2020 International Conference on Defence Technology

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2020 ICDT proposes the following 4 tutorials. Tutorials will be presented in parallel sessions on Monday 20 April,2020. All of attendees are strongly encouraged to register in advance. Each person may select one morning and/or one afternoon tutorial(s). No hopping between tutorials is allowed. Each tutorial fee(not included in the registration fee)is 1200 RMB,includes Copy of the Presentation,Tutorial Manual,Name Tag and Lunch. The tutorial attendees enter the tutorial room by scanning the QR code on the name tags.

144318794556491.jpg Morning Tutorials ( 8:30-11:30 )

Clive Woodley is a principal scientist of the Imperial College London,and also a world expert on the mathematical modelling of the internal ballistics of guns and, in particular, modelling the ignition and combustion of energetic materials. He has contributed to the internal ballistics modelling of many of the gun systems used by the UK Armed Forces.This course is intended to be attended by scientists and engineers relatively new to the area of the interior ballistics of guns. Examples of such people include university students, workers with less than 5 years of experience, managers, and workers seeking a refresher in the subject.
Specific areas covered in the tutorial will include the following:
1)Ignition of Solid Propellants. This will include different ignition methods and modes of energy transfer.
2)Solid Propellants. This will include propellant types, ingredients and manufacturing.
3)Novel Guns and Advanced Charges. This will include liquid propellant guns, electro thermal-chemical guns, consolidated/compressed charges, monolithic charges and the combustion light gas gun.
4)Charge Design and Interior Ballistics Modelling. This will include factors to be taken into account when designing a solid propellant charge, such as propellant geometry and type, temperature coefficient, different types of interior ballistic model.
Other areas may be addressed by request in advance or questions during or afterwards.


Adam Wiśniewskiis a professor of Military Institute of Armament Technology (MIAT) in Zielonka, Poland. He is a member of scientific committees, Academy of Engineering in Polandand a member of the Association of European Research Establishments in Aeronautics (EREA).His field of expertise and long-term scientific experience include: armours-passive, reactive and passive-reactive for non-armoured objects (cars, helicopters), light fighting (armoured) vehicles (LFV),heavy armoured vehicles (tanks) protected, ammunition (one-warhead and tandem shaped charges), integrated fuses; material engineering, etc.
New materials and technology for passive armours:
1. Behaviour of Passive Armours after Impact of Different Types of Projectiles
1.1. Principle of passive armours behaviour during impact of different types of projectiles
1.2. Passive armours for protection against fragments from exploding terrorist bomb
1.3. Passive armours for protection of helicopter against 12.7 mm AP (Armour Piercing) projectiles
1.4. Passive armours for protection of moving objects (LFV – Light Fighting Vehicle) against 7.62÷14.5 mm AP projectiles
1.5. CAWA modular and tightfitting passive armours for protection of LFV
1.6. CAWA-2 passive armours for protection of heavy armour (tank) against 125 mm tungsten projectile APFSDS
1.7. Perforated passive armours
1.8. Passive armours for protection against RPG-7 (PAWA-1, bird cage, net)
2. Nanostructural Steel (NS)
2.1. Parameters of nanostructural steel
2.2. Building of armours with nanostructural steel
2.3. Principle of nanostructural steel behaviour during impact of different types of projectiles
2.4. Passive armours with the use of superhard nanostructural Fe-based alloys
2.5. Testing of passive armours with the use of nanostructural steel
3. Shear Thickening Fluid (STF)
3.1. Parameters of shear thickenig fluid
3.2. Building of armours with reological fluids
3.3. Principle of shear thickenig fluid behaviour during impact of different types of projectiles
3.4. Passive smart body armours with the use of reological fluids with nanostructures
3.5. Testing of passive armours with the use of reological fluids with nanostructures
4. Magnetoreological Fluid (MF)
4.1. Parameters of magnetoreological fluid
4.2. Building of armours with magnetoreological fluids
4.3. Principle of magnetoreological fluid behaviour during impact of different types of projectiles
4.4. Passive armours with the use of magnetoreological fluids with nanostructures
4.5. Testing of passive armours with the use of magnetoreological fluids with nanostructures

144318794556491.jpg Afternoon Tutorials ( 14:00-17:00 )

2020 International Conference on Defence Technology

Lugi T.Deluca is the Professorof Aerospace Propulsion at Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy

181922378556491.png 2017 Spring Semester and 2015 Fall Semester:Visiting Professor Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing, China.

181922378556491.png 2015 Spring Semester:Brain Pool Program Korean Government and Visiting Professor Konkuk University, Seoul, Korea .

181922378556491.png 2014:Honorary Fellowship by High-Energy Materials Society of India (HEMSI), India.

181922378556491.png 2010:Honorary Professor OmSTU (Omsk State Technical University), Omsk, Russia.

181922378556491.png 1989:Full Professor of Aerospace Propulsion, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, MI, Italy.

181922378556491.png 1976:Ph.D. Aerospace and Mechanical Sciences, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA under the supervision of Prof. Martin Summerfield.

The introduction of nano-sized energetic ingredients first occurred at the Semenov Institute of Chemical Physics, Moscow, Russia about 60 years ago and arose great expectations in the rocket propulsion community. Thanks to higher energy densities and faster energy release rates with respect to conventional energetic ingredients, a revolutionary progress was expected in solid rocket propulsion. But despite an intense worldwide research effort, still today only laboratory-level applications have been mostly reported and often for scientific purposes only. A number of practical reasons prevents the applications of nanoenergetic ingredients at industrial level: inert natural coating of particles, active metal content,nonuniform dispersion, excessive viscosity of the slurry propellant, possible limitations in mechanical properties, more demanding safety issues, and so on. This tutorial describes the main features, in terms of performance parameters, of solid rocket propellants loaded with nanometals and intends to emphasize the unique properties made possible by the addition of nano-sized energetic ingredients. In the first part, steady combustion regimes are examined in detail, including burning rate, pressure exponent, and initial temperature sensitivity, for a wide variety of solid propellants. In the second part, unsteady combustion regimes are discussed, including ignition, extinction by fast depressurization, self-sustained oscillatory burning, pressure deflagration limit, acoustic damping and other transient burning processes. In the third part, particle passivation and coating, chemical and mechanical activation, condensed combustion products, aggregation/agglomeration phenomena, hazards and aging, and delivered specific impulse of solid rocket motors are treated.

2020 International Conference on Defence Technology

Nicolas Eches is a former military engineer, graduated from the Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs des Etudes et Techniques d’Armement. He made all of his career within the same company (whose successive names were GIAT, Giat Industries and eventually Nexter Munitions beginning as a development engineer on 105 mm and 120 mm APFSDS. He was also in charge of the 140 mm Future Tank Main Armament ammunition project. He then focused his works on a more diverse expertise, dealing with transient dynamics phenomena, with two main topics of interest in launch dynamics (survivability of projectiles and their components, gun and ammunition interactions) and terminal ballistics of kinetic energy penetrators. He is currently in charge of the Structural Dynamics Analysis department at Nexter Munitions.
One often considers a gun as a rigid straight system, with a rigid projectile, considered as a material point, travelling through the barrel. These are the hypothesises of Internal Ballistics, the science of propelling a projectile through a gun. Actually, the dynamics of gun firing is more complex, and involves lots of phenomena. Gun dynamics deals with the actual movement of the projectile, subjected to the pressure generated by the propulsion gases, and interacting with a flexible system, comprising the gun barrel itself, also subjected to pressure, and also moving relatively to its stand under the action of recoil. The topic of this tutorial is to describe what are the interaction between the different components of the system, i.e. the projectile ends its inner parts such as sabot and penetrator, the barrel, rifled or not, the breech block, the recoil system, and the guiding system, such as the cradle or the sled. The motion equations will be described, detailing the different efforts applied on the projectile, and the reactions of the different parts of the weapon system. Modelling and experimental techniques will also be presented, and will allow to study the sensitivity of several definition parameters. To conclude, the influence of the muzzle and projectile movements on the final impact point will be examined and some information about intermediate ballistics will be given.

Abstract Submission / Registration Beginning
31st Mar. 2019
Abstract Submission End
1st Sep. 2019
Notification Authors / Full Paper SubmissionBeginning
15th Sep. 2019
Full Paper Submission End
1st Jan. 2020
Early Registration End
1st Mar. 2020
Conference Beginning
20th Apr. 2020
Registration End
24th Apr. 2020
Any questions about registration,please contact :
     Cellphone: +86-139 2125 6999
Any questions about alternative points,please contact :
Liu Li
     Clive Woodley