast stem cells
Stemness and malignancy programs primed in human hematopoietic cells in development
Digitalization of neural stem cell metabolism, cell cycle and fate choices by quantitative signaling integration
Single-cell analysis of chromatin activity landscape during C. elegans embryogenesis
SOX21 induces telencephalon fate from human ESCs through repressing canonical Wnt signaling
The evolutionarily conserved function of COUP-TF genes in the differentiation of photoreceptor cells in the retina
A triterpene pathway mediates pollen coat formation and humidity-sensitive genic male sterility in rice
TOR kinase coordinates nutrient with hormone signaling to orchestrate plant growth, development and stress tolerance
The feed-forward and feed-back regulatory loops in the regulation of anther development in Arabidopsis
Programming and reprogramming of the regulatory landscape at the beginning of life
Epigenetic defects in somatic cell nuclear transfer embryos
The influence of allelic specific epigenetic regulation on gene expression in hybrid mouse
The human-specific nature of early embryogenesis and pluripotency
DNA replication–coupled histone modification maintains Polycomb gene silencing in plants
Investigation of piRNA-mediated epigenetic control by GoldCLIP
The role of differentially methylated regions in normal hematopoiesis and leukemogenesis
Tranional regulation of angiogenesis
Using stem cell and gene editing techniques to model human aging and study preventative medicine
Disease modeling of lncRNA DEANR1-associated SNP by human pancreatic differentiation system
Xio is a new component of the Drosophila sex determination pathway and RNA N6-methyladenosine methyltransferase complex
Replication-independent histone turnover underlies the regulatory genome in adult heart
BMP signaling lights up the way for pharyngeal pouch progenitor specification
The missed linker between Ptc and Smo in hedgehog signaling
The hippo pathway in development and cancer
Function of cilia-regulated urotensin signaling during vertebrate body axis formation
Endothelial myosin IIA: an active guardian of vascular integrity
Post-mitotic neuron-like differentiation of cancer cells suggests that cancer cells exhibit properties of neural precursor/progenitor cells
Reciprocal regulation of Wnt/β-catenin and Shh signaling pathways by RACK1 controls cerebellar development
GSDM family and its functional evolution
Metabolic niche of muscle fibers defines heterogeneity and function of skeletal muscle stem cells
Epigenetic drift of H3K27me3 in aging links glycolysis to healthy longevity
The Glycosphingolipid MacCer promotes synaptic bouton formation in Drosophila by interacting with Wnt
Cytochrome P450 oxidase 2J inhibition alters omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid metabolism profile during ocular neovascularization
Regulation of oocyte-zygotic transition by maternal RNA translation and decay in mammals
Chromatin remodeler Znhit1 controls tissue stem cell fate determination
Novel Functions of RNA-binding proteins in stem cell pluripotency and development
Decoding the gene regulation network in human germline cells by single-cell functional genomics approaches
Spatiotemporal regulation of thalamic nucleogenesis
Il34-Csf1r pathway regulates the migration and colonization of microglial precursors
Foxp2 regulates anatomical features that are relevant for vocal behaviors and bipedal locomotion
Functional roles of non-coding RNAs in regulating skeletal muscle regeneration and muscular dystrophy disease
Organoids in tissue regeneration and repair
Hoxc-dependent mesenchymal niche heterogeneity drives regional hair follicle regeneration
Molecular programming of arterial venous specification in angiogenesis
Melanocortin receptor 4 (Mc4r) signaling regulates vertebrate limb regeneration
Chemically-induced cell fate reprogramming and tissue Regeneration
Hippo signaling regulates liver size through modulating bile acid metabolism
Mitochondrial signaling in skin wound repair in C. elegans
Fertilization and zygote development in Arabidopsis
Visualizing intracellular organelle and cytoskeletal interactions with grazing incidence structured illumination microscopy