[Oct 19 | SZ] 2024 Shenzhen Oktoberfest 深圳德国啤酒节

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2024 Shenzhen Oktoberfest

2024 Shenzhen Oktoberfest 深圳德国啤酒节


2024年10月18~19日 | Oct 18 & 19, 2024

*Kind reminder: Oct 18 (Fri) session - block booked(registration close); 

Oct 19 (Sat) session - open. 
*温馨提示:10月18日周五已被包场, 不再售票;



源自1810年, 德国慕尼黑啤酒节, 是全球最大的节庆活动之一,每年都会吸引超过700万名民众参与狂欢!

The Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany, one of the largest festivals in the world with a long history dating back to 1810, attracts more than 7 million people from all over the world every year!  

今年,中国德国商会 · 华南及西南地区将携手慕尼黑著名啤酒品牌Paulaner旗下的同名高端餐饮品牌:深圳帕拉娜自酿啤酒餐厅,带您感受纯正地道的慕尼黑啤酒节风情!欢迎参与!

This year, the German Chamber of Commerce in China · South & Southwest, in collaboration with Paulaner Bräuhaus Shenzhen Shekou, is thrilled to invite you to experience the authentic German festivity in Shenzhen! Join us as we fill the air with laughter, music, and the clinking of beer glasses! 


活动时间与地点 Event Time & Venue:

Time:2024年10月18~19日 (周五、周六) 晚上18:00-22:00 | Fri~Sat, Oct 18 & 19, 2024

Venue:深圳帕拉娜自酿啤酒餐厅 Paulaner Bräuhaus Shenzhen Shekou

Address: NO. 005, Zone C, Sea World, Shekou, Nanshan District, Shenzhen


门票 Ticket Selling:


* 10月18日门票已售罄!Tickets for Oct 18 are sold out!

* 座位有限,先到先得!Seats are limited, first-come-first-served.

活动亮点 Event Highlights:


Activity – A lot of fun 缤纷活动

-      Tapping Ceremony 啤酒节开酒仪式

-      Live Band 现场乐队

-      Interactive Activities & Games 互动 & 游戏

-      Lucky Draw 幸运抽奖


F&B - A sumptuous feast 餐饮盛宴

-      Free flow of freshly-brewed German beer 正宗德国鲜酿啤酒畅饮,啤酒节特供

-      A substantial German-style buffet dinner 德式美食自助盛宴

VIP Package

Be our VIP Sponsors for exclusive benefits! A great marketing opportunity for your company!


VIP Package & Sponsorship.png

活动购票及赞助, 请联系 For Tickets & Sponsorships, please contact: 

  • Ms. Silvia Li | Event Manager: 0755 2660 4215, li.silvia@china.ahk.de

Past Events Snapshots
Preparation Stage
End of Event
Choose ticket
Sales End
Early Bird Ticket (by Sept 10) – Member
2024-09-10 23:55
Past Events
Registration will need approval from the organizer.
* 此为10月19日(周六)门票,10月18日门票已售罄!This ticket is for Oct 19(Saturday) . Tickets for Oct 18 are sold out!
Early Bird Ticket (by Sept 10) – Non Member
2024-09-10 23:55
Past Events
* 此为10月19日(周六)门票,10月18日门票已售罄!This ticket is for Oct 19(Saturday) . Tickets for Oct 18 are sold out!
Standard Ticket - Member
2024-10-19 22:00
Registration will need approval from the organizer.
* 此为10月19日(周六)门票,10月18日门票已售罄!This ticket is for Oct 19(Saturday) . Tickets for Oct 18 are sold out!
Standard Ticket - Non-Member
2024-10-19 22:00
* 此为10月19日(周六)门票,10月18日门票已售罄!This ticket is for Oct 19(Saturday) . Tickets for Oct 18 are sold out!
VIP Package - Member (Before Sept 30)
2024-09-30 23:55
Registration will need approval from the organizer.
* 此为10月19日(周六)门票,10月18日门票已售罄!This ticket is for Oct 19(Saturday) . Tickets for Oct 18 are sold out!
VIP Package – Non Member (Before Sept 30)
2024-09-30 23:55
* 此为10月19日(周六)门票,10月18日门票已售罄!This ticket is for Oct 19(Saturday) . Tickets for Oct 18 are sold out!

Refund Description:
1. No-shows will be charged with the full price. Digital fapiao will be sent to your registered email within 10 working days after the event, if you apply for fapiao when you register.

2. Cancellations and refunds need to be requested at least 48 hours before the start of the event. Applications after that will not be approved.

3. VIP package is not refundable after Sept 10.

Yearly Sponsors of South & Southwest China 2024/2025

German Chamber of Commerce in China - SSW China 
1903 Leatop Plaza | No. 32 Zhu Jiang East Road Tianhe District | 510620 Guangzhou | P.R. China 

T: +86-20-8755 8203  

E: chamber-ssw@china.ahk.de  



©2024 German Chamber of Commerce in China (GCC) / German Industry and Commerce (Taicang) Co., Ltd. (GIC) and its branches / three Delegations of German Industry and Commerce (Delegation). No part of this event and/or content and/or publication and/or video may be reproduced without prior permission. For further questions, please refer to the provided contact persons.  

While every reasonable effort is made to ensure that the information provided is accurate, no guarantees for the currency or accuracy of information are made. All material relating to information, products, and services (or to third party information, products and services), is provided 'as is', without any representation or endorsement made and without warranty of any kind, including the implied warranties of satisfactory quality, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, compatibility, security and accuracy. The speakers and/or contributors are solely responsible for the content thereof. Views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the German Chamber of Commerce in China and/or the Delegation of German Industry and Commerce in Beijing and/or the Delegation of German Industry and Commerce in Shanghai and/or the Delegation of German Industry and Commerce in Guangzhou and/or the German Industry and Commerce (Taicang) Co., Ltd. and its branches in China, and these entities will not be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever arising from infringement or any defect of rights of the content of the event and/or content. 

This information includes links to other websites. These links are provided for your convenience to provide further information. They do not signify that we endorse the website(s). We have no responsibility for the content of the linked website(s). In case of event registration, your personal data will be collected, processed, and used solely in compliance with the applicable data protection regulations.  

All our events follow Chatham House Rules. The posting of presentation materials is at the speakers' and/or contributors’ discretion. We reserve the right to use any photograph/video taken at any of our events. 

© 2024中国德国商会(GCC)/ 德中工商技术咨询服务(太仓)有限公司(GIC)及分支机构 / 德国工商大会三个代表处(代表处)。本活动以及活动素材、信息发布、视频等,未经许可不得复制。如有疑问,请与联络人联系。 


