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“Be Your Own Light” Women Empowerment Initiative
“成为自己的光” 女性赋能计划
#WomenEmpowerment #EmpoweredWomenEmpowerWomen #女性赋能 #女性互助
#Self-recognition #Self-promotion #Self-achievement #自我认可 #自我提升 #自我成就
#Mutual-help #Co-create #Win-win #共勉 #共创 #共赢
China and Germany are both modern societies with relatively equal opportunities for men and women. Women in both countries shine brightly across various fields, becoming leaders, role models, and even forces for changing the world. However, there still exist many prejudices and injustice against women, combined with constraints they place on women's self-perceptions, hinder the growth of women power.
As an important bridge for Sino-German exchanges, the German Chamber of Commerce in China · South & Southwest (GCC · SSW) is committed not only to fostering economic and trade ties, but to promoting a culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). In line with this mission, GCC · SSW proposes the "Be Your Own Light" Women Empowerment Initiative in 2024, which advocates self-recognition, self-promotion and self-achievement. This initiative aims to empower women, supporting their personal growth and career development, so as to enhance women's power and DEI in the workplace and beyond.
作为中德交流的重要桥梁之一,中国德国商会 · 华南及西南地区在致力于两国间经贸往来的同时,也一直积极参与推动社会的多元、公平和包容文化发展。为助力女性力量发展,中国德国商会 · 华南与西南地区于2024年正式提出“成为自己的光” 女性赋能倡议,倡导女性更多地关注自我、认可自我、提升自我、成就自我。这项行动倡议旨在赋能女性,帮助其个人成长与职业发展,从而推动职场与社会的多元化、公平性和包容性。
To bring this initiative to life, we will join hands with a broad network of women and partners to build up a women mutual-help community - WE Community and co-create with the community a rich variety of meaningful women-themed events and activities. Together, we will light the way toward a brighter future!
为更好地践行此项倡议,我们将携手广大女性及共创伙伴们,共同建立"与光同行" 女性互助社群,共同创造一系列有意义的女性主题活动,共赴美好前程,共向光明未来!
【 Our Vision 愿景 】
Enhance women power and promote diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the workplace and beyond
【 Our Aim 宗旨 】
Empower women, help women with their personal growth and career development
【 Our Slogan 口号 】
Be Your Own Light 成为自己的光
【 What is it about? 倡议内容 】
We advocate self-recognition, self-promotion, self-achievement,
encourage and support every woman to shine in all walks of life with her own unique light.
【 What we do? 行动计划 】
1. Co-build a women mutual-help community - WE Community
共同建立"与光同行" 女性互助社群
2. Co-create meaningful women-themed events and activities
<< Call for Partners | 共创伙伴火热招募中>>
>> Click for Details 点击了解更多: WE Community 女性社群
<< Meet Our Mentors | 女性导师 >>
>> Click for Details 点击了解更多: Mentors Informaion 导师信息
<< Upcoming Events | 近期女性活动>>
[Mar 6 | GZ | Free] Women-themed Salon: Empowered Women Empower Women 女性主题沙龙:与光同行
[Mar 7 | SZ | Member Free] Women-themed Salon: Advancing Beyond the Glass Ceiling 女性主题沙龙:打破“隐形天花板”
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