[Oct 16 | Chengdu] GCC Insight Tour: Sichuan comprehensive test project for embedded low-speed Maglev 探访四川内嵌式中低速磁浮列车综合试验项目

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ESG Alliance 环境|社会|治理 联盟


The initiative “ESG Alliance” by the German Chamber of Commerce in China provides a platform for German companies in China to showcase their ESG engagement and commitment, as well as to exchange knowledge. We help Alliance Members learn about ESG, connect with valuable partners, open a line of communication to government authorities, and increase employee and stakeholder engagement in sustainability.

由中国德国商会发起的 “环境|社会|治理 联盟” 旨为在华德企提供一个展示其ESG表现和承诺、沟通交流的平台。我们帮助联盟成员了解ESG;并与多方伙伴建立联系,与有关部门建立沟通;提高员工及利益相关者在可持续发展实践中的参与度。

Visit ESG Alliance Website to Learn More Activities and German Company’s Best Suitability Practices 访问ESG联盟网站以了解更多活动和德国公司的最佳实践:www.esg.china.ahk.de 

 ESG Activities ESG 活动 

We offer a variety of ESG activities aimed at promoting knowledge sharing and experience exchange among members. These activities include:

  • High-quality closed-door meetings designed to explore practical strategies with members of the sustainable development sector; 

  • Pioneering ESG-themed events/webinars, covering the latest trends and topics; 

  • Monthly newsletters featuring selected domestic and EU policies and news. 

  • Particularly noteworthy are also our 10-minute online training videos, where  we invite sustainability experts from well-known German companies to share the basics of ESG. This course helps employees to understand the concept of ESG and its importance to businesses, thereby promoting practice and progress in the ESG field.


  • 高质量的闭门会议,旨在与可持续发展部门的成员探讨实际的营销策略;

  • 先锋ESG主题活动,涵盖最新趋势和话题;

  • 以及提供精选国内和欧盟政策与新闻的月度邮件。

  • 特别值得一提的是,我们邀请了8位来自知名德国企业的可持续部门专家录制10分钟的线上培训课程,以分享ESG的基础知识。该课程将帮助企业员工了解ESG的概念和对企业的重要性,从而推动企业在ESG领域的实践和进步。

 Special Projects 进行中的项目 

Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative 企业社会责任倡议

The German Chamber of Commerce in China is joining forces with The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and One Planet Foundation (OPF) to support an initiative focused on the restoration and protection of mangrove forests in China. This project is crucial for biodiversity, climate resilience, and the well-being of local communities, and symbolizes a partnership that transcends borders and sectors. It represents a united front of businesses, environmental experts, local communities, and global organizations, all working together towards a common goal. German Chamber members can contribute with their donations to support mangrove forest restoration.

中国德国商会将加入世界自然基金会(WWF)和一个地球自然基金会 (OPF)的倡议,支持一项旨在恢复和保护中国红树林的现有计划。 该项目是生物多样性、气候适应能力和当地社区福祉的希望灯塔, 并代表着企业、环境专家、当地社区和全球组织的合作,共同朝着一个共同目标努力。中国德国商会企业会员可通过捐款支持红树林恢复工作。


More Than A Market Awards “同心、同力、同行奖”

The "More than a Market" initiative was launched in 2015 by the German Chamber of Commerce in China and the Missions of the Federal Republic of Germany in the People's Republic of China.

The awards are held every two years to encourage and celebrate the progress and achievements of German companies in China in ESG. The awards not only provide a platform for companies but also help them (especially SMEs) better understand ESG and promote sustainability. The next awards ceremony will be organized in 2025.

“同心、同力、同行”倡议是由中国德国商会和德国驻华使领馆于2015年发起。 “同心、同力、同行奖” 将每两年举办一次,旨在鼓励德国企业在中国在环境、社会和治理方面取得进展和成就。奖项不仅为企业提供平台,更有助于企业(特别是中小型企业)更好地了解ESG并推动可持续进程。下一届评选将在2025年举行。