2020 International Conference on Defence Technology

You can share it to WeChat via the Qr code.


All participants are kindly requested to register individually using the On-line registration System. Advanced registration is requested for participants who want to present a paper at the Session. No payment is required before submitting a paper. Payment may be made at a later date, but before the deadline.   

Registration Fee 

Category              Early-Bird  ( Before/On 29 Feb 2020 )             Regular  ( After 29 Feb 2020 )            
Regular Participant             3800 RMB             4800 RMB            
Student             3000 RMB             3800 RMB            
Accompany Person             3000 RMB             3800 RMB            

* Notes:

In China, only RMB is used. So, in the payment process, you will find equivalent RMB amount. The exchange rate is according to the current exchange rate.


项目符.png For Regular Participant: registration fee covers attend the Conference, Conference Materials, Coffee Breaks, Lunches and Dinners during the Conference, Welcome Reception and Banquet.

项目符.png For Student: registration fee covers attend the Conference, Conference Materials, Coffee Breaks, Lunches and Dinners during the Conference, Welcome Reception and Banquet.

项目符.png For Accompany Person: registration fee covers Lunches and Dinners during the Conference, Welcome Reception and Banquet.

Payment Option:

Coming Soon ……

General Information:

1. Passport and Visa

Passports, valid for at least 3 months from the entry into China, and entry Visas are required to visit China. Participants are advised to consult the nearest Chinese diplomatic mission for details. The Chinese Visa authorities may issue a diplomatic, courtesy, service or ordinary Visa to a foreigner according to his identity, purpose of visit to China and passport type.

Once in China, the participants are advised to carry their passports on them at all times because the passports may be needed to check into hotels, book airline tickets, and change money. Participants from Japan, Singapore within 15 days do not need to apply Visa to entry China.

To apply for Visas, participants should first fill out the On-line Registration with the appropriate Registration Fee. The Conference Secretariat will then send a formal Visa application form via airmail or fax with which the participants can apply for a Visa at the Chinese diplomatic mission indicated in the invitation.


2. Necessary Materials to Apply for Chinese Visa

项目符.png A passport which is valid for at least 6 months following the date of submission, with an entire blank page available for the Visa;

项目符.png One Visa Application Form of the Peoples Republic of China, which is filled clearly with true, authentic and complete information and signed by the applicant;

项目符.png One recent, 2 inch full-faced and bareheaded passport photo (the daily life photo, photo copy or digital photo printed on the ordinary paper shall not be accepted);

项目符.png Other related application materials according to different purposes for your trip to China;

项目符.png Other materials related to the Visa application, deemed as necessary by the Visa officer;

* For more information, please contact the local Chinese Embassy in your country.

Alternatively, participants may ask their travel agents to arrange their travel to China and obtain a tourist Visa irrespective of whether or not they have registered with the Conference Secretariat. If participants have any difficulties in obtaining their Visa, they should contact the Conference Secretariat.


3. Transportation

Coming Soon ……


4. Language

The official language of the Conference is English.


5. Speaker's Ready Room

All oral presenter and all Invited speakers are required to submit their presentations to the Speaker's Ready Room well in advance of their presentation, and up to 1 hour before the beginning of the session. All presenters will be required to complete a disclosure slide shown at the start of their presentation in order to present their work. The speaker ready room staff will assist you to complete this. Please check the onsite signage for the Speakers' Ready Room opening hours.


6. Climate and Weather

Coming Soon ……


7. Insurance

The registration fee does not include insurance. The conference organizers do not accept any liability for personal accidents or loss or damage to the private property of any participants during the conference or indirectly arising from attending the conference. It is advisable that participants should take adequate travel and health insurances before their trip.


8. Currency Exchange

In China, only RMB is used. However, exchange centers can be found at airports, most hotels and large shopping centers. The exchange rate is due to the official rate (Bank of China). When exchanging money, please keep your receipt by which you can change any remaining RMB back to foreign currency when leaving China. Visa, Master, American Express, Diners Club and JCB are accepted in many department stores and hotels. ATM could help you for changing RMB from your credit card. Visa, Master, American Express, Diners Club and JCB are accepted in many department stores and hotels. It may be difficult to draw cash with credit cards.


9. First Aid and Medical Service

The telephone number for the first aid is 120 or 999. Several hospitals in Nanjing are staffed with English speaking doctors. 

to be continued……


10. Electricity

The electric current in China is 220V, 50Hz. Most hotels have built-in converters in bathrooms for shavers and hair dryers. Please note that a variety of plug types are used in China, and adaptors may be necessary. Two types of sockets are used in China: three-pin socket (a grounding pin and two flat prongs forming a V-shape) and two-pin socket (two flat parallel prongs without grounding).


Abstract Submission / Registration Beginning
31st Mar. 2019
Abstract Submission End
1st Sep. 2019
Notification Authors / Full Paper SubmissionBeginning
15th Sep. 2019
Full Paper Submission End
1st Jan. 2020
Early Registration End
1st Mar. 2020
Conference Beginning
20th Apr. 2020
Registration End
24th Apr. 2020
Any questions about registration,please contact :
     Cellphone: +86-139 2125 6999
Any questions about alternative points,please contact :
Liu Li
     Clive Woodley