2020 International Conference on Defence Technology

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2020 International Conference on Defence Technology
Timon Rabczuk
Academician of the European Academy of Sciences
Chair of Computational Mechanics
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Bauhaus Universität-Weimar, Germany
Professor Rabczuk obtained his PhD from the University of Karlsruhe. He worked at the Fraunhofer-Institute (Ernst Mach) in Freiburg before joining the Computational Mechanics Group of Professor Ted Belytschko at Northwestern University in Evanston, USA, where he was working for 4 years as Post-Doctoral Fellow. For 1.5 years, Professor Rabczuk was a member of the Computational Mechanics group of Professor W.A. Wall at the Technical University of Munich. In February 2007, he was appointed Senior Lecturer at the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Canterbury University, Christchurch, New Zealand. In 2009, Professor Rabczuk joined the Bauhaus University Weimar as Full Professor. He researches focus of Computational Solid Mechanics with emphasis on method development for problems involving fracture and failure of solids and fluid-structure interaction. Professor Rabczuk is particularly interested in developing multiscale methods and their application to computational materials design. Such as,

181922378556491.png Constitutive Modeling

181922378556491.png Material Instabilities, Fracture, Strain Localization

181922378556491.png Numerical Methods (Extended Finite Element and Mesfhree Methods)

181922378556491.png Isogeometric Analysis

181922378556491.png Computational Fluid-Structure Interaction

181922378556491.png Biomechanical Engineering

Title:Coming Soon…
2020 International Conference on Defence Technology
Wang Huaming
Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering
School of Materials Science and Engineering,Beihang University,China
Professor Wang began to work at Beihang University in 1992, and was sponsored by Alexander von Humboldt Foundation to work at Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangan-Nuremberg, Germany in the same year. Now he is the director of the National Engineering Laboratory of Additive Manufacturing for Large Metallic Components and the Engineering Research Center of Laser Direct Manufacturing for Large Metallic Components, and the chief scientist for aerospace materials and structure of the National Laboratory of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Professor Wang has long been engaging in the research on laser additive manufacturing for large metallic components and laser surface engineering. He made breakthroughs in the manufacturing technique, complete sets of equipment, quality control and engineering application of laser additive manufacturing for large metallic key components made from high-performance and difficult-to-machine metal, such as titanium alloys. He also developed the special coating using laser cladding of metalsilicide, which could endure extreme conditions like high temperature and corrosion. His achievements have been applied to planes, missiles, satellites, aircraft engine, etc. Professor Wang has published over 180 papers in journals listed in the Science Citation Index. He won a first prize of the State Technological Invention Award in 2012 and other three national or ministry-level prizes. He was also awarded the Ho Leung Ho Lee Prize for Scientific and Technological Progress and the title of Outstanding Talent in Defense Science, Technology and Industry.
Title:Additive Manufacturing (3D Printing) for High-Performance Large Critical Metallic Components and its Impacts on Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Industries
2020 International Conference on Defence Technology
Gerald Nurick
Fellow of the University of Cape Town
Fellow of the South African Academy of Engineers
Honorary Fellow of South African Institution of Mechanical Engineering
Honorary Member of the International Society of Impact Engineering
Life Member of the Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
University of Cape Town,South Africa
Professor Nurick has been working in the field of impact dynamics for over 35 years. During this period, he supervised over 70 Post-Doctoral, PhD and MSc students, who are now spread around the world. He has over 100 academic scientific publications covering the following topics; Impact and Blast Dynamics, Crashworthiness, Material Properties at High Strain Rates, Metals and Composites, Human Response and Survivability, Impact on Sports Equipment and Comminution (Crushing of Ore Products).Professor Nurick has served on the Editorial Boards of the International Journal of Impact Engineering, the Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures, International Journal of Defence Technology and the International Journal of Protective Structures. He has also served on the International Scientific Committee of numerous International Conferences around the world. In 2016 Professor Nurick was awarded an A-Rating from the NRF (National Research Foundation) of South Africa. A-rating is given to researchers who are unequivocally recognised by their peers as leading international scholars in their field for the high quality and impact of their research outputs. At the Assembly of the International Society of Impact Engineering, in 2016, Professor Nurick was one of the inaugural groups of five elected as Honorary Members of ISIE for lifetime significant contributions to and the development and growth of Impact Engineering activities.
Title:The Art and Science of Using Plastic Explosive Methods in Experiments to Determine the Dynamic Plastic Response of Structural Components
2020 International Conference on Defence Technology
Daniel Rittel
Honorary Professor of Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Fellow of the Society for Experimental Mechanics
Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Associate Editor of Mechanics of Materials
Associate Editor of the International Journal of Engineering Science
Associate Editor of the International Journal of Impact Engineering
Israel Institute of Technology, Israel
Professor Rittel holds a PhD in Materials Science (1988) from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He spent 2 years as a postdoc at Yale University working on the fracture of tungsten base heavy alloys, followed by 3.5 years at Ecole Polytechnique (France), working on experimental dynamic fracture mechanics. He joined Technion (Mechanical Engineering) in 1994 where he founded the Dynamic Fracture Laboratory. As of today, Professor Rittel holds the Zandman Chair in Experimental Mechanics, heads the Materials Mechanics Center. He is also the Deputy Senior Vice President (Vice Provost) of Technion. Professor Rittel was the Clark B. Millikan Visiting Professor in Aeronautics (2007) at Caltech where he holds a Visiting Associate position. Throughout the years, Professor Rittel has developed expertise in many aspects of dynamic failure, including fracture mechanics, constitutive behavior, dynamic failure mechanisms and numerical modeling. His interest is in the thermomechanics and physics of dynamic failure with regard to dynamic fragmentation, fracture, adiabatic shear banding and hysteretic heating. In addition, Professor Rittel is also active in the field of biomechanics of dental implants. As of today, he has co-authored about 160 journal publications. Among these journal papers, 2 in Physical Review Letters, 7 in Applied Physics Letters, 2 in Science Report, 13 in Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 15 in International Journal of Impact Engineering, 19 in Mechanics of Materials, 25 in Experimental Mechanics, 10 in International Journal Solids and Structures. In 2015, Professor Rittel was awarded the prestigious GiliAgostinelli Prize (Torino Academy of Sciences, Italy) for his work on adiabatic shear localization. In 2018, he will receive the BJ. Lazan award from the SEM.
Title:Coming Soon…
2020 International Conference on Defence Technology
Tan Ying
Senior Fellow of IEEE
Emergent Technologies Technical Committee Member of Computational Intelligence Society of IEEE
School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science,Peking University, China
Coming Soon…
Title:Swarm Intelligence and Its Application to Multi-Objects Search
2020 International Conference on Defence Technology
Hao Qun
Distinguished Professor
Associate Editor of Defence Technology
School of Optics and Photonics,Beijing Institute of Science and Technology ,China
Professor Hao Qun, Ph.D of Tsinghua University, is currently a Distinguished Professor of Beijing University of Technology, Dean of School of Optics and Photonics, Managing Director of China Optical Society (COS) and Chairman of Photoelectric Professional Committee of COS, Director of China Instrument and Control Society (CIS) and Standing Vice-Chairman of Optical-Mechanical Technology and Systems Integration Branch of CIS, Director of Chinese Society for Measurement, Special Expert of Expert Committee of China Information and Electronic Engineering Science and Technology Development Strategy Research Center, and deputy editor of Defence Technology journal. From 1999 to 2001, she was also a visiting researcher at Tokyo University in Japan, and from January to July 2011 a visiting Professor at Case Western Reserve University in the United States. Her main research fields include photoelectric sensing and intelligent imaging. She has been in charge of more than 20 projects including key/instrumental/general projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, 863 projects and national major scientific instrument and equipment development projects. She has published more than 120 papers both at home and abroad, including 70 papers indexed by SCI. She has been invited to give talks at international conferences and authorized 50 patents for inventions in China. She has won two ministerial awards for scientific and technological progress; and successively won the titles of Beijing Famous Teacher and National Outstanding Woman Pacesetter.
Title:Novel Imaging Technique with Simultaneous Zoom and Line of Sight Stabilization for Mobile Platform
2020 International Conference on Defence Technology
Li Baoming
Principal Scientist
China Academy of Ordnance Science, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, China
Li Baoming is the Principal Scientist of China Academy of Ordnance Science. He is the Director of the National Key Laboratory of Transient Physics, the Director of the International Ballistics Society and Chairman of its Publications Committee. His main research interests are on hypervelocity launching, hypervelocity flight, hypervelocity impact, plasma physics, pulsed power system, applied electromagnetic, thermal physics and transient measurement and test.
Title:Coming Soon…
2020 International Conference on Defence Technology
Rusinek Alexis
Laboratory of Microstructure Studies and Mechanics of Materials, Lorraine University ,France
Professor Alexis was the invited professor of University Carlos III de Madrid in 2000 and Poznan University of Technology from 2013 to 2014. In 2008,Professor Alexis joined École Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Brest as full professor. His major interests are on Dynamic Behavior of Materials and Structures,Metals, Polymers, Ballistic, Impact, Perforation,Constitutive Relations,Numerical Modeling,etc. As of today, he has co-authored about 102 journal publications.
Title:Advanced Constitutive Relations and Original Experiments at High Strain Rates
2020 International Conference on Defence Technology
Simon Bland
Senior Lecturer
Department of Physics,Imperial College London, UK
Dr Simon Bland has worked at Imperial College for a number of years, being the principle research associate on the MAGPIE pulsed power facility before being promoted to research fellow, and then to Lecturer status. His research has predominantly been into the high energy density physics, using mega-ampere class currents to create extreme temperatures, densities and pressures. As part of his research he has explored new methods to make the conditions required for nuclear fusion, examined shocks in plasmas and condensed materials, and studied experiments that produce scaled astrophysics phenomena in the laboratory. Over the last 8 years he has been part of the Institute of Shock Physics (ISP), where he has been in charge of delivering a cutting-edge pulsed power facility to provide high pressures for equation of state research. As part of this he has built new equipment, designed and refurbished a laboratory to house this, and has conducted a number of novel experiments; whilst establishing/maintaining a series of international collaborations. The fruits of this effort are now starting to pay off with recent and upcoming journal publications; whilst his pulsed power knowledge has led to the development of new portable, time resolved X-ray diagnostics to provide radiography and X-ray diffraction for external experiments. Whilst at Imperial College he has worked on a number of projects as an external consultant, including working with ‘Aqua 21’ on a new, high efficiency method for water purification, particularly suitable for disaster relief; working with CEA to extend their z-pinch and high pressure research capabilities (including in situ X-ray diffraction); and briefly working with BP to examine high efficiency drilling.
Title:New Insights into Pulsed Power Driven Underwater Wire Array Explosions and Their Use to Propel Flyer Plates
2020 International Conference on Defence Technology
Chen Pengwan
Beijing Institute of Technology, China
Prof. Chen received his Ph.D. degree in engineering mechanics from Beijing Institute of Technology in 1999. Prior to that, he received his master and bachelor's degree from Kunming Institute of Technology, China in 1996 and 1993, respectively. He worked as a postdoc researcher in Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, during 1999 – 2001. He joined Beijing Institute of Technology in 2001. Now he is the dean of the School of Mechatronical Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology. His research activities primarily focus on mechanical, physical and chemical responses under dynamic loading (shock wave or shockless compression), including shock synthesis and processing of materials; deformation, fracture and failure of materials and structures under dynamic loading; numerical simulation of dynamic behavior of material and structures under impact and shock waves. He has published 2 monographs and 3 book chapters, and over 120 papers in refereed journals and 40 papers in conference proceedings, delivered 15 invited and keynote lectures in international conferences. He has been engaged in the organization of many international conferences, workshops and symposia in many different global venues, such as Fifth International Symposium on Explosion, Shock wave and High-strain-rate Phenomena (ESHP-2016, Beijing), and the International Conference of Multiphysics 2017 (Beijing), 13th International Autumn Seminar on Propellants, Explosives and Pyrotechnics (IASPEP-2019, Beijing), XV International Symposium on Explosive Production of New Materials (EPNM-2020, Moscow).
Title:Impact Safety of Explosives:Experiments and Modeling
2020 International Conference on Defence Technology
Marco Ceccarelli
University of Roma Tor Vergata Italy
Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Intelligent Robots and Systems, Beijing Institute of Technology, Italy
Professor Marco Ceccarelli received his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from La Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, in 1988. He is Professor of Mechanics of Machines at the University of Roma Tor Vergata, Italy, where he chairs LARM2: Laboratory of Robot Mechatronics. His research interests cover subjects of robot design, mechanism kinematics, experimental mechanics with special attention to parallel kinematics machines, service robotic devices, mechanism design, and history of machines and mechanisms whose expertise is documented by several published papers in the fields of Robotics. He has been visiting professor in several universities in the world and since 2014 at Beijing Institute of Technology. He is ASME fellow and doctor honoris causa from several Universities. Professor Ceccarelli serves in several Journal editorial boards and conference scientific committees. He is editor of the Springer book series on Mechanism and Machine Science (MMS) and History of MMS. Professor Ceccarelli is the President of IFToMM, the International Federation for the Promotion of MMS. He has contributed to ISRM since 2010 and was in the Scientific Committee until 2016. He has started several IFToMM sponsored conferences including MEDER (Mechanism Design for Robotics) and MUSME (Multibody Systems and Mechatronics).
Title: Past and Future Innovations with Mechanism Design
2020 International Conference on Defence Technology
Douglas Coldwell
Fellow of the American College of Radiology (8% of all radiologists)
Fellow of the Society of Interventional Radiology (6% of all IRs)
Fellow of the American Heart Association
University of Louisville,USA
Professor Douglas Coldwell named in Top Doctors in USA, 2003-present and as one of the Top Doctors for Cancer by Newsweek in 2015. First in USA to utilize radioactive particulate embolization to treat inoperable liver tumors. Physician, SWAT team, Mississippi Highway Patrol Editorial Boards: RadioGraphics, Journal of Special Operations Medicine. Professor Douglas Coldwell's major interests are Wound Ballistics, Medicine/ Health Professions /Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology.
Title:Coming soon……

Abstract Submission / Registration Beginning
31st Mar. 2019
Abstract Submission End
1st Sep. 2019
Notification Authors / Full Paper SubmissionBeginning
15th Sep. 2019
Full Paper Submission End
1st Jan. 2020
Early Registration End
1st Mar. 2020
Conference Beginning
20th Apr. 2020
Registration End
24th Apr. 2020
Any questions about registration,please contact :
     Cellphone: +86-139 2125 6999
Any questions about alternative points,please contact :
Liu Li
     Clive Woodley