“Be Your Own Light” Women Empowerment Initiative “成为自己的光” 女性赋能计划

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Mentors 导师
  • 露乐集团副总裁 Vice President of Lunaler Group陈秋秋 Florise Chen
    陈秋秋 Florise Chen
    露乐集团副总裁 Vice President of Lunaler Group

    - 中山大学经济法学硕士

    - 拥有20+年战略投资、国际商务及项目管理经验

    - 曾任职瑞典大使馆商务署并担任区域负责人

    - 入选首届高企科技创新大会“十大优秀科技工作者” (唯一女性)、获第六届广州女性创客(创新创业创造)大赛二等奖

    - 广州市黄埔区巾帼志愿者协会常务副会长

    - Master of Economic Law, Sun Yat-sen University

    - 20+ years of experience in strategic investment, international business and project management

    - Worked for Business Section of the Swedish Embassy as Regional Head

    - One of the "Top 10 Outstanding Individuals in Science and Technology" at the First High Tech Innovation Conference as the only female selected candidate, Second Prize Winner in Guangzhou Female Sci-tech Maker (Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Creation) Competition

    - Executive Vice Chairman of Huangpu District Women's Volunteer Association


    She says: The key elements to success for women in career: IQ+EQ+AQ+LQ

    IQ (Intelligence Quotient) and EQ (Emotional Quotient) can help improve business skills and foster harmonious interpersonal relationships, however, AQ (Adversity Quotient) and LQ (Love Quotient) can empower the buildup of personal charm and insightful thinking. Women in career are three-dimensional, diversified and dynamic as well. We should learn to love ourselves and meanwhile care for others with empathy and altruistic mindset. Being confident, open-minded, and loving is the way of being most beautiful, which may turn into the bright light to illuminate both ourselves and others.

  • 深圳阿斯兰教育咨询有限公司创始人 Founder at Aslan Education Planning, Shenzhen王艳 Sabrina Wang
    王艳 Sabrina Wang
    深圳阿斯兰教育咨询有限公司创始人 Founder at Aslan Education Planning, Shenzhen

    - 就读于纽约城市大学经济学专业,陪读于美国哥伦比亚大学法学院

    - 拥有 16 年的国际教育经验和多年德企和美企法务工作经验

    - 2020 领英职场年度行家

    - 《积木搭建法写作之SAT篇 》编著者, 《英国泰晤士高等教育期刊》、《世界大学新闻》特稿作家

    - Studied Economics at City College, City University of New York, and lived at Columbia University as the spouse of a J.D. candidate

    - 16 years of experience in college test preparation and years of experience in working as Compliance Officer for German and American corporations

    - 2020 LinkedIn Top Voices

    - Writer of a Test Preparation Book Building Blocks for Your SAT Essay, Contributor to Times Higher Education & World University News


    朋友们常说我是一个有力量的女人。这样的角色对我在每一个工作领域的成功都起着至关重要的作用。这种力量就是在困难面前坚韧不拔,敢于挑战自己的极限 —— 在任何角色永远努力做到更好。 作为一名女性,我为自己比大多数男性更有韧性而感到自豪,我相信很多女性都有这种韧性,或者将来也能有这种韧性。我希望这种韧性可以被当今女性的不同角色(女儿、母亲、员工、领导、妻子等)所获得并成功地应用。

    She says: Run the World in High Heels

    I am often referred by friends to as a powerful woman. Such role plays a crucial importance in my success in every field which I have worked in. This strength is the tenacity to persevere in the face of difficulties and dare to test my limits – always strive to be better. As a woman, I am very proud of my ability to be more resilient than most men, and I believe that many women have this resilience or can have it in the future. Therefore, I hope that this resilience can be obtained by and applied successfully to the different roles of women today (daughter, mother, employee, leader, wife, etc.).

  • 瀚纳仕广州办公室负责人 Guangzhou Office Head of Hays China唐雯 Cece Tang
    唐雯 Cece Tang
    瀚纳仕广州办公室负责人 Guangzhou Office Head of Hays China

    - 毕业于中山大学

    - 从家庭主妇成功回归职场并连年获得晋升, 成为外企高管

    - 过去7年帮华南近100位高管顺利完成职业变迁,获得新工作机会

    - ICF(国际教练联合会)初阶实习教练

    - Bachelor's degree from Sun Yat-sen University

    - Received promotions beyond normal standards in successive years after returning to the workplace from family life

    - Assisted nearly 100 executives in South China on successful career transitions

    - ICF (International Coach Federation) Level 1 Trainee Coach



    She says: "Self care isn' t selfish!

  • 广东固法律师事务所执行合伙人 Executive Partner of PW & Partners Law Firm王燕 Ada Wang
    王燕 Ada Wang
    广东固法律师事务所执行合伙人 Executive Partner of PW & Partners Law Firm

    - ILF国际律师事务所联盟全球董事

    - 执业30年,深耕知识产权、公司法与反不正当竞争等领域

    - 获选“全国涉外领军人才”、“广州涉外大律师”等

    - Director of International Law Firms (ILF)

    - 30 years in legal practice focusing on IP, Corporate and Anti-unfair competition, etc.

    - Recognized as "National leading practice talent","Guangzhou Leading Lawyer in Foreign Legal Practice




    She says: A single spark can start a prairie fire

    When we uplift and celebrate the accomplishments of our fellow women, we ignite a flame within ourselves as well. The power of women, like a spark with potential to start a prairie fire, can spread warmth and inspiration far and wide. In our daily lives, we often see women shining in their unique ways. When we cheer for these women and recognize their efforts and values, we are also inspiring ourselves.

  • 广州优电科技服务有限公司首席法务官 Chief Legal Officer of Guangzhou Super Electric Technology Services Limited盛晨 Dawn Sheng
    盛晨 Dawn Sheng
    广州优电科技服务有限公司首席法务官 Chief Legal Officer of Guangzhou Super Electric Technology Services Limited

    - 在美获得法律博士学位、持中美两国跨境交易律师执照

    - 在中美两国从事法律工作10年,从国际大型律所到企业管理层,数次帮助种子轮公司逐渐成长为行业独角兽

    - 10余年美国求学和工作经历,深谙中西文化差异

    - 熟练使用英语 (母语水平)、法语(C1水平)

    - 获得全美论文比赛第一名,凤凰卫视脱口秀段子英雄称号

    - Received Juris Doctor degree in the U.S. and is licensed to practice law in the U.S and in China

    - 10 years of legal work experience from large international law firms to management committee at corporations, from the U.S. to China, counseled multiple startups from the seed round to the unicorn status of their respective industries

    - Studied and worked in the U.S. for 10+ years, has a deep understanding of the cultural differences between China and the West

    - Proficient in English (native level) and French (C1 level)

    - Won the first prize in an American national essay competition, and was named a Stand-up Comedy Superstar by Phoenix TV



    She says: "Live in freedom and with passion!

    Living means experiencing life to the fullest and there is no need to prove anything to anyone. To set oneself free is to love oneself first, to try anything that the heart desires, and to march on in spite of all the difficulties and regardless of the results.

  • 谷歌全球认证 IAR中国导师 Google Global Certified IAR (#IAmRemarkable Initiative/Workshop) Facilitator in China郭蔼仪 Icy Kwok
    郭蔼仪 Icy Kwok
    谷歌全球认证 IAR中国导师 Google Global Certified IAR (#IAmRemarkable Initiative/Workshop) Facilitator in China

    - 20+年外企工作经验

    - 擅长销售和与人沟通

    - 企业DEI/Woman in Leadership 支持和推广者

    - Over 20 years of working experience in foreign companies

    - Proficient in sales and communication

    - Corporate DEI/Woman in Leadership supporter and promoter



    She says: Don't ever underestimate yourself.

    Be curious, to explore, to open yourself up to new ideas.