Dear attendees, please download the program for tentativly scheduled ISCC10. we will keep updating by Aug 3rd.
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[1]. Prof. Dongke Zhang,The University of Western Australia, Australia. A moral case for coal: the challenges and opportunities for coal in a carbon-constrained world
[2]. Prof. Gupta Rajender,University of Alberta, Canada. Future of Coal Utilization in Carbon Constrained World - Combating Carbon and other emissions
[3]. Prof. Zhongchao Tan,University of Waterloo, Canada. Electrospun Nanofibers for Air Emission Control
[4]. Prof. Wojciech Adamczyk,Silesian University of Technology, Poland. Development of predictive and prescriptive system for minimization of the CFB boiler maintenance problem
[5]. Dr. Andrew Minchener,General Manager of the International Centre for Sustainable Carbon. The UK. Coal as a multiproduct resource
[6]. Prof. Fabrizio Scala,Universita' degli Studi di Napoli. Italy. CO2 capture and utilization processes using fluidized bed reactors
[7]. Dr. Prof. Toshiro Fujimori, IHI, Japan. Challenges of boiler turbine power generation for carbon-neutrality
[8]. Prof. Shuiqing Li,Tsinghua University, China. State of the Art in Co-combustion of Hydrogen/Ammonia with Fossil Fuels.
[9]. Prof. Hong Yao,Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China. Mineral materials in Coal and the utilization of the by products
[10]. Prof. Richard Axelbaum, Washington University in St. Louis. USA. An update on the Staged, Pressurized Oxy-Combustion (SPOC) process for high efficiency, flexible, carbon-negative electricity.
Shanxi Research Institute for Clean Energy Tsinghua University
Chemical Industry and Engineering Society of Shanxi
Shanxi Research Instititute of Huanrou Laboratory
Shanxi Association for Science and Technology
Taiyuan University of Technology