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WE Community "与光同行" 女性互助社群
#EmpoweredWomenEmpowerWomen #女性互助 #相互赋能
"WOMEN", this English word is also the Chinese pinyin for "we". No matter in China or abroad, women are a community with a shared future. In the face of social prejudice and injustice, women should stand together and help each other.
“WOMEN” ,是英文单词“女性”,也是中文拼音“我们” 。无论中外,女性自古是休戚与共的命运共同体。在面对世俗偏见与社会不公,女性更应互相帮助,共同进退。
As an important part of "Be Your Own Light" Women's Empowerment Initiative of GCC·SSW, the WE Community aims to build a mutual-help platform focusing on women's growth and career development, and to encourage women to help each other and grow together.
"与光同行" 女性互助社群作为中国德国商会 · 华南及西南地区“成为自己的光”女性赋能倡议的重要组成部分,旨在打造一个专注女性成长与职业发展的互助社群平台,鼓励女性互勉互助,彼此赋能,相互成就,共同成长。
Here, empowered women empower women. 在这里,你将靠近光,发现光,成为光,散播光。
Chamber members & Non-members are welcome to join the WE Community for free.
For fee-based events, Chamber members will enjoy discounted price.
<< Why join us? 加入我们!>>
Connect with like-minded people and expand your social network
Receive help and guidance from the community and experienced mentors
Learn from our women-themed events inspiring ideas, useful knowledge, practical experience and skills for personal growth and career development
To help members integrate into the WE Community and strengthen the connections and communications between members, we encourage members to build different social circles based on their industries/professions/interests. These circles can be led by mentors or formed by members themselves.
We encourage members of each circle to gather regularly, to contribute topics and speakers for women-themed events, to play an active part in co-building the platform and co-creating events.
Mentors Recruitment: Looking for Shining Stars
<< Responsibilities 导师职责 >>
Co-create the platform with your valuable ideas and suggestions 为社群平台建言献策
Co-build the WE Circles and provide guidance for the members 牵头组建WE Circles,为成员提供指导
Co-organize and co-promote the women-themed events & activities 积极参与组织并推广女性活动
<< Benefits 导师权益 >>
A big stage to grow your personal branding! 打造个人IP的广阔舞台!
1. Gain broad exposure to our sizeable Sino-German business community and significantly expand your social network
Mentor introduction on the WE Initiative website and in GCC · SSW WeChat Post
Invited to our women-themed events as speaker
2. Gain a great sense of accomplishment from your deep involvement and important contributions to the WE Community
Enjoy the opportunities to co-build the community and co-create the platform
3. Sharpen your personal leadership and organizational skills
<< How to Join as Mentors? 如何成为导师?>>
Free of charge; member first; outstanding non-member candidates are also welcome.
Qualifications 要求 :
Possess professional skills in a specific field and have achieved certain accomplishments
Pay attention to women's growth, enthusiastic about supporting women's development
Have a spirit of dedication, willing to devote time and energy to the platform and community
Self-nominations 自荐 :
Mentor Self-nominations Letter 导师自荐信.docx
If you are interested in joining us as a mentor, please fill in and submit your self-nomination letter to:
Call for Co-creative Partners 共创伙伴火热招募中
#Co-build #Co-create #Win-win #共建 #共创 #共赢
<< Benefits 共创伙伴权益 >>
A Great Opportunity to Enhance Corporate Image and Recognition! 提升企业形象和知名度的绝佳机会!
1. Wide Promotion 广泛宣传
Co-creative Partner introduction on the WE Initiative website and in GCC SSW WeChat Post
Online & offline exposure at women-themed events & activities (5-10 events per year)
2. Deep Cooperation 深度合作
Co-build the community platform with your valuable ideas and suggestions
Co-create the women-themed events & activities with your contributions, including but not limited to: event topic, content, speaker, venue, door gift, etc.
Share win-win outcomes
<< How to Join? 如何加入?>>
Partnership Fee 合作费:
Member: CNY 3,800 / Year, Non-Member CNY 5,800 / Year
会员企业:3,800 元 / 年,非会员企业:5,800 元 / 年
Contact Us 联系我们:
Jay Fang | Senior Event Manager 高级活动经理
Tel: 020-87558203