2020 International Conference on Defence Technology

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2020 International Conference on Defence Technology Best Contribution Award

Eligibility:The award is presented to one author of the paper containing the best advancement made in the fundamental nature of defence science and technology and presented within the proceedings of the International Conference on Defence Technology or Journal of Defence Technology. It is based solely on the contents of the paper. All papers that are presented orally or by poster are eligible. The winner must have presented their paper during the conference.   

 Award Package:The winner will receive RMB 60,000.

2020 International Conference on Defence Technology Best Poster Presentation Award

Eligibility:An award will be given at the conference for the Best Poster Presentation.The Best Poster Presentation will be awarded to the person displaying the best poster during the conference. The award will be judged mainly on the poster but the technical paper will also be considered in the evaluation. The winner must have presented the poster during the appropriate poster session. The poster must be displayed during the whole conference, when the exhibit hall is open for general viewing by the attendees of the conference. 

 Award Package:The winner will receive RMB 12,000.

2020 International Conference on Defence Technology Young Author Awards

Eligibility:Up to 6 Young Author Awards will be given at the ICDT. Its purpose is to enrich the program of the conference by encouraging young authors to submit papers and attend the Conference. The Young Author must be 35 years of age or younger at the time of the Conference. The paper may have multiple authors, but the Young Author must have made a major contribution to the paper. Only one Young Author Award will be given for any winning paper. An application for the Award must accompany the paper when submitted for publication in the proceedings. To be eligible for the Award, the Young Author must register at the conference and must give an oral or poster presentation.  The Award selection is based solely on the written papers and judged on original contribution to defence science and technology. The Award consists of a certificate and a stipend, prepared by DT.

 Award Package:Each Young Author Award winner will receive a stipend of RMB 10,000.


Abstract Submission / Registration Beginning
31st Mar. 2019
Abstract Submission End
1st Sep. 2019
Notification Authors / Full Paper SubmissionBeginning
15th Sep. 2019
Full Paper Submission End
1st Jan. 2020
Early Registration End
1st Mar. 2020
Conference Beginning
20th Apr. 2020
Registration End
24th Apr. 2020
Any questions about registration,please contact :
     Cellphone: +86-139 2125 6999
Any questions about alternative points,please contact :
Liu Li
     Clive Woodley