[Sept 10 | Chengdu] Insight Tour & “Thriving in China” Workshop

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DACH Insight Tour to Messer Gas and Mettler Toledo

"Thriving in China Workshop - Managerial Essentials for Leadership & Legal Compliance, with Risks and Opportunities of Foreign Businesses in Greater China 2025"

Dear Members and Friends,


The Consulate General of Germany in Chengdu, The Austrian Consulate General Chengdu Commercial Section, German Chamber of Commerce in China South & Soutwest and SwissCham Southwest China Chapter cordially invite you to this exclusive tour to Messer Gas and Mettler Toledo in Chengdu and workshop “Thriving in China” on Sept 10 to learn what makes a top international factory tick.


Limited seats, members first, register now.


Time & Venue 时间地点

Time: 09:00-15:30, Tuesday, Sept 10, 2024

Venue 1: Sichuan Messer Gas Product Co., Ltd.
地点 1:四川梅塞尔气体产品有限公司

Venue 2: Mettler Toledo Chengdu Plant
地点 2:瑞士梅特勒托利多成都工厂

Shuttle Bus 穿梭巴士

Join Point 集合点: Kempinski Hotel Chengdu, Lobby 成都凯宾斯基酒店大堂

Departure Time 出发时间:09:00

Language 语言

English 英文

Agenda 日程安排

09:00 Pick up by Shuttle at the Join Point  / 集合点统一乘坐巴士出发
10:00Registration / 到达梅塞尔集团 – 注册
10:10Opening Address by Mr. Julian Lasinger, Deputy Consul General of German Consulate General in Chengdu / 德国驻成都总领事馆副总领事致开幕辞
10:15Company Introduction by Mr. Zhang Gengqiu, Chengdu Area Director, Messer China / 梅塞尔中国·成都地区总监张庚秋先生介绍企业情况
10:35Factory Tour / 工厂参观
11:00Transport to Restaurant / 前往餐厅
11:10Lunch / 午餐
12:00Transport to Mettler Toledo / 前往梅特勒-托利多
13:00Welcome Remarks by SwissCham / 中国瑞士商会致欢迎辞
13:10Keynote Speech by Mr. Hsiao J. Chiu, the Managing Partner and the Co-Founder of JP contagi Asia, Greater China region / JP contagi中国执行合伙人兼联合创始人Mr. Hsiao J. Chi主题演讲
13:30Keynote Speech by Mr. Sebastian Wiendieck, Partner and Head of Legal Practice in China, Rödl & Partner / Rödl & Partner中国合伙人兼法律部负责人Mr. Sebastian Wiendieck主题演讲
13:50Factory Tour / 工厂参观
14:20Company Introduction by Mr. ZhongLiang Hua, GM of Mettler Toledo Chengdu/ 梅特勒-托利多成都总经理Mr. ZhongLiang Hua介绍企业情况
14:40Panel Discussion / 小组讨论
15:30Return by Shuttle / 巴士返回集合点


Registration Deadline 报名截止

By 17:00, Thursday, Sept 5, 2024. 9月5日(周四)下午5点前。


Speakers and Panel
  • Deputy Consul General of Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany in ChengduMr. Julian Lasinger
    Mr. Julian Lasinger
    Deputy Consul General of Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany in Chengdu
  • Executive Director & Board Member of German Chamber of Commerce in China - South and SouthwestMartin Klose
    Martin Klose
    Executive Director & Board Member of German Chamber of Commerce in China - South and Southwest
  • Vice-Chairmen of SwissCham ChinaMr. Raphael Zumsteg-Yuan 祖睿甫
    Mr. Raphael Zumsteg-Yuan 祖睿甫
    Vice-Chairmen of SwissCham China

    As one of the three Vice-Chairmen of SwissCham China, Raphael Zumsteg-Yuan presides the regional board of directors in Southwest China, covering the municipality of Chongqing and the provinces of Guizhou, Sichuan, and Yunnan.
    Besides his contribution to the Chamber, Raphael is the Legal Manager at the SinoSwiss Technopark (SSTP) and Assistant to the CEO of Fenshare Holding, based in Chongqing. Born and raised in the Zurich highlands (“Zürcher Oberland”), Raphael is a trained economist (B.A. Philosophy & Economics, University of Bayreuth, Germany) and legal professional (LL.B. Geneva University, LL.M. Peking University). He speaks German, Mandarin, French, English, and Spanish and is actively engaged in various business, innovation, and cultural ventures between Switzerland and China.

  • Senior Project Manager of Austrian Consulate General Chengdu Commercial SectionMr. Simon Kussler
    Mr. Simon Kussler
    Senior Project Manager of Austrian Consulate General Chengdu Commercial Section
  • Chengdu Area Director, Messer China  and General Manager, Sichuan Messer Gas Product Co., Ltd.Mr. Zhang Gengqiu
    Mr. Zhang Gengqiu
    Chengdu Area Director, Messer China and General Manager, Sichuan Messer Gas Product Co., Ltd.
  • General Manager of Mettler Toledo ChengduMr. ZhongLiang Hua
    Mr. ZhongLiang Hua
    General Manager of Mettler Toledo Chengdu

    During Mr. ZhongLiang Hua ‘s decades of Mettler Toledo career life, he has taken quite different roles which has been a witness of the company growth.  He has been the GM role of Vehicle weighing Business Unit and MT Chengdu plant since 2017, oversees the company’s operation , product marketing and R&D , one of highlight in his endeavor is the digital transformation.

    Prior to the current role,  he was the process champion of MT Group SAP program , work with group team based on Switzerland and successfully rollout global different units into SAP platform, working into a harmonized process with same master data.  

    Zhongliang Hua has also worked as Liaison office based in US while MT China was a Joint Venture period,  this working experience has built the solid foundation for his later on great collaboration with US and EU sister company to bring the product innovation and global business development into a new level. 

  • Director Southeast Asia of JP contagi and the contact Person of JP contagi SingaporeMs. Kristine Horbach
    Ms. Kristine Horbach
    Director Southeast Asia of JP contagi and the contact Person of JP contagi Singapore
  • Managing Partner and the Co-Founder of JP contagi Asia, Greater China regionMr. Hsiao J. CHIU
    Mr. Hsiao J. CHIU
    Managing Partner and the Co-Founder of JP contagi Asia, Greater China region
  • Lawyer / Partner / Head of the legal department in China, Rödl & Partner, Shanghai Representative OfficeMr. Sebastian Wiendieck
    Mr. Sebastian Wiendieck
    Lawyer / Partner / Head of the legal department in China, Rödl & Partner, Shanghai Representative Office
  • Registration 报名
    Preparation Stage
    End of Event
    Choose ticket
    Sales End
    Member Ticket
    2024-09-10 15:30
    Sold Out
    Registration will need approval from the organizer.
    1. Limited seats, max 1 quotas for each company.

    2. Ticket includes round-trip shuttle bus and networking lunch.

    3. Fapiao will be sent to you digitally to your registered email address in 14 working days after the event.
    Non-Member Ticket
    2024-09-10 15:30
    Sold Out
    Registration will need approval from the organizer.
    1. Limited seats, max 1 quotas for each company.

    2. Ticket includes round-trip shuttle bus and networking lunch.

    3. Fapiao will be sent to you digitally to your registered email address in 14 working days after the event.

    Refund Description:
    1. This is a pre-paid event. Please complete registration and payment online in advance. No-shows will be charged with the full price. 这是预付费活动,请提前在线完成注册和支付。当天未出席将收取全价。

    2. Cancellations and refunds need to be requested at least 2 working days before the start of the event. Applications after that will not be approved. 如需取消报名及退款,请在活动开始前2个工作日以上进行申请,否则申请将不予通过。

    Remarks 注意事项

    1.  Only 20 seats provided. Each company is limited to 1 attendee only. Applications are subject to approval by the organizer.  仅20个限定席位,每家企业限1人。报名须经主办方审核确认。

    2.  The company reserves the right to deny entry to competitors. The organizer reserves the right of final participation and interpretation. 参访公司保留拒绝同行竞争对手参加活动的权利。主办方保留活动解释权。

    3.  For any enquiries, please contact the Event Manager Annie Wang via wang.annie@china.ahk.de or call 028-65118200. 如需咨询,请通过以上方式联系王经理。

    Yearly Sponsors of South & Southwest China 2023/2024

    German Chamber of Commerce in China - SSW China 
    1903 Leatop Plaza | No. 32 Zhu Jiang East Road Tianhe District | 510620 Guangzhou | P.R. China 

    T: +86-20-8755 8203  

    E: chamber-ssw@china.ahk.de  



    ©2024 German Chamber of Commerce in China (GCC) / German Industry and Commerce (Taicang) Co., Ltd. (GIC) and its branches / three Delegations of German Industry and Commerce (Delegation). No part of this event and/or content and/or publication and/or video may be reproduced without prior permission. For further questions, please refer to the provided contact persons.  

    While every reasonable effort is made to ensure that the information provided is accurate, no guarantees for the currency or accuracy of information are made. All material relating to information, products, and services (or to third party information, products and services), is provided 'as is', without any representation or endorsement made and without warranty of any kind, including the implied warranties of satisfactory quality, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, compatibility, security and accuracy. The speakers and/or contributors are solely responsible for the content thereof. Views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the German Chamber of Commerce in China and/or the Delegation of German Industry and Commerce in Beijing and/or the Delegation of German Industry and Commerce in Shanghai and/or the Delegation of German Industry and Commerce in Guangzhou and/or the German Industry and Commerce (Taicang) Co., Ltd. and its branches in China, and these entities will not be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever arising from infringement or any defect of rights of the content of the event and/or content. 

    This information includes links to other websites. These links are provided for your convenience to provide further information. They do not signify that we endorse the website(s). We have no responsibility for the content of the linked website(s). In case of event registration, your personal data will be collected, processed, and used solely in compliance with the applicable data protection regulations.  

    All our events follow Chatham House Rules. The posting of presentation materials is at the speakers' and/or contributors’ discretion. We reserve the right to use any photograph/video taken at any of our events. 

    © 2024中国德国商会(GCC)/ 德中工商技术咨询服务(太仓)有限公司(GIC)及分支机构 / 德国工商大会三个代表处(代表处)。本活动以及活动素材、信息发布、视频等,未经许可不得复制。如有疑问,请与联络人联系。 


