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Notice:Considering the recent pandemic situation and the inconvenience for partcipants to travel, after a careful risk assessment, we regret to inform you that the event has to be held online.
温馨提示:鉴于近期局部地区疫情发展情况和防疫政策等原因,经过审慎评估,我们遗憾地通知您, 首届德中绿色建筑论坛将改为线上举办。
The green transformation of the building sector is a key area to achieve China’s '30·60' decarbonization goals. With the decarbonization drive, German companies are well positioned to contribute. Germany has a global reputation for high-quality technical products and extensive experience in making their productions and value chains environmental-friendly.
Together with you, AHK Greater China will hold the first Sino-German Green Building Forum, a highlight event of 2022 aiming to bring around 300 political and business representatives and experts from China and Germany to share the latest information, discuss the green transformative building design, materials and technology as well as digitalization, showcase best practices and outline market opportunities.
Opening 主持人开场
Welcome Remarks 欢迎致辞
Jan Rudolph, Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany in Guangzhou
Welcome Remark 欢迎致辞
Yu Gang, Member of the Standing Committee of the Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee
Welcome Remark 欢迎致辞
Jiang Tiefeng, Gereral Manager of China Merchants Shekou
Keynote Speech 主旨演讲
Research and Demonstration to Achieve the “Dual Carbon” Goal-Climate-neutral buildings and districts for urban eco-development
Prof. Gunnar Grün, Deputy Director of Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics (IBP)
Gunnar Grün教授, 弗劳恩霍夫建筑物理研究所副所长
Keynote Speech 主旨演讲
Green Building and Sustainability
Ronald Wen, Head of SI RMA CN,
Siemens Ltd., China
Smart Infrastructure
Advocacy Paper Sharing 倡议书分享
Advocacy Paper Sharing: German Companies’ Role in Achieving China’s Decarbonization Goals
Martin Klose, Executive Director and Board Member of the German Chamber of Commerce in China -South & Southwest China
High-level Panel Discussion 高层圆桌讨论
Sino-German cooperation and opportunities for green buildings under the ′30·60′ Decarbonization Goals
- Host: Ingo XU, Vice President of AHK Greater China
- Lyman TU, Wilo Group Vice President of China & South East Asia
- Eric ZHONG, Vice President of Smart PV, Huawei Digital Power Technologies
- Stanislas de Ferrieres, MD Hydro Building System-WICONA
- Nie Liming, Vice Gereral Manager of China Merchants Shekou
- 主持:徐晶波,德国海外商会联盟 · 大中华区副总裁
- 涂利民,威乐集团副总裁(中国及东南亚地区)
- 钟明明,华为智能光伏业务总裁
- 费思潭,德国威克纳大中华区总经理
- 聂黎明,招商蛇口副总经理
Experts Panel 专家圆桌讨论
The path to achieve energy conservation and emission reduction in the whole value chain of the construction industry under the ′30·60′ Decarbonization Goals
- Dialogue host: Dr. Ma Xiaolong, Chief Representative of Fraunhofer RO Beijing
- Prof. Gunnar Grün, Deputy Director of Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics
- Liang Hao, Ph.D, Research Professor, Division Chief of Division of Green Building Development of Center of Science and Technology & Industrialization Development, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the P.R. China
- Dr. Li Hong, Executive Director (German) of Fraunhofer Innovation Platform for Urban Eco-Development at Shanghai Jiao Tong University
- Shen Jian, Senior Vice President of Suez Solid Waste Resource Management, Greater China
- Prof. Che Shengquan, Deputy Dean of Design School of Shanghai Jiao Tong University; Executive Director (China) of Fraunhofer Innovation Platform for Urban Eco-Development at Shanghai Jiao Tong University
- 对话主持:马小龙博士, 弗劳恩霍夫协会北京代表处首席代表
- Gunnar Grün教授,弗劳恩霍夫建筑物理研究所副所长
- 梁浩博士,住房和城乡建设部科技与产业化发展中心绿色建筑发展处处长,研究员
- 李宏博士,上海交大-弗劳恩霍夫城市生态发展创新平台德方执行主任
- 沈健,苏伊士固废资源管理大中国区高级副总裁
- 车生泉教授,上海交大设计学院副院长,上海交大-弗劳恩霍夫城市生态发展创新平台中方执行主任
Exploration and practice of low-carbon development of China Merchants Shekou Industrial Park
Luo Feng, Chief Strategy Officer China Merchants Shekou Industrial Zone Holdings Co., Ltd. Industrial Park Division
Virtual power plants and sector coupling in residential homes
Henning Rath, Managing Director / Chief Supply Chain Officer of Enpal China Ltd.
Henning Rath,恩帕智能科技(深圳)有限公司总经理/首席供应链官
Large Scale Digital Twins to solve upcoming challenges in industrial and urban planning
Steffen Masik, Director of Elbedom, Fraunhofer Institute for Factory Operation and Automation (IFF)
Steffen Masik, 弗劳恩霍夫制造工程与自动化研究所自动化数字实验室Elbedom主任
Creating Future-Proof Low Carbon Buildings: Success Stories of Integrated Design in China
Rolf Demmler, Director | dipl.-ing. architect and urban planner | m.arch, SoftGrid (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Rolf Demmler,索杰建筑设计咨询(上海)有限公司董事长, 建筑师/规划师
Approaching sustainability and carbon neutrality throughout the whole life cycle of buildings
Ma Shizhe, Representative | DGNB Certification China
Closing 闭幕
Opening 主持人开场
Welcome Remarks 欢迎致辞
Welcome Remark 欢迎致辞
Welcome Remark 欢迎致辞
Keynote Speech 主旨演讲
Keynote Speech 主旨演讲
Advocacy Paper Sharing 倡议书分享
High-level Panel Discussion 高层圆桌讨论
Experts Panel 专家圆桌讨论
Exploration and practice of low-carbon development of China Merchants Shekou Industrial Park
Virtual power plants and sector coupling in residential homes
Large Scale Digital Twins to solve upcoming challenges in industrial and urban planning
Creating Future-Proof Low Carbon Buildings: Success Stories of Integrated Design in China
Approaching sustainability and carbon neutrality throughout the whole life cycle of buildings
Closing 闭幕
Refund Description:
请注意 Please Note:
1. 论坛全程参与免费。名额有限,报名从速。
Free entry. Seats are limited, please register ASSP.
2. 本次活动将通过Zoom线上举办。我们将于活动前一天通过邮箱发送会议链接。如届时未收到邮件,请查看垃圾邮箱或直接联系我们。
This event will be held on Zoom. A meeting link will be provided via email one day before. Please check your junk email or contact us if you don't receive it by then.
3. 报名参加相关问题,请联系:
For registration, please contact: Ms. Lindsay LIN (Tel: 020-87552353*225, E-mail:
For partnership, please contact: Ms. Charlotte TAN (Tel: 020-87558206, E-mail:
4. 报名截止日期:11月15日, 2022年
Deadline for registration: Nov 15, 2022
AHK Greater China is part of the German Chambers of Industry & Commerce Worldwide Network and our history in Greater China stretches back to 1981. With 5 main offices and 7 supporting offices in Greater China, AHK Greater China focus on trade and investment between these two regions.
AHKs are institutions of German foreign trade promotion. Together with German embassies and consulates as well as Germany Trade & Invest, AHKs constitute as the official representative of Germany's trade promotion. AHKs represent German companies with assisting and accompanying their global development in 140 locations of 92 countries.
As #PartnerForGrowth, AHK Greater China supports companies to thrive in the Chinese market: with professional advice and services for profitable market entry, for the expansion of business activities, in the areas of law and taxes, human resources, as a partner in the trade fair business and in marketing & communication in the host country.
As one of the largest foreign chambers of commerce in China with more than 2,100 members, we are a strong and reliable partner at your side in China. With us, you will find a platform to network and socialize, exchange information, join events and create a powerful voice vis-à-vis politics and key players.
德国海外商会联盟· 大中华区是德国工商大会全球网络的一部分。从1981 年发展至今,德国海外商会联盟· 大中华区在德国和大中华区共设有5个代表处和7个办事处,专注于打造中德贸易与投资合作的最佳平台。
德国海外商会联盟是德国官方对外经贸合作促进机构。德国驻全球各地大使馆或总领事馆与德国海外商会联盟以及德国联邦外贸与投资署共同构成德国对外经贸合作官方代表。德国海外商会联盟在全球范围92 个国家140个地区代表德国企业,协助并伴随德国企业在全球发展。
作为企业发展的合作伙伴,德国海外商会联盟· 大中华区协助企业进入与开拓中国市场,提供活动组织、项目管理、展会策划、法律税收咨询、人力资源与培训等领域的专业咨询与服务。我们在华有2100多个会员,是中国最大的外国商会之一。强大的网络将为您提供一个信息分享,互动社交,政企对话的平台。
The Fraunhofer Representative Office Beijing was established in 1999 and is the official representative office of Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft and all its 76 Fraunhofer Research Institutes. Fraunhofer's interdisciplinary research team collaborates with industry and commerce community and the public department to transform original ideas into innovative products, processes and services and to implement relevant R&D and applications.
The Fraunhofer Representative Office Beijing publicizes and promotes the Fraunhofer brand nationwide, builds and maintains relationships with government, research institutions and industry and commerce community, supports R&D cooperation between Chinese partners and the Fraunhofer Institute, matches demand for Fraunhofer technologies by the Chinese side and search for Chinese customers by the Fraunhofer Institutes. The Fraunhofer Representative Office Beijing is responsible for project communication and coordination, and ultimately facilitates the smooth implementation of information exchange, technology transfer, commissioned research and joint R&D to achieve a win-win situation.
Strategic Partner
招商局蛇口工业区控股股份有限公司(简称 “招商蛇口”,SZ.001979 ) 是招商局集团旗下城市综合开发运营板块的旗舰企业,拥有4个上市平台,着力构建企业高质量、可持续发展引擎。《福布斯》全球企业2000强第394位。
根据十四五战略规划,招商蛇口以综合发展为总纲,以数字化和创新为驱动力,强化区域聚焦与城市深耕、产融结合与内外协同、产业聚集与资产管理,配套提供多元化的、覆盖全生命周期的产品与服务。在产业园区、集中商业、物业服务、邮轮、会展、社区开发、大健康、文化、酒店公寓等专业或特色领域,培育和输出 25 条标杆型产品线,360 度启航美好生活新方式,为城市发展与产业升级提供综合性的解决方案。
Our Partners
WILO Group, founded in 1872, is one of the world‘s leading manufacturers and providers of pumps and pump systems for segments of Building Service, Water Management and Industry. Through 150 years of enduring dedication, expertise, and the combined strength of acquired businesses, Wilo Group has an efficient network of more than 80 production and sales companies in more than 50 countries with about 8,200 employees. Its global revenue of 2022 is Euro1.65 billion.
To lead the industry trends with high energy efficiency water pumps, every year Wilo invest about 5% of its net sales on R&D. With this tradition of innovation, Wilo has created many “First“ of the pump industry. It invented the world’s first circulation accelerator in 1928 and the first electronically controlled heating circulator in 1988. In recent year, Wilo has been introducing many new products and solutions by taking advantage of digital technology. In 2017, Wilo invented the world first smart pump Wilo-stratos Maxo.
Wilo entered China in 1995 and has established three factories in Beijing, Qinhuangdao and Changzhou respectively with nearly 1,000 employees. Nowadays, Wilo has built up a sales network with 15 branches and 400 dealers around the country. The headquarter of Wilo China and R&D center are both located in Beijing.
-- A global player providing aluminium solutions with 70 years’ experience
WICONA was founded in 1948 as a business division of Wieland Werke in Ulm. All activities in the areas of research, development, marketing, sales and services are coordinated at the headquarters in Ulm over 70 years, it has grown from what was once a small business into a brand that stands for highly specialized know-how and technical competence in aluminium system solutions.
WICONA belongs to the Norwegian company Hydro, a fully integrated aluminium company with 31,000 employees in 40 countries on all continents, combining local expertise, worldwide reach and unmatched capabilities in R&D.
At WICONA, we believe in building beyond tomorrow.
SoftGrid is a German-led architecture, urban design and sustainability consulting firm in Shanghai. Since 2008, we provide Integrated Design services for office, industrial, hospitality and education projects from start to finish.
We have built our reputation on applying a holistic, big picture perspective:
Looking at the complete building life cycle, we design “future-proof” buildings, that meet China / EU climate targets while creating immediate added value for users, FM and owners.
Each of our projects generates a unique identity and follows highly individual KPIs:
Every design creates client-specific performance synergies between functionality, comfort, energy and operation – verified via “digital twin” variant comparisons. A comprehensive reporting facilitates efficient decision-making processes and ESG compliance. Our CO2-neutral Roadmaps offer strategies for step-by-step implementation.
Pairing a European design methodology and highly flexible network approach with 15 years of local experience in China, SoftGrid is a trusted consultant for international companies like BASF, Disney, Festo, Marriott and VW, as well as Chinese businesses and municipalities.
SoftGrid’s success stories include various “Asia and China First” applications of European DGNB and PHI Passive House sustainability certification systems.