[May 20 | Beijing] 五悦节 Wuyue Festival - German Camping, Food and Sports Day

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五悦节 Wuyue Festival

五悦节 Wuyue Festival

德国露营,美食,运动日 German Camping, Food and Sports Day

时间:2023年5月20日,星期六,10AM - 5PM

Time: 10AM - 5PM, SAT, 2023/05/20


Location: Dongfeng International Sports Park



中国德国商会-东北及华北地区将于5月20号举办一个全新的IP活动:五悦节。五悦节在今年将以德国露营,美食和运动为主题,是一场关于“城市露营”,兼顾玩乐和美食的感官盛筵。我们不仅提供各式各样的风味香肠和品类繁盛的啤酒, 全天候的☞慈善跳蚤市场,快闪店,☞儿童足球学校,情侣帐篷卡座,还有惊险刺激的☞德国足球赛,舒缓身心的瑜伽健身和非洲健身舞步,。无论您属于哪个年龄群体,你都可以在五悦节找到属于你的放松。我们鼓励有条件的参与者自带野餐垫和帐篷,在5月的艳阳和暖风中享受和大自然亲密接触,返璞归真的乐趣!


The German Chamber of Commerce in China - North China will be hosting a new event on May 20th - the Wuyue Festival. With the theme of German camping, food, and sports, this event is about urban camping with a mix of food, sports, and fun. We offer a wide variety of Beer and Sausages, an all-day ☞Charity Flea Market, pop-up stores, ☞Kids Soccer School, relaxing yoga, unique Jindafit Afrobeats Dance Workout, ☞ German Soccer Championship and many more activities for all people! You can bring your own picnic mat and even a tent to enjoy the sunshine and warm breeze in May!



想参与活动展销你的产品和服务吗?Want to partner with us and showcase your products and services? 

请联系 | Quickly contact: Ms. Jessica Huang huang.jessica@china.ahk.de or 010-65396663

*Please Note:

12岁以下儿童免票,12岁以上(含12岁)需购买入场券。Children under 12 years old are free of charge, over 12 years old (including 12 years old) need to buy tickets.

任何疑问请联系 | Any question please contact: chamber-north-events@china.ahk.de

活动日程 | Agenda


All day activites: Chairty Flea Market, Pop-up stores, Food&Beverage, I Love You Photo Backdrop, German Soccer Championship, etc. 


拉伸为主的集体瑜伽(无门槛)| Group Yoga (mainly stretches), suitable for all levels


自重全身训练(无门槛)| Full Body Workout (body weight), suitable for all levels


拉伸为主的集体瑜伽(无门槛)| Group Yoga (mainly stretches), suitable for all levels


金达飞非洲健身舞步(无门槛) | Jindafit Afrobeats Dance Workout, suitable for all levels


午餐时间 | Lunch Time


草地音乐节 | Music Festival


音乐啤酒派对 | Beer Party


All day activites: Chairty Flea Market, Pop-up stores, Food&Beverage, I Love You Photo Backdrop, German Soccer Championship, etc. 

拉伸为主的集体瑜伽(无门槛)| Group Yoga (mainly stretches), suitable for all levels

自重全身训练(无门槛)| Full Body Workout (body weight), suitable for all levels

拉伸为主的集体瑜伽(无门槛)| Group Yoga (mainly stretches), suitable for all levels

金达飞非洲健身舞步(无门槛) | Jindafit Afrobeats Dance Workout, suitable for all levels

午餐时间 | Lunch Time

草地音乐节 | Music Festival

音乐啤酒派对 | Beer Party

2023 球队 | 2023 Football Teams (A-Z)
[May 20 | Beijing] 五悦节 Wuyue Festival - German Camping, Food and Sports Day
[May 20 | Beijing] 五悦节 Wuyue Festival - German Camping, Food and Sports Day
[May 20 | Beijing] 五悦节 Wuyue Festival - German Camping, Food and Sports Day
[May 20 | Beijing] 五悦节 Wuyue Festival - German Camping, Food and Sports Day
[May 20 | Beijing] 五悦节 Wuyue Festival - German Camping, Food and Sports Day
[May 20 | Beijing] 五悦节 Wuyue Festival - German Camping, Food and Sports Day
[May 20 | Beijing] 五悦节 Wuyue Festival - German Camping, Food and Sports Day
[May 20 | Beijing] 五悦节 Wuyue Festival - German Camping, Food and Sports Day
[May 20 | Beijing] 五悦节 Wuyue Festival - German Camping, Food and Sports Day
[May 20 | Beijing] 五悦节 Wuyue Festival - German Camping, Food and Sports Day
[May 20 | Beijing] 五悦节 Wuyue Festival - German Camping, Food and Sports Day
合作伙伴 | Event Partners
[May 20 | Beijing] 五悦节 Wuyue Festival - German Camping, Food and Sports Day
[May 20 | Beijing] 五悦节 Wuyue Festival - German Camping, Food and Sports Day
[May 20 | Beijing] 五悦节 Wuyue Festival - German Camping, Food and Sports Day
[May 20 | Beijing] 五悦节 Wuyue Festival - German Camping, Food and Sports Day
[May 20 | Beijing] 五悦节 Wuyue Festival - German Camping, Food and Sports Day
[May 20 | Beijing] 五悦节 Wuyue Festival - German Camping, Food and Sports Day
[May 20 | Beijing] 五悦节 Wuyue Festival - German Camping, Food and Sports Day
[May 20 | Beijing] 五悦节 Wuyue Festival - German Camping, Food and Sports Day
[May 20 | Beijing] 五悦节 Wuyue Festival - German Camping, Food and Sports Day
[May 20 | Beijing] 五悦节 Wuyue Festival - German Camping, Food and Sports Day
[May 20 | Beijing] 五悦节 Wuyue Festival - German Camping, Food and Sports Day
[May 20 | Beijing] 五悦节 Wuyue Festival - German Camping, Food and Sports Day
[May 20 | Beijing] 五悦节 Wuyue Festival - German Camping, Food and Sports Day
[May 20 | Beijing] 五悦节 Wuyue Festival - German Camping, Food and Sports Day
[May 20 | Beijing] 五悦节 Wuyue Festival - German Camping, Food and Sports Day
[May 20 | Beijing] 五悦节 Wuyue Festival - German Camping, Food and Sports Day
[May 20 | Beijing] 五悦节 Wuyue Festival - German Camping, Food and Sports Day
[May 20 | Beijing] 五悦节 Wuyue Festival - German Camping, Food and Sports Day
[May 20 | Beijing] 五悦节 Wuyue Festival - German Camping, Food and Sports Day
[May 20 | Beijing] 五悦节 Wuyue Festival - German Camping, Food and Sports Day
[May 20 | Beijing] 五悦节 Wuyue Festival - German Camping, Food and Sports Day
[May 20 | Beijing] 五悦节 Wuyue Festival - German Camping, Food and Sports Day
[May 20 | Beijing] 五悦节 Wuyue Festival - German Camping, Food and Sports Day
[May 20 | Beijing] 五悦节 Wuyue Festival - German Camping, Food and Sports Day
[May 20 | Beijing] 五悦节 Wuyue Festival - German Camping, Food and Sports Day
[May 20 | Beijing] 五悦节 Wuyue Festival - German Camping, Food and Sports Day
[May 20 | Beijing] 五悦节 Wuyue Festival - German Camping, Food and Sports Day
[May 20 | Beijing] 五悦节 Wuyue Festival - German Camping, Food and Sports Day
[May 20 | Beijing] 五悦节 Wuyue Festival - German Camping, Food and Sports Day
[May 20 | Beijing] 五悦节 Wuyue Festival - German Camping, Food and Sports Day
[May 20 | Beijing] 五悦节 Wuyue Festival - German Camping, Food and Sports Day
[May 20 | Beijing] 五悦节 Wuyue Festival - German Camping, Food and Sports Day
[May 20 | Beijing] 五悦节 Wuyue Festival - German Camping, Food and Sports Day
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单人入场券 Entrance Ticket
2023-05-19 22:00
Past Events
Children under 12 years old are free of charge, while those over 12 years old (including 12 years old) need to purchase a ticket.
单人入场券(含一份饮食)Entrance Ticket (Includes a Food & Drink Package)
2023-05-19 22:00
Past Events
This ticket includes a sausage and a glass of beer.
露营区使用券 Ticket for Camping Zone
2023-05-20 17:00
Sold Out
包含2大人+2小孩入场费用, 须自带露营帐篷(尺寸小于2.5m*2.5m),现场不允许烹饪。
Includes the entrance fee for 2 adults + 2 kids, you need to bring your own tent (no bigger than 2.5m*2.5m), and no cooking on-site.
慈善跳蚤市场押金 Charity Flea Market Deposit
2023-05-18 10:00
Past Events
报名时支付押金150元,将在您参与完活动后在7个工作日内原路退还 | RMB 150 is required during the registration and when registration and will be refunded to you within 7 business days after you attend the event.
现场支付摊位费200元 (120元用作慈善+80元用作管理费) | RMB 200 cash payment on-site (120 for charity+80 for management fee)
如果您当天无法出席,150元的押金将捐作慈善 | If you don’t show up on the event day, your RMB150 deposit will be donated to the charity.
仅限个人参与 | Only available for individuals
情侣帐篷卡座 Couple glamping package
2023-05-17 22:00
Past Events
2 pax, preset tent+table+blanket+2 chairs+ 5 bottles of German beer+one susage platter
4-5人帐篷卡座 Glamping package
2023-05-17 22:00
Past Events
4-5 pax, preset tent+table+blanket+5 chairs+ one dozen of German beer+one susage platter
足球学校 Soccer School (9:00 AM - 10:30 AM)
2023-05-18 17:00
Past Events
足球学校 Soccer School (11:00 AM - 12:30 PM)
2023-05-18 17:00
Past Events
趣味球赛 Soccer Game (1:00 PM - 2:00 PM)
2023-05-18 17:00
Past Events

©2023 German Chamber of Commerce in China (GCC) / German Industry and Commerce (Taicang) Co., Ltd. (GIC) and its branches / three Delegations of German Industry and Commerce (Delegation). No part of this event and/or content and/or publication and/or video may be reproduced without prior permission. For further questions, please refer to the provided contact persons.

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